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Writer: Paul Lieberstein, Director: Jeffrey Blitz
Summary (NBC): The search begins for a new manager — Jim heads a search committee that interviews candidates, including Andy and Darryl. Dwight tries to get back in the race. Guest stars: Will Arnett, Kathy Bates, Warren Buffett, Jim Carrey, Ricky Gervais, Ray Romano, James Spader, Catherine Tate. Double episode.
The Office Search Committee extras
- Video: Extended sneak peek preview | Episode promos
- Photos: Promo photos
- Darryl misses Clippy
- Resumes: Darryl Philbin | Andy Bernard | Dwight Schrute
- How Warren Buffet got the part
The Office Search Committee rating
In a poll conducted May 19-23, 2011, Tallyheads rated this episode: 6.93/10
See all The Office Season 7 ratings.
The Office Search Committee quotes
Manually transcribed by tanster :)
Creed: It’s a beautiful morning at Dunder Mifflin. Or as I like to call it, Great Bratton.
Creed: I love my kids. I love real estate. I love ceramics. I love my job. I love wrestling.
Creed: On this side of the room, Stanley, Phyllis, Jim, Ted, Elroy.
Creed: Bo…body. Bo…body.
Fred Henry: I’ll give you part three of part two. Not going to give you a whole part.
Fred Henry: Color code sent documents. TM.
Jim: Not everyone we meet will be good. But someone’s bound to be, right?
Jim: Did you know that Gabe’s last name was Lewis?
Andy: If you want something, you write it on a list, and then the housekeeper goes out and gets it. On Wednesdays and Fridays.
Andy: We’ll see what Rosa comes back with.
Phyllis: It was a big year for babies. Porky’s had come out.
Erin: I’m sure I was just another Porky’s baby. But why not find out?
Pam: Are you really going to apply for work at Scranton Breadworks?
Dwight: Bread is the paper of the food industry. You write your sandwich on it.
Buffett: When I make long distance calls, will they be monitored or is it on the honor system?
Kevin: The Botanical Gardens. Scranton’s Hidden Gem.
Robert California: There is no such thing as a product. Don’t ever think there is. There is only sex. Everything is sex.
Robert California: Do I look like someone who would waste my own time?
Robert California: Do you feel heard right now, Jim?
Robert California: The fallacy is that it is up to the steamroller.
Robert California: It is up to the object whether it will be flattened or not.
Jim: He creeps me out. But I think he might be a genius.
Darryl:: What other mammal, besides humans, drinks the milk of another mammal?
Romano: I don’t know if I want this job. If I get this job offer, then I know I’m going to take it. And if I take it, I know that I’m never going to quit. And then 25 years are going to go by and… I’m going to die here.
Robert California: I saw an episode on how they make paper on Sesame Street.
Dwight: Do you see my hat? No? That’s because I just threw it in the ring.
Romano: You had your jerk wads and your jerk offs, so… just between the wads and the offs, I had to get out of there.
Angela: It’s a little flashy. I mean, what am I, Naomi Judd?
Angela: “Oh hey, Pam, dude, whatever, wanna marry me?”
Angela: Everyone was crying. Even his aide.
Oscar: As a gay man, I’m horrified. As a friend of Angela’s, horrified. As a lover of elegant weddings, I’m a little excited. But overall? Horrified.
Gabe: How many windows are there in New York City?
Gabe: Shut up about the sun. Shut up about the sun!
Darryl:: I believe his name was… Clippy.
Pam: How is this on me?
Jim: Your department is just you, right?
Kelly: Yes, Jim, but I am not easy to manage.
Dwight: The hand that reaches from the grave to grip your throat is the strong hand you want on the wheel.
Jim: Okay. That’s vivid.
Ryan: How do I know that Robert is gay? He liked my Facebook photos at three o’clock in the morning.
Phyllis: If you want someone, if you really want them, go get them.
Nelly Bertrum: I’d take your job, but I’d reject the title.
Nelly Bertrum: Sockee is her name, okay?
Jim: I think at the end of day, I’m just going to pick a name out of the hat.
Ryan: Oh no, Stanley. You’ll live forever.
Meredith: You pick a crappy boss, you’re responsible for my crappy life.
Ryan: Take a day off from the whole Jim shtick. Try caring about something. You might like how it feels. James.
Kevin: If Angela can get a gay man to marry her, maybe I could get a lesbian to marry me.
Oscar: You have met a lesbian in real life, right?
Jo: Welcome to Scranton, Jo. Land of a thousand problems only you can fix.
Jo: These are costing me ten cents apiece, you jackass! I’m roaming!
Pam: Hello, this is… the client.
Jim: Hello, Mr. Souvenier. Mr. Jacques Souvenier?
Jo: What a nut job.
Jo: Give Dwight an interview. I like a little bit of crazy.
Kevin: Low blow, puppet.
Andy: I would go for someone who’s more… she’s great, though.
Angela: Niagara Falls? Pregnant? That was your dream? Pork medallions?
Dwight: If you’re not going to interview me, then I’ll do it.
Ryan: Let me guess who you want, Pam. Rachael Ray? The ladies of The View?
Ryan: Lead me… when I’m in the mood to be led.
Andy: Sometimes you hear people talking about failing upwards. I think I’m about to do that.
Nelly Bertrum: I think… I’m her best friend. She’s not my best friend.
Fred Henry: I will be the new boss of… Vance Refrigeration.
Carrey: People disappear in the Finger Lakes.
Dwight: I will run this branch or I will destroy this branch.
