June 12, 2008
Some photos of the NBC Universal Emmy submission package.

Inside spread

Inside left page
Each package includes a full set of campaign buttons, pretty neat! I’m excited that ‘The Office’ one is one of the biggest!

Inside right page

‘The Office’ DVD
Tipster: rspad
YES! in for 1! I can’t wait for the Emmys!
Awesome! I already ordered one =)
so cool! i just ordered one!
We definitely need Steve for “Money!”
I’m so excited for the Emmys. I was just talking to someone about how disappointed I am that award show season is, for the most part, over… but I forgot about the Emmys!
The Office better sweep this year!
Glad Amy’s nominated!
oh, and Jenna action! YES! I am so excited for her! :D
I like free stuff, specially with Steve on it!
Awesome. I ordered my free button. I hope Melora submits Dinner Party!
I really hope that the cast and crew of The Office get the recognition that they truly deserve. Steve Carell is officially one of my favourite actors.
John Krasinski better win for his performance in “Branch Wars.”
Maybe I am reading too much into this but if you look at the actual list on the webpage, next to Amy Ryan’s name it says “(Goodbye Toby 1&2)”. Could this be a clue? Is the 5th season opener going to be a continuation? Or could just be that they haven’t named the season premiere yet and they had to fill something in. Interesting though.
I want one so bad. But I am in Canada.
I think Goodbye Toby (1&2) are the 2 half hour episodes, not 1 full episode. Especially since the Emmy’s don’t correspond with next season.
I am a little upset that (according to the website) only Jenna, Amy, and Rashida were submitted for Emmys? I don’t understand why Steve, John, or the whole series aren’t submitted. Am I missing a link?
Episodes titled “1&2” are hour-long episodes, such as the finale.
I will proudly wear my “Believe in Steve” button!
In response to pop1013 (post #10) – the Goodbye, Toby episode was an hour long, counted as two half-hour episodes (1 and 2) for when it’s in re-runs in a half-hour slot. I don’t think it has anything to do with next season.
long tim- i’m pretty sure the list will be updated as submissions become announced :o)
[from tanster: yep, i assume this is just the start of the list of submissions …]
Is it seriously free???! I love The Office and free stuff! haha. Can we order more than one? I want a Conan one, too!
I ordered mine.
I BELIEVE! woot!
what about melora hardin in dinner party?
awesome. free stuff is great. can’t wait to sport my button.
Ohhh I beliiieeeve!
did they submit an episode for best comedy?
we definitely need some more Office submissions on that list.
I’m so glad Amy Ryan was submitted. She was awesome in that episode.
And go, Jenna!
Maybe OT could list all its nominations? Like I agree with John for Branch Wars–and Mindy too for writing it–and Steve for Money. Man, this was a pretty good season after all.
i ordered 3.
Rainn’s money episode is “Money” :)
so, can only americans order? they don’t have a country slot, so I’m kind of assuming yes.
It’s only the start of the list, I’m sure everyone else was submitted. :)
So glad they submitted Amy Ryan. I love Holly so much.
Also ordered my button. Whee! :D
Jenna deserves the Emmy just for delivering the line “I didn’t see where it started but I saw where it ended.”
To post 28:
I just ordered one. Even though i live in Australia…
Okay, thanks. I ordered one anyway, i just wanted to make sure :).
I ordered my button, too. I hope they have enough for the demand. Don’t they know how rabid and loyal we Office fans are? :)
As one of the rabid, I of course just ordered a button :) Thanks for keeping us in the know, Tanster!
WooHoo! What a great idea! I should be getting my button in the next 5-7 business days, I imagine.
I’ve got my button coming! Has he sent in a submission tape yet?
I ordered my button, now i can decorate my house with all my SWAG :)
Update: apparently Ed submitted “Launch Party” and Melora, “Dinner Party.”
Just ordered mine!! I Hope Mr. Carell Wins, along with Conan O’Brien. Hehehehe
Haha. Yep, Carell and Conan all the way.
I ordered the House one for my sister and the SVU one for my mom, though, lol.
Amy Ryan should win!!!
I ordered my steve button and got a house one for my brother. Can’t wait for it come, thanks for the tip kayanne.jo
Rashida Jones is nominated for Branch Wars but John Krasinski is not?! Impossible! That was his show all the way. He should definitely be nominated and win.
If Melora Hardin doesn’t get an Emmy nomination, every piece of copier paper in this town will have the F-word on it. The F-word.
I can’t wait to see what they submit for best comedy!
That goldderby post has been updated with a few more acting submissions, including a confirmation that Melora submitted “Dinner Party,” BJ submitted “Dunder Mifflin Infinity,” and Ed submitted “Launch Party.”
I was surprised that Chair Model didn’t get anything. Steve Carell was genius in that. I hope Amy Ryan gets the guest star one. I loved her in the finale.
I’m so happy John submitted “Branch Wars”…he was amazing in that episode.
And Melora picking “Dinner Party” was also a great choice. She rocked in that episode, as did Steve.
Steve should have submitted Goodbye Toby
DEFINITELY on the Amy Ryan bit… I wonder which episode AK chose? I thought she was brilliant in Launch Party. What with Take A Chance On Me, and the Spoons and everything. Brilliance in a 5’1 package.
I think John should have submitted “Money” instead — I thought his little pep talk to Dwight was much better than anything in “Branch Wars.” But “Fun Run” was a great one for Jenna…fingers crossed!
Hmmm…I wonder which episode Rainn submitted? Fun Run? Money? Branch Wars? Survivor Man? Chair Model?
I’m cheering on Melora for this one! As much as I love Jenna she was just OUT acted on that one! Nobody can snap quite like Melora did in that episode! Pure genius that one night….
I’m also cheering on Amy Ryan! She was fantastic, I hope she becomes a regular. She would fit in perfectly! She was in Dan In Real Life w/Steve, I wonder if that is how her name came up…
i am soooo glad amy ryan is on there!
she was pretty much perfect. i really hope she stays for next season too
I have to say, I’m really disappointed that Steve submitted “Branch Wars” when he had “The Deposition,” “Money,” and “Goodbye Toby” to pick from. I think it’s Alec Baldwin’s year.
I’m thrilled John submitted “Branch Wars” for consideration. Although I had qualms with some of the storyline, John was fabulous in that one (as he is in every episode). Go Office!
I actually just watched DMI on my DVR last night and I was thinking, “BJ should really submit this episode.” I’m glad to hear that he did!
I was hoping Steve would submit Fun Run, but Branch Wars was a good one for him too.
I definitely hope The Office gets lots of nominations this year – I especially hope Steve gets nominated (and wins) and I would love for Amy Ryan to be nominated and win as well. She was so great as Holly in the finale (I hope we see her again at the start of the new season).
Did they submit “Goodbye, Toby” for the show’s nomination?
just a random question: for which episode did steve submit when he won the emmy for best actor and what episode did the office submit when they won the emmy for best comedy?
I love our cast and all, but I think I’m pulling for Amy Ryan most. She was phenomenal as Holly and really deserves it.
Carell should’ve submitted The Deposition or Goodbye Toby, Branch Wars is a weak choice.
Hi Sammie, unfortunately, Steve never won the Emmy (hopefully that will change this year). He submitted “The Injury” and “Business School” for the past two years. IIRC, the show won two years ago based on the following six episodes for Season 2: The Dundies, Christmas Party, Booze Cruise, The Injury, The Secret and Valentine’s Day.
Branch Wars over Goodbye, Toby?
Carell just gave the Emmy to Baldwin
Think about this. Steve’s acting was better in branch wars and he had more of a lead role. Goodbye, Toby may have been better for regular fans but for people who only see the one episode
branch wars may be a good fit. Also, that episode is absolutely hilarious.
