2009: Legal Pad 3 pack
- A shrink-wrapped bundle of three pads, 50 pages each
- 8.5 inches by 10 inches
- Found in Target’s school supply section
- $4.99 per bundle
This shrink-wrapped package contains all three pads below.
Come here for Office news, you will.
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Oh! Not that I need a reason to run to Target but now I can’t get there fast enough.
I sure wish they would use some new designs with the new products. I’m not sure I will buy anything with the same designs I have on all the other stuff.
[from tanster: me too! i guess they were too late this year to take advantage of the new promo pics. maybe next year.]
aah, I have to get to target!
thank you tanster + elisabeth.
I need that binder for school (grad school, but it’s still school, right :P)
Thanks for the update, I will be sure to keep an eye out in Chicago :)
Redwood City Target: lots of notebooks and legal pad bundles
Mountain View Target: one notebook and no legal pads
If I hurry I can be there in 20 minutes… Target here we come!!!
I hope the Target in Lafayette starts selling those before fall semester starts!!
Thanks for the update Tanster & Elisabeth!
ooh, I might go check out the Redwood City Target now! It would be nice if they had some newer designs.
Off to Target! :)
I’m not in school anymore, but I still need binders and notebooks. Right? Right?? Target here I come!
Birmingham Tallyheads: The Target on 280 has the spiral bound notebooks and the legal pads. Didn’t see the binder. But I’m pretty happy with what I got. :)
Goody! I need more paper for my portfolio. Hope my clients appreciate the humor. ;)
i got the notebooks today! i can’t wait to use them at school!
I really wanted the binder, but could not find it at my Target (Salisbury, MD). They did have 3 spiral notebooks (I bought one) and one pack of legal pads (now mine).
The Target in Taylors, SC (near Greenville)had NOTHING. So sad. Am going to try the other, older, cruddier Target in town.
My Target didn’t have the binders but had the legal pads and notebooks.
Do you think it’s bad that I bought the notebooks for my second grader? (He loves the Office too!)
BTW~ The stuff was located in the office supply section at my Target not in the back to school section.
Whoops… the Target by me in Las Vegas (Centennial Hills) has had the notebooks and legal pads for months. Sorry, I didn’t think to share the info here! Anyhoo, just checked today and no binders in the office supplies OR school supplies, but they do still have the notebooks and legal pads in the office supplies, FYI.
The Target in San Ramon, CA has the legal pads and the notebooks, but not the binder!
I definitely have that Dwight notebook, AND I LOVE IT!
I’ll be looking for that binder when it comes closer to school…
I got all four notebooks and the set of 3 notepads at my Target in Watchung, NJ, for all those who live around there! There were still some left!!
Is the stuff in the $1 bin new stuff or old stuff?
I went into my Target yesterday and SCOURED the school supply section–nothing! SO disappointing.
Spent the morning combing the Clarksville, TN Target, and not a single thing was there. :( I’m sure I can find it on eBay.
Target in Plano, TX did not have any Office merchandise in the dollar spot, office supplies, or school supplies. :(
Found wire-bound theme books and legal pads in the school supplies at the Target in Fort Ord, CA. Didn’t see any binders, no dollar section stuff, and they seemed to be running low =/
Target in Albany, CA (by Berkeley) had 3 of the notebooks (no Dwight sign) and had the memo pads. No binders..I looked everywhere!!
The Target in Bowling Green, KY had a whopping two spiral notebooks – a Schrutebucks one and a Michael one. They were both in the office supplies section. Hopefully there will be more as the start of school draws nearer. :)
Just an update to comment 15… I went to a brand new Target in Las Vegas (Decatur/215) and they have the binders! And the legal pads and notebooks! I think given time, we’ll start seeing them at more stores but if anyone has a brand new store (this one is less then a week old) near them, you may want to check it out.
SO sorry to post again, but I forgot to mention that I actually found the binders in the office supplies section, not with the school supplies, so you guys should check both spots.
At the Target in Abington, MA they have everything except the binders. Unless they were hiding from me but I searched in every part of the office supplies. So yes Schrute buck notebook, Dwight sign notebook, legal pads, office cast one subject (which I purchased!), and the Michael Leadership notebook. Wish they were in the dollar section! Which I looked through the whole thing no Office stuff as of yet.