Icon provided by pessimistreader.
I am so excited for this like I was for “The Job” I wonder who will be interviewing these people since no Kathy Bates, I hope they hire a new VP or someone like that. NOT GABE!
Don’t forget Jim Carrey is also guest starring in this episode! I’m most excited for him and Will Arnett!
From last night’s preview, it looks like The Search Committee will include Gabe and Toby (who technically work for corporate), as well as Jim (which makes sense as he is a former co-manager). I was holding out for some more of the great Kathy Bates, I thought she was a great fit with the Dunder Mifflin crew, but it’s not looking good. I’m still hopeful, though!
From the preview video, it looks like the search committee will consist of Gabe, Toby, and Jim.
I know Ricky Gervais loves Will Arnett for some reason, I can’t stand Will Arnett though, he’s just annoying, I pray to God they don’t keep him or I don’t think I could watch the show anymore.
I’m not happy at all about Jim Carrey. I like Jim Carrey a lot, but NOT for The Office. Wasn’t excited about Romano either, but I’ve come to accept it as happening. Spader, fine. Gervais, excited. He has a connection to the show and isn’t a super huge star. Arnett, excited. Again, not a huge star. Carrey is too much of a big name to be playing a regular guy, same as Will Ferrell. What happened to the days of NO big celebrity guest stars? Super Bowl episode did it best with Black, Alba, and Leachman.
I’m thinking Jim Carrey will get it. His characters in his movies are absolutely hilarious and, even though Michael Scott will never be replaced, I think he could give us another great character at Dunder Mifflin. But here’s a thought. What if the new manager will be Kevin? How funny could that be?
Remember when Jim and Pam viewed Andy’s pirated movie with Jack Black and Jessica Alba? The writers said they inserted those characters by that means because the show is docu and these stars wouldn’t actually visit the office. They developed a means for the actors to do so. However, since Ferrell arrived, along with this array of stars, they seem to have completely abandoned that mentality. Carrey as the new boss, while unlikely, is perfectly possible.
Meredith – too drunk.
Phyllis – Too boring.
Gabe – Not likely, since he’s probably part of The Search Committee
Toby – Michael would fly back from Colorado and shoot Jo Bennett if this happened.
Creed – Honestly, next to Kevin, this would be the funniest possible replacement. But as funny as it would be, Creed isn’t a likely candidate…
Andy – Michael gave him his top 10 clients, and he proved to be a pretty good salesman. Season 7 saw an increased role for Andy in the show, and it really fleshed out his character. I’d say he is a pretty likely candidate, but if the writers focus on the Andy/Erin/Gabe triange, then they would be cramming too much into one character.
Darryl – Most likely candidate. His line in Costume Party (“Yeah. I do have big plans at this company), and Michael’s gift to him all lead to the likelihood of Darryl replacing Michael. He would also be a funny AND realistic choice.
Stanley – Too lazy.
Erin – Too weird.
As long as they don’t try and have Jim, Dwight or Andy do it(twss), i’m open to anybody taking the position. Not that Jim couldn’t handle it, but any of those 3 becoming manager would change the dynamic between them in a way i don’t think i want. The Jim/Dwight relationship is key to the show and either of them becoming boss might ruin that. And Andy should never realistically get it. Dwight taking over on his own accord for an episode is fine, that’s funny.
HATE GABE. More than Toby. Hate, HATE. No Gabe! Fire Gabe.
To Scott B.- One of the only things I dislike about the production of Office is the recent use of stars to guest. Mostly b/c Carrol Burnett asked to play Michael’s mom. But Greg Daniels didn’t want to use stars. He thought it would change the “feel” of the show. Now…stars, stars, stars. Too bad for Carrol Burnett. She would have been brilliant!
For anyone who has watched Doctor Who, or seen any of Catherine Tate’s comedy, she’s the only person I could see taking over for Steve. Absolutely fantastic!
Michael would have been so funny on the committee…
In the teaser for The Search Committee, they didn’t mention Catherine Tate. I’m thinking that she’d be the one to replace Michael. A women boss would be awesome. I’d also love to see Dwight replace Michael. That would rock so hard.
Does it need to be said that Jim Carrey has a cameo?
Katherine Tate gets my vote.
Hoping it’s James Spader or Will Arnett! I also think Darryl is the worst possible choice, he isn’t a very interesting character. They really need some fresh faces if they want to try and reinvent the series. It will just get boring if they promote from within, we already know all these characters. Sure they can feature more in season 8, but we know everything about them. We know how they react to certain situations. We need some fresh blood!
I am really really disappointed we never got to meet Michael’s step-dad Jeff. I think Jeff was the most important character on the show, as his presence in Michael’s life obviously created the problems that plagued the office. I think the new boss should be Carrey though. He’s the only one out of all of them who can play comedy as tragedy, which is what this show is all about.
Here are a couple of twists to consider, although I don’t think they will happen. Kelly Kapoor has been taking minority (executive?) training. Has it been for management? Could she actually be a potential Michael replacement? The other twist is bringing Michael back from Colorado. Suppose Holly’s dad starts doing better. Why wouldn’t they bring Michael and Holly back? Perhaps Steve Carell renewed his contract, but it was kept a secret. Would this be anti-climatic?
Gabe is a douchebag. He doesn’t help us with anything at all.
