Sadly, The Office didn’t win any Emmys last night, but it still provided one of my favorite moments of the show.
During the Best Comedy Writing category, The Office’s executive producer Greg Daniels is asked, “When did you first get a laugh?”
You have no idea how high we can fly.
Sadly, The Office didn’t win any Emmys last night, but it still provided one of my favorite moments of the show.
During the Best Comedy Writing category, The Office’s executive producer Greg Daniels is asked, “When did you first get a laugh?”
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Hopefully that gets John and Jenna some extra attention. I think that was a good choice for submission.
Sidebar: If that episode of Friday Night Lights doesn’t get the show nominated for something, nothing will. Such a fantastic episode.
Very cool ! Niagara was such a great episode, and like Tanster said, it’s a standalone episode. Hope Niagara wins !
Great choice, mostly for the reason tanster mentioned – it is a great standalone episode. It also happens to be my favorite episode of the season thus far (and obviously I’m not alone in that opinion). Best of luck to all!
Great to hear! Love Niagara, a great ensemble ep.
Actually… I didn´t like Niagara. They should send The Lover, now THAT’S A GOOD EPISODE!!
Oh yea!! NBC absolutely got it right this year! That was one of the best episodes ever and probably one of the best tv weddings ever. I really hope it gets The Office the win this year.
It’s pretty bogus The Office has gotten ripped off so many times. It’s irritating & happened too many times If Niagara doesn’t win, there’s no hope. Let’s go Office!
Niagara was actually one of the first Office episodes I saw (awful I know!) so I can attest to its power as a “standalone” episode. It was thoroughly enjoyable by itself, but now it’s even better, now that I’ve seen every episode.
Niagara’s really good. It’s incredibly cute, and it’s got tons of humor. It’s not my favorite this season (I personally adore Murder), but it is really a great episode for anyone, fan of the show or not.
One of these days they’ll get it again. Hopefully this does it for them. I personally loved Niagara, but I’m a huge JAM fan so maybe that has to do with it? Either way, good luck to them! :)
@hermyfan: Murder was absolutely sublime.
Niagara is the smart choice. Easily accessible. It’s sweet and cute. It has one of the best scenes of the series (in my opinion) with the dance montage at the end. And I agree with the few of you, Murder is definitely my favorite of this season.
Niagara was exceptional, so many laugh out loud moments and what a great representation of what The Office is about! Additionally, this was the episode we were all waiting for and it did not disappoint on any level! From andy tearing his scrotum, to Dwight scoring and ignoring, an all round masterpiece (:
Nice thinking NBC… fingers crossed this is a winner!
i loved that episode … i also think a good stand alone episode was the delivery
I think they made the right decision. The Delivery is a terrific episode, but the non-Jim & Pam material is not as strong as Niagara, and Happy Hour is the best relatively stand-alone episode of the year, but it’s more of a inning-opening triple than a game-winning home run. The latter description fits Niagara and it should give the show a decent shot come Emmy season.
I think it’s a good choice. Plus it ticks a lot of boxes in other categories beyond acting and writing – it represents really strong editing and direction, for example.
‘Niagara’ was a great episode and it should get the award of Best Comedy. However, from ‘Happy Hour’ on, The Office is back on track – any episode would be competitive.
I definitely think it was the best choice. That episode also probably has some sentimental value for some of the voters who have watched the show for the past five years. But regardless, I think they’re going to pass on The Office and 30 Rock anyway this year for either Glee or Modern Family (hopefully the latter).
I’d like to see John and Jenna nominated like everyone else, but how about Ed Helms? I think this was a great season for him (not to mention being added to the opening credits). I think what hurts John is his character is too much of a straight man for the show, and in comparison to the real-life personalities of Steve, Rainn, and Ed, isn’t too far off from how he seems naturally. Any thoughts?
Let John Krasinski win! he DEFINITELY deserves it.
Well, I know I’m going to be going against the grain here, but I think Steve’s Emmy submission should be Whistleblower. If you watch the episode again and focus on him, I think you’ll see that this was one of his best episodes ever. His facial expressions throughout – watching the baby otter, driving off in the car with Kathy Bates, at the end when he learns Holly might be transferred – were perfect. And the scenes with him and Kathy Bates were incredible. So there – no one agrees with me, but that’s okay.
Of course I want as many Office people to be nominated as possible, but Jenna, John, and Ed. COME ON! These guys need some Emmy love. Now.
Yeah I really like Ausiello’s comedy picks this year. I’m glad he included people from The Office as well and Park and Rec, Community and Modern family.
Is there a point to any of this?
Maybe I’m cynical but 30 Rock takes practically every Emmy, every year.
It’s a popularity contest and 30 Rock is sitting at the jock and cheerleading table.
Congrats to The Office on nominations, and if this was about performance, I’m sure they’d go home with a couple, but it isn’t. It’s why I hate watching award shows.
[from tanster: the nominations aren’t out yet.]
