Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, Michael Schur, and David Denman say their goodbyes to the show.
Watch here:
Where the thermostat is always set at 69.
Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, Michael Schur, and David Denman say their goodbyes to the show.
Watch here:
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thanks for posting, very cool video
and…..now I’m crying.
Wow. Best farewell ever. I have always been a Seinfeld nut, and have over the course of the years allowed The Office to come forward and equal up with Seinfeld in my mind. But this season has forever pushed Seinfeld to second. As a total work, this show is the best and most groundbreaking sitcom of all time! Mostly because the people involved have heart.
So touching <3
I saw that yesterday and I’m still recovering from it. So sweet and heartfelt.
Yep…crying here too. That was amazing.
Sobbing. I can’t handle this. I always knew I would be devastated when the show ended, but it’s hitting me even harder than I ever expected. I just … this show has meant the world to me. I can’t even explain it. Beautiful, gut-wrenching farewell videos here. Thanks to the cast for making them, and for making this show that has meant so much to so many.
[ from tanster: :( ]
“Thank you for this.” Amen.
My wife and I began our marriage by watching Season 2 and 3 in our honeymoon cabin. I’ll forever remember howling laughing at the sillyness of those beginning season episodes.
You kinda hoped the show would go on forever, but deep down knew it wouldn’t.
We are very sad to see this one of a kind show retire. There will never be a cast like this one again.
David Denman’s farewell, I think, really captures what this show has given so many of us. Maybe it does seem strange that an actor can be years removed from a show and still be so affected by its end, but it makes sense to me. After all, isn’t that what happened with us – through the years, from near and far, maturing away from and coming right back to what The Office gave us:
A family, and a kind nudge into our adult lives.
The Office has been a unique experience because of the endearing nature of the characters and the actors’ portraying them. At times, I’ve enjoyed the bloopers / gag reels more than the show itself. That speaks volumes to the chemistry of this ensemble. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to say that for any other show.
@tanster: I didn’t realize you *are* OfficeTally. I’ve been visiting this site since Season 2(?), and I can’t tell you how much I’ve appreciated you keeping up with not only the shows, but the people involved. Thank you.
I have no idea how I’m going to make it into my own office on Friday. I was in the produce aisle at the grocery store yesterday and seriously felt sadness/nostalgia when I saw beets. ha :\
Ugh. I’m going to miss these guys more than I do most people I’ve said goodbye to in real life. That sounds a little pathetic, but honestly, it’s just how much this show has meant to me.
Rainn Wilson nails it in this clip when he says what all Office fans feel. It is amazing how this show can serve as a distraction for sometimes rough times in life. I didn’t start watching it until 2010, but DVDs of the first five seasons so I could catch up to that current season, got me through pneumonia and tough, stressful, times at work. That is what makes the great shows, great!
Back in the day, much of my time was spent on this site, chatting with others who loved TO as much as I did. Because of that I forged some amazing friendships that last to this day. The Office will always hold a special place in my heart, as it was one of the greatest shows of all time, and I will always wish the very best for all of the actors involved. Thank you, to the cast and crew for such a wonderful ride.
Not thinking, I started watching this at work, and realized halfway through that I was going to end up a puddle in my office. So a little while ago, I took a lunch break, walked to a park and watched this video (gotta love technology).
Wow, this whole farewell series is incredible. It’s such a testament to how amazing this cast is, to take the time to say goodbye to us in a way that’s so beautiful. I’m starting to feel at peace, but still, Thursday is going to be the best/worst day ever. Thank you Office cast, writers and crew for making my favorite tv show!
“Thank you for this.” I agree.
I also want to thank them for loving the show as much as we did.
I love them all.
Omigosh… Jenna crying about how she would never be able to work there again… Two days from now… AH. I know this has been quoted over and over… but… This one’s gonna hurt like a motherf***er. Michael Gary Scott.
Thank you..Office Cast and crew
I love you all.
Sooooo well put together! I need to go and take a little walk now.
Thank you…
Wishful thinking: So, you know how Fox is going to do a “24” mini series that takes place several years after the finale, maybe the “doc crew” can do that again for us in 5 years or so?;)
I loved this show a lot. Thank you to all who worked at or visited ‘Dunder Mifflin’ during the past 8 years. Thursdays nights will have a hole in it and it will be a big one. That’s what I said!!
I don’t think any other show will ever replace this one in my heart (or funny bone). We’ll all be crying on Thursday, but we’ll be crying together. The Office cast was a family, and let us be part of it. But we, the fans, have also become a family.
@Alyssa, I said the same thing last week. “I am more broken up about the end of this show than I have ever been over a failed relationship.” After Melora’s farewell, and this one, I’m really feeling it.
Jim, Pam, and Dwight are the family/best friends I looked forward to seeing during the best and worst weeks of my life. I think I will just watch The Office reruns on Thursdays from now on because I cannot imagine life without these complex and hilarious characters brought to life by this talented and thoughtful cast.
This week is killing me! I’m in a constant state of crying. This show has ment so much to me, I can’t handle saying goodbye forever. It’s just too sad.
The tears are flowing. I am gonna be a wreck tomorrow night.
I’ve watched this clip dozens of times already. I love these videos because they give us more of what we want, which of course is more Office. We know the inevitable is coming this Thursday, but these interviews give us a little more to cling to each time we see them.
This has been a hard week. Now we’re only a day away. It’s been said before but it bears repeating: Michael Gary Scott is one of the greatest characters in American TV history, and it’s mind-boggling that Steve never won an Emmy for playing this iconic character. The word “iconic” gets overused, but it applies here. Special thanks to tanster for caring. Your work has been greatly appreciated, too. I REALLY hope I get to see you tomorrow night!
I know this is a random question, but any idea the name of the background music they used for these fabulous Farewell videos? So great. I’m already sobbing so I’ll be in trouble tomorrow night.
Anyways, I remember watching the episode that aired right after the Super Bowl in my hospital gown while I was in labor w/my first child. I remember thinking to myself, “I hope this kid waits long enough for me to finish the entire episode.” (She did and showed up 3 hours after it aired.) I remember seeing the very first three episodes with my then boyfriend (now husband) and talking about it endlessly with him and my coworkers the next day. And I remember how heartbroken I was when Steve Carell left the show. The show has been around through so many important moments in my life. I am thankful because the gift of laughter is no small feat. For that, you (The Office) will always be remembered and I will always be grateful.
Just watching these actors talk about The Office tells you why it is the greatest show ever!!!
I watched this on the same night as the finale ~ I’m even more of a mess now! Why do I do this to myself? I can’t believe it’s ending. All the actors on this show are INCREDIBLE. I will miss inviting them into my home every week and them inviting me into their office. I too shall have a tear stained pillow tonight.