Jim Halpert, Junior Employee
The card reads:
Jim Halpert
Junior Employee
1725 Slough Ave. Ste 200
Scranton, PA 18509
Main Office 5705550177
Direct 5705550178
Cell 5705550136
Pages: 1 2
The Chrysler Sebring of TV fansites.
The card reads:
Jim Halpert
Junior Employee
1725 Slough Ave. Ste 200
Scranton, PA 18509
Main Office 5705550177
Direct 5705550178
Cell 5705550136
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I guess that means Dwight isn’t going to be the next fulltime manager…
I think it’s very possible that there won’t be a new manager for a while. Some of the cast have commented that they still don’t know who it will be. That’s probably just one of the big subplots of Season 8.
[from tanster: oops, thank you! :) ]
I love the title. :)
Dwight: Hi. Dwight Schrute calling, acting manager, Scranton branch. Listen, I needed your permission to fire Jim Halpert.
Jan: Who is this?
Dwight: Dwight Schrute.
Jan: From sales?
Dwight: Well…
Jan: Where’s Michael Scott?
Dwight: He is not here right now. He put me in charge of the office.
Jan: Dwight, listen to me very carefully. You are not a manager of anything. Understand?
I agree, but I don’t think we could handle an overdose of Dwight as manager, but yeah, I love the title (:
Did anyone else notice JKras’ name wasn’t on here?
yeah, Lindsay. I pointed that out on the spoilers page.
I love Jim. But it’d be awesome to see Dwight fire Jim and watch that play out. It’s been too long of a joke that’s never actually happened. After Dwight’s done with being the manager, Jo could bring him back somehow, or perhaps the new manager. And at the same time, something unexpected could happen by the magic of the writers’ creativity.
Another episode without John? Weird, and not cool..
Just a thought here that hit me while in the shower getting ready for work this morning…
Have we heard anything from Danny Cordray lately? Would it be possible that Sabre might bring him in from the field to become the branch manager?
If one thinks about things, it might fit. Although a mysterious character because he hasn’t been around much, he wouldn’t be a totally new character. And he had a good personality. And we all know he’s good at sales from the sting episode. It also fits with the branch manager being a “real” person.
Thoughts anyone?
That’s it. Dwight is going to fire Jim at the end of The Inner Circle, and he won’t be back during Dwight’s reign. But he is in the promo for Search Committee so it’s just one episode.
Nice thought about bringing Danny back to the show, however, Timothy Olyphant is very busy filming his show, Justified. I honestly think that one of the stars from the final episode will be the new manager. It’s a shame that Catherine Tate is not being advertised in the commercial for the last episode. After following her in “Dr. Who”, I could DEFINITELY see her being the new boss. And one thing is for sure. There are a lot more men than women in this show. So maybe having a female branch manager might be something unique.
If Gabe tries to win Erin back, I hope Jo sees how wrong he is for her and fires him. Jo has proved to have an emotional side. Maybe she’ll get rid of him for Erin???
Wait, if you watch the previews for “Last Three Episodes”, at 0:38, you see Dwight leading a meeting, and you see the back of Jim’s head. So that means he has to show up at least once.
Though I don’t loathe Gabe as many people seem to, I don’t think he and Erin are a suitable match at all. Erin can’t stand him, and there’s no getting around it. I actually don’t care as much about Erin/Andy as I used to, but it would stretch credibility pretty far if Erin considered reconciling with him. Unless Gabe threatened to fire her – which I could totally see him doing – and that could lead to an interesting little side-plot.
Also, a Dwight-centric episode? YES PLEASE. His TH with Michael’s letter of recommendation just broke my heart. I am already sick of the ‘more new characters’ concept and it’s still in the process of launching, so to have old favourites step up again is great.
In the preview for this episode, it shows Dwight spinning a revolver and he accidentally fires it. The gun fires in Andy’s direction and his scream seems to be the loudest.
I think Dwight will accidentally shoot Andy.
@ 14. I agree about Tim O. and the male/female balance. When I noticed that there were so many more men than women, I chalked it up to representing so many “business” settings. Still. What about Carol Burnett, who in real life has suggested she wanted to be the mother of Michael Scott? Instead she could be his replacement. haha, I know that’s ridiculous. Just saying…
or Andy is just being Andy.
We better get new credits with a shot of Dwight repositioning something else on his desk
If only he didn’t throw away his Dwight bobblehead, he could have it repositioned on his desk in the opening credits. Why, Dwight, why?