Steve just pretty much gave the Emmy to Alec Baldwin, considering Alec submitted a perfect tape. Oh well. Alec’s fantastic too. 6 of one, half dozen of the other. BJ Novak should have submitted “Night Out,” but he doesn’t really have a chance of getting nominated, so.
On the other hand, if John Krasinski doesn’t get nominated for his submitted episode, I will burn the Emmy nominators’ houses to the ground. ;)
So why did no one submit Goodbye, Toby? I thought that was certainly the best episode of the season, by far. And did anyone submit Money, either? That was 2nd best, for sure. o well.
GOOD LUCK OFFICE CAST!!! i’ll be wishing for ya!
I don’t care what episodes they submitted. They are ALL brilliant! Good luck to everyone! You deserve all of the praise and accolades you receive and more!
Yes for Amy Ryan! She was hilarious.
John was excellent in Branch Wars so that’s a great choice.
I thought that Steve Carell’s performance in Goodbye Toby was one of the best of the season, so I wish they would have submitted that episode. But now I need to go back and watch Branch Wars.
Oh no! The buttons are sold out…
I was going to order one last week but I put it off… now it’s too late. :[
I agree he did do really good in “Goodbye Toby”. July 17th is my birthday YAY!
Isn’t this just the preliminary nominations? They had to be submitted earlier so that’s why “Goodbye Toby” wasn’t on the list. So assuming our cast makes shortlists, I assume that’s where we gonna see the later episodes of the season.
Someone needs to tell Carell to switch to “Money” or “Goodbye, Toby” if he does receive a nomination. Whoever is advising him on his tape selection is doing a poor job. Tanster, please tell people on “The Office” to make some different choices!
Also, Novak has switched to “Night Out.”
In terms of “stand-outs” for me this season (because the entire cast is wonderful all the time) – Brian in “Chair Model,” Phyllis in “Goodbye, Toby” and Leslie in “Did I Stutter?” P.S. I could just as easily choose Brian in “Goodbye, Toby,” Phyllis in “Launch Party” and Leslie in “Branch Wars” – they’re THAT good!
When I ordered some buttons last week, I never received any kind of confirmation email. Now that they’re sold out, I want to make sure my order actually went through.
Has anyone else received their buttons or received an email notifying that the buttons are on their way?
John sent in a submission tape?! We’ve gotta dominate some categories here!
I ordered mine but never got any kind of confirmation email. I’m still waiting (anxiously) for them.
I never received an e-mail either, I hope I still get one, I ordered it last week, before they were sold out. :(
I still haven’t received my buttons either (I ordered Steve and Conan). I ordered them the day that tanster posted the link and never received an email either :(
I LOVED Local Ad! I hope Bj wins!
I also signed up for a button, and got no sort of confirmation, much less a button.
All of the writing tallies are really strong. I don’t remember Survivor Man off-hand but it’s a great sampling. All solid choices.
I wish they submitted Chair Model for writing, but I’d be thrilled if they won/were nominated for Money or Dinner Party.
BJ did play a coked up businessman quite well in night out, good choice! lol
Hopefully Rain and Angela will send a submit tape for good bye toby,Launch Party, or Dunder Mifflin infinity. ALthough Money is my second favorite episode they don’t give emmys for crying like chewbacca.
Also Leslie needs to submit for Did I Stutter it’s my third favorite!
Melora in Dinner Party—Excellent!
AK Launch Party?
Rainn should submit Money, without a doubt. He needs a nomination!
I think Steve and John nominated for Branch Wars is brillant! Also, Melora for dinner party is excellent too.
However, I think Rainn should be nominated with Money. He did such a great job.
Lastly, Brian nominated for Chair Model is great, however I think it should be goodbye toby instead. His scenes with Amy were just too funny!!!!
Brian Baumgartner in “Chair Model” for the win!
Angela’s gotta do Fun Run! Rainn probabaly should too. People who want him to submit Money, do you not remember Dwight describing Sprinkles’s death? Emmy-worthy, no doubt.
Somebody should tell Steve Carell to switch to “Goodbye, Toby.” Great episode where he balanced great comedy with some touching scenes with Jan’s pregnancy. He could win with that. “Branch Wars” is a terrible choice and he won’t win.
100% agree with ya office fan33.
“Branch Wars” is too forgettable.
Oscar should do Night Out. Not such a great episode, but he was hilarious!
Why has Leslie NOT submitted Branch Wars or Did I Stutter yet? What a great season for Stanley.
In total agreement with MissTerious! I think Angela should submit “Fun Run” too. It’s a great acting showcase for her. And as so many have mentioned, Rainn’s episode submission hopefully will be “Money”. Their characters are often used for comic effect, but they conveyed the pathos so well in these two episodes.
Mindy’s episode the Branch Wars has the most (six) entries!
I agree, MissTerious! Although Rainn should do something less predictable. Money, perhaps?
why are they so in love with “Branch Wars”? It was definitely good, but it was far from the best they could offer. Series? Carell’s episode?!
also – in their categories’ respective top tens, series, Carell, Wilson, Krasinski, and Fischer all made it.
Rainn definitely should have gotten it for Goodbye Toby. That was such a great performance, hilarious. Even in the deleted scenes.
Branch Wars was definitely the funniest episode from season 4, and is a great choice. Mindy has done it again! I don’t know why people don’t like it.
Yes, Rainn did Money!
He’s gotta be nominated.
Branch Wars? I am sure whoever (whomever?) decides on what episodes to submit has a much better idea of what will earn an Emmy than I do. However, as a lowly fan, I thought it was one of the weakest, if not the weakest of the season.
That being said, Michael’s reaction to Toby wearing a bowtie was classic!
If Angela wins, I hope she dedicates the Emmy to Sprinkles… Best. Storyline. Ever.
Branch Wars is one of the best of the season! How can any one not like Dwight and Michael fooling Jim into coming with them to see Karen, then Jim’s reaction, and them threatening to do something big to Karen’s branch. I love this episode!! Launch Party, Dinner Party, and Goodbye Toby were great episodes. Did I Stutter was the weakest with only one interesting subplot. Pam’s glasses were not funny.
YAY!! Rainn submitted Money. Fantastic episode choice for him; I hope he wins a nomination.
BOO! to Branch Wars being one of the episode selections for the overall show. That was the most lackluster episode of S4, IMHO. Local Ad, however is an excellent choice as it was a great ensemble episode.
I wasn’t the biggest fan of “Branch Wars,” but I can understand their selecting it. I remember the “award insiders” last year said that judges didn’t appreciate the subtle comedy of “The Coup” during screenings, so maybe the producers went for a broader approach this year.
And once the show makes it to the later rounds they can change their submission, anyway.
I hope they choose “Local Ad” over “Branch Wars” for the series submission. I just didn’t like “Branch Wars” as much.
Branch Wars wasn’t that great. “And that’s all I got to say on the matter” – Staples employee.
Personally I think Melora Hardin should enter for Dinner Party, playing crazy is probably very difficult!
As someone who’s followed the Emmys closely over the past few years, voters look for performances that feature emotional depth and range of acting — even in the comedy categories. In season 2, Carell lost the Emmy because his submission, “The Injury,” didn’t show any emotion. He’s making the same mistake this year. As I said before, he should submit “Goodbye, Toby,” great mix of comedy and emotional range for him.
Branch Wars makes sense for Krasinski but is a confusing and inadvisable choice for Carell and the series. All I can figure to make sense of it is perhaps it’s due to director Joss Whedon – maybe they had such a great time working with him that it affects their perception of the episode.
Also, I really hope Angela and Brian B. get nominations, they were both so reliably fun this season.
To get an Emmy, there are three steps:
The Popular Vote which narrows the field to 10.
The Panel Vote which narrows the field to the 5 nominations.
The Overall Vote which is what we see the result of on Emmy night.
