1. I was able to find all the Office calendars at a Calendar Club store (Spokane, WA). Kohl’s had the inspirational one on sale for $5.99!!

  2. I want this calendar so badly for Christmas, it’s adorable!
    And #1- I’m happy Karen isn’t on it too! She was on the other calendar I bought.

  3. More like spoilers after the jump! Haha I never browse through a calendar’s pictures before actually getting to each month. A quick scan says this is a very cool calendar.

  4. Yeah, I didn’t think anything could beat the first Office Calendar but I got the DVD one at my mall and it’s so much more detailed and packed full of awesome stuff! Makes me excited for the year to come!

  5. With that coupon code, it is now within the price range I need for gifts! AWESOME! (and a perfect gift to hint around at for me!)

  6. I received this calendar as an early Christmas gift from my roommate and I was delighted! It is awesome! I wish that it was January now so I could put it up. That’s how great this calendar is. I totally recommend it for any Office fan!!

  7. There’s only 1 thing I would change about this calendar. In Andy’s stats, he says he drives a Prius. But any Office fan worth their weight in Schrute Bucks know he drives an X-Earth! Haha.

  8. I have this calendar and love it. Andrea, I totally agree. I wish they would have gotten Andy’s vehicle right. Other than that, it’s a-w-e (clap clap) s-o-m-e!

  9. I just bought this and the price was listed at $13.99.
    Thank you so much for posting this and the coupon code! I bought one for me and one for my sister. I did have to pay around $10 to get it by Christmas, though.

  10. i bought this calandar a few weeks ago, and I LOVE it! i’m in canada so it cost me about $23, but it was worth it! (and i’m really cheap! haha)

  11. My third Office calendar for next year. :) I was always on the fence to buy it, but after realizing Amazon and NBC no longer sell it, I went for it. Thanks for the promo, it was only $11.90.

  12. Well, they did get Andy’s car right. “Drew” now drives a Prius because he cares for the environment. Only office employee that’s missing is Oscar, which is sad. He isn’t even in the group picture in December! So strange. At least he’s on the cover? I got this for my birthday back in october, yee! It’s up in my cubicle right now along with last years. Glad you gave it its own post, tanster. All office fans must know.

  13. HELP!
    I can’t get the code to work! Is the comma supposed to be in there? MS185,FS9436 Is that correct?

  14. Aww, I just got a notice that they cancelled my order because they’re all out of stock :( Now what am I going to put on my door?!

  15. I just got notified that my order has been cancelled because the calendar is out of stock! Does anyone know where else I can get this? Amazon seems to be out, too…

  16. They canceled my order. You’d think they would’ve just waited to ship them once they had them in stock again. Oh well :)

  17. Thanks Tanster for the WallDaddy link! I just ordered one. My order on calendars.com had been canceled as well.

  18. I found mine in one of the little calendar booths in the mall. I did a double take when saw it and snatched it up.

  19. I just ordered mine from Wall Daddy. Hopefully this time my order won’t get cancelled!

  20. The one restocked on Walldaddy looks like a different version from a better one I’ve seen that might have been the one you originally posted about (I can’t tell because none of the OT screenshots are working). The Walldaddy one has fewer cast members on the cover and less cool stuff shown for each month. I wonder what’s up with this!

    [from tanster: looks like within an hour or so of me reposting the Walldaddy information, the calendar has sold out again! tallyheads really want this calendar!]

  21. Thanks for keeping us posted about availability (and probably for fixing the screenshots). I don’t think the Walldaddy calendar and the one pictured in the screenshots were exactly the same anyway. I wonder if we will ever be able to get the one pictured on OT. sigh…

  22. I ordered mine from Wall Daddy last week and got it yesterday morning. Keep in mind, if you want to use it at work, that your disk drive has to be a DVD-ROM. I was sadly disappointed. I don’t have much use for it at home, but that will be the only place I can use the DVD-ROM features.

  23. I’m looking to trade one of these, sealed & unopened, for one of the page-a-day desk calendars. I’ve looked high & low but can’t find one. Managed to get two of these. Anybody out there wanna trade? larz2@insightbb.com

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