This posts lists items about the film ‘Leatherheads’ starring George Clooney, Renée Zellweger, and John Krasinski.
It’s scheduled for release April 4th, 2008.
Apr. 1, 2008
Red carpet video of John, Jenna, Angela, Rainn, and Kate from last night’s premiere.
Tipster: Stefanie
Mar. 31, 2008
Photos from the Los Angeles ‘Leatherheads’ premiere:
Older items after the jump.
Mar. 31, 2008
Mar. 30, 2008
- Article: Tackling Directing and George Clooney.
- Video: John Krasinski talks to Manny the Movie Guy. And puts to rest last season’s wig controversy once and for all!
Tipster: Amelia
Mar. 27, 2008
- Video: Leatherheads Unscripted with George Clooney and John Krasinski.
- Article: ‘Office’ star John Krasinski suits up for the big game.
- Video: ‘Leatherheads’ stars get silly.
- Video: WCNC’s interview with John Krasinski.
Tipsters: shut it, Jules
Mar. 26, 2008
Universal Pictures said its Hollywood premiere of George Clooney’s new romantic comedy “Leatherheads” will benefit the American Film Institute.
The gala is to take place Monday night at Grauman’s Chinese theater.
Also on the guest list are … Krasinski’s co-stars from the TV sit-com “The Office” — Brian Baumgartner, Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey, B.J. Novak and Rainn Wilson.
Link: ‘Leatherheads’ premiere to benefit AFI
Mar. 26, 2008
“The Office” hunk – and Newton homey – John Krasinski telling CN8’s Sara Edwards that he grew up watching her on “Evening Magazine” and gushing, “My mother will be so excited!” before sitting down to be interviewed for his new flick “Leatherheads” …
Link: Tracked Down
Tipster: Paul
Mar. 20, 2008
Here is Chuck the Movie Guy interviewing John Krasinski.
Mar. 11, 2008 has posted a bunch of new full-sized photos of the movie released by Universal Pictures.
Link: New Images from Clooney’s Leatherheads
UPDATE: Ask ‘Leatherheads’ stars a question for an upcoming Clooney/Krasinski Unscripted!
Tipster: Andie
Jan. 30, 2008

Find the full-sized version of this photo at
Jan. 13, 2008
John Krasinski plays the field in George Clooney’s ‘Leatherheads.’
Dec. 14, 2007
Official Leatherheads site and trailer | Large photos
Aug. 19, 2007
An Entertainment Weekly article about the film ‘Leatherheads.’
This movie looks like a fun and new experience for John. I think this will be a huge success at the box office… This cast is incredible! I can hardly wait for it to come to AMC’s theater!
John+George=I can’t wait!!!!
Hmm…not enough of those were of John. GREAT head shot, though!
I’m drooling all over my screen! Isn’t it April yet???
I can’t wait for this movie to come out. Like #1 said, the cast is incredible. And hopefully it will be a big sucess for John. Amazing pictures too. :)
I have been looking forward to the movie for awhile. Three of my favorite stars all in the same movie! I was also tempted to steal the cardboard cutouts from my AMC theatre… but I didn’t.
I completely agree about the headshot. I had to stare at it a *little* longer than the other pics. ;) But aside from the eye-candy that is John and George…. Leatherheads does seem like a very funny movie. Can’t wait to see it!
YES! I totally asked a question for John and George. And I have been waiting for more Leatherheads updates forever! Great headshot.
I’m very excited about the movie and it’s cast and all….. but God help me I can’t stop staring at that head shot long enough to make a complete thought about the actual movie just now….. but yes…. excited…. yay….. ::drool::
Wow, that’s an amazing headshot…
I’m excited about seeing this movie. It looks really good. And George and John doing an Unscripted? Sounds like a winner to me! :)
I saw the ad for Leatherheads on tv this morning. My 6 year old daughter saw John and said “It’s Jim! NIIIIICE!” LOL! She knows a good thing when she sees it. And the movie looks great, I can’t wait until it comes to our local one-plex.
Yikes! I can’t stop staring at John and George. I very much plan on seeing this as soon as it opens
I saw the poster with all the football players on it in a million places in NY this past weekend. It was lovely being able to veiw John Krasinski every time I turned the corner. :)
John is going to be on the tonight show on wednesday the 26th, and the today show (with george) on april 3rd. I cant wait for the movie…John on the big screen yeah!
The timing for everything is just…is perfect the right word? Once April starts it will be one great thing after another: The marathon HOSTED by J.Kras, Leatherheads comes out, and then season 4 comes back! April cannot come soon enough…
Also, I loved that “Unscripted”. John and George are so cute and funny together!