If I remember correctly, last year the show submitted “The Coup” for the initial Popular/Panel vote and then submitted “A Benihana Christmas” (Part 1), “A Benihana Christmas” (Part 2), “Gay Witch Hunt”, “The Negotiation”, “Business School”, “Traveling Salesman” after they got the nomination. So, whichever episode is chosen for the series submission… it’s either “Branch Wars” or “Local Ad,” not both, it’s not necessarily the final one for the nomination. I doubt that the show will have any trouble cracking the ten top; the final five nominations… it’s a good bet to say the show has one, too. But you never know…
Do the actors themselves submit episodes to be nominated? sorry for my ignorance, i’m still confused how the emmy’s exactly work. Thanks 115 for clearing most of it up.
Neato ba-jeato packaging!
hey i don’t want to sound really stupid but what exactly are these packages for? do the people at the emmys get them or does nbc sell them for the fans?
I didn’t find Branch Wars to be as good of an episode as the creators seemed to think it was… Hmm… I think Fun Run and Goodbye, Toby were the two best episodes of the season… but maybe there’s criteria I don’t know about.
On an unrelated note, if this is the NBC submission package, why is House included? It’s on Fox…
That is so cool! I wish I could have one. Go Office!
Branch wars was my least favorite episode of the season. I don’t understand the affection for it. Even for John Krasinski. I thought his acting was a bit over the top for him. The fake moustache was so off putting. Money would be a great entry for him.
120: House is made by NBC but runs on Fox.
As far as submitting “Branch Wars” for series, I have no idea. But, the Emmys do like slapstick/more obvious humor…
#118 – These types of Emmy submission packages are sent to members of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences – the people who actually vote for the Emmy nominees/winners. It gives the studios a chance to pitch their shows to Academy members.
i ordered my buttons a few weeks ago but haven’t gotten them yet. has anyone else?
Aww, No Leslie? It was his best season yet! Show some love!
It must be some kind of mistake that Leslie doesn’t have a submission listed, right? I agree that this was his best season ever. P.S. I also thought they were able to submit more episodes for the best comedy category – were the guidelines changed this year? Maybe I’m just behind the times.
Any word on anyone receiving their buttons? I ordered quite a few and I’m anxiously awaiting them!
still buttonless as well! 2 weeks later….did anyone actually get one?
I don’t understand why the majority of fans think Branch Wars was a weak episode for the series, I thought it was hilarious – especially the parts with Michael,Dwight and Jim – I think its the 2nd best episode of the season.
130: Personally, while I thought parts of Branch Wars were definitely funny (“We will burn Utica to the ground”), and John Krasinski was absolutely terrific in it, it was sitcom-funny, and not incredibly subtle. The Finer Things Club was a pointless side-plot that I found to be out of character for both Pam and Jim (why wouldn’t he read the book? He’s definitely not an idiot). It’s not bad, like I said, it’s funny, but there were far better episodes this season.
Anyone have news on the buttons yet?
buttons rec’d yesterday. YAY!
they sent me all of them, instead of just the ones I chose…but they’re very cool!
I’m glad someone has received their buttons. Anyone else had any luck?
I still haven’t received mine, so I’m wondering if location has anything to do with it. :(
my buttons– oh, I forgot about my buttons! hopefully they come (twss).
and I can’t believe they’re actually submitting last call for consideration. Yeah, right.
Are we really surprised The Office is in the top ten? I’m really happy! But not surprised :)
Yeah I haven’t gotten my button yet either and I was wondering about those. Hopefully they will start to come soon.
While it does not compare to a Dundie, congrats to all the nominated Office staff!!!!
Now just win!!!!!!!!
I got my buttons last week. I thought I just requested certain ones but I got all of them.
The Office should have also been under top 10 drama!
i haven’t gotten mine either.
Yeah, I still haven’t received mine. It’s probably a location thing.
no button+no leslie submit= a sad panda:(
I got sent Little Miss Sunshine last year before it came out on the shelves. That was cool.
I’ve seen a lot of these submission packages on ebay. I should have the magnets coming, but how would you go about getting all these dvds and stuff? The magnets coming don’t come with all of this do they?
The Office should definitely get a nomination this year! I predict Entourage, The Office, 30 Rock, and Ugly Betty will prevail.
Any word on when they’re announcing the 10 finalists for actors and actresses?
I am so tickled with the short-listed comedies! Well, at least Flight of the Conchords, 30 Rock and our little show :) Go awkward comedy, go!
Just got my buttons! took about two weeks!
147–There was talk of them announcing those lists today, but now it seems like that will come next week.
Actually, if any of you haven’t gotten your buttons yet, at NBC studios in LA all of the buttons are in a basket by the cash register and they’re free for anyone who wants some.
Tom O’Neil just confirmed that The Office will be submitting “Local Ad” for the panel screenings.
Note: Nominations are determined from a combination of popular vote and panel screening ratings.
Still no buttons here.
I received my buttons today! My husband is proudly wearing “Believe in Steve” right now. :-)
152/Gobias: Is your name a reference to Arrested? :)
Steve changed his submission?!
Thank goodness!
still no buttons here either. I hope to see them in the mail soon! =D
excuse me for asking, but i’m new to this site…just wondering if you guys are talking about the believe in steve button, & how do i get one? thanks!
Woah! much better choices for Steve and Brian!! I’m not sure if Phyllis’ is better or not, but even so. I’m partial to LP only because of the SPOONS.
If they nominate both The Office and Flight of the Conchords, I won’t know who to root for!
Whew–so glad he changed (and Brian Baumgartner, too). Here’s hoping this year is Steve’s!
That is a much better choice for Steve Carrell.
Although Steve is wonderful in every episode, I have to say that “Goodbye Toby” is a great choice for Emmy submission. I love Alec Baldwin, but it would be so nice to see Steve nab that award this year.
Oh, THANK YOU Steve.
John just needs to change it and we should win as long as they nominate Steve,Brian,Rainn,and John!
Fantastic move for Brian submitting “Goodbye, Toby.” Just thinking about his story line in “Toby” makes me want to go the ep. again.
Probably good for Steve, too. Being that in “Toby” he shows a lot more range and doesn’t rely on a silly costume.
Yeah John! I just love our Office guys; when will the Emmys love them too?! *le sigh*
Congrats to Steve, John and Rainn!
Hopefully best supporting actress will be up soon! Go Jenna!
I’m really excited for Steve, John, and Rainn! Congratulations to them! :) Wow, I’m so happy for them [which is weird because I don’t even know them, but oh well hahaha]
So happy for the Office folks making the top 10 finalists lists! But I’ve learned not to get too excited for the Emmys – I’m already bummed that a lot of my faves on the drama side didn’t make the cut.
Congratulations to Steve, John and Rainn! You guys are awesome and I wish you all the best! Thank you for making such The Office such an outstanding show!
And if they are finalists, does that make them nominees?
Sorry .. never followed the Emmy’s :P
congrats boys! much better submission for steve. i hope melora makes the top 10 for dinner party, she was so so good.
They totally should have submitted Phyllis’s performance in “Goodbye, Toby.” She was A. MA. ZING. I still haven’t gotten my pins (I think I ordered two – using two email addresses). Hopefully they’ll come this week.
Congrats, Steve & Co.!
I really think Melora and Jenna deserve nominations. They were both great this season.
A few years ago the Emmys changed their nomination voting. There’s first a popular vote of all the eligible submissions which creates a list of a top ten (or eleven or twelve as the popular vote may be really close). After that, those top 10 or finalists as we’re calling them are send to panelists where they’re voted on. After that panel vote, the top five (or four or six) are announced as nominees for that category. I believe this voting system is only used for acting and series. I don’t think that writing and directing is done the same way.
Great news about Amy. She fits right in like she’s always been there.
Congratulations to Amy! That was one awesome Yoda impression!
I’m so glad they submitted “Goodbye Toby” for Steve! That was such a great performance
amy ryan definitely deserves to be in the top five. in fact, i think she should walk away with the emmy! i am also excited about the sarah silverman love!
