The cast shares their thoughts about The Office Season 9.
One word to describe the final season of The Office
[Video no longer available]
John Krasinski
Jenna Fischer
Angela Kinsey
Many more interviews on the next page.
Not to be truffled with.
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Pam + Jim = best TV couple
Will miss them and this show.
I love that Jenna and John love Jim and Pam as much as we do! Loved John talking about them both running to their trailers to read the next script to find out what happens. So cute!
Seeing the cast so excited for this upcoming season is making me super excited… I can’t wait to see what crazy, monumentous, drama-filled last season we have in store!!
Beginning of the end tonight! :) :(
Seeing Phyllis tearing up made me cry. I can’t believe my favourite show is coming to an end…
[ from tanster: i know! that was so sweet. ]
Looking forward to the season even though it’s kind of bittersweet. Steve was the main reason I watched the show from June ’08 to May ’11. Then I gave season 8 an objective chance and I discovered Ed. I have enjoyed watching both of them so very much. With that said, this situation has worked itself out all along, and I have a good inkling that it will continue to do so.
What Jenna said about Jim and Pam– oh man, I can’t wait to see everything play out. I have a feeling I’m just going to be crying through every episode until May, and maybe after everything is over in June.
Rainn? Rainn? Where are youuuu???