Niagara should definitely win!!!!! Because It’s one of the best Office episodes ever!!!!! Or even more, the best of them all!!!!! It’s my favorite episode.
Ed Helms totally deserves an Emmy nom this year. This was his stand out season, he was amazing all season long.
I’ll actually be bummed if he doesn’t get one. He’s so brillant as Andy.
Fingers crossed! I think that it’s about time for The Office’s supporting cast to get the recognition that they deserve at the Emmys, etc. I hope that ‘Niagara’ wins, too!
Carell should definitely submit “Murder” if he wants to win the Emmy this year. Ausiello was correct. Carell does great, broad comedy in this episode and when you watch it over and over, you see that it means something considering the day the Dunder Mifflin staff doesn’t know they’re having, but Michael’s tactics are diverting them without them knowing it.
Probably longshots, but Andy Buckley & Zach Woods didn’t submit anything? Of course I’m biased b/c I’m an Office fan, but Wallace & Gabe are great characters!
Buckley/Wallace was submitted for Sabre episode.
[from tanster: thank you! :) ]
i love all of the references to how great an episode Murder was for the characters. That was my absolute favorite episode this season, so i’m happy.
John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer definitely deserve the Emmy this year, it was a key year for both of their characters and they did an awesome job this season!!
How does an “entry on the nominating ballot” become an actual “nomination?” Can anyone shed some light? Just wondering if there’s a way we can influence. :-)
Why wasn’t Oscar Nunez included in the supporting actor category?
I sincerely hope that Ellie gets nominated along side Jenna. I thought she did a superb job in her first full season. Not only with what she did with Andy, but also for working so great with Michael Scott. Secretary’s Day was one of my favorites episodes because of Ellie’s performance, the heart to heart moment she had with Michael outside the building was for me one of the highlights of the entire season. It sort of reminded me of Michael’s sweet season finale moment with Holly after the fiasco performance they put on.
steve carrell totally deserves an emmy for the ep Secretary’s Day. It was quite literally my fav episode this season, despite the fact that Andy and Erin broke up
I also can’t believe that Oscar isn’t on the nominating ballot! I thought Oscar was the best secondary character on the show this year. He has the most hilarious, deadpan delivery out of anyone on the show. Besides, I thought his Southern accent in Murder was enough for a nomination in itself.
I guess Oscar Nunez did not want to submit his name.
Congratulations to them, but bummer about John, Jenna and Rainn.
I’m sorry. I don’t understand a world where Jane Krakowski gets an Emmy nomination, and Jenna Fischer doesn’t. It’s pure insanity.
Poor John Krasinski gets robbed every year. He deserves at least a nomination!!
Once again, Jenna, John, and Rainn are shut out. Same award show every season.
Congrats on the nominations, but that really sucks for Rainn, since he’s normally nominated, and John and Jenna, since they completely deserve it. But at least we get a writing nomination this year, we didn’t have one last year. But no directing this time.
Wow no Jenna or John noms? I’m not normally a complainer but seriously? They deserved it!
I thought and was hoping (but not expecting, as we know how these awards go) that Ed would get a nom for supporting actor. I thought this might have been his best season. Low nomination count for The Office this year :/
Congratulations to Steve – a very well deserved nomination this year! And big congrats to Mindy! What a year that girl is having!
I too was disappointed to see no one else nominated in the acting category (and the editors, who always do an amazing job). Sometimes it feels like the Emmy voters don’t really watch television (maybe all those actors who go on talk shows and claim they never watch tv should be banned from voting!).
I gotta say the Office has to win the overall best comedy award. The other shows are fantastic. But the office is just better. We all can argue about John and Jenna, and this was the JAM YEAR! Wedding and Baby, but Rainn Wilson has to win an award already! The guy is the best actor on the show. I mean, the things that he does on a weekly basis, I swear couldn’t be pulled off by any other actor on the planet.
Um, how does Paul Feig not get nominated for directing Niagara?! And no nod for Subtle Sexuality?
“I’m sorry. I don’t understand a world where Jane Krakowski gets an Emmy nomination, and Jenna Fischer doesn’t. It’s pure insanity.”
Congrats to Steve and the entire show as a whole, but how can you not nominate Jenna, John, or Rainn? Especially Jenna and John? Three actors from “Modern Family” make it, and one wasn’t even Ed O’Neill. C’mon! These nominations are a joke!!
As much as I love The Office, I’m not surprised that it didn’t receive many nominations this season, as I think this was the weakest season of the bunch.
Man, I’m bummed Ed didn’t get the nomination…he really deserved it this season. It’s so annoying that only Steve gets nominated from this show.
Via, The Office submitted the following episodes to be considered in the Outstanding Comedy Series category (paired):
Gossip and Murder
Niagara, Parts I and II
The Lover and Secret Santa
[from tanster: thanks Matt!]
All well and good that The Office got some well deserved nods, but the Community snub blows my mind.
I’m a bit surprised “The Delivery” wasn’t submitted, but maybe they didn’t want to send in both two part episodes. And for “Secret Santa” are they allowed to submit the extended cut (which I thought worked a bit better) rather than the broadcast version?