I so hope John gets nominated. He does such great work in this role.
And Amy Ryan really deserves it as well, she was incredible in “Goodbye Toby”.
I’m rooting for a Melora nom. And congrats, Amy! What a great day!
Congrats to all! I am a little upset though about Melora not being on there :(
To those who are more knowledgeable about the process, what are the chances of the cast getting nominated? I am sure Steve is a given, but what about the supporting folks?
YAY! Congrats to Jenna!! I was hoping she would make the top ten.
I’m sad Brian Baumgartner didn’t make the Top 10 for best supporting. :(
I think he really deserves it for “Goodbye, Toby”.
Congrats to everyone else though! :)
Congratulations to everyone! A great achievement. Now I’m just hoping the panels have some sense and help make them the nominees!
Congratulations to all! I’ll be really bummed if John Krasinski doesn’t get a nomination this year.
congrats to jenna but melora was robbed!
I really, really believe Rainn needs to win this year. I think the character of Dwight could have gotten old fast, but RW has given him a 4d persona.
Congratulations, Jenna! You are one fabulous lady! Thank you for making The Office so wonderful!
Congrats to everyone and good luck :)
Congratulations everybody!! I’m sad Melora wasn’t nominated though.
Yay! Congrats to everyone–I REALLY hope John gets a nom–he so deserves it.
As someone who watches a lot of the comedy shows that are in contention in each of these categories, all I can say is that while I would love it if our Office guys won them, it certainly wouldn’t be surprising to me (albeit disappointing) if we lost in several of the categories. Especially against 30 Rock and Curb Your Enthusiasm (both excellent shows themselves).
Oh shoot, I’m a downer. But I’m hopeful, even after last year’s disappointment. GO THE OFFICE!!
I really hope that Jenna gets the nomination and even snags the Emmy. She is absolutely amazing in everything she does and deserves it one hundred percent.
Go Rainn, John, Steve, and Amy, also! And, of course, the show as a whole.
It will be fun to watch the Emmys, with all the ‘Office’ nominations!!!!
Anybody get there buttons that live in Northern California? I am still waiting for mine.
I was rooting for Ed
Oh come on! Melora rocked in ‘Dinner Party’! :(
198: I live in central California, and I got my buttons several weeks ago. My sister lives at the same addess as me, and she has also received her set. :/
Happy for the ones nominated but I feel put out for Melora and Angela, who I felt did some wonderful work this year.
Hope Steve gets the Emmy.
I’m rooting for Jenna! Whoo!!!
I hope John gets the nomination this year. Last year Rainn, but now it’s John’s turn. Although, I’d be totally fine if Rainn got the nom again instead of John because well… Rainn is so good playing Dwight on the show.
Melora and Angela were totally robbed. That said, if John Krasinski and Amy Ryan don’t get noms this year (Steve, Rainn, Jenna, and the series too, of course, but they’ve all been nommed before), I will burn ATAS to the ground (/branchwars).
I’m rooting for everyone but I have to admit that I really want Jenna and John to get nominated because I believe they are the only actors that do not play these “big personality characters”. I’m not an actor, but I would think it’s harder playing a normal everyday character because you have to distance your own actions and behaviours from those of your character, whereas if you are playing something completely different it much easier. I hope that makes sense… :)
Hooray for Jenna and Rainn making the top ten! Crossing my fingers that they both get a nomination.
MELORA IS SNUBBED! But I’m glad to see Leslie submit Did I Stutter. As I have mentioned before, he is a great actor. Congratulations to the cast members who got on the lists, and to the others, congrats as well. You are a part of an Emmy-probably-nominated-and-formerly-winning show. Skip around the room! Skip around the room!
I hope Jenna gets a nomination!!!!
Congratulations to all who made the top ten but I’m especially thrilled to see Jenna’s name there. I’ll be rooting for her to snag a nomination.
Go Jenna!!
No buttons here yet.
But CONGRATS to all of them! I hope they all get the nomination–they certainly deserve it!
I mean .. My gosh! I thought this year was Angela’s .. Jenna was good this year .. But I don’t think her character had the storyline like last year .. Last year was her year.
I am so very happy for everyone that was nominated!! They all deserve it for a show that we all have become to love!
Congrats to all! I’m so excited for the directing nod for Paul, but was sad his ep wasn’t nominated. No Worries, still lots to be excited about! :)
Congratulations to all the nominees!
Congrats to everyone! I’m so happy for Rainn and Steve, Paul and company, but no John or Jenna?? Come on. They both need recognition for their amazing performances, especially John in Branch Wars.
Personally, I thought John in Branch Wars was REALLY
good:( But congrats to everyone else!
Congratulations to the nomineees! Well deserved!
I really thought John and Amy Ryan were going to be nominated. That’s definitely disappointing, but I’m excited for the 8 nominations! That’s great!
Congrats Office!! (I really thought John and Jenna would be included, but, hopefully they take home Best Comedy! :) )
Congrats all! I’m glad to see Gene and Lee on there for ‘Dinner Party!’ I was pretty surprised to not see John or Amy though. As for Jenna, I really really believe she got robbed of a win last year, but this just wasn’t the year for her. I also still maintain that Melora and Angela should have AT LEAST been on the list of 10.
So Jenna got robbed last year and completely overlooked this? How disappointing… I’m exciting for the other noms, though!
I’m really happy Rainn got nominated. It was obvious that he would, but I’m glad just the same. Same as Gene and Lee. Dinner Party was a beast of an episode.
As for John and Jenna, I thought last season was better than this one for them.
And if Steve Carell doesn’t win… I will burn the Emmy Awards to the ground.
And Local Ad being the episode for the nomination makes so much sense… it was obviously the best of the season!
Congrats to all!
Can I hear a “Yeah Toby”!? Rock on Paul! Congrats to all of *The Office* folks. Let’s make this the best Emmys ever :) (Dude, the Emmys love Tina Fey, right? I mean, geez!)
Yay, Money! I’m so glad it got a directing nomination. What an excellent episode. I’m not surprised Rainn also gained a nomination based on that tape.
WHERE ARE JOHN AND JENNA?! Come on, are you kidding me?!
They deserved it the most. They were amazing this season. Jenna deserved one so badly. John really deserved one. I do believe if they had submitted a different episode for John that he’d be a lock-in.
Both deserved this.
On an unrelated office note, but on a related note as john’s friends,
but still congratulations to steve, rainn, the producers, the whole cast.
and to everyone that was nominated.
Office ’08: Emmy Winners? Absolutely, they are. (:
Eight nominations! That’s amazing! Congratulations to everyone that was nominated!
…I wish John and Jenna were also nominated, oh well, there is always next year!
Congrats to the office team on all the noms!
But I’m very disappointed to not see John, Jenna, or Amy Ryan on the list.
What, no Emmy for best walk-on role won in a contest? I was so expecting to be nominated!!!! :)
[from tanster: lol!]
Oh my gosh! Congrats, guys! Am I the only one who noticed, though, that a certain Amy Ryan was missing from the Guest Actors??
I’m really happy for all of the nominations and hopeful for some wins (Go Rainn!). But I think the Emmys just isn’t a format that is ever going to appreciate what makes The Office truly great – which is everyone. The Emmys are about singling out specific actors and specific episodes. What I love about The Office is that it has the best cast – across the board. And the consistently best writing over the course of the season. And when you add fantastic directors, editors, sound technicians, make-up, costumes, props – you name it – THAT’S why I love The Office.
While I, too, am disappointed that John & Jenna did not get nominations, I think that they would have been very upset if one of them had been nominated and the other not nominated. Their characters became even more linked this season, and without Jim or Pam, there is no JAM!
Congratulations to the entire show for another great year…here’s to Season 5!