That USA Today interview was wonderful–what a charming, humble, all around great guy he is!
The moviephone interview was great, but the best one is with Steve Carell and Paul Rudd for Virgin.
Loving the “Leatherheads” Tally. That interview with George and John was great. And they even answered my question. Nice!
that Unscripted was absolutely amazing.
Kath’s question was picked, that’s so cool!
Aaack! How did I miss the WCNC interview?! That’s the local NBC affiliate! Unfortunately, I watch the CBS station most often.
Can’t wait to see the movie, it looks great!
Oh, baby. Those are some nice-looking men. They’re both so funny! I can’t wait to see this.
Did anyone else happen to notice the high-water jeans John had on in the Unscripted interview? Too funny! Those guys were great. (I also happened to notice John had very large shoes but we won’t go into that. LoL!)
The Unscripted interview was awesome! I knew that George was funny but I didn’t realize he was this funny. I’ve never seen this side of him. Now I really can’t wait to see the movie.
Wow. John comes across so differently in the WCNC video. He’s not our typical affable, gregarious guy. So sincere and restrained. I wonder if that was early on in filming–still in the “pinch myself” stages.
I live in Chapel Hill and my John Krasinski-obsessed friends and I are still pinching ourselves for not taking the time to drive over there and watch them film…maybe they’ll come back and do a screening? :(
My question was the first one!!!!!Oh the excitement of George saying my name twice is just too much for my heart to take…
I haven’t seen any movies since January because they’ve all been bad. Can’t wait to see this one!
The unscripted interview was great!
the USA today article really was fabulous. when ever i think that he cannot come across as more charming, he does it. i really do see him resembling clooney in terms of personality –i don’t think it was a complete joke that clooney’s sees a bit of himself in john.
Damn it. They didn’t answer mine.
The unscripted interview was fantastic and the USA Today article was great. I love Steve’s comment, “He’s smells really good, like fresh-baked cookies.” Great stuff. Thanks for posting!
There is another msn video with john and george together. i can’t get the link for it, but if you look at the related videos for the “Leatherheads Get Silly” video, you’ll see it. It’s totally sports focused.
can he be ANY more cute and hilarious in interviews??
Rewatched the Unscripted and have another comment-John has a really good British accent! :D
whew. it makes me happy that it was a wig. at least it wasn’t his natural hair.
is there anyway we can watch the live broadcast again? because i had to leave before john came, and i would like to see it.
Aww I love when they go to each other’s premieres and events…it makes me happy inside.
I can not wait to see this movie. Mostly cause I want to see John getting down and dirty,literally. LOL!
Kate, you always look fabulous!
Jenna, what is with you and the bows? It’s a darn good thing I love you so much or I would be much more critical. Cojo, on the other hand, will have a field day!
I. Cannot. Wait. Until. Friday.
Oh Rainn. He always cracks me up, as does Jenna. She’s not the only one who wants to see him with his shirt off! Also, Angela – could she look any better?
Whoa. First time I saw Jenna in that clip I thought it was Nicole Richie.
I always love seeing the cast support one another like this! By the way, I also saw some photos of Creed and Ed, as well as Rashida, at the premiere. Anyone know if any more cast members were there?
It was so nice to see everyone there supporting John! And Angelas belly is soo big now! :-)
Jenna was adorable. She is such a natural and seems like such a sweetie. I just see her as being a good friend to John. I hope he is to her also.
Squee! Friday= LOVE! John in a wet t-shirt? EEEEE!!!
And I was kind of hating the interviewer the whole time. She was not getting any of Rainn’s jokes.
i’m surprised no one has mentioned the ladder here.
“you wouldnt punch me in the back, would you?” lol!!
I cannot wait to see this movie.
John was a swoon-worthy cutie (as usual). Rainn is SO hilarious–“This…isn’t a horror movie?”
Jenna has totally taken on Angela’s Southern accent. She sounds so much like Angela now! I do that too when I hang out with someone a lot, I hijack their accent!
can’t wait!!! and rainn is hilarious.
I just got home from seeing Leatherheads! The movie was very funny, and John was such a hearthrob! Sigh… I’m in love.
oh, the pics are so cute! i haven’t seen the movie yet but i want to—i love john!!! I literally spent the day looking for pic of him and the cast—he’s SO cute!!
What is this about a wig???? (jimhalpertislife)
OH oh Movie hasn’t done well at box office. Panned by critics. I keep waiting for JKras to pick a good one. After License to Wed I thought this would do better.
John did a great job in the movie. He really held his own against George Clooney. Really cute movie.