I’m so glad to hear that others want Catherine Tate. The rest of the people who do not mention her, I think it’s safe for me to assume you just don’t know her work. Definitely check her out on youtube. Her attitude with how she played the character Donna Noble could really transfer to being the boss. I could just hear her yell at everyone, “Everyone, meeting in the conference room, RIGHT NOW!”, in her British accent. I think it would be a brilliant move!
@20 I think Michael will be back next season for one or two episodes. Steve still loves the show, and doing one or two episodes probably won’t interfere with any movies that he is doing
I think it has to be Will Arnett. I think the show would really step it up since his wife Amy Poehler is on Parks & Rec & is a producer for her show. I think he would be able to pull it off much better than the other guys. Here’s rooting for Will Arnett!!
Am I the only one who wants Dwight to be manager?
Seriously, why don’t they have Jan as Manager? That would be GREAT!!!
NO! not Catherine Tate! She is so not funny. Ray Romano- now there is a funny guy! (see Everybody Loves Raymond). but i wouldn’t want him on a regular basis- Darryl is the best choice.
@26: My thoughts exactly. Bring Melora back!
David Wallace as manager…now that would be amazing
Whoever they choose as the new manager, be prepared to wait several months to find out. This has cliffhanger written all over it! They’re going to leave several possibilities open at the end of the finale, so we debate/agonize over each one’s chances all summer long.
The only one that makes sense right now is Gervais. He’s already pulling in a producer’s salary, so he’d come cheap. Carrey or Romano would cost a fortune! And it would be an all-time great gag, never tried before.
Don’t know Catherine Tate or Will Arnett very well, which means they could work, depending on how well they establish their characters. Anyway, should be a fun ride.
Warren Buffett is interviewing. Hilarious!
the only person I want to see replace steve is catherine tate. She is brilliant, from her own comedy series to her run on doctor who, she can do the absurd and pull your heartstrings just like steve. And she’s enough of an unknown stateside that it won’t feel like stunt casting.
Arnett, Romano and Spader have other series commitments which will prevent them from joining full time. Carrey has no interest in doing a series.
Gervais is a long shot, but he has nothing to gain and everything to lose by joining, so I can’t see it happening. Plus, remember that he had TOTAL creative control of the UK version, and I can’t see him just coming in as an actor here…he would want to run the series.
That leaves Catherine Tate, who I do not know well…
I don’t see how they can have a cliffhanger about who becomes manager as they will have to film numerous episodes before next season premieres, and there will be no way to keep that secret for so long.
Is it going to be a two-part or an hour-long?
whatever, I’m so nervous! I really wanna know who the new manager is going to be…
I’m also really excited about ‘Dwight Schrute (Acting) Manager’… it’s going to [high pitched] rock [/high pitched]
So who is actually doing the interviewing? Is it Jim then? Or is he just in charge of bringing in all the candidates? Dwight obviously can’t be the actual manager for any long period of time, same with Andy. And i think Darryl would do well, but would get kinda dull. I think all in all i prefer an outside hire.
I adore Jim Carrey but being as he’s a superstar and all, it won’t be him. I’d love Arnett to get it. But i’m gonna guess it won’t be any of the candidates listed here. I also love the idea of it being a woman, now that would be interesting.
I sort of feel like Darryl will end up being the manager, regardless of whether he is funny or not. He probably won’t be the starring character, but he has been extremely intent on rising in the company and Jo has loved his ideas. Plus, the rest of the office seems to like him.
I would love to see Dwight as manager, but the problem is he would fire everyone. Will Arnett would be hilarious, but I doubt he could take time out of his schedule.
David Wallace should interview for the job. Then we would finally get the David Wallace cameo they’ve been teasing us with for so long! Plus, I’m sure Suck-It hasn’t been too successful so he’d be wanting to get a real job.
Catherine Tate? Seriously? I just finished watching her as Donna Noble on Season 4 of DW so she’s fresh in my mind… This will be interesting to see! As Donna Noble she definitely had an attitude but was a great character.
Just saw that Will Arnett is going to be on a new ABC show in the fall so I guess he’s out.
Along with Wallace, bring Josh Porter in for an interview.
i want will arnett
If this week’s episode suggested anything, it’s that the show is just fine without a hired-gun star as the boss. I think the producers, writers and cast know this. Hopefully the network believes it too. It would be a great leap of faith to allow the show to go on with its existing cast but I think this show has earned that kind of faith. Of course, all of these decisions have already been made, so I’ll just have to wait a week (or five months) to see how it plays out.
In a twist…maybe Jim picks himself. Jim was miserable with Charles Minor, DeAngelo Vickers and Dwight as Manager.
I don’t think he wants to take orders from somebody else. I think he’s been down that road too many times before. Plus…Jim was Jo’s first pick to be Acting Manager.
If not Jim…give the job to Creed.
Prediction for final episode:
Gabe will no longer be working at Scranton Branch by the end of the episode, Kelly will replace him and since she might not sign a new contract, she is moved to Sabre’s headquarters instead of working at Scranton like Gabe. I say this because later in the promo, you can see Kelly has replaced Gabe on the Search committee.
Lastly, I think Andy will be the new boss.
@ #45
Zach Woods has been confirmed for Season 8. I don’t think Gabe will leave. Gabe might get demoted or reprimanded by Jo but I think he’ll stick around because the Season 8 Renewal article lists Zach Woods as a returning cast member.
I hope Jim gets the job. His whole character arc has been leading up to this. Going for the job in New York, but withdrawing his name to be with Pam. Learning from his mistakes (hopefully) working as Co-Manager with Michael. And now, Jo even called him up as her first choice! All the celebrity guest stars are just distractions.