Congratulations! (Although I’m a little sad John and Jenna weren’t nominated)
So happy for all the nominations, though of course Jenna, John and Amy Ryan were also more than deserving of being included. I’m glad the show was nominated again so at least everyone will be able to attend the awards show. Good luck to all the nominees!
happy for everyone, but very surprised that the only writing nominations were for dinner party, in my opinion the worst episode of the season…i wish bj got it for local ad, or paul for money. they were exceptionally written…congrats to all though, best of luck at the emmys!!!!!
I think the submission of Local Ad for the show as a whole was a wise decision. Don’t know who made it (Daniels, I presume) but I feel it’s a good representation of the show as a whole. Personally, I might have gone with Branch Wars, Chair Model, or Job Fair, but that’s me.
Other than the big award, I think I’m pulling for Rainn to win most. He really deserves it for Money. The scene in the hallway with Jim was a perfect blend of sadness, longing, and, in the end, hilarity.
tan monster…err..tanster, do you know when we find out what other episodes they will submit now that they got the nom for best comedy? I think they get to submit four others, right?
[from tanster: i’m hoping sorano916, who has provided many of the updates to this post, will be able to answer your question …]
I must say that I’m extremely surprised and disappointed that Amy Ryan didn’t get a nomination. I really thought she’d get one for sure.
The Office for the win!
You have one day…
I’m pretty happy with all of the nominations, but I’m shocked Amy Ryan didn’t get one. I didn’t really expect Jenna or John to be nominated (their submitted episodes weren’t that strong–to pull a Heigl, I’d say they’ve been given better work in other episodes). Of course, they’re always great, no matter what, as is everyone. But, it just wasn’t their year. I’ll be pulling for Steve and Rainn though!
Congrats to The Office!
I am a little sad that John or Jenna didn’t get nominated, but I am so happy that people appreciate this wonderful show at all! Congratulations to all of the nominees!
237–We should know within the next couple of days or in a week or two. I assume they would need to choose the episodes rather soon since voting time is just around the corner now that the nominations have been announced.
[from tanster: thanks for the info. keep us posted!]
I really really hope the weirdness of the strike won’t screw up the Emmys. I mean, The Office had only 14 episodes, but so did pretty much every other show, right? I will be glued to my TV the 21st. And only 4 days away from the S5 premiere!
Congrats on the Office and their EIGHT Emmy Nominations! Dawesome!
I’m really surprised that John and Jenna didn’t get any Emmy nominations. But I will be rooting for the show’s other supercouple: Dwight (Rainn) and Michael (Steve)! Congratulations!
How did Jenna and/or John not get a nomination? I’ll admit I haven’t seen who else was nominated or watch their shows on a weekly basis, but both of them did a fantastic job this season. Absolutely they did.
i am shocked amy ryan didn’t get a nomination. she fit in seamlessly and played all aspects of that role perfectly. she was robbed!
I just looked at the rules and it states that episode submissions needed to have been decided by July 17 (today). I’m guessing that is one of the reasons they publicly revealed the ten for drama and comedy series, so that producers could have time to decide which episodes to send in the event of a nomination.
The only thing that can explain Amy Ryan not being nominated is that she is also on The Wire, which was also ignored by the Emmy folks (just one nomination). Maybe they just don’t understand The Wire (a la Michael Scott)??
I actually got up early to watch this because I was so excited, but… where’s Amy Ryan?!?!
Something kinda off-topic: I was surprised that for Guest Actor in a Comedy Series, 4 of the 5 nominations were for 30 Rock. :o And Will Arnett was nominated! :D
Wow, good job!! Although I love John and Jenna, I can kind of understand why they aren’t getting recognized for COMEDIC acting. I remember the clip they showed for Jenna’s nomination last year was her Beach Games speech. Which was incredible, but not really comedic. Their best acting definitely comes from their dramatic moments. Too bad there’s no category for “Best Supporting Dramatic Actor/Actress in a Comedy.”
Where’s John and Jenna?!
At lease WE know Amy should have been nominated. I mean, 30 Rock is great and all, but they DOMINATED that category.
I can see why John or Jenna were not nominated. The Emmy voters tend to go for those characters like Dwight or Jack (30 Rock) than a Jim or Pam.
Also worth noting, Gervais got four nominations for the Extras finale.
Yay! Way to go Rainn Wilson and the rest of the “Office” staff for their Emmy nominations! I wonder what “Dwight” thinks about the Emmys…
If Steve or Rainn win, I really hope they give their acceptance speeches in full character.
I’m surprised about Amy Ryan too as she did do a pretty good job (anyone who can match Michael on a lame star wars joke is awesome in my book) but overall I think the nominations were dead on. John and Jenna simply did not deserve nominations this year, while to us they are awesome I can see why they didn’t get nominated. Jenna was much stronger in season 3. Rainn Wilson so deserves it, he was so damn versatile through out the season as was Steve Carell. I’m more hoping rather then winning actors awards that the writing staff will for dinner party.
Congratulations Office staff! This is so exciting!
I realize that there are a few people missing from the list, but eight nominations is still pretty good!
I feel like a broken record, but has anyone seen their buttons? I’m starting to lose hope…
[from tanster: shoot, i totally forgot about those! no, never got mine … :( ]
Will the buttons ever come? I mean, I’m all for wearing mine post-Emmys as well, but that kinda defeats their purpose.
According to Tom O’Neil Steve Carell is a long shot to win the Emmy Boo!
I never got my buttons either…
I ordered my buttons during the first time tanster posted about it…
I wonder if I’ll ever get them at all :
I was thinking about those Emmy buttons too – realized I had never gotten mine either. Too bad…they were cute!
Aw, I really wanted a button. Maybe we read it wrong and buttons were really only available to Academy members in the first place?
According to the Envelope, The Office sent Local Ad, Dinner Party, Chair Model, Did I Stutter? and Goodbye Toby as their series submissions.
According to Gold Derby, the show selected the following as their tapes:
Tape A: “Local Ad”/”Dinner Party”
Tape B: “Chair Model”/”Did I Stutter?”
Tape C: “Goodbye, Toby
Just saw an Emmy commercial on TV tonight, and I was wondering if there is any news on who will be presenting at this year’s telecast. I would absolutely LOVE for John (who was ROBBED of a nomination, imho) and Jenna to present together, and since they’ve both been in big movies this year there might be a shot. It seems like they always go with the higher profile stars… Can we start an official campaign?? :-)
Jenna Fischer is presenting at the Creative Arts Emmys, which will be held this weekend.
Aw…where are the nods for John and Jenna?
John- for his monologue with Dwight in the stairwell in “Money” almost made me cry.
Jenna- for just about any scene in Job Fair.
Well, you guys have my votes : ) Go Office for the win at the Emmys!
Why didn’t Rainn win? :(
But Steve is the real star of the night!
Go Office! Though I agree with 269 that Jenna/John deserve some recognition. And I think that Steve Carell’s best episode was The Deposition, not Goodbye Toby. The scene with him and David Wallace (“you’re a nice guy too”) makes me tear up every time I watch it. But I guess since it’s a comedy, that wouldn’t be the appropriate thing to nominate him for!!
I am watching the Emmy’s and so far no winners yet for the office :( but when they were showing clips for best directing in a comedy series and showed Paul Lieberstein he was definitely in the set of Pam’s dorm room! I swear that’s where he was and although he didn’t win I was still excited about seeing some new office stuff!
Jenna’s at least been nominated(and she should have won). But John should at least get a nomination. Maybe he’s never been nominated because he’s the straight man.
Rainn and Steve got robbed, man!
Oh no don’t get shut out tonight. It wasn’t a full season anyway, this doesn’t count unless of course Office take best comedy haha.
I love 30 Rock, but if Alec Baldwin wins best actor again I’m going to lose it, lol. His character isn’t played with nearly the depth that Steve brings to Michael Scott…*sigh*
#272 – I think that was on the set of Money, at the beet farm. Wasn’t Pam wearing that pink sweater?
