February 4, 2013
“@disorderly_diva: @johnkrasinski is it your last day?” No no no!Whew!We wrap shooting on mar 14th.Oof…
— John Krasinski (@johnkrasinski) February 4, 2013
The Chrysler Sebring of TV fansites.
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Remember this time for it will go by very quickly!
Love you, guys!!!!!
I feel so sad. I will cherish these last episodes <3 Thank you to all involved in creating The Office for bringing so much joy over the years.
It is so sad to read they are filming the final episode of The Office. I can honestly say I will miss this show, though I will be watching the old episodes over and over again. I will miss Meredith for sure! : )
So no Michael Scott?! :'( this is extremely sad.
The box set will live on!
This is so sad. It actually breaks my heart.
Oh man, this sucks!! It’s real.
“The country vet who birthed this puppy is back to put it down.” OMG. The finale couldn’t be in better hands. Thank you, Greg Daniels.
I love them all so much and just have a million thank you’s for each and everyone at The Office. I love watching and I will never stop :)
Love how the two people that I feel are probably the closest friends off camera tweeted their thoughts at the same time.
No, God. No, God, please no! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I would accept the last episode of just 42 min to be filled with them all crying. Because that is what I’ll be doing.
Thank you for making this thread Tanster! I’m glad that I can now find all the office finale related tweets in one place.
I hope that they’re capturing a bunch of behind the scenes footage. I’d love to see something on the DVD boxset.
Getting sadder & sadder…hope it starts raining soon.
I miss Kelly as a character, so I’m glad she’s coming back. She was so consistently funny (possibly one of the only consistently funny characters besides Michael).
It’s finally sinking in and I’m not handling this as well as I thought I would… I’m going to continue moping now.
[from tanster: yeah. next week’s going to be really bad.]
Final Creed moment? NOOOOOOOOO! Prediction: Jail joke Or drugs. Or stealing his computer.
Damn it Creed don’t spoil it for us!!
Final Creed moment should be scuba!
Looks like Jenna Fischer re-tweeted Krasinski DURING the table read.
I don’t know if anyone has asked this but, with the Office sadly coming to a close, what happens to Office Tally?
[ from tanster: it will live on! :) ]
This just gets sadder by the day.
Thanks for these! I can’t help but favourite every finale-related tweet I see.
Why am I tearing up reading these?!? Come on!
Ok, I know he’s “confirmed” it multiple times already, but if Steve Carell was going to make an appearance in the finale, you would know by now Tanster, you being there and all and considering that filming ends tomorrow…so spill it, let all us tallyheads know! :)
Sad to see my favorite show ever end, but excited that I can still share my love for this show on this Awesome Fan site, Thank You Tanster!
My friend just got into the Office and she’s Hooked! She gets to watch it all Fresh from season 1 until now..I’m jealous, LOL..I will direct her to this site and I know she’ll love it
[from tanster: thank you!]
So it really is ending, I think I may have been in denial for the last few months. Thank god for box sets
Reading the tweets from Rainn and Anglea made me feel a little sick. No, God. No, God, please no! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I’m gonna be a mess in May.
@20 YES!!! “If I can’t scuba, then what’s this all been about?” I hope it’s full of jokes that will be meaningful for all of us series-long fans!
These are too sad to read on a Friday!
I am so sad today knowing this really is the end. It’s hard to believe that something that has meant so much to me for 9 years is over. I just hope the people involved with this show know how much they are loved and appreciated for giving us this gift.
With Angela’s tweet “Rehearsing my last group scene in the office bullpen…was too choked up to say my lines. This is really hard!”, there should be some amazing behind the scenes footage that I hope makes the dvd.
And if Tanster knows if Michael came back or not, she shouldn’t say. Maybe it’s better we don’t know. 6 more episodes to go. What? Like we’re not going to watch to see?
And it would be nice if there was a viewing party for the last episode in L.A. Maybe even with the cast.
Thank you, cast and crew of the Office. Nine amazing years! Please take a bow!
Special thanks to Jenna and John for making Pam and Jim TV’s best couple. While Michael Scott was the soul of the show, JAM is the heart. Well done!
Bon Voyage…best of luck in all your future endeavors!
It’s over.