This episode has amazing potential for some awesome Jim and Dwight interaction. I hope it delivers.
I would just love to see Schrute Bucks make a return, and for him to give one to Jim. Epic. I’d love a prank, even if the situation is risky.
Clearly Jim is in the promo, so i guess his name missing was a mistake.
From the previews, I think Dwight will shoot himself in the foot based on the way Dwight looks down and the announcer says “well, maybe he’s not such a SHOE-in for the job.”
I hope Nate shows up in this episode. We haven’t seen him in awhile.
I am loving this episode so far.
I miss the Schrute Bucks, I’m really surprised Dwight forgot about them.
CREED as acting manager? One of the amazing moments ever, I’m dying here!
That episode was HILARIOUS. Everyone was on their game and the dialogue was hilarious. Rainn needs to submit it for Emmy time!
I have laughed more in the last two episodes than I have with this show for a long time. I am really liking the feel of everyone together again.
i was surprised. it was the first funny episode in a while.
awesome episode. so great to see dwight finally become manager, and the piranha scene was hilarious with kevin. i felt bad for dwight at the end, and jim cheering dwight up was awesome. also, creed as acting manager?!?!?! amazing.
The funniest office episode ever. Not even close.
Creed as acting manager? ARE YOU SERIOUS?
Loved the Dwight/Jim antics. Seeing Dwight do “Jazz Hands” was worth the whole episode.
Wonder if my wife would let me get the Dwight painting to go over our mantle?
HILARIOUS! Dwight was classic, and just imagining Creed as manager was amazing. So glad this episode was wonderful, I have hopes for next season
As close to an old school type of office episode as we’ve had in a while…
Very good episode. If Season 8 carries the same low-key tone and essence of this episode, I think the show will be just fine. See Office staff, you don’t need to be pouring in guest stars when you have the great already existing cast.
Best episode in ages!! I laughed more tonight than I have the whole season. THIS is The Office I have loved for years!
By far the funniest episode of the season! 10/10 I loved every single minute of it! If they keep this up, they’ll be just fine for next season. Great stuff from start to finish.
A wonderful episode all around – was so nice to watch everyone have their moments. I know next week will be an “event” but I’m looking even more forward to next season to see more of this kind of episode.
P.S. The Kelly mystery heats up!
Lol Creed as manager. This is going to be ridiculous. No wonder why they want a manager as soon as possible. I can’t wait for the Season Finale.
Great episode, I loved all of it. I really, really hope Mindy Kaling doesn’t leave. They’re obviously setting something up with Kelly.
Join THE FIST!! :D
I’m on the west coast, so I have yet to see this episode, but from the comments I’m reading it sounds to be a good, FUNNY episode! I have about 1.5 hours to go…Can’t wait!
This episode was amazing! I can’t complain at all. It was near perfection. Dwight was great. I am really glad to see that this cast can hold its own. I love how instead of one main character there are like three: Dwight, Jim, and Andy with others in the periphery like Erin, Gabe, Ryan, Pam, and Darryl.
A Great Episode! Dwight’s dream in all its glory finally coming true and with Jim retaliating. Ahh shucks. LOVE it
Fantastic. Last week’s was one of the worst episodes ever and to follow it up with such a great one this week just shows that the magic of the show is still there. Big guest stars have rarely added anything substantial – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
I loved the classic Dwight/Jim stuff. They play off of each other so well.
And Toby getting excited about filling out the forms on gun violence and terrorism? So funny!
I loved every second of this hilarious episode, save for Gabe and his lunacy. You seriously cannot emotionally blackmail a fellow employee like that.
I just wanted more of Dwight as manager – he was fantastic. (I really want that painting of him as a poster.) I felt so sorry for him when he realized what he’d done.
I LOVED this episode. I never doubted that the writers and actors/characters had it in them to keep this show going, and this episode more than proved it. I laughed out loud so many times! Great to see Kathy Bates back, too.
As for the Kelly stuff, did anyone notice in the finale promo that when Jim was interviewing Dwight, Kelly was sitting next to him?
I was surprised. This episode was actually REALLY good. The show’s surviving well without Michael Scott. Much better than I feared.
As sad as it is to have Michael gone, this episode shows real promise with the “reinvention” of the show. It was nice to have those little quirky moments between the co-workers again, just that little breathing room we all needed before the big boss hunt resumes.
Classic classic classic. What an awesome episode! The Jim and Dwight stuff was so good it equaled season 2, it was perfect. This was solid proof that The Office can go on strong without Michael with this incredible ensemble cast. I haven’t laughed this much since Stress Relief. Really freaking amazing episode.