I’m a huge 30 Rock fan, and while I’m happy for Alec Baldwin, I think Steve Carell is AMAZING as Michael. Oh, well. There’s always next year, right?
AH it better win best comedy!!
I LOVE Mindy’s dress!! I really like the colors in Jenna’s but not the design. Everyone looks great, though!!
What!!!! 30 Rock!? Ok, ok it’s a hilarious show but not near and dear to me like The Office. :( Oh well!
the office got shafted, hard
Congratulations, 30 Rock!
Better them than Two and a Half Men.
It’s like Rodney Dangerfield…No Respect.
How could 30 Rock win EVERYTHING? Aw, shoot. We don’t even have a DIRECTING Emmy to commpensate for.
Gah, why do the Emmy voters hate The Office so? Oh well…there’s always next year. >__>
As much as I love 30 rock, I’m never watching it again. I’m on a… viewers strike.
Love love love Mindy’s dress!
so you love the show, but you will never watch it again, because they won meaningless awards over another show you like?
The Office doesn’t win because not many people who don’t watch the show religiously understand many of the jokes because a lot of the punch lines rely on knowing the characters really well.
I’m so disappointed that The Office didn’t even get one Emmy. :(
As much as I love The Office, I don’t think it is fair to say that they were “shafted.” They were beaten fairly and honestly.
There’s a reason it has only won for Season 2. I hope everybody realizes that.
What!!!!!!! Words cannot explain how mad i am that The Office did not win best comedy, or Steve did not win best actor in a comedy, or that Rainn did not win in supporting actor, or the writing staff did not win, or directing did not win. What a waste.
30 rock deserved the award, after watching s2 of 30 rock I couldn’t even look at an episode of this season’s office. Much less the awful Office season 4 finale. Now before you start slinging mud at me keep refreshing the page and look at the quotes in the top right, how many reference a season 4 episode.
I feel like as long as 30 Rock is on the air, The Office will always be runner up. Until it’s the Office’s last season, of course. Not only is most of the cast of the Office consistently overlooked, but I feel like there is some clear favoritism going on. I do love 30 Rock though, so congrats. I would’ve loved to see Mary Louise Parker win for best actress though. That’s another show the Academy doesn’t like much.
there’s no way i’m going to watch 30 rock.
I am not a fan of 30 Rock at all and it seemed like it was an “Emmy Lovefest” for it tonight. Oh well. I am not a huge fan of Tina Fey either. Steve got snubbed!
Poor Steve! I’m really disappointed in Jenna’s attire. 4 days!
I think Jenna looked gorgeous!
#287 – Come on. Shows like The Office, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, SNL, etc, all need support. The cast and writers on these shows are all friends and support each other. We’d be pretty bad sports if Office fans stop supporting a family show just because it got some Emmys. :)
Signs that the World is coming to an end;
1. Increase in Hurricanes and Violent Storms
2. Financial catastophes
3. Wars
4. Rainn, Steve, The Office and Writers not winning Emmy’s
I guess only the smart and hip people realize how incredibly funny The Office is.
Is it just because 30 Rock is about the TV business that the emmy people give it some much love? I do think it’s laugh out loud funny, but there’s no way it’s going to have the legacy of the office. It just doesn’t have legs. People will be watching the office for years.
Creed looks like he works for the secret service.
That’s crap The Office didn’t even get one award. The same shows just kept winning, it’s kinda like a high school contest.
Steve and Rainn especially deserved to win. Michael and Dwight are hyper-ish, and they put a lot of energy into that.
yikes 289… I was totally kidding about the strike against 30 rock… but I am a little bitter. Though the humor on 30 rock is consistently intelligent, I just don’t find it on par with The Office, and I wish the academy would see it the same way. Though season 4 is obviously not on par with the glory that was season 2, I can’t see any show on television bettering The Office in the humor category. Our show deserves accolades, and even if winning an emmy doesn’t make or break a program, I feel the office deserves one every time!
I absolutely love Kate’s dress.
And, why is it that I can only see Creed as Creed? Even in this photo I’m thinking, “Hmmm, what does he have his eye on to steal?”
Awards schmwards! The Office is still the very best show on television.
I could not be more sick of 30 Rock at this point. I know I have a little bias for The Office, but I’ve tried on several occasions to watch 30 Rock…and I may be alone in this one….but it’s just not funny. 28 emmy noms for that show? It’s incalclicable. I’m so annoyed! But, at least we all know what the best show on TV is.
Yikes. That was painful. I want to give a bear hug to the cast and crew. Xoxo – maybe Baldwin will come thru with his threat to leave 30 Rock and Steve will finally win next year for his season of raising Jan’s baby (?!).
john looks faaaaaabulous!
In my opinion, 30 Rock did deserve the Outstanding Comedy Award because comparing its season to season 4 of the Office, it was just better overall. But I don’t think it should have won an Emmy for Writing when it comes to their season finale because it just did not compare to Goodbye Toby or Dinner Party. Ah well. These are my two favorite shows in the world, so at least one of them won many awarrds.
What a gorgeous cast! My personal fave has to be Ms. Angela Kinsey’s dress – I would wear that in a heartbeat!
Even though The Office didn’t win, at least they didn’t have to sit theatre-in-the-round style again! And we got to see Ricky Gervais heckle Steve, which I thought was the highlight of the show =D
I’m starting to think we’ll only see Steve winning an Emmy in 30 years when they give him one of those “Why didn’t we give you one?!” awards. :(
I’m always so disappointed by Jenna’s gown choices. I think she’s forgotten the simplicity = a winner rule that everyone else seems to follow and look fabulous doing it! i.e. Kate, Mindy, Melora, Angela, and so on. Maybe one year she’ll let the Tallyheads and Myspace fans vote on her dress… :)
Ricky Gervais’ bit with Steve was hilarious. I was half expecting Rainn to expose that Steve had the Emmy on him. ;)
While I thought 30 Rock deserved its win in series, I felt Steve Carell and Gene & Lee deserved Emmys tonight. Since 30 Rock premiered, The Office is just in its shadow, which is disappointing. This doesn’t change anything and I hope everyone on The Office keeps up the good work.
jenna looks so gorgeous, she looks like a mermaid!! angela kinsey and all the office gals looks stunning as well. and steve, rainn, john, and brian, and creed, smokin!!
I think the thing to remember is that ten years from now people will be still talking about how great this show was and not about whether it won an Emmy or not. In all honesty, the Emmys have always been and always will be a three hour waste of time.
Omg, watching Ricky tickle Steve was like watching David Brent trying to get a stubborn Michael Scott to laugh. It was like Michael was an employee of David. It was so surreal!
Brilliant! Steve and Ricky need to work together ASAP!
I would like to use many colorful expletives to describe how I feel about the Emmy awards this year but I will just say that our beloved show was overly snubbed and it’s sad to me that people don’t know brilliance when they see it.
[from tanster: 200 word limit. thanks!]
#322. What she/he said! :) Seriously, couldn’t agree more. Awards are meaningless. Most people not in the industry a month from now won’t even remember who won what and why. What will be remembered is the humor, the writing, the acting, and everything else we love about the show. I hope the guys had fun, I hope there’s a great party after, and I hope they know well enough not to let this be any kind of a let down.
#287 – you took the words out of my mouth. Same here!
To everyone involved with The Office: you are loved. But you already knew that, even without stupid awards. ;) You are all winners to us, in every way possible.
If not The Office, then 30 Rock. They will always be winners to us. :)
(Sorry about that last post Tanster, my pinky slipped.)
Ricky and Steve were so great together!
If Dunder-Mifflin were to buyout Wernham-Hogg, I think Scranton, PA would be the perfect place to send A certain Slough, UK regional manager for training. (Hint Hint)
#323 I agree….David Brent did what Michael Scott couldn’t. Execute the ever dreaded “Fluffy Fingers”
Oh my. Worst.Emmys.Ever.