Hmmm… lots of interesting theories… did we ever find out about Kelly’s mysterious medical condition? Or did that have something to do with her AI audition? If she WAS pregnant (with Ryan’s baby!), like Dwight suspected that would be quite interesting to see how it played out… awful, but interesting!
Lots of good theories. If Jim did get the job, which i don’t think he will, i can’t ever see it being because he picks himself. At this point he seems like he would really have to be talked into it.
I do wonder what happens with Gabe that causes Kelly to replace him on the committee. Other than the big question, i’m most curious about Kelly. And i’m thinking we better not hold our breath, we’ll most likely have all summer to discuss who got the manager job.
Warren Buffet. Nuff said.
The ratings for The Office will go back up for this episode.
I can’t see a reason for Catherine Tate to be in the episode except to set her up for next year. Unlike the other guest stars, she’s not well known in the U.S. To me, she sticks out like a sore thumb. Also, in an interview a few weeks ago, MK was pretty elusive about Tate’s character, but forthcoming about some of the others. My money’s on Tate. And I think she’d be brilliant.
Ricky Gervais wasn’t exactly kind about the ‘talents’ of Catherine Tate during the scene with George Michael in the Extras Christmas Special… surely he’d have a bit of a say in who replaces Michael?
Anyone curious about Jim and Jordan? It’s hinted that she likes him in deleted scene 2 but I think she will stay on the Office since the producers said there will be 2 new cast members. Her and probably a new manager. If it is a current cast member then they have to bring someone new anyways.
It would be awesome if Karen transferred from Utica to manage Scranton, but that’s not gonna happen because P&R has been renewed for a fourth season.
And don’t rule out Kelly – she did do the minority training program!
Logically speaking I think Catherine Tate is the most likely out of all finale cameos to be a possibility.
It would be nice to have a cliff hanger and not find out till season 8 though – there hasn’t really been a decent cliff hanger since the end of season 2!
tanster, I have a suggestion. What about a fan poll, based on which cast member or guest star will become manager? Or which one fans WANT to become manager? Or one for each?
It may not be too late, because I get the feeling we won’t know for sure after tomorrow night. But it may get narrowed down some.
It seems fairly obvious to me what the producers are doing…they do not plan on bringing anyone (especially a big name) in to replace Michael. The “search” will drag on a bit into next season and, without much fanfare, Darryl or Andy will assume the position. I think they realize that bringing in a high-profile face would change the dynamic of the show too much and also lead to no-win comparisons to Michael.
I would DIE of happiness if it was Ricky! Even for just 1 season…..
They’re gonna hire within. If they were bringing a new guy in, we would’ve known by now. I guess it’s good for the show to not replace Steve. They could’ve really boosted their ratings if they brought in a new guy though…
I really don’t see how Darryl will get it. Why is he even working in the office? Isn’t he just a warehouse guy? Besides, he doesn’t seem to have that goofy charm that the new manager has to have. I’m still holding my breath for Kelly. Just imagine her as a boss; it would be hysterical and chaotic. Plus, revenge on Ryan (for lying to be her manager) would be hilarious.
I would be absolutely fine with anyone except Jim Carrey. Jim Carrey would ruin the show to the point where I would never watch it again. I would prefer them to hire within, but a new character that isn’t Jim Carrey would still be good, as well.
@62 Anonymous: Jim Carrey is the longest shot of them all to become manager, for one reason: $$$$
He currently makes in excess of $20mil per movie. With the large ensemble cast (which keeps getting larger!) on this show, there’s no way they can afford to keep him on a permanent basis. He probably agreed to a cameo role on the cheap, because he’s a fan of the show.
My wish is that Jim (Halpert) is talked into being manager again, only this time for more money and more freedom to run things his way. In other words, not as uptight as he was the last time, having learned (from Michael, perhaps?) to have more fun with it.
Everyone else in the office is either unqualified or can’t possibly merit a promotion to manager without it causing trouble from the rest. Cross your fingers for a laid back Jim as Regional Manager!!
I have no idea who the new manager will be…but I have a feeling many of you are right that they will just end up hiring within. Instinct says Jim but he’s turned down the job twice already. Andy I can’t see as manager, as much as I love him. He just doesn’t come off as being managerial. Yeah I’m at a loss. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see!
Darryl! Darryl! Darryl!
I am so excited to see where the Office goes next season because I think the show is really going to hit a new stride. I think it already has in fact. I have laughed more over the last two episodes than I have all season. So while I’m sad Michael left I think it was just what this show needed. Oh and I was scared about all the guests but they were all hilarious!!
can’t believe the office writers have done this. Cliffhanger..wow. way to ruin my summer
Great epi!!! But did I miss Jim Carrey’s interview???
Loved Dwight’s line about bread being the paper of the food world. I laughed, needed it.
I agree with the hiring from within…
Just saw it here on the east coast. MAN THIS SHOW IS DEAD! Expect it to be canceled after Season 8 especially if they drag out the search well into next season. Why did they write the interview with Catherine Tate so LAMELY…. “sucky sucky” WTF?!?!?! That joke was old ten years ago when Cartman said it on South Park.
Thanks for telling us who the manager is.
Why, Oh, Why can’t Will Arnett be the new boss on ‘The Office’ ? UGH! He would have been perfect!
It’s going to be Catherine Tate, and this show will die a slow and very unfunny death :(
Well, they’ve made it really hard to tell who will be the manager…although, we know from previous casting news that they’re hiring someone new for the Accounting department. Could it be that someone from Accounting could become the new manager, even though they haven’t interviewed yet?
