Entry 1

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Entry 2

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Entry 3

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Entry 4

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Entry 5

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When you're bored at work and your boss outlaws Flonkerton.
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there’s 2 or 3 i really wanted to vote for there but gone for 6, pretty original idea.
omg…these are all so great!
my favorites are 2,3,6,7….hmm..may need to take some time to deliberate which one will get my vote.
i may be persuaded with chocolate turtles… ;)
#7 seems to be the most creative…the different quotes from Dwight made me laugh.
3 is great, but I think 6 is the most creative!
#6…..I can’t stop looking at all the songs that have been on the show over the years!
“Teach your children well”
These are all really great entries! The winners should also get their Wordle put on a shirt in the OfficeTally Store.
These are all so great! You guys are so talented! Good luck!
Aww, there are a lot of really funny ones that didn’t make it. I really like the one about Andy Bernard and “Break me off a piece of that…” alternatives to kit-kat bars!
Oh and PS I voted for 6 because it was the most creative!!!
#6 gets my vote because it was probably the most detailed list to compile. Very impressive!
#9… “Updog” sealed the deal for me. ;)
4, 9 and 7 are the best, though someone gets serious respect for compiling all of those songs together.
NÂș 6 is awesome!!!!
The Office Soundtrack made my day!! All of my favorite scenes in the show definitely involves music!
I love it!
I love the colours on number 10…and I agree with everyone else, number 6 must have taken so much time!! but my vote goes to #7 just because I love Dwight so much! haha
I voted for number 1. The word “Funtivities” jumped out at me, so I had to choose it. “Beach Games” is my fave. :)
I love number 6!
6, 7 and 8 are all awesome!!
Wow–#9 is awesome! Great job!
I like 5. The colors remind me of Dwight for some reason. Maybe they remind me of the color of the shirts he wears. I like the look of it overall. It’s nice and compact, and the more important words (like character names) jump out because they’re larger. A lot of thought was put into it. But everybody did an awesome job!
I went with six, because it obviously took the most work and it was the most interesting. I like the colors on ten and three was hilarious, because Ryanelly crack me up
I have a soft spot in my heart for #10, so it’ll be getting my vote. ;) They’re all dawesome, though! Great job, everyone!
i voted for # 6 because it must have taken forever.
I’m with everyone else!.. #6!!!
I love all of these.
My runner-ups were the Ryan and Kelly one, and the Dwight quotes were hilarious.
I voted for #6, the soundtrack. It just brought back so many great memories of musical moments from all the episodes, not to mention it’s quite impressive.
#6 all the way. I don’t know how you did that.
#4 is the most asthetically pleasing, plus it has the words “the office” more prominent than the other entries and the best mix of other words/terms.
loved them all. the soundtrack one does look intense but the dwight one wins. love dwight.
They were all terrific but I had to go with #3…so Kelly in pink!
It was a tough decision between #6, #7, and #9 but I went with #9 in the end.
All of these are great! Good job you guys!
6 is brill. it got my vote!
#6 – the soundtrack – is genius. Got my vote!
I love #2…looking forward to the new season!
My vote is for # 9! Wasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap.
the dwight one, screamed office to me. #7!!!
So torn between 3 and 7.
In the end I have chosen 7, (the deciding factor being that I prefer blue over pink) I couldn’t fault either of them, both are chocked full of classic lines.
ohh! I really like #9. #1 was also really cute :)
I love #6 but what is that bastard font?! It’s like Helvetica accidentally got some junior high girl’s handwriting pregnant and then she abandoned the baby in a dumpster. Max Miedinger is rolling in his grave. I voted for #4 because I thought it was pretty and I liked the inclusion of banal workplace words to balance out the inside jokes and remind us it’s an Office. I’m letting slide the awful font and assume that was the best Wordle could offer!
I love 9.
I’m torn between #6 and #9. They are both very unique, each that put together all those little sayings and songs that make The Office what it is. But, i had to go with #9. Good luck to everyone! :]
I voted 6, the sound track.
I had to go with #7. I do love Dwight.
number 6 without a doubt. I LOVE it!
Definitely #1! It was laid out so differently! I loved it :)
But then again they were all pretty great! :D
I chose #4. I like that “The Office” really stands out. I like the font used also. I would happily sport that on a t-shirt!
# 4 is so awesome, can’t believe this isn’t done by a pro. Great job.
Number 4 spelled Mose wrong…I’d say that’s grounds for automatic disqualification :)
Dwight’s and the soundtrack ones are great….but if I had to choose to buy a shirt between those two and number 9, number 9 would get my money! nice inclusion of lots of stuff…lookks great too!
Number 3 is by far the best :) I love the hilarious Kelly quotes! So perfect
They are all great but I think that #9 is definitely the best!
I love number 6. Each of those songs sets off an office memory!
No. 6– the only one with “Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration”. Can’t have a winner without that phrase.
I voted for #1 although #8 was very close behind!
#8 all the way! But all of them were AWESOME!
I voted for #7 because I want to join the Dwight Army of Champions!!
number 9, hands down.
I’m going with the one that made me snort out-loud and wish I could turn on The Office right now at work — #7!!
i had to vote for number 6 cause the wordle i wanted to do (but couldn’t cause my computer is lame) was the lyrics to any song that andy ever sang on the office. i was hoping someone else would have the same idea and this is pretty close.
i do love the dwight-themed wordle but i have got to go with solidarity!
Who won?
Congrats, winners!
Those office skins are really cool. I got one on ebay for pretty cheap. I also got a dunder mifflin infinity shirt for 2 bucks.