Andy’s office: a plaque reading “In recognition of your commitment to the Cornell Glee Society for Five Years.” The top line of the plaque says “Your Text Here.” :)
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A '9' on a scale of one to Giselle.
Andy’s office: a plaque reading “In recognition of your commitment to the Cornell Glee Society for Five Years.” The top line of the plaque says “Your Text Here.” :)
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So, is that Phillip or Weston on Pam/Jenna’s desk?
yay we finally know what jim’s mug says! that was driving me crazy!
and yes, are those pictures of phillip actually weston?
^^ I’m curious too!
Jenna is definitely back from real-life maternity leave, but she wasn’t on set that day. Good question!
“My heart soars with the eagle’s nest.” Thank you for that mug shot, Tanster.
[ from tanster: you are most welcome! :) ]
I like that Pam has a little cat figurine on her desk even though she’s “more of a dog person”. =D
All those framed photos of Oscar’s dog cracked me up, especially after seeing the ones of Pam & Jim’s actual children on their desks. :)
actually, i have another question about the “phillip” picture on pam’s desk… why is phillip wearing pink pants? are you sure that’s not an old picture of cece?
[ from tanster: no, i’m not 100% sure. but it didn’t look like the cece in the episode, so i assumed it was philip. ]
i’m with you
i laughed at oscar’s desk too
no wonder he was so mad about that dog in the car in Lotto!
As always, thanks for sharing! I’m glad you got to go again. I’m so insanely jealous. I want to go soooo badly.
[ from tanster: thanks, christine! :) ]
I <3 Schnauzers! :)
I’m a geek! I just Googled the name on Pam’s blue travel mug. It’s a real business, by the way, that sells all those business giveaways (pens, mugs, etc.). But I couldn’t find a cup just like Pam’s. Not that I would have ordered one… okay, maybe I would have. (Hangs head in shame.)
OMG I want that “Friendship Is the Music of Life” poster! NBC – get on it!
Ah that collage is so awesome!!
awwww i love that erin still has michael’s extension at her desk!
and yeah, i want that collage. that. is. amazing!
There is a picture of Jim/John Pam/Jenna (I believe from “Frame Toby” that I really want to see (it’s in the upper right hand area of the “Friendship is the Music of Life” poster!!
Did you find out if that was indeed Steve Carell in Trivia?
[ from tanster: yes, I talked to one of The Office producers, who definitively said, that was NOT Steve. ]
I’m pretty sure that the extension for Michael on Erin’s desk is not the same extension that she said in the episode “Goodbye Michael”. I feel like it was only a three digit extension
How did you get to go on set & how do you know the producers?! super jealous
[ from tanster: they read officetally! (i’m a super lucky girl.) :) ]
I gotta say, #20 is an odd photo – no Ryan, Pam, Toby…when would that have been?
Well send me some of that luck please! :) I’d absolutely love to go on set & I’d die if I met John Krasinski
@Alex, judging by Andy’s tie it was during the Subtle Sexuality timeframe. Maybe when Pam was on Maternity leave after Jim got back? Ryan and Toby are missing all the time!
To comment #20:
It was probably taken by Pam for Toby during season 4 when Ryan was in NY.
Great pics! Living in LA I try to drive by the building just to feel the vibe. BTW, in “Goodbye Michael”, Michael’s extension is revealed as 147. It’s tough to be perfect, but they sure do pull it off!
Sa-weeeet and super awesome! Thank-you Tanster!
And thanks for solving the mystery of was it or wasn’t it Steve. I didn’t think it was him, although I almost did.
As for the photo on Angela’s desk, it doesn’t seem as though Philip was born yet when that photo was taken (for us here at Office Tally). I’m not trying to say Jenna was wrong, I’m just confused. Also, the pink pants thing (I’m all for boys in pink, I’m like Hannah that way) is that possibly a photo of Angela Kinsey’s daughter Isabel?
Andy must have gone back for a refresher course in Anger Management if that certificate is from 2009. His first round was in 2007. Maybe after he found out about Angela and Dwight?
I like that the “Friendship Is the Music of Life” collage includes scenes from Andy, Erin, and Kelly in the Male Prima Donna music video. Best Office extra ever, nice to see it pop up in the show.
Hello, this photo is of Andy with Set Dresser Steve Duchscherer and Set Dressing leadman Jim Mcdermott taken the first season Andy joined the Scranton Dunder-Mifflin team. It was supposed to be his college teachers from Cornell but we never made the cut. Go figure!
[ from tanster: you are awesome, thank you, Jim! i’ll amend the caption for the photo. :) ]
The baby Phillip Halsted Lipton photo makes more sense to me now. Considering our real world / real life timeline runs several months behind the shooting schedule of The Office. There are so many babies to keep track of inside and outside of “the office”, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
That music collage needs to be printed and sold in the NBC store! I’d totally buy it!
Awesome job! I loved the anger management diploma.
Great pics, thanks for sharing. Love the cute ones of Jim’s desk :)
I have the exact same phone as Andy – really! (Only mine actually works – it looks like his is unplugged.)
Thanks for the pics of the fridge, Tanster! Love that you get free reign to roam the set!
[ from tanster: my pleasure! the office staff and crew ROCK. ]
Poor Ryan (and he’s not the type I’d say that about)–I didn’t realize he was sitting on a folding chair! I wish we could know which of the guys in the Here Comes Treble photos were whom (Broccoli Rob, etc.). :)
Interesting that the pics of Toby’s daughter of the same actress who played her that one time years ago. I wonder how they go about getting those pictures.
Great pics Tanster. Has there been any news of another possible convention at some point? I know they talked about one in 2009 but it never materialized. I sure hope so (I live in downtown Scranton!).
Love the vending machine (was just watching Goodbye Toby on TBS last night and the scene with Holly helping Kevin use the vending machine – I see the prices haven’t changed!) Does it work? Did you buy something?
[ from tanster: hi tobyfan, i assume it’s a working machine, but no, i didn’t buy anything from it. :) ]
Love that poster in Andy’s office. Thanks for all the pics. The set really does look like a real office.
@12. TobyFan I looked into it for you and supposedly if you order over $25.00 worth of merchandise they throw that mug on Pam’s desk in free! Just a heads up….wow I seriously have no life LOL.
Saw the drink bottle on Pam’s desk with the name BAC and website, so I looked up the website and it’s a place that prints up promotional items with company logos. So am wondering if this is the company that printed up items with Dunder Mifflin name for The Office’s office set (Dunder Mifflin CD-Roms, D.M. pads, etc. Just a thought. Just learned of your site from an Office finale article! UGH! I have been going to the NBC Office show website only for all these years to read Dwight’s blog, games, etc. Wish I had known about Office Tally back in 2006. About two years ago they were selling a bunch of Office items in Target in the front dollar area. Got a ceramic mug for a buck and notepad and pins for $1 each pkg. Hope some stuff finds its way there again after finale. You have done a remarkable job with something you started just to talk to other fans in 2006. And I am glad that the cast found your site back then and have treated you as one of the “employees”.
The nameplate on Kelly’s desk actually isn’t the one she was supposed to get in Secret Santa… That one was purple with multicolored flowers.
There’s a blue bin filled with little toy cars that sits on the Andy/Phyllis/Stanley desk clump. I can’t figure out what that’s about and it drives me crazy every time I see it. Any thoughts?
What picture is in the green frame??? Anybody know???