Thanks to all of your votes, The Office’s Steve Carell has won a People’s Choice Award for Favorite TV Comedy Actor.
Congratulations, Steve! YAY!
Here is Steve’s acceptance speech:
Dunder Miffln, this is Pam.
Thanks to all of your votes, The Office’s Steve Carell has won a People’s Choice Award for Favorite TV Comedy Actor.
Congratulations, Steve! YAY!
Here is Steve’s acceptance speech:
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YES! My goodness, that acceptance speech was epic. How exciting!!
Amazing, best acceptance speech of the night. So proud of him and BJ for Inglorious Bastards!
Steve, you are amazing.
We did it, you guys! Congratulations, Steve! And yes – that acceptance speech was perfect. Love him so much.
Watched it live and had tears STREAMING down my face from laughter. Ten types of awesome! Go Steve!!
I have never found Steve Carell more adorable. Is that weird, considering the speech he just gave?
He looked genuinely thrilled to win it!
The cutest thing about this is Steve’s embarrassed smile before delivering each line- I’m pretty sure he’s not a that’s-what-she-said type of guy in real life. It reminds me of the Office bloopers where Steve is constantly apologizing to the other cast members after Michael has to say a really dirty line. Just another testament to his amazing acting that he can play such an insensitive, politically incorrect moron :) Congratulations, Steve!
LOVE IT! What’s with the actors in the audience not participating though? At least the audience was satisfied and smiling. That’s what she said.
Congrats Steve, you have worked long and hard to get that tremendous award! (twss) Oh, he also got a shoutout during the intro song, did you catch that Tanster?
I swear, this is why I love Steve Carell. Congratulations Steve – you deserve it.
I love Steve! Congrats and well done, Mr. Carell.
Gawd I love Steve so much, I can’t stand it!
“Thank you. And I’m glad I came.”
Congrats Steve!!
If I was him I would’ve said, “Suck it Alec Baldwin! The people love ME!”
This makes me deliriously happy! And I totally agree with you nv!
Congrats Steve!!! hahaha I Love the Speech!!!! XD
@ 1:02 that’s me to the right of Hugh Jackman! I was a seat filler!
well, behind and to the right of Hugh…
Awesome speech! The audience just didn’t get it though…
He said “Repeat after me” and they started to repeat everything he said at first. I think they finally got it (some of them anyway), but they still weren’t shouting TWSS in unison.
Still, his speech was pure, unadulterated, inspired brilliance. LOVE. HIM.
Yay Steve!!! Perfect speech: short but so good!(twss)
This is the first time that Steve has won an award since I began watching him in June ’08. It has been a long wait but well worth it. I began screaming when his name was read as the winner, and my 6 month old puppy couldn’t understand why I was acting like that. By the way, her name is Ellie, which I somewhat derived from Steve’s last name.
Wow! Congrats from a fellow Massachusetts native!
Way to go Steve!!!!!! Awesome speech.
Yay Steve!! That speech is proof why he deserves the award for favorite comedy actor. So awesome!
Finally !!! His speech was just about as cool as it could be. Love him.
Finally, Steve winning in that category at one show or another. Step aside, Baldwin. Congrats Steve!
“And I’m glad I came. NO! NO!!!”
oh man that is brilliant
Congrats Steve,
You worked long and hard for that award…TWSS!
Congratulations Steve Carell, You totally deserve it. Leave it to the fans to make it up to Steve for the Emmy’s mistake. Alec Baldwin’s Jack Donaghy doesn’t come near to the awesomeness of Michael Scott.
He is SO freaking funny!
Congrats, Steve!
Best acceptance speech EVER! Congrats Steve, you deserved it. The only thing that can make this better is ice cream.
Steve you’re awesome man!!!!! I’m so happy for you. You’re the best comedy actor I’ve ever seen in years. I’m sure your Office buddies, specially Rainn, John, Jenna and Ed, are appreciating your triumph, because you believe in them, and they believe in you. And I trust you.
Haha- that was hilarious!! I love him.
Best speech ever! Steve, you are my hero!
Is anyone else seeing this paused image before you press play? Steve’s face alone is a twss if I’ve ever seen one. And the shape of that trophy ain’t helping things either….. hilarious.
Congrats on the award Steve – we love ya!
Love this! Best speech ever!
And also, I loved your speech too.
williamsc89 (#23):
I know how you feel! I started watching him in September 2008 and it truly was a long wait but it sure was worth it!
Congrats Steve! It was well deserved and the speech was fantastic! There is so much love in my heart for that guy. He is an awesome individual.
Aw i just love him!!
Good grief, I think that’s the awesomest acceptance speech EVER. None of those boring “I’d like to thank my family, my manager, my friends, my pets, my third-grade teacher, etc.” spiels; just good-old-fashioned innuendo and audience participation. Great job, Steve! (TWSS, of course)
Good he actually got some recognition. 30 Rock is great, but it doesn’t deserve all the awards.
Steve is one of the funniest people of this generation. I still watch 40-year Old Virgin and Get Smart on a regular basis.
That was classic!! Steve is too funny!!
I’m sad the show didn’t win though. :P
hahah that last one i laughed so hard i snorted