I feel like they should have submitted The Delivery too. If they didn’t want two 2-parter JAMisodes, then they should have gone with The Delivery. So happy to see The Lover and Murder made it!
John, Jenna and Rainn definitely deserve nominations!! WTF is wrong with the Emmys??
I think these episodes give the show the best chance (all still “on the island” currently btw). It’s probably all moot though with Glee also nominated :/
Did anyone mention yet that John Krasinski has been announced as an Emmy presenter (and Ricky Gervais too)?
NOT a fan of angela’s dress. way too much fabric for such a tiny person! there aren’t any pictures up here yet, but i really wasn’t a fan of mindy’s dress (or hair) either.
I thought Mindy’s dress was awesome! I didn’t feel the same about Jenna’s dress, sorry Jenna I didn’t care for it at all. Can Ed Helms get any more cuter? Last but not least, how awesome did Craig Robinson look. It was a great show even though we didn’t win.
I don’t really know why Jon Hamm is getting in the picture with Ellie Kemper but me likey! So jealous. On a more office related note, all our men looked so handsome! Especially Ed Helms, and of course J Kras was sexy as usual. Props to Mindy for most ferosh hair style. And also, if we had to lose, I’m glad we lost to Modern Family and not Glee. I would’ve died.
WOW!! Jenna looked stunning in that dress! Love the color and the cut of the dress. She’s gorgeous!
Also, I love that picture of Jon Hamm and Ellie Kemper. Too cute.
The St. Louis peeps looked like they had fun tonight!
-Ok, I didn’t think I could love Jon Hamm anymore & then I see the pic w/him & Ellie. <3
-So Steve's gonna win next year, right? It's almost criminal he hasn't won for Michael Scott!
-Leslie has a really nice smile; too bad he doesn't get to show it as grumpy Stanley.
Sorry #62 I have to disagree with you. I thought Jenna looked absolutely beautiful. Everything about that look to me showed off her natural beauty.
#63, if I remember correctly, John Hamm was Ellie’s high school drama teacher. How cute is that?
I am in the Jenna looked awesome camp. I also appreciated how John’s bow tie matched Emily’s dress. I wasn’t sure what was going on with Mindy, who usually rocks it, but she can get a free pass on this one. Phyllis’s dress was cool. And am I the only one who thought Angela kind of resembled Christina Aguilera in some of those pics?
Yeah, I agree with Karen. Everything about Jenna’s look showed off her natural beauty and elegance. John looked cute!
Really sad The Office didn’t win this year, but yes, quoting DJ Jazzy Flax, IT’S ALMOST CRIMINAL THAT STEVE CARELL HASN’T WONT FOR THE MICHAEL SCOTT CHARACTER!
Let’s keep the show rockin’!
Of course I wanted everyone from The Office to win but if they had to lose I’m glad they lost against Modern Family and Jim Parsons. I just do not like 30 Rock or Alec Baldwin. Now we have the season premiere to look forward too.
Anybody else think Brian should have worn tissue boxes on his feet?
I’m really sad that John and Jenna don’t do pictures anymore. You hardly get to see them in photos together these days, and as a true fan girl, it breaks my heart. ):
I love JAM.
wow what is going on with mindy kaling’s dress. that is not a look i approve of, sorry mindy
Everyone looked wonderful but I really loved Ellie’s dress – it suited her to a T!
did anyone else see john forget his lines last night? it was pretty cringe worthy. i had to explain to my daughter that it was just a joke that the audience didn’t get.
Aha! John’s satin tie just made my day!
Aw, Ed looks so cute on page 12
Jenna looked fabulous! I’m so sad I never saw her or hardly any other cast members grace my TV screen last night :-(
Loved Kate Flannery’s dress! She is so good at choosing the perfect colors for herself! Props to most of the cast for rockin’ the red carpet.
Mindy’s dress DID kinda make me think of Cha-Cha DiGregorio from “Grease,” but you know what? Sometimes you just gotta pull out your black net crinoline and lure Danny away from that little Australian twerp!
Oh my god Ed Helms & Tina Fey!! They totally need to make a project together!! He’s so handsome, there’s some great photos here! They all look really nice (except I’m not a fan of Mindy’s dress).
The Office and 30 Rock are still the two best shows on tv. As a nice bonus they also have the two most beautiful women on tv as well, Jenna Fischer and Tina Fey.
lol @ the party photos where everyone looks so red. must be from the cranberry juice.
omg. anyone else notice Jenna’s ring?!
Did you see the post-Emmys write-up John & Emily got on GFY?
Absolutely loved John’s deer-in-the-headlights appearance on the Emmy’s. Just spot on awkward. Well done!
is Ricky Gervais’s goatee have anything to do with him playing David Brent on The Office?? i really hope so =)
Amazing Performance Nbc’s The Office staff…you all are phenomenal
WOW there’s so much here! Thanks for compiling all of this!