To kick off Season 6 finale week, OfficeTally presents Five Minutes for the Fans. Enjoy!
Thanks to everyone at The Office who helped make this video!
I would also like to thank Tallyhead Ruben. Find out why here.
The Chrysler Sebring of TV fansites.
To kick off Season 6 finale week, OfficeTally presents Five Minutes for the Fans. Enjoy!
Thanks to everyone at The Office who helped make this video!
I would also like to thank Tallyhead Ruben. Find out why here.
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Is this from your visit to the set?
When does he ever not look unhappy?
Stanley always kinda reminded me of Eeyore
Is it me, or does he actually look slightly more cheerful than usual?
He looks so unhappy, because there hasn’t been a pretzel day for the last three years.
because he’s about to have another heart attack
Maybe he’s still upset that Michael ruined his affair…especially in light of recent events!
Is Phyllis going to catch Dwight on the toilet?
I totally agree with the Eeyore comment!
Dwight is pointing to his head because he has no glasses on! Now… Why is that?
ok, i’m going to assume that this is from your set visit, because you’re referring to them as the actors, not the characters… i can’t wait!
Leslie David Baker is sad for all the fans because he knows the season is almost over.
Phyllis Smith is standing in front of the men’s room because she knows that Rainn Wilson swapped the signs and it’s really the ladies room.
Rainn Wilson is pointing to his head because, well, because it’s there.
I’m intrigued and excited.
Regardless of the reasons, this suspense is driving me insane!! Don’t know why–once it’s all revealed, I’ll just be jealous. :)
I don’t know what this is, but I hope it will make me jump up and down like Jenna!
What’s “five minutes for the fans”?? I’m already psyched about it and I don’t know what it is! :P
@ 13. Lois Lane, that is my thought exactly!
I can spare five minutes for the cast, that is easily arranged. Are we meeting at Hooters?
Five minutes with each of them? ^^
I can not wait to see what all this is about!
upon closer examination, these look like stills from video that you took. rainn looks like he’s mid-sentence.
so… i can only assume that “five minutes for the fans” means that you have a 5-minute video of the goings-on at the set! dang, i hope i’m right.
Jenna looks so adorable. Tanster, you are such a tease ;) Whatever the surprise is, I CANNOT wait to find out!
Stanley is unhappy because he had an extra toaster for years. Then he gave it to Jim and Pan for their wedding. Now, his toaster just broke.
Pam is happy for baby CeCe
Dwight is pointing to the smartest and hardest-working member of Dunder-Mifflin/Sabre.
Phyllis is pointing to the last bathroom she and Bob Vance had a good time in.
Stanley is upset he forgot his crossword puzzle.
Ahh, the video isn’t showing up Tanster. I am so eager to watch this!!!
OMG! That video is so AWESOME (even if you didn’t get John in there lol)! Thank you for sharing that, can’t wait to read your synopsis of the week. You’re one lucky girl, Tanster. I would’ve passed out if I met Kathy Bates btw.
That was tremendous. And further proves how much the office cast loves the fans!
haha phyllis! that was too funny
5 minute video! did i call that or what?! do i get a prize?
i can’t watch it right now or i’ll be late to work, but i can’t wait to watch it when i get home tonight!
[from tanster: yes FC, you totally called it. :) ]
Wow! It’s so cool of them to have agreed to say hello to the Tallyheads. How awesome are they?! Thank you, tanster! :)
[from tanster: thank you, ruben. and yes, they were totally awesome to do this! :) ]
This is awesome, Jenny. Great job! And thanks to the cast for doing this!
I’ve probably asked you this before, but were you using the Flip HD for this? I just got one, and have yet to see what that baby can do. Looks terrific!
[from tanster: thanks debi! yes, filmed it with a Flip Mino HD and edited with Apple’s iMovie. you will love the camera! :) ]
Is Ed Helms the most adorable man EVER.
And that’s ANOTHER reason I watch The Office. They love their jobs and their fans, which translates into supreme effort and love put into the show.
thank you office cast for brightening up my monday! love you. <3
Thanks Tanster. I like that we can see your reflection in the bathroom mirror when you’re filming Phyllis.
