Here are promos of The Office episode, Christmas Dwight, airing December 6.
Promo #1
Promo #2
“Best Christmas ever.” *sniff*
Where 25 push-ups and one girl push-up is perfectly acceptable.
Here are promos of The Office episode, Christmas Dwight, airing December 6.
Promo #1
Promo #2
“Best Christmas ever.” *sniff*
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Aw, Dwight hugging Jim! Great callback to ‘Travelling Salesmen’. So excited for this episode. I’m going to be so emotional though! Since it’s the last Christmas episode ever, I’m really hoping for a nice Jim/Pam moment. It’s kinda traditional now, and we didn’t get one last season.
I’m really hating the lack of Andy in the last few episodes. Ed Helms is not listed on the press release for this episode either. I’m assuming he was filming “Hangover 3” when this episode was filmed. It just sucks b/c Andy is my all-time favorite Office character so it would have been nice if he was featured/included in the show’s last Christmas episode ever. *sniff*
Looks like Pam wanted to hug Jim and Dwight snuck in. Looks like it’s going to be a great episode! Can’t believe it’s the last Christmas one.
It’s definitely emotional being the last Christmas episode. I really hope we get a sweet JAM moment. I will always remember the teapot (card), the sweet interaction in that angst filled season 3 and my all time favorite gift exchange in season 7. Hoping we can get one more great memory.
@2 I’m with you. I agree that it’s a real shame that it seems Andy won’t be in the final Christmas episode. I hope he will have some good story lines when he finally comes back from his voyage. I hate that Andy’s being turned into a bit of a villain in season 9.
@2 I can agree with that. I miss last season’s Andy. This season’s Andy doesn’t seem to have much of a comedic role; he’s had his moments but now seems to be pitted as an adversary of Pete. Andy is one of my favourite post-Michael characters so I hope that when he returns he goes back to being funny Andy not hardass Andy.
I am so looking forward to this! And wouldn’t it be a nice present to us all if we finally get to find out what Jim wrote in that Christmas card? A girl can hope!
“Kinda like Santa. But dirty. And worse.” LOL. The writing on this show has never been better.
I really love this season.
No Robert California(Good)
Keeping Nellie (Great)
Less Andy (Fantastic)
These few episodes without Andy have been some pretty great episodes. Andy is just too annoying now.
sounds good! I really expect a cute jam moment. And these episodes without andy have been a blast. The character is just too inconsistent and annoying. Pete is too adorable and a romance between him and erin feels right.