Check out the vacation plans of the Dunder Mifflin Scranton staff, one day at a time!
Runs every weekday through December 25th.
Link: The Office 12 Days of Christmas
Internet sensation of 2004.
Check out the vacation plans of the Dunder Mifflin Scranton staff, one day at a time!
Runs every weekday through December 25th.
Link: The Office 12 Days of Christmas
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Plot hole: Stanley’s message mentions Teri. Very unlikely that they would celebrate Christmas together now.
I noticed that too! I thought that was a little weird. It would make more sense if he was with Cynthia.
Stanley’s gonna be in for a surprise when he sees Charles Miner in the movie he’s watching.
I saw the “Teri” goof, too. And is it bad that I’m so used to The Office peeps going so above and beyond that I was totally bummed it was text based and not actual video? They’ve set the bar too high. :-)
I thought the exact same thing!
Meredith’s one made me laugh at loud:
“I’m gonna hit the town with my girlfriend, Patty, AKA “The Train Wreck” – we call her that because a few years back, she was hit by a train”
this is good stuff (that’s what she said!)
I wonder who’s gonna be the final five (I miss Battlestar Galactica) for the 12 days. I sure wish to see Dwight’s! “Mose and I will do to our traditional bear hunt on Christmas morning, and if I get lucky I’ll get one big enough to give my mother a bear fur coat.”
I went on there this morning to look at today’s new day and it was Jim and Pam. Well went on there about 3pm to read it to a friend and it was a different entry than the one at 11 this morning. I wonder why they changed it.
Courtney, that’s so weird! What was it this morning?
I think the Jim and Pam entry is so frickin’ adorable. I wish I could watch all that stuff play out on the show!
7- Yes, I read the first one too! Pam said how Jim hangs the CHristmas tree ornaments because he is tall, and how in their Christmas cards, they attached a picture of the ultrasound. They mentioned the unisex toys but not in that detail either. Weird!
That’s it! It also said Jim did all the cooking, cleaning, and shopping but, Pam did stuff too. She made up the lists for Jim and wrote out the Christmas cards.
Did anyone notice that Creed’s changed also?
11- Yes, Creed’s changed too! Before it said he was going to visit his ” sweet old aunt” (or something like that) and then he said his “real plans” which I can’t remember but they were illegal.