[from tanster: lol. you have eagle eyes! :) ]
This is really the best cast on TV. And Jenna is too cute for words.
Tanster, you’re just as adorable as The Office cast!! Good times!
Thanks so much :)
Love you OfficeTally for sharing your visit with US.
To the Office folk, thank you for taking time to give a shout out to we, the fans.
(Phyllis–didn’t know you were such a “free spirit”!)
why do i love this show?
why do i love this cast?
*that’s* why.
AWESOME! It really proves how wonderful the cast and crew of the Office are. and thanks Tanster for doing it… it was great (twss)!
So so awesome!!!! Thank you for brightening up my Monday! Tanster you are seriously the luckiest person in the world :)
That was amazing. Thank you so much!
Hey Tanster, did you shoot this with the flip video camera? The quality looks great! Thanks for posting this! You rock! :)
[from tanster: yep, sure did. a flip mino HD. :) ]
This. Made. My. Day. I might have to watch it a few more times :)
aww awesome video, it would be so fun to go to the set and meet everyone! although i do hate that John is never there for any of the stuff, but hey what do you do? party with the rest of them! that was awesome! Jenna is so awesome! BEST SHOW EVER! ah can not wait for Finale! Can you believe it’s almost over?? :(
how rude of me, THANK YOU SOO MUCH Tanster! :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
What a gift from a terrific cast who truly appreciate their fans!! Made my day……
Thanks, Jenny!
That was so sweet! That is why Tallyheads exist. Thank you to all involved with The Office (cast & crew) without you there would be no us.
Right back atcha, Office cast and crew! Your fans’ loyalty is strong because of your dedication to your craft *and* your willingness to share your experience with us. Thanks so much for sharing the fun, and have a great break!
Ok, I totally teared up a couple of times during this. Are these not the greatest people ever? And you, Tanster! This was a great idea…Thanks for making my Monday a little brighter.
What an amazing and down to earth cast!!
I have no words. These people are amazingly good to their fans.
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing this with us. It’s the little things that mean so much.
LOVE THIS! Thank you so much! These guys are so awesome, and so are you, Tanster!
Yep, I was right–now I’m jealous. Although if you didn’t have such a cool life, I wouldn’t be nearly as entertained every day, so I guess I’ll live with it.
Thanks for sharing your cool life with us!
Wow. My heart soars with the eagle’s nest! Many, many thanks, tanster and Office cast and crew! It cannot be said enough that you guys are the most awesome people on Earth. We love you all so much!
This just totally made my whole day :)
So Cool! Great cast and crew! Thanks tanster!
awesome! 55. Kenna said it best– ‘my heart soars with the eagle’s nest’.
Awwww they’re all beyond awesome & adorable!! I want to fist bump Kevin-style all of them! Many thanks to tanster for letting us live vicariously through you, & to fellow Tallyhead Ruben for your genius idea!
P.S.: Is that Zach Woods in the background during Jenna Fischer’s part?
[from tanster: yes, i believe that is Zach!]
Aw, so sweet of everyone to say hi! Today is my birthday (people around here go crazy for my birthday; I don’t know what it is)… This is the BEST present I’ve gotten so far. :-)
I KNEW you weren’t real Jeannie!!!
hahahaha this is awesome!!! Geez… do you have a trailer on that lot now or what?
[from tanster: no trailers for people who don’t exist. :) ]
That was wonderful–what a great video! Thank you so much!
THAT MADE MY DAY! I swear, The Office cast is the only cast in the world who loves their fans as much as we love them, and it feels good to be loved! Thanks to everyone involved–YOU ARE THE BEST!
(P.S.: I loved what Brian said, “Jennie Tan isn’t real.” And I was totally geeked out when I saw Angela on OT while I was watching this video… on OT!)
[from tanster: i have to say something here: i didn’t give any direction whatsoever. all i said was, ‘would you mind giving a shout-out?’ every person on this video came up with their own idea, and i had no idea what they would do before i started filming. these guys are improv masters, are they not? :) ]
Tanster, you now have many many jealous Tallyheads glaring at you. ;-)
Thanks for this!