Just a thought.
I might have done a little dance when Andy turned Erin down. Hopefully they can put that ship to rest now.
I still like Gabe, regardless of what people say about him. :(
Wow what a way to end the season. Now we have to wait until the start of season 8 to find out who is going to be the new manager. At least we know now that Phyllis is not Erin’s Mom. We also know that there are going to be 2 new cast members for season 8. One is probably Jordan the other is either going to be the new manager or the new customer service representative. No matter what I can not wait for season 8.
I’ve never watched a worse season finale before. I’ve been an avid fan of The Office for years, but this was absolutely disappointing. There was barely any plot whatsoever.
Horrible finale! I hardly laughed and was bored by all the interviews. They need to understand what makes this show work and get back to that. Find a way to get the heart back. That for me is NOT Erin and Andy. Remember seasons 1-3 JAM? That is what I need to stick with this one. Please writers give us more Jim and Pam.
I really enjoyed this episode. But for the current cast, not the guest stars. I didn’t find them that funny, especially Catherine Tate.
Personally, I’d love for the new boss to be Andy. I just don’t think Darryl would be funny as boss.
I have mixed feelings about this episode. There were some hilarious moments: Dwight texting Jo, James Spader’s interview,everything CREED,etc…
On the other hand, it almost felt like most of the episode was mashed together by the editors. I love the ensemble cast, but I think it was a little too much tonight.
Great episode!! Am I the only one who thinks they might be setting up Pam to be manager? Go Pam!!
Darryl, Andy, or Kelly would all be fine with me. And they either need to get Andy and Erin together or drop the story. Andy seemed like he was having second thoughts at the end of his TH. Phyllis was great tonight.
so disappointed. so so so disappointed. it’s obviously going to be catherine tate. and as a religous watcher of the office, i will be forced to give up on it.
I love Catherine Tate so I’d love if she gets it. Honestly, her character wasn’t too great, but none of the cameos were. They were just one dimensional….So I can’t really judge any of the new managers.
Honestly, I rather it just be someone in house because I rather things just not change anymore. Let’s keep the cast dynamic as is. When they work together, that is when this show excels.
Excellent episode. I am excited for next season and the unknown that goes with it.
@Daniel. great point!
The writers may find their stride, but they haven’t found it. There was very little about that episode that was funny, after a great week last week.
I honestly believe that, after a year to plan, they still don’t know what they are going to do, and tonight was a way of buying time.
Kind of an underwhelming season finale. I just love how clueless Angela is about The Senator. As far as the manager applicants, I loved James Spader’s the best. His character would be a good replacement for Michael. Great comedic timing.
Thank God Gabe is gone! He is such a Debbie Downer. Could the new manager be a wildcard? Remember when Michael, Karen, and Jim interviewed for Jan’s position at the Dunder Mifflin NYC Corporate Office and Ryan ended up getting the job? Hmm…
Great finale. I loved Spader’s character.
Where was Jim Carrey? He was on for like 30 seconds? They could have at least showed his interview. That was pointless.
Overall I didn’t care for it. Thought it was boring. Especially after last week’s awesome episode. I still think they should just let Dwight have the job. He was the best part of the episode tonight.
Ughh! It seems like the season finales of The Office get worse every year. I hated last year’s finale, but this was even worse. Very few funny moments and no real cliff hanger. Going into this episode, they kept building up, “Who will be the new boss?” And here we are still saying, “Who will be the new boss?” I feel like no progress was made to even hint at the answer. Nothing at all to keep us talking all summer. And please, no more Andy/Erin – another “ugh.”
Loved James Spader with Dwight!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Who is it going to be???? I wanted to know, and now we have to wait months …MONTHS!!!! No no no no not good, hahahahaha
I’m so nervous about this… hahaha
If it’s someone new from tonight’s episode, it’s probably Catherine Tate or Ricky. Catherine was given a bit of background of being Jo’s friend and had the funniest interview.
Well, this episode perfectly portrayed how dead this show has become. A suitable sendoff for me (and many other devoted The Office watchers, I’m sure).
They had a good run.
Why did I get the feeling that it was going to be Ray Romano? Did anyone else get that? My guess is it’s either Daryl or Ray’s character. I wish it could be Dwight…I hate how they keep reminding us how much he wants it. I just can’t help but root for him! And, I think Dwight would actually do a good job…he’s truly an amazing worker and he knows the business.
Loved Phyllis and Erin. I thought it was so sweet that she was going to wait to tell Erin she wasn’t her mom.
Pam taking charge of Creed’s madness was hilarious. That was really entertaining.
Liked the episode, I thought it was good. I don’t mind the cliffhanger. I did want to know who the new manager is but I can wait.
I love The Office.
Why is Andy dressed like Maybelline mascara?
It was an alright episode, although I’m pissed that they decided to take Gabe out of the office (he quickly grew to be one of my favorite characters). I also could have done without the whole puppet/alphabet scene with Kevin (it was way too over the top for him, even by this show’s standards)
I liked how while they were searching for a manager, Jim was effectively running the office. I think that next season will most likely be the last one, and I could see him doing that for a year.
There were so many funny moments in this episode, even thought it was a little slow in the beginning.I have to say though, with Goodbye Michael, last week’s episode and this one, the writers have proved that hey can once again be funny! I think that although it lost its core this season, it is heading in a really good direction.
What I really can’t believe is that this season is over–could it really be two years ago that we found out about Jim and Pam’s baby?
