Brian, Angela, and Craig with Al (note the stylish U of S scarves)
The first event of the convention, and it was cuh-razy! The Office cast was treated like ROCK STARS at the University of Scranton. I was lucky enough to enter with Brian, Angela, and Craig, and got to meet Al Roker in the backstage area.
- Denise’s video | MSNBC video (more of Angela, Brian, and Craig)
The crowd went especially crazy for Craig, who celebrated his birthday last night with a group dinner and karaoke. Craig told me he wrote the music for the jingles from last night’s episode, ‘Local Ad,’ but not the words.
Tipsters: Denise, Lauren
A few photos after the jump. (If YOU took pictures, post a comment with a link!)

Backstage with Al Roker

Angela whipping the crowd into a frenzy!

Bobblehead hats. So cute!

Splendid signage!
WOW! Why I am not there right now?
Thank you so much for the updates. I look forward to reading more. I am living vicariously through you this weekend, tanster. Your work is very much appreciated!
OH my god I’m sooooo jealous! Damn my friends wedding keeping me from this. You guys look like you’re having so much fun! I loved Angela singing along and dancing to the Scranton song.
Looks like a lot of fun!! Wish I was there!!!
Wow. Thank you so much for the post. It is great to see these actors getting some well deserved recognition. I love their humbleness and their love for the fans.
This is so amazing! I so wish I was there, but thanks sooo much for the updates!!!! :D
Wow! that’s amazing.
Thanks for putting this up.
Wow, that looks insane! It’s so loud on the video.
Ha! I Tivo’d this so I could watch it when I rolled out of bed at 10. Craig was soooo excited!
I’ll be arriving tomorrow morning! I can’t wait!
I so wish I could be there…and not here…in my office.
jealous just does not seem like a strong enough word to use to describe my feelings!
i want to be there!!
enjoy guys and tell us everything :o)
Tanster, that’s so great that you’ve already been able to hang out with the cast! Looks like so much fun, I wish I was there with everyone, too. I’m sure everyone there will have a wonderful weekend. Can’t wait to read everyone’s stories.
Whoa… Those are some major hardcore Office fans.
I was there!! I go to the University of Scranton and I live in Scranton! haha it was so crowded and blocked off it was hard to get to class. (yeah i had to go at 9 AM because my prof. didn’t cancel…) I got there at 5:30 and stayed as long as I could. Never thought i’d be lucky to be in Scranton!
video from the today show website
I wanna be there so badly!!!!
Anybody else signing up for Second Life because they can’t afford/not available to go the Convention, and need to do something to amuse themselves? I have to amuse myself somehow! My good friend goes to University of Scranton and got pics with Craig, Angela, Brian, Kate, and Oscar. So jealous!
The Today Show rocked!!! The actors were so down to earth. Can’t wait for the rest of the weekend!
— U of S students, Ashley and Jacqueline
Eeeeek!! Jen, I really hope you’re having the time of your life. You’re so close to being one of them. Maybe you’ll get a cameo on the show someday! HAHA
Trust me, if I didn’t have to work… I would be there…. I SOOO would be there.
Give the Kool Aid man a big hug for me! :)
Wow, is it really that cold in other parts of the U.S.? I wish NC would catch up…anyways, all the Office fans look like they’re having so much fun! Those of you who traveled to go to this, how far did you travel?
I tried to resist reading convention posts because I am SO jealous, but I just CAN’T!
It looks like so much fun! Maybe I won’t have exams during it next year… :(
awww – looks like so much fun – wish I could be there! Angela is so dang cute!!
i wish i was there soooo bad!!
ooohhhh!! How I wish I could be there…looking forward to reading all about it this weekend…YAAY for THE OFFICE!!
Please let the cast and crew know that there are so many of us who would love to be there and just couldn’t make it this time. Let’s start lobbying now for a second convention!! Maybe on the West Coast next time??
I want one of those bobble head hats. Anyone know where I can get one?
[from tanster: I’m not 100% sure, but I think those hats were homemade. awesome, right?]
Creed looks so dapper!
Thanks for the video! I wish I was there!!!
greetings from Scranton (which is cold and rainy), but Andrea and I are having an amazing time. Meet a fellow OTCR member (updog)!!! It’s been great…. the Today Show was crazy…. Tanster… we screamed your name, and you waved… :) See you Sunday… or soon with my OT shirt!
Thank you for posting updates! Like so many sad others, I can’t get out of work to join the festivities. I’ll be living vicariously through officetally.
Hope it’s as much fun as it looks like!
I was seriously almost in tears because I want to be in Scranton so bad.
Next year, I’m going. There’s no question about it!
I keep looking for my friend Lauren in these photos..she goes to the University of Scranton and said that she was on the Today Show. Lauren, where are you??
Here’s my photos
Here’s my day 2 photos
your pics are great! thanks so much for sharing with those of us who can’t be there :o)
you can see my pictures from The Office Convention here