My feelings might be influenced by the drought of Office recognition, but then again the Emmys are hardly the be all and end all of TV greatness. Oh and could SOMEONE please tell me who on Earth the bald guy who wouldn’t shut up is?!! Whatever reality show he’s from doesn’t air in New Zealand(thank goodness).
Also – I wonder if there will ever be a 30 Rock convention… :)
Most definitely the funniest part of the Emmys. :)
Eh, season 4 was lackluster. 30 Rock on the other hand, had a great season. I think it is more popular with voters because it is really over the top. I don’t think we should be upset or resentful. We still love our show just the way it is, and we know it’s the best. That’s why the ratings are 10x higher than 30 Rock’s. :-)
I forgot to say – everybody looks great, especially Phyllis and Kate!
And #308 – once again, totally agree on all counts. By the time 30 Rock comes back on in late October, I’m sure I’ll be completely over all this and will be watching as usual. I will never love another show as much as I love The Office, though, so my heart is just kinda aching tonight. Oh well. :)
DAVID BRENT AND MICHAEL SCOTT. How amazing would an Office episode be with both of them in it? Just make it happen.
Come on folks – it’s just an awards show – and I do echo the same sentiment as a few who have posted when I say that I don’t feel that Season 4 of The Office was all that great – it was ok but not great. I still love the show with all my heart but this last season didn’t hit me like previous seasons have. I don’t watch 30 Rock but know many people who really enjoy it.
Can’t wait until Thursday – I’ve got extremely high hopes for this season!!!!
Steve Carell delivered Michael Scott this season to perfection. Perfection! And Rainn Wilson is the reason Dwight Schrute is THE SINGLE best comedic character to EVER be on a television screen. What’s going on? I don’t mind that 30 Rock got the comedy award, but individual performance…
I’m also gutted for Hugh Laurie. I mean, come on!
jenna looked gorgeous. mindy’s dress left little to the imagination (yowza), and all the other ladies looked lovely too.
also, I saw Ghost Town tonight, definitely better than Evan Almighty!
ricky and steve = funniest men on the planet
Our [Office] stars were the prettiest stars of all the stars!
So classy and chic!
Ricky and Steve together is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.
Sorry for two comments-
but ONCE AGAIN (just like last year) Steve is the funniest part of the show. For me at least.
Sigh. I love 30 Rock, but I was really hoping for some Office awardage tonight.
Can’t wait to see the seasons The Office and 30 Rock put together. NBC owns the best comedies on TV.
Jenna Fischer looks amazing. To tell the truth I didn’t actually see her, I only saw Steve and Rainn so it’s great to see all of these photos! I watched the live coverage in Australia, but I missed the dresses! Was very disappointed that The Office didn’t get any well deserved awards (my sister and I totally pumped ourselves up for best leading actor in a comedy series- we were so sure Steve owned it!) but I was really happy for Tina Fey! She deserved all of he awards! She’s an amazing actress and comedian!
We was robbed.
Like most, I’m disappointed that “The Office” didn’t receive any Emmys this year. To win any award, besides strong material (I do think �The Office� had great episode submissions this year), you need momentum and a certain amount of luck as well. Though some might feel this has not been the best �Office� season (and I think there�s an argument to be made there), it�s important to root for our team, even if it might not be the best team around, because when the awards train leaves, it�s unlikely to come back. Judging from the diminishing number of nominations and wins, this might sadly be true for �The Office�.
�30 Rock� did have a very strong season, and kudos to them for a job well done. But it does exist on a cartoonier plane of reality than �The Office� does. Hence, its wacky humor and sly satire might play better with the judges (many of whom I�m sure are not regular TV watchers) than our show, where a lot of the humor is dry and depends on what we already know about characters in order to fully appreciate the jokes, which puts the non-regular viewer at a disadvantage.
Lawl, it’s the Emmys, people. I’d be really disappointed in Office fans if they really got pissed about this. That’s not to say that I wouldn’t have liked to see them win, but come on. It’s just an award show. The fact that Two and Half Men was nominated should tell you something (no offense THM fans). I hope you guys know what I mean here; I’m not trying to say that you shouldn’t be disappointed, I’m just saying I can’t see being angry over this.
Anyway, really solid season for 30 Rock overall, so congratulations to them. And Ricky and Steve’s standoff was perfect, especially the intensity of the Steve closeup. The man is a great actor.
yay!! i attended the red carpet bleacher seats, and it was SO amazing to see the cast there!! I have pictures to share, & I will try to send them within the next couple of days. in the meantime, thank you Office cast for being so kind!! and for appreciating my “That’s What She Said” sign from Target =D
o my goodness! on photo pages 9 & 16, that’s me in the front row of the bleachers in the maroon dress w/ the “That’s What She Said” sign! how exciting to be in the picture with john and oscar! thanks for posting these Tanster! =D
the ricky/steve bit was seriously one of the funniest parts of the show. steve does that face brilliantly, haha. felt bad that the office wasn’t able to score any awards (esp for the writers), but last season’s 30 rock by and far blew the office season 4 out of the water…i felt that office was actually robbed by 30 rock for season 3…i know some people didn’t like that season, but it angst aside, it was really wonderfully done. oh well, that’s a thought for another day ;).
“look at his stupid face” LOL
words simply cannot express how unbelievably awesome carell, gervais, colbert & stewart are. LOVED the shot of stewart snickering. carell was amazing w/the straight face… his wife nancy, not so much haha.
John and Prada. It couldn’t be better.
#312- you’re not alone on this. I also don’t get 30 Rock. I don’t think winning an Emmy is that important but I don’t see what’s so great about 30 Rock. And Steve is a better actor than Alec Baldwin at any day of his life.
What a great bit with Steve and Ricky. Brilliant.
Throwing up on myself about how disgusted I am that The Office won nothing last night or at the creative arts Emmys. Vomit. blegh..
Kudos to 30 rock. I love that show and especially Tina Fey. She is brilliant. The episode �Cooter� was so incredibly funny and deservedly won the best writing category (I think). It really stood out. The show makes up my top 3 of shows along with Arrested Development and The Office. I would have loved to see Steve and Rainn take home their awards though. They both really deserved it (and both have been nominated multiple times now). At least when they didn’t win both of my second choices did.
[On an unrelated Office note] I was a bit disappointed in the lack of appreciation of Michael C. Hall and his brilliant show Dexter. The past season was amazing. Oh, well� The Emmys never pick my favorites anyway..
Emmy winners or not, I will still check Officetally an obscene amount of times during a day anyway� :)
As soon as I saw Jeremy Piven beat Rainn Wilson AGAIN I turned it off. Entourage is also one of my favorite shows, it’s up there in the top 5, but that is ridiculous. I kind of feel some animosity toward both Piven/The Academy, kind of like when we all started to hate Toby for ratting out Jim to Ryan.
Except for Brian and Leslie, all of the Office guys could be the Men In Black!!!!! It’s like they all coordinated. (Maybe they all did three-way calling with all of the other actors the night before to see what the other was wearing.) ADORABLE!!!
The Office was robbed. 30 Rock is good. The Office is the best.
You’re exactly right. The simple fact is that The Office isn’t as good as it used to be. Hopefully the writers will get the message after being shut-out and will get back to what made The Office great in the first place.
I agree with #296. Although 30 Rock doesn’t have as many viewers, the critics love them. As long as 30 Rock is around, I think The Office will have a tough time winning awards.
I loved the Ricky/Steve bit! The best part of the Emmy’s.
The cast looked great. The women looked beautiful (I’m not gay.) Wonderful dresses!
At least there was one shining moment in this year’s dreaded Emmys.
Ricky and Steve = Comic Perfection!
That bit was the only good thing about tonight
Anyone else agree that either Ricky or Steve should host next year? That would be an awesome show!
Let’s hope this new season brings the Emmy win next year. Remember folks, The Office usually wins the SAG Award.