I think they made a big mistake not showing who the new boss will be. What payoff was there for this episode? We’re in the same spot we were in before, which would be okay if we were midseason, but the season finale? The season finale needs to provide a finale, something huge needs to happen. I feel like they took advantage of this whole “Who will be the new boss?” thing.
@ 99. Chris- i completely agree. i hope the writers read this, because they are losing a lot of fans lately!
It feels like the writers are unsure of how to continue the show, and this finale was just them spinning their wheels but going absolutely nowhere. That being said, I thought the Pam and Creed stuff was great.
@100: I agree, Chris makes an excellent point. Hopefully the writers DO end up seeing all this criticism and make the right move when it comes time to get to the writing table.
I just noticed Ruben’s Elec. Cont. Suite 100. It’s fun to see your name on tv. Anyway, I’ve been thinking this for a while now but this episode assured me that Jim is such an a-hole. Hoping Dwight gets a promotion.
Definitely not my favorite episode, and certainly not my favorite finale, but I thought it had a lot of funny moments. I have faith that the writers know what they’re doing and I’ll watch the show and laugh until the very end. :)
I’m really disappointed. I don’t feel like this episode advanced the plot at all and it didn’t give me much to look forward to next season. It sounds harsh, but I feel like I basically wasted an hour.
It mostly seemed like an excuse for them to cram a bunch of big names into an episode, which they accomplished. Sadly, that was it.
It just seemed like a compilation of the interviews, which weren’t that great, other than a couple. They kept going on with the interviews and I kept thinking “well, he doesn’t fit in to the Office, let’s see who is next.” But out of all the guest stars, I couldn’t see anyone being the new manager. I’m thinking that it might be Jim Carrey. Maybe that was the reason they added him for such a short time, and made us make the connection between him and the interview Jim talked about. Overall, it was a boring episode :/
But Dwight shot a gun in the office!!! haha
I’ve laughed more the last two weeks, without Michael, than with him. This show will be like cheers. It will just get better.
Pam and Creed were great, but for the most part, this episode felt like a waste of an hour. Too much filler and not really anything happening. Like others have said, we don’t know much more now than we did last week!
I do think a female boss would be interesting, but now I’m hoping it’s not Catherine Tate. She sounded like a female version of Ricky Gervais/David Brent. I like Ricky, but they need a new boss who won’t be cut from the same cloth as Michael. At this point, I think I’d almost choose Jim or Dwight over all these people.
This show will not last much longer.
I’ve seen Parks and Recreation a few times, Community once or twice, and it seems all three shows are morphing into each other.
David Wallace needs to interview for the position.
I thought Creed was doing a bang-up job. Why continue the hunt?
Didn’t see the point of the David Brent bit–he was just on the show not that long ago and not via the computer. It just felt weird to have him there again.
Good episode. But it could have been funnier than the rest of the episodes of the season, or some of them. Let’s see how the new boss is gonna be like. I’d choose Andy. Dwight has already messed it up. Jim already did his best. Pam wouldn’t be that bossy.
I thought it was a good episode. Better than last year’s finale hands down. I got a lot of laughs, especially from the open. Creed as manager was hilarious. I can agree with some of the people saying there was a lot of filler though. I could’ve done without some of the guest stars. Tate and Romano were the only ones I enjoyed. Carrey as well for the 30 seconds he was on screen. That being said, I don’t want any of them as manager next season. It has to be Darryl, Dwight, or Andy. This show will be fine though. This is an ensemble cast that has shown they can be entertaining the past two episodes, and they’re setting up some interesting storylines for next season.
Ryan, Pam and Creed were all awesome. As were Dwight, Oscar… you know, let’s just say that I loved the “classic gang”. (Plus Andy, and minus Kevin’s TH).
I wouldn’t like it if they went with an outside hire.
Overall, I was slightly disappointed in this episode. Smart move putting all of these guest stars in this episode. With the (new) viewers watching this episode, they’ll want to know who will be the manager and then gain more ratings for the next season. This gives them the summer to catch up and watch older episodes. /mytwocents
Great episode! Despite all of the guest stars though, Creed stole the show! The opening scene had me rolling with laughter and he only got better as the episode continued!
I loved it! Loved all the Pam/Creed stuff and the Phyllis/Erin stuff. I’m glad Gabe is gone too! I hope it’s Andy or Darryl!!
Ricky knows that a show should be killed off before it dies on air. I’m sure in his opinion, the show is a corpse at this point. I’m hoping he comes back (due to his connection) for what may be the final season, pumps life back into it, and sends it off on a good note. You have to figure, several of the actors have one and a half feet in the film world at this point.
I can see where people said it was a lot of filler. I could’ve done without some of the guest stars. Tate and Romano were the only ones I enjoyed. Carrey as well for the 30 seconds he was on. I don’t want any of them as manager though. The open was hilarious. Creed as manager was awesome. I enjoyed the episode overall. This show will be fine if they keep the current cast and don’t mess around with the chemistry.
I’m actually pretty surprised by the negative reception this seems to be getting here: I don’t think I’ve actually laughed out loud this much at a season 7 episode for a very long time. Well, other than the previous episode.
Wow. I thought I would be disappointed at not finding out who the new manager would be, but instead I had a few laughs and found that I really didn’t care too much. I guess that without Michael, the show has lost its emotional heart for me- there are no stakes anymore. I can see myself continuing to enjoy the show for another season, but I don’t think it’ll be able to draw me in as it has in previous seasons.
