Here is the full fan version of The Office episode, Murder!
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Here is the full fan version of The Office episode, Murder!
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This looks like it could be epically hilarious!!! I may actually submit something this time if I can get my office-loving friends together :)
Reserving a spot is like I’m on the phone trying to win a radio contest!
Am I the only one that’s getting an error message when trying to “reserve a spot” for a segment?
@jmsteeley I kept getting error messages too, and now the reservations for the segments I want are whited out.
I tried it on a few different segments. So now I have no idea if I got a spot and for which segment. I emailed NBC support about this. I’ll let you know if I find out anything @Hanley.
Woop! Found it! If you clicked on multiple segments because it seemed like it wasn’t working, make sure you’re logged in and search back through the segments you clicked on and look for a “Withdraw” button next to the word “Taken”. If you find it, then this spot is yours. I hope this helps anyone that had the same problem as me! Sorry Tanster for flooding the comment box :)
Whew, that is a relief! Is it possible to re-use the audio of the segment into my submission?
I would like to do something animated for segment 82.
We experienced some caching issues last night around the time jmsteeley and Hanley reported those errors. We did resolve them around 9:30 PM PT.
NOTE: You may only reserve one segment — once you’ve locked in a spot, all the other segments will be grayed out. Clicking on “Withdraw” will make you give up your spot, after which you’ll then be able to choose something else.
[from tanster: thanks, NBC!]
They just opened up the gates to upload submissions.
I apologize for bombarding the comment section, but I think there’s some confusion with their submission deadlines.
It previously said: “You will have two weeks to upload your video once the Upload feature launches next week.”
Now that you can upload, it says: “You have two weeks to upload your video from the time you reserved your segment.” I reserved a segment last week, so for me, there’s about 6-7 days left to submit.
@TheOfficeNBC: I uploaded my segment video on Friday around noon, and it has still not appeared on the NBC website. I do have a message that still says it was successfully submitted and should appear within 24 hours. Advice?
Q: Is it possible to re-use the audio of the segment into my submission?
A: Yes, if you are not using humans to recreate your segment.
Q: I’m confused by the deadlines.
A: Your deadline is listed underneath the segment you have reserved. It is two weeks after you reserved a segment.
Q: My video isn’t showing up yet.
A: None of the videos are yet. We should have the first batch up later today.
And here are some more you haven’t asked yet…
Q: What happens if I miss the deadline?
A: You may re-reserve your video segment when it expires to buy yourself another two weeks. Just be sure to get there first!
Q: Can I submit for more than one segment?
A: Once your video has been submitted and appears on the page, you are free to reserve another segment should one open up.
Q: There are three submissions for my segment. How do I win?
A: You win by getting the most friends to “Like” your video. Be sure to Share your video and tell everyone to “Like” it.
I did one for segment 84, so when it comes to voting, I’ll need your guys’ help to win.
I submitted scene #69. jmjoyce3. Acting is hard.
I submitted an entry under segment 54 by jfaulstich. Pick me! We worked really hard (that’s what she said).
Segment #35 as VictoryPlastics – it’s animated!!
@TheOfficeNBC – The votes and comments were reset last night. I had over 50 votes and 3 comments that were erased. Now I’m only back up to 8 votes and 3 new comments. Will the votes that were erased be counted back in? This seems to have happened to all contestants.
jmsteeley, can you provide any more details? for example, more specific time (and time zone) when you noticed this issue? that’ll help NBC track down the problem.
if others were affected by this, please post a comment, too.
Mine was reset as well, I had almost 20 votes, and those have all been wiped out. Anyway, vote for me in Segment 84, I’m the only one whose done it as of now.
Same thing happened to me but now my old votes are showing up again. Maybe it’s fixed.
All votes and comments should be appearing normally now.
@TheOfficeNBC: I had signed up for segment 54 under the name jfaulstich. My video had been appearing correctly & garnered over 30 votes. Today it’s gone. I have reuploaded the original video but now need to go back and campaign for votes again. Please help.
RE: Tiny1ofthefuture
We have restored your video and all the votes previously cast.
Is this still going on because the Official Rules say it should have ended Saturday 7/31.
I posted our entry for segment #22 a while back. It’s by shawke12, so vote if you get the chance. :)
Even making a short part takes a lot of work, but we had so much fun doing so! Can’t wait to see how all of the clips look when put together for the final fanisode.
@Hanley – I remember reading in one of the emails from NBC, that voting ends mid August.
@jmsteeley – There was 7/31, which in the Official Rules says was the end of the “Entry Period”, and then there was 8/15, which is when they would choose the segments to compile for the Fanisode.
@Hanley – I guess NBC extended the entry time because some segments are still open. Voting probably ends on the 15th if that’s the day they choose the winners.
Lee and myself posted a video to NBC and got a notification that the upload was successful but we haven’t seen it yet (it’s been over 24 hrs). We’re getting nervous b/c we’re losing time on getting votes! It was for clip 30. NBC Can you help???
Lee & Liz, your video is there now…
The “Entry Period” was extended to August 31st now.
Thanks NBC! We also just posted to #42 and I got an email that said it didn’t work but no explanation. Just tried again (under FruitSnakk). Any help? Also, when does voting officially end?!?!?!
I made another video for segment 23. I’m a huge dork.
The completed fanisode is up now.
I do declare this webisode is fantastic! Such creative and dedicated fans.
@TheOffice NBC – I tried watching video both on OfficeTally & here and was unable to play it. Help?