Out of curiosity, it seems like John Krasinski rarely does these types of direct fan interactions. Was he around that day (I would have to imagine he was)… Is it just not his thing?
Oh, this was magnificent. :-)Thank you so much, Tanster and Office cast. We love you!
this is probably the best cast on tv. they’re so awesome!
BEST FIVE MINUTES on OT. Maybe ever, although if I could add up all the 5-minute increments I have spent on OT in my life, well…..there have been lots of good times. THANK YOU Tanster for doing this, and THANK YOU to the best cast of the best show! Rainn, i LOVE that you pointed to your Tally Head!!!
Well, my earlier guesses were wrong. :)
So great to see the cast goof off and have fun…Phyllis and Ed were a hoot!
But I love how sincere and grateful Jenna is…no wonder why she is America’s sweetheart.
tanster, THANK YOU, this is so heartwarming! I love realizing time and time again how genuinely funny these actors are. I think Rainn’s message was my favorite, partly because he knows the term ‘Tallyhead,’ and partly because I wasn’t expecting such a sincere thanks from such a deadpan guy! In every possible way, this is the prettiest cast of all the casts.
Very Cool… It’s so great that they are in touch with their fans. I don’t know of ANY show/cast that does this kind of thing – but of course, we’re the only fans that have Jenny to go to bat for us!
Thanks – can’t wait to hear about the rest of your set visit.
Wow! That was awesome thanks so much Tanster :D
Tanster that was awesome! You’re the luckiest gal in the world! :) Thanks for posting that…it made me smile.
Wow! Love this cast and the show! Thanks Tanster! You’re the best! :)
I LOVE this. Love Ed’s dance. Great work Tanster.
Thanks Tanster!! I especially loved Kate popping out of the fridge, Ed’s dance skillz, Angela, and Phyllis! Craig, Leslie, Jenna, Rainn, Brian… all were so sweet and funny! What a creative group of people! <3 the Office, <3 the cast and crew, <3 this website!!
This was wonderful! The Office cast are so sweet for doing this for their fans.
Thanks for sharing this Tanster. I’m glad you had fun!! Did you ever think this would happen? :)
[from tanster: you’re welcome! and no, never in a bazillion years. :) ]
What? No Krasinski? Seriously, though, the cast and crew of The Office are just so cool for doing this! Awesome job, Tanster!
[from tanster: got as many as i could but sorry i missed john, b.j., mindy, and paul!]
I got teary eyed… I love this show so much! these guys are the best. So cool that these people actually know your name and you get to hang out with them, you definitely deserve it for all the hard work you do.
oh wow! thanks, great job!
I LOVE The Office and I LOVE OfficeTally!!!
Once again Tanster is the Best!
Thank you for the video and thanks to all those that said hi to us fans via you!
Extra awesome!
Awesome video Tanster! Sad the last episode of the season is on tonight. Happy Birthday to me :).
wow, how cool was that?!
Tanster, when will you begin posting your report/pictures from your visit. After that lackluster finale, I need something to tide me over and I’m counting on you.
That was awesome!! thanks so much Tanster, i love love love this show and the cast & the crew are hands down the best people on TV.
Well, my earlier guesses were wrong. :)
So great to see the cast goof off and have fun…Phyllis and Ed were a hoot!
But I love how sincere and grateful Jenna is…no wonder why she is America’s sweetheart.
Tanster, are we ever going to get your set visit report from this year or was this video in place of it?
Tanster this was such a great idea. Also, I just wanna say thanks again for all the effort you put into Office Tally. I’m a fan of The Office and of yours! Keep up all the great work!
[from tanster: thank you!]
What a team they all are! I like it.
Tanster, I JUST found this. You are so lucky and such a great representative for the Office fans. They are not only amazing actors but also amazing people. Thank you for sharing this with us!
man this is soooo cooool!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!
OK, Just watched this awesome Vid!! Thank U Tanster for going above & beyond for us TallyHeads, LOL…