Original post date: June 24, 2006

Entertainment Weekly magazine features Rainn Wilson on their “Must List.”
See “extra” photos here and here.
In addition, here is an E! Online video of Rainn from the photo shoot.
Thanks to OT readers Jill and Emily for the tips!
P.S. Over 14,000 Dwight bobblehead dolls sold? — yowsah!
Update 6/25: Find the full interview here, courtesy of Lauren at the LiveJournal Office community. Funny stuff.
Update 6/29: Here’s an EW video of the photo shoot. Thanks to OT reader Ted for the tip!
Huh. He kinda looks like Colin Firth in both photos.
Wow. I think that is the fastest posting of a comment in the history of OT! (3 minutes) :)
I seen this picture yesterday, I thought it was a photoshop
That is very exciting about the bobbleheads. I can’t wait to get mine.
The line I liked best, “It’s all in the curls.”
I absolutely LOVE these photos of Rainn! Especially the ones of him in the plaid pants. I know I’m probably the only one that thinks this, but he’s a total hunk. Not J-Kras, hunky, but his own individually defined hunkiness. I love him.
I agree Boss
The article is hilarious. My favorite quote from him:
“I’d like to see Dwight get his own office. I’d also like to see Dwight hunt, wrestle, or kill something next season.”
He also provides some great insight regarding why aliens need to do better research and really think things through before they invade new planets.
I used to think that Rainn was one of the most unattractive, creepy-looking men I’d ever seen. Now, not so much. I’m actually beginning to think he’s kind of cute, in an odd way. He’s always been funny, quirky, and witty. Go, Rainn! Thanks for posting these pics.
I think the reason he can appear to be so unattractive and unappealing and weird looking is because he’s a really good actor. I’ve always been fascinated by how little someone’s actually looks can have to do with how attractive they are. So much of it is about how one carries oneself. Of course they also have his hair really bad and stuff, but it’s much more than that.
I’m sure John could look really unattractive if he were playing a different part.
I always thought Rainn was hot – but then again, I like dorks. :P
This is a very funny article. I’m glad to hear he’s writing a movie with Paul. That should be great. It’s funny to read that Rainn auditioned for Michael as well, and did a bad imitation of Ricky Gervais! Hee.
I can’t believe he was one of the finalists for the role of GOB on Arrested Development! It’s odd to imagine him in that role.
Thanks for the heads up!! Very funny. I love me some Rainn. :)
I was very excited to get my copy of Entertainment Weekly in the mail today knowing I’d have some Rain inside.Him talking about aliens and stupid they can be had me in tears.
de, – Sunday, February 22, 2004 at 11:47:29 (PST)