Steve was hilarious in that moment with Ricky at the Emmys! I can’t wait for season 5! Steve and Rainn should have won but I’m happy 30 Rock won a lot this year. It’s a great show and Tina Fey is so talented! She looked gorgeous too last night! So did all the ladies from Dunder Mifflin! :)
30 Rock is good, but not nearly as complex or compelling as the Office.I don’t LOVE any characters on 30 Rock.Seems like these awards are determined by people in show business who like shows about their own business.The rest of us recognize that the Office is far and away the best show on TV.The writing, the acting, the directing. NO CONTEST.
I’ve seen 30 Rock, and honestly, it doesn’t compare to The Office. I am a fan of Tina Fey, but I just don’t care about the characters, like someone else said on here. The Office is so great, at least we the fans recognize that.
363 – I think Ricky AND Steve should host! If last night proved anything, it’s that they’d make a great on stage duo :)
Overall, I’m happy 30 Rock won so much. Of course, I was a bit sad that The Office didn’t win a single award, but I think 30 Rock needs more publicity at this point. It’s a great show.
Wow, everyone looks GREAT!! Oh John, how can a man be so beautiful?
Oh well. It is what it is. 30 Rock isn’t my cup o’ tea, but that’s what makes this world go round. I think The Office kinda falls into the same realm as Arrested Development did. A very funny show with a dedicated fanbase, and content that requires attentive viewing to fully appreciate. 30 Rock is probably more accessible to a mainstream audience, thus its awards. No biggie.
Ricky and Steve stole the show though. Steve sold so well I thought, for the slightest moment, he was truly pissed. I loved that they showed Stewart and Colbert laughing their asses off.
I liked Oscar’s suit. John’s suit had a retro vibe that was also very nice. And always, Kate Flannery cleans up so well, always among the best dressed at awards shows. Despite the lack of recognition, we know what show is the BEST on TV, The Office!
Did anyone notice when they were reading the nominees for comedy directing that Lee was in Pam’s “dorm room” from the upcoming S5? I had to rewatch it a few times to catch it completely. Awesome!
Did the “How you doin?” bit air during a commercial or something? (It couldn’t have, the Emmys were on ABC). How did that fit in? It’s so funny!
Just wondering has anyone received their free button? If so is it a sticker or a button? If possible please email your answer to [email protected]
Thank you!!!
371, Jessica
That was the America Room from “Money.”
I think you have it right, AnitaB (365). I was thinking the same thing myself. I really like 30 Rock and I was glad to see Alec Baldwin win at last, but 30 Rock just isn’t as strong from across the board in terms of cast or writing in my view. I still think the way they choose the Emmys is dumb – voting for actors, directors and writers based on just one episode and an entire show based on just a few select episodes. There’s no room for character development or story arc to be a factor (as they should be).
TV world moves on….
I watched an Emmy preshow and they made an interesting point about Baldwin and Carell. They said that people are no longer seeing Steve as a television star anymore, but rather a movie star so it’s really not his turf anymore. It’s quite an insight.
Hey, if TO can’t win, it should be 30 Rock. Hopefully, more Emmys will help the show gain popularity with fans.
During that Ricky bit, you can totally tell Steve wants to laugh.
As sad as it was that The Office lost (although i do love 30 Rock), both Jenna and Angela won EWwy awards!
aww! they all look so good!! It’s a shame they didn’t win anything.
I love The Office, honest to God, I don’t have cable so I keep watching the dvds to keep me company. But 30 Rock had an OUTSTANDING season (this year and last) I think Rainn was better than Piven, but I also think NPH should have won the category. When The Office won, they had an outstanding season. 30 Rock was just better in terms of laughs this season. I think Arrested Development and The Office had a love child and they named it 30 Rock.
Just my opinion. :-)
Ricky and Steve were hysterical.
Everyone looked gorgeous! Jenna’s dress was amazing !
On the “Ellen” show this morning, they had red carpet footage from the Emmys last night. There was a clip of John K. putting on Ellen show boxer shorts over his tux. It was great! Sadly, I didn’t have any way to capture the footage. Maybe someone else does, though?
371- that’s what I thought, but someone else said that it was at Dwight’s beet farm, but I’m pretty sure it was at Pam’s dorm room!
Well this was probably one of the worst Oscars in recent memory (besides the fact that The Office won NO awards which is utterly ridiculous). The 5 host thing was a complete and utter train wreck. I’m not a fan of 30 Rock at all, although Tina Fey is great, and I don’t understand the academy’s infatuation with them. Oh well.
380 |
Haha, love child…so true!
If the Emmys were smart, they’d get Ricky, Steve, Stephen Colbert, or Jon Stewart to host next year. Actually, all four would be great too.
I think that’s the closest we’re ever going to get to a showdown between David Brent and Michael Scott. Needless to say, it was epic, hilarious and the highlight of the show.
It’s very disappointing that The Office didn’t win anything, though!
Although I was hoping Rainn would win, I honestly didn’t think The Office deserved best comedy this year. It was definitely a good choice to give it to 30 Rock. I know people are tired of hearing this, but The Office has just not been that good lately, especially season 4; it was all over the place. I still love the show, don’t get me wrong, but 30 Rock deserved it more.
Everyone looked so wonderful! I have to say that Mindy looked absolutely fabulous though! I just love her. To all of the Office cast, writers, directors, etc…you all deserve every single award ever offered, even Grammys. You guys are all winners in my book. Thank you so much for making such an awesome show!
I was just watching “The Insider” and saw a Cojo do a quick interview with John at the Emmys. Cojo’s only question in the clip was “are you single?” And yes, ladies, John said he was single…..Emmys, Prada, John — what else could I need :-P
371- Jessica: YES! I noticed Pam’s dorm room, too! Looked like she was about to have a call to/from her sweetheart. ;o) I also paused and re-wound it a couple times…
Well, it’s disappointing they didn’t at least win ONE Emmy, but you know, it doesn’t change the fact that our show is AMAZING and will continue to be so. It’s common that the newer shows get more recognition- as many of them should. Just as “The Office” was rewarded pretty early on, it seems that when a new show emerges that is really special, it attracts more concentrated attention which makes sense. It makes the veteran shows have to really up their game and fight harder to get recognized. It doesn’t mean that the quality has dropped, it only means that they have to fight harder for attention since we tend to celebrate the latest and greatest in our culture!
Everyone looked AWESOME! And I love Jenna’s dress!
If they decide to keep going with the multiple-hosts thing (which didn’t work so well this year…), they should absolutely choose Steve, Stephen Colbert, and John Stewart for next year! These three guys MIGHT just be talented enough to save the Emmys.
Great idea Emily. I would watch the WHOLE show if those 3 guys were MC(ing)
Alec Baldwin is funny, smart and very witty, BUT, nobody has done it better than Steve Carell. Nobody.
The Office Tally Emmy goes to Steve and the whole gang.
Totally superficial comments on appearances to follow:
Mindy looks drop dead gorgeous! I love her hair and I wish I had that dress, for real. I liked the style of Jenna’s dress – very flattering – but wasn’t in love with the coloring. I think Melora’s very much in theater mode… that dress and the makeup are a little much for me with the up close pictures but I’m sure they look great on a stage. She does look wonderful in red.
And it goes without saying that John Krasinski looked dashing and handsome, as usual. Love it!
My take on the lack of awards is that they have sold the documentary concept so well that people don’t think they are acting anymore. The other shows all feel like a TV show. 30 Rock is great, and I like it a lot, but I think The Office should have won. I guess the up side is that they are on the same network and maybe more viewers will tune in on Thurs. night and fall in love with the office, too.
I’m always taken aback at how drop-dead gorgeous Kate Flannery is. Probably because she does Meredith so well, but damn girl. You hot.
Ricky Gervais. o man best part of the emmys besides tina fey.
Steve looked so damn hot <3 !