I love how there is no *one* lead. It’s now split between Jim, Dwight, and Andy, yet everyone has their moments. Too many lines to quote. Literally everybody made me laugh.
I could not hold it together when Dwight was wall massaging Kevin.
Definitely makes up for my lack of favoring in last week’s episode! And even though I don’t look for it as a basis for judging episodes: I actually laughed pretty hard most of the time which was pretty good, AND I felt all the characters were themselves.
The only thing this episode was missing was more Pam D: – she’s starting to become my favorite character again being all quiet and innocent.
I loved this episode so much, I was laughing like every other minute but the moment I’m still laughing about was when I thought andy was injured and he just said, “so loud!” XD
Not even close to being as good as last week.
Breath of fresh air! I knew they could carry on without Steve, but was worried that they wouldn’t after the last few episodes.
One of the best of the season
Does Dwight as the boss remind anyone else of Frank Burns from M*A*S*H?
Now that was a winner. SO good.I think we have a new all time favorite on our hands. The Jim/Dwight stuff was the best, the absolute best. I love their relationship when it’s like that. Just how it should be. Always love seeing Jim’s empathetic side show. Like Duxfever said, the only thing i’d change is a bit more Pam.
But i loved every single thing this episode chose to be. Justin, write more please! And now i’m on the edge of my seat for next week. So curious, so excited! Now get your jazz hands up and join The Fist. (it’s not a rebellion)
Pam made me put a banana in my holster!
Loved it.
I seriously almost died from laughing so hard when I saw Creed settling into Michael’s old office as acting manager at the end of the episode. I really hope that the first couple of minutes of next week’s episode begins with what Creed did as acting manager over the past week.
This episode was awesome. “I promise…d other people I’d be on my WORST behavior.”
Now I’m guessing they’ll have Creed adjusting something on the desk in the next open. Lol
Absolutely the best episode of the season! I have wanted to see Dwight do this for a long time. The Fist! Operation Overthrow!
Definitely a great episode..by far the funniest part though was Oscar during the pledge in the beginning. I was laughing too hard from that.
I still miss Michael/Steve, but this episode made me LOL throughout. So much to love – classic Jim vs Dwight, Kevin scared out of the restroom, Darryl making Andy think he was deaf in both ears, Jo’s return, Toby’s enthusiasm over new HR forms, & Creed! Oh please, please, please let there be bloopers of that massaging scene!
Mose mention & a new Schrute by the name of HONK! LMAO
Kudos to Troy Miller directing this & Parks & Rec!
Just loved the Working Girl reference in the cold open!
So funny! I laughed out loud when Creed assumed the throne. Did NOT see that coming!
Fun episode – will watch again to pick up what I missed.
This episode featured some of the best Jim/Dwight interaction we’ve seen in years. Years, people! It was fabulous. Jazz hands…LOL! One of the best episodes in a long time. This is The Office we all want to see. Well done.
This was a very funny episode. I love that the Nard Dog wore a short-sleeved shirt to impress the new boss. Very true to form.
Outstanding episode! There were parts where I could barely hold it together. The dynamic between Jim and Dwight was outstanding. Dwight massaging Kevin using the wall could have been the hardest I’ve laughed all season…
Great episode! It was fun to watch a true ensemble episode again.
So, now that Creed’s got that fancy chair in the boss’s office, does that mean that he finally has the three chairs he needs?
Creed For Permanent Manager! Who’s with me?!
That was awesome and so unexpected!
Wow, what a refreshing episode! I laughed out loud more times than I can count. Gabe’s face when he came out of the room with Andy killed me!
Boobie shirts?! ahahahahahaha This was a great episode! I’m excited for the cast and what’s coming up for next season.
This episode left me satisfied and smiling!
I was really pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this episode. It puts my mind to ease that the show can go on without Michael, simply because it is built on the dynamic of such an awesome cast and characters. I think that if they can keep this episode style up, the Office will be just fine for as long as it wants to go on.
Creed as acting manager? WIN WIN WIN!!!
I do have to say, I really think Gabe is the Scranton Strangler… he’s really been creeping me out these last couple of episodes.
Absolutely hilarious episode! 10 out of 10!
Loved it all. I can’t even begin to pick out the best moments, although Creed settling into the boss’s office cracked me up because I forgot he’s probably been there the longest. But everything from Toby’s enthusiasm for the new forms to Kevin trying to punch in the copy codes to Jim and his fist club was hilarious. Great episode! It gives me hope that the show can continue to be funny without Michael.
This was great! They managed to get a lot of fresh laughs out of it, maybe they should have extended Dwight as temporary manager, but I guess with the finale they couldn’t.
Funny episode! My favorite part was when Darryl said he was just moving his mouth without saying anything so Andy would think he was deaf. Just thinking about it makes me lol.
I was DYING from this. I thought it was absolutely hilarious. Great episode.
Enjoyed this episode much more than last week’s. Andy’s short sleeve shirt and brightly colored pants was awesome. I wonder how Michael would feel about Toby being on the search committee and having a say in who replaces him. I’m glad Deangelo is gone. Will Ferrell is funny but he really added nothing to his episodes.
This episode felt like a Season 2 episode. I loved it.
– Hearing Mose scream on the phone.
– Jazz hands.
– Creed as manager.
Great episode!
One of the best episodes ever!!! Hilarious. I wish Dwight would stay manager. Too bad Jim already pre-quit and was pre-fired. Lol
loved this episode! Jim’s reactions to Dwight becoming manager were awesome. “I promise…d other people I’d be on my worst behavior.”
[from tanster: thanks for seeing the typo. now fixed. :) ]
If this is the ‘new’ Office count me in. Maybe Jim has the right idea, maybe they don’t need a manager. The characters we have right now are dynamic and funny enough to hold the show on their own.
Though I will say Jordan is sort of just there right now….what exactly is her job now?
What fun! Justin Spitzer wrote a great script. I’ll be rewatching for a couple of reasons. First, I don’t remember any mention of Michael by name. If this episode turns out to be completely Michael-free, it was a heck of a piece of writing, and a great transition. Second, did anyone notice how great the set dressing was? I haven’t had so much fun NOT looking at the characters since Jim’s infamous blue ornaments.
I LOVED this episode! I was pleasantly surprised by how fabulous it was! It felt…normal, somehow. Like everyone is doing what they should and it just worked. I loved Dwight in the conference room….it felt just like Michael was running the meeting without it being Michael. Jim’s “The Fist” prank was classic. The only odd thing was that Jo’s dogs weren’t the Great Danes like previously shown. I was kind of disappointed in that because I loved the Great Danes! Surprised and happy to say that this is one of my new fav eps!
this is the best episodes i have ever seen!!!!! great in every aspect… the show is better with all characters having more leading roles!!!
#87 Josh, when Erin first became part of the show she was in the background too. Characters ease their way in before they become part of the plot. Jordan will probably start playing a bigger role next season and then gradually become more central like Erin.
This was THE FUNNIEST Office episode I’ve seen in a long time! I can’t even describe how much I laughed at the jokes! Awesome! Can’t wait for the next one!
One of the best episodes in a long long time! Loved it!
Great episode!!
Anyone else notice Oscar taking video of Dwight massaging Kevin on his iPhone? LOL
Is the Jordan character supposed to be a permanent addition to the cast? Or was she just there as part of the DeAngelo storyline and will be eased out by the finale?
With Michael/Steve gone, and so much untapped talent in the original cast, we don’t need any new cast members! This episode shows that the existing cast can really shine, and I’d like to see more of that!! Please…
[from tanster: it was reported that jordan would be a new character for season 8]
First time I’ve laughed out loud during the entire episode. I loved it. Will Ferrell seemed like a mean psychotic version of Steve Carell; didn’t like his vibe at all!
Overall, great show!!!!!
muchhh better… it’s better without will ferrell
“they think that you were hired because of your good looks, which won’t last long anyway, as your pale skin and severe bone structure imply you’ll age swiftly & poorly” -dwight to jordan.. LOL
Can they PLEASE release Gabe from the show? I honestly never thought the character was funny and he’s so, so creepy. Actually every scene he’s in I dislike. Please Office writers..
Dwight really sucks as Regional Manager.
I thought this episode was great. It was a huge improvement from last week’s episode! I actually thought Dwight would become Michael’s replacement. I’m bummed that won’t happen, but I really enjoyed seeing Dwight be in charge for a whole episode. There were so many funny moments and hilarious quotes. My favorite things were the piranha in the toilet, jazz hands, the 21 digit copier codes, the separate lunch times, The Fist, Andy screaming when the gun went off, and Toby’s excitement to fill out new forms. I loved Toby’s excitement. I especially loved all of the Jim and Dwight scenes. Those scenes were my favorites out of the entire episode. I thought it was hilarious when Dwight pre-fired him. I loved it when Jim said he promised to be on his worst behavior. I never would have thought that Creed would take over. That was so unexpected!
Is anyone finding Gabe’s obsession with getting back with Erin a little hard to believe? I really dislike how desperate and pushy he’s become about this whole thing. I never believed that he loved her that much, so where’s all this coming from?
Just want to agree with what many have already said, best episode in a long while. This one reminded me of season 2 and 3. Hope this is the direction future episodes are headed.
Maybe the best episode of the series. A lot of shows fall apart after a lead character leaves, but this was brilliantly written with real laughs. Dwight was better being more subdued and real than an exaggerated, unrealistic character. I loved that everyone had lines. There is so much talent in the cast and it was finally used. Justin Spitzer (writer)gets it. Keep the show going like this and it will be one of the top shows on TV. Jim turning down acting manager was was a great set up. Loved massage scene.
What a surprise–this episode was actually funny in parts. Dwight massaging Kevin while simultaneously climbing up the filing cabinet was a scream. Jim was finally recognizable as Jim and things made a bit more sense. Now all they have to do is make Pam less of a yawn and add a little more Stanley and they’ll be good. Too bad the humor didn’t kick in until the very end of the season, but better late than never.
I gave this a 10 out of 10. Yes, it was damn near perfect. I loved every moment, every line, every laugh.
If we’ve already fomented insurrection, may we be grandfathered in?
Define foment.
YOU define foment.
The part where Jim talks about his new lunch break time makes me smile so much. I work 9-5:30 and my bosses decided one day out of the blue that my one and only break would be at 10 a.m. Then got mad at me for getting upset.
LOVED this episode! Didn’t think about Michael ONCE! Keep it up, we don’t need any big names, the current cast can handle it just fine.
Great. All fun. I measure funny office chapters: laugh/min and it reached season 2 level easily.
Every character had a line, even Creed. Kevin made me laugh so much in the end typing the code.
congrats, this was a fun episode.
see, this is what I was talking about. Get back to the characters….enough w/ Michael and his sappy love affairs and drawn out goodbyes. Finally an episode that made me LOL. Of course Dwight actually firing a gun was totally ridiculous but the beginning and ending were fantastic.
I also think it’s pretty funny that Andy the guy who’s basically been a huge loser since day 1 is suddenly cool and hip…but I’ll take it. It’s better than having him act a damn fool for Deangelo.
Hilarious. This is what the office post-Michael should be, and I love it!
See, this is what I’m talking about: the gun thing was over the top but it was true to Dwight’s character (we’ve always known he’s kept weapons in the office) and it wasn’t completely stupid. Actually it made for a pretty funny episode. This is what happens when you focus on the core cast. This show has enough great characters that you don’t need gimmick guest stars like Will Ferrell or the multitude of celebrity cameos that will probably destroy next week’s finale. (Kathy Bates doesn’t count because Jo is a character that makes sense, whereas Deangelo was clearly a case of the role being written to fit the actor rather than the other way around.) 8/10
You see, folks! If you are clueless at your job long enough, you too can become manager!
I wonder if Creed will get his own place now that he’s acting manager, or just keep living at the homeless shelter.
1- A new manager’s assistant? What exactly is Erin’s job now? Answering the phone and making copies? Wait…she can’t make copies for everybody, unless she knows their codes.
2- There have been 3 accountants doing the job of 2 for years. Now they’re hiring a 4th?
3- Stanley’s daughter is joining the cast? What for?
Are we to believe that a cost-conscious corporation like Sabre is going to add these employees needlessly? Flesh out the characters we’ve come to love. Just not Creed. Remove the mystery and the character is ruined. Remember when the Fonz went from a cool, soft-spoken loner to an annoying character that would never shut up?
Man, this episode was so funny. Dwight should be the new manager. I really think it should be someone who’s already in the cast. I mean how fun and perfect would that be? See that’s what’s so wrong about Steve leaving. It’s the idea that someone totally *new* will be trying to live up to our expectations. Trying to be just as funny when really we all know that everything is just gonna be screwed up. The new manager should be someone we’re all comfortable with. Like Dwight.
This episode was PERFECTION ;)
You know this was a good episode when you didn’t even think about
Michael Scott/Steve Carell ;)
I only have one question: What is up with Kelly??????? I’m freaking out.
Is she. . . . ??
I thought Mose didn’t know how to use a phone?