Tallyhead Eileen files this report on Steve Carell’s appearance at WonderCon in San Francisco on Saturday:
I just got back from WonderCon, which was quite an interesting experience considering I have never been to a comic book convention!
Anyway, I got to see Steve speak and he was great! He is just such a modest and humble guy and of course he is hilarious.
He was there with his ‘Get Smart’ co-star Anne Hathaway and director Peter Segal. They sat on a panel for 30 minutes and answered questions from audience members. Here are some highlights:
- We got to be the first to see the official trailer. I have to say, it looks like a great movie and I am very excited to see it this summer.
- People were told to move out of the aisle or else the fire marshalls would have to come in (or something like that), so Steve got out of his chair and ran to the edge of the stage and pretended to be chasing everyone away.
- Steve was asked if he was going to write any more Office episodes. He said that he just finished a 2-week stint in jury duty, so he thinks he should write about Michael Scott being summoned. He also confirmed that the cast will be back to work in 2 weeks.
- Steve was asked if he was always going to play comedic roles or if he wanted to do something more dark. He said he was thinking of playing the “Boston Strangler.” Anne reminded everyone that he did great work in Little Miss Sunshine.
- Anne referred to Steve as one of the “great comedic masters of our time.”
- The two actors were asked which characters they have played are closest to how they are in real life. Steve answered that his character in “Becoming Jane” (the movie Anne starred in) was his. He got a big laugh for that.
- Peter said that once Steve signed on to ‘Get Smart,’ everyone wanted to be involved.
- Steve was extremely complimentary and sweet when asked about working with Anne. I think she was about to cry. What a nice guy!
- When asked what movie he saw growing up made him want to get into the film industry, Steve said it was “Dr. Strangelove.”
- He mentioned “That’s what she said,” as being one of his favorite lines and told everyone to try to work that into a conversation later today.

you have to love how in the first picture, all you can see are LCD screens from cameras. awesome. haha.
Thanks for the report Eileen. Steve is such a great guy, very funny.
Ah, Steve. He’s classy, he’s humble, and he’s downright hilarious. What’s not to love?
What a wonderful man. I feel so lucky that I am a FANatic of a nice guy, rather than a jerk.
Wow, I love Dr. Strangelove! All of Kubrick’s stuff is fantastic (granted, A Clockwork Orange was a little weird, but it kept me interested…). 2001: A Space Odyssey makes me cry every time! (It’s the only movie that does.)
I’m glad that Steve loved that movie, too. None of my friends or family have ever seen it, so at least now I’m in good company.
Oh what I would give to be in the presence of such greatness! I will never get tired of hearing Steve talk he does it with such grace and humility. I like how he so smoothly takes the focus from himself, and puts it on his co-workers. I am a fan for LIFE! I think he is just so darn adorable!:)
Thanks for the report Eileen. I love, love Steve. And I would even love an episode of Michael having jury duty. I hope it happens some time!
Michael on Jury Duty would be amazing.
aw, goodness. Steve is the best. Thanks for posting this.
Thanks, Eileen! I live a few minutes away, but couldn’t make it there yesterday. Thanks for giving us a great report. I hope that “Michael Scott gets jury duty” becomes a reality!
Oh, wow, that’s great. Steve seems like a really genuine guy.
This report was SUPA-FLY!
He’s just so classy. Michael at jury duty? That would be spectacular!
How exciting would it be to serve on a jury with Steve Carell? I for one would be completely unable to listen to the details of the case. They would probably have to escort me from the courtroom for constantly interrupting to ask questions about my favorite “Office” episodes.
I absolutely loved being there!!! My friend asked Anne and Steve what role most was like the person they really are and Steve yelled out “Becoming Jane”! I’m putting up on Youtube for my friend. It was so fun!
Hey! That was me that asked the question about which character was most like who he was in real life. I was so excited to see that you heard me! :)
Wow thanks Eileen! Steve and Anne were so fantastic at the Oscars. You could tell they have great chemistry. And Steve was awesome on Oprah – so humble and gracious. Is it April 10th yet?