I’m slightly okay with waiting for the new boss (i was expecting that) but what I was not expecting and really ticked me off was that Andy and Erin didn’t hook up! I was hoping at the end, he would regret his rejection to erin by making some grand romantic gesture like he used to do. Just hook up already and move on! Overall, I hope it’s James Spader.
What a waste! Instead of going out with bang by just telling us, we will end up finding it out in spoilers over the summer. I hope the writers know what they are doing!
Great Finale. Cliffhanger! I can’t be mad about it. Just very nervous as who it will be. I honestly still have no clue. Perhaps the writers don’t either. Perhaps this was all a way to gauge viewer response and go from there.
Of the new applicants i liked Spader best. Love Arnett though. And how would hiring within not change anything? It would change the dynamic just as much. And the only character that position wouldn’t change would be Dwight.
I hope this forever ends the Andy/Erin storyline. They’re not true love forever. They have zero chemistry to me. Speaking of chemistry, the show needs more Jim/Pam. Hopefully that’s even possible next season with Jenna’s pregnancy.
This was terrible… Best parts were Creed/Pam and Gabe getting the sack. HIRE ANDY!!!! Catherine would be TERRIBLE
Maybe I’ve missed the news and all, but whatever happened to the rumors of Tim Allen?
I didn’t like any of the candidates, and the episode was flat. Only one man can save this show.
What’s people’s grievance with Catherine Tate? I thought she was funny and awkward enough.
After all that, i’m not even sure who I want to be manager. So i can understand the writers not being sure. What type of major plot development were people expecting in an episode titled Search Committee? It was true to word, with a lot of great dialogue. This proved to me though i don’t like to see Jim stressed out in that way. I’m glad he declined to be manager. The biggest question on my mind isn’t even who will be boss. But will they use Jenna’s pregnancy, or hide it/write her out? I’m dying to know what will happen there.
Here’s to next season! I’ll be with this show to the very end. But please stick to the ensemble focus.
Kill me if Catherine Tate gets the job. Her voice was seriously annoying.
Otherwise, the stunt casting actually worked fairly well. I really liked the Dwight and Jim stuff, and also the material with Ryan.
Best part for me:
Erin’s prejudice against burn victims.
I loved the look on her face when she was describing Mr. Souvenier to Jo and also when she said something to the effect of “Do you want me to tell him to leave?”
Each one of the guest stars was fantastic in their portrayals of weird applicants! Even Warren Buffett nickle and diming was hilarious! Lots of love for this episode, it was well done and the unresolved end gives me something to look forward to in the fall. On a side note, I hope they’re not getting rid of Gabe permanently…his oddness adds a great nuance to the show, and he’s really not too far off from some of the stranger people I’ve met at work in real life!
Thanks for this wonderful site and have a great summer break from these marathon Thursday nights, Tanster!
[from tanster: thank you! :) ]
Great Episode. There were a lot of laughs for me as well as a lot of excitement and intrigue at a level I haven’t felt since The Job in season 3. I thought Spader nailed it and definitely played off the other characters the best out of any of the guest stars, which is what is very important in my opinion. He brought a whole different dynamic out of Jim that I enjoyed.
At this point, Creed might as well stay boss. He’s hilarious. I’m surprised they didn’t make more out of the whole homeless thing, since isn’t Creed homeless? Ryan’s basically saying they should stick with him.
I really liked Ryan/BJ Novak in this episode. All of his lines were funny. I’m glad they’ve shifted his character away from the hardcore douchebag hipster he was earlier this year and in season 6. I’m assuming we’ll see a lot more of Ryan next season. This episode makes me think so, anyways.
@132 Yes, i loved Spader and Jim’s interaction. That was great stuff. Well played on both sides.
Ryan was awesome tonight. Creed goes without saying. Jim and Dwight, also great. Very funny stuff.
I hope the final decision is not made by Jim. Whether right or wrong, people will be coming at him from all sides about it. I don’t want some grudge being formed. The only long standing quarrel this show needs is Jim/Dwight. Hopefully the final choice is made by Jo.
Just when I thought they came to their senses and killed off the terrible Andy/Erin storyline, they have Andy breathe a last gasp into it. Make it stop!
I don’t know why everyone is hating on this episode. So what if it was a cliffhanger… don’t you all remember the Season 2 cliffhanger with Jim and Pam?? We were dying to know what happened all summer and it made us come back to the next season. No, I don’t think it was the best episode but it still showed this show can work without Michael (although I do miss him). Personally, I think either Jan or David Wallace should come back to manage. Jan would be amazing as the new boss.
Wow, really laughed hard on Ryan’s comment: “Oh noooooo Stanley, you are going to live forever!”
But in the end the episode didn’t live up to my expectations… :(
Curiously Ryan was actually good in that episode. I say “curiously” because I haven’t liked him in the last two or three seasons or even understood why he’s still on the show at all. His idea that he needs “a guide” gives me slim hope maybe he’s maybe dimly realizing he needs to mature a bit. Spader was also interesting in a weird way. Darryl seemed a bit too dumb in this one. Not sure how I feel on the episode as a whole.
What a disappointing episode. I kept waiting for the episode to take off but it felt like it just kept spinning its wheels and never got traction. It was sad how unfunny it was. After the inspired episode that was “Dwight K. Schrute (Acting) Manager”, I guess my hopes were too high.
James Spader stole the show and did something really interesting, cool, funny and creepy. Catherine Tate who is the current front-runner however is just plain bad and boring. I hope the writers hear us, the viewers and get Spader in the end.
Bring Michael Scott back! The show has lost its appeal. His name is not mentioned now. He is simply “the last boss”. An iconic character can’t be erased like that.
[200-word limit]
Every time the “last boss” was referenced, it was in reference to Deangelo, not Michael.
@#199 Ricky is on record as wanting to go 200 episodes. That’s 9 seasons.
@MATT Stanley said he worked for the “last boss” for 15 years so he was referring to Michael not Deangelo
Loved the episode. Seeing Creed as manager was hilarious. Unlike what happened with Will Ferrell, the guest stars didn’t make the show feel like something other than The Office.
My only complaint was the way NBC made Jim Carrey the face of the episode in the advertisements (and on Hulu today). If people watched the episode to see Jim Carrey, they were left disappointed. All they needed to see was the commercial and that was most of his appearance.
The cold open was fantastic. Creed! the rest was ok. Also, welcome back from insanity Ryan! I’ve missed you! Looking forward to season 8:)
Maybe the new boss will be Oscar – They’re casting for accounting.
Congrats,btw,to those who caught the Phyllis/Erin-mom references 2 eps. ago.
I really enjoyed the episode – much more than I expected, actually. I admit I’m predisposed to disliking guest stars because of the way they killed 30 Rock for me, but I thought the guest stars did really well, and I enjoyed Catherine Tate (so if she’s a frontrunner, I’m okay with that). James Spader was amazing, but I don’t know if that’s a characater with sustainability. Pam on the phone with Creed was wonderful.
The guest stars didn’t make me laugh once, nor did I like any of their characters. On the other hand, the normal cast was hilarious as always. I really hope Season 8 doesn’t have many guest stars. There’s already 16 people (now that Gabe’s left) crammed in that office that do a wonderful job. Judging from Paul’s interview online, I think I’ll get my wish! Oh yea, and there’s also Dwight’s assistant Jordan, ahhh stop bringing in so many extras!
I think I’d go with James spader.
The procession of nutjob applicants seemed a little stale. It’s been done so many times before. Now I know that nutjobs exist, but to have an episode filled with them, makes it feel more like celebrity night at Michael’s improv class than plausible drama.
Which brings me to Creed. What happened that made him go from a crafty, slightly weird kleptomaniac to a lunatic? Developments like this, and the fact that he was put in charge, are just a bridge too far for me, even in the new, ‘lighter’ Office.
I’m glad that Gabe’s role will be reduced, although the actor did a good job playing him. Ryan had the best bit, when he admonished Jim to care about something. Pam was very funny too.
If this was real life, Darryl would be promoted. The writers actually struggled to find negative qualities for him. And that’s why he’d be kind of boring. Andy actually made a strong argument for himself as the safe choice, and the writers clearly love him. I wouldn’t mind seeing Dwight back. He’s earned it.
Overall, I enjoyed the episode and can’t wait for next season.
I kept thinking Jo or somebody would say Jim should get the job. Creed was fun as the acting manager. I thought Pam did a good job of handling him.
This episode wasn’t awful, but it definitely wasn’t worth all the hype NBC put into it. I liked the subtle use of the guest stars, and I really liked the bit near the end when the whole office discussed the potential candidates; it just would have been nice to actually see them seriously discuss the potential outside hires as well as existing staff.
Cliffhangers are expected with season finales, but I didn’t feel that this one was really plotted very well. Honestly, it would have been better to have fewer candidates for the new boss role, because everyone got so little screen time that I really couldn’t have cared less. I was sad that Jim Carrey only got the thirty second talking head at the end of the episode, but his name was thrown into the guest star mix pretty late, so it was to be expected, really. Personally, I think the little we saw of his character would meld into the show really well.
I thought it was a decent and funny episode. I liked how they tried to have so many cliff hangers, but I sort of feel like the replacement will be found out somehow over the summer (maybe someone will leak it to the press), which is not good.
This whole year I thought Darryl was going to replace Michael, and honestly I still stand by that. Even though he had no interview or resume and was over-confident, I think that the search committee knows him and they know how sane he is. They also had so many whack-job interviewers, it wouldn’t hurt to give him the job.
The worst part of the episode for me was how little they used Will Arnett. He is immensely funny and the only guest star I would have loved to see as manager. I think Darryl is probably the most likely choice, followed by Catherine Tate, which would be OK.
This episode was AMAZING. These applicants are the exact kind that you would get – maybe just a little exaggerated, but it’s television! Creed was hilarious, Pam & Creed were priceless. I thought this was the perfect end to the season. I LOVED IT!
So at first I hated this episode but after thinking about it, it’s about how Jim is actually the person who brings the office together now. When he made the committee go back into the Board Room, that’s when I realized that Jim is going to take the management position b/c the office couldn’t handle anyone else to do it. But overall I wanted Andy to get the position.
Did we all watch the same episode? I thought it was hilarious and the best Office season finale since S3. Creed as manager was amazing, and I loved how Pam dealt with him. Not having Michael on the show has really been great for some of the more minor characters, and I love seeing them around more.
I just don’t get the hate.
Is Gabe really gone? Because I’ll miss him, if he is. I thought he was a great character and that Zach Woods did a great job playing him.
Wow, so much negativity! I really enjoyed the episode last night. The guest stars were whatever, I don’t like that they used them. But the dialog between the main cast was really funny. Was it the best episode? No. Was it terrible? No. I think this episode showed just how much Jim as grown, and how despite his lack