‘The Office’ 2009 16-Month DVD Wall Calendar
This calendar includes a DVD containing the calendar images for use as wallpaper for your computer.
- ISBN-10: 1600696112
- ISBN-13: 9781600696114
- Measurements: 11.5 x 11.5

Keepin' it zoppity.
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Oh wow awesome :D
Yes! i love the calendars because they always pick the best quotes:)
The mini wall calendar looks adorable! I wonder if there will be another, more accurate day-to-day calendar next year. I notice mistakes in at least 3 out of 4 quotes…
This looks awesome! Now I know what I wan for my birthday! Hee hee
Yep, I’m definitely gonna need one of those!
Yay! I want one!
oooo…I feel like Kelly in Purse Girl…I want them all!
It is so cool that they are using quotes that are not from the first season.
“Niiiice.” -Kevin
Happy Birthday to me! Thank you for posting, Tanster!
some of those picures are really old. The picture of Pam is pretty old because she has her hair up.
I can has calendar?
I want them all. Greedy? Maybe.
Maybe not. Maybe I just really like knowing what day it is.
I gotta get one of those!
I hope these will be available at those little calendar caddies at the mall around Christmas! I love getting people those! The calendar looks better than this year’s non-DVD one. It was kinda lame.
Wow those calendars look really cool! I like the 16 month wall calendar.
I am a dork for literally gasping when I saw this?
Hahaha, I can’t wait to get one. Although, since I’m poor, I’ll probably just wait until late December/early January to get one when they’re all cheaper. That’s how I got mine. *stares at it*
Oh, but I also ended up with two. I got one as a present. My friends know me too well, haha.
These look awesome, but honestly I would probably keep it as the same picture of Jim for every month. Sighhhhhh.
I have a feeling I’ll be getting all of them :)
Schweet! I want the 16 month one.
Thanks Tanster! I just ordered mine :D
Just a little note to Canadians: All three calendars are listed on amazon.ca under the same ISBN number, but the two full sized calendars actually cost a little less than on the American site (around $11 CND).
Will they be doing a page a day calendar again? I wanted one so bad last year but by the time I was ready to order they were all sold out! :(
I already got mine! I bought it at K-Mart for $9.99, I think. I gasped so loudly when I saw it that my mom thought I saw a ghost or something. I was so excited! I just want it to be 2009 so I can hang it up.
mine came a few weeks ago, I can’t wait til January to hang it up!!
I have to wait til CHRISTMAS to get it in my stocking. But I want the non-DVD one because it has more pictures of the cast!
Found the page-a-day calendar, but Calendars.com doesn’t seem to have it.
ISBN-10: 0740776479
ISBN-13: 978-0740776472
Amazon.com $10.39 pre-order
B&N.com $12.99
As for the 16-month calendars… are they really 16 months long, or is there one page that has September – December 2008?
The regular wall calendar just has one page for September to December. I’m guessing the DVD calendar does too.
Oh! I love all of em! The only thing is we have to wait til Christmas to get em. >:(
The 16 month calendar is already available at Carlton Card stores in Canada. I saw one the other day at a store in Ontario.
I saw the 16 Month Wall Calendar at Walmart today for $7.97 and I snatched it up! I almost spent $16 on one the other day, great price! It’s hanging in my kitchen now…
These are great. I love the quote on Michael’s page.
My mommy just got me the page a day at Kohl’s as a Christmas gift. It was 25% off.
Just a heads up to anyone interested in the day-to-day calendar… I pre-ordered mine from Amazon and just got it today, and sadly I’m kind of disappointed in it. There are absolutely no graphics on it at all. Simply white pages with a quote on each day. No fun graphics of any kind, no pictures of the cast, nothing. For $10 I would expect a lot more than black text on white pages. So, if you’re looking for something with lots of cast pictures and a fun look, I’d stick with the wall calendars. I’ve got one of those, too, and can’t wait for January!
I saw the 16 month wall calendar at Kohl’s today. It’s so cute! I almost bought it, but I figured I’d find it cheaper in a month or two/someone would probably give it to me.
Could anyone tell me what the difference is between the 2009 16 month DVD wall calendar at the nbc store and the one they have on amazon? The front cover and the shown example of the month of january (feat. Michael Scott) are both different on both sites.
I’ve seen an Office calendar for $7.99 at Target.
I got the first calendar at Kohls for 6.49. =) It’s extremely detailed and hilarious!
I bought the day-to-day calendar from Amazon. Haven’t got it yet but, even though there are no pictures, that actually worked out great for me because my workplace is rather conservative and the writing will fit in better than pictures.
I would’ve loved pictures but I’m still excited. :)
I just got several of the 2009 day to day calendars at Kohl’s for $6.49. I’m so glad I didn’t buy them last night on NBC.com for the $8.00 plus shipping… I was about to purchase them but realized I’d left my debit card at a restaurant. Ended up saving $10! I like the day to day calendars best because there’s a new, laughable quote each day instead of staring at the same pictures for a whole month.
At Best Buy next week starting on Sunday, if you purchase one of the following, you get a Office calendar for FREE!
Life Season 1.
30 Rock: Seasons 1 and 2.
Heroes Seasons 1 and 2.
House Seasons 1,2,3 and 4.
The Office Seasons 1,2,3 and 4.
use this code for free shipping – EMFSX29
ends up being an even better discount.
[from tanster: nice, thanks!]
the amazon one is actually 8.92 now
Just found the mini calendar and the non-DVD 16 month calendar at Bed, Bath and Beyond for 50% off after they were already sold out at my mall’s calendar kiosk (where everything was at 50% and the best thing they had was the 30 Rock calendar or the day-to-day Office Quote calendar).
FYI: Just got the 16-month non-DVD wall calendar at Walmart for $7.97.
I just bought the 16-month Wall Calender for $4 at Waldenbooks… I love this show lol
I found the first one at Target for only $1.24 in the clearance section. They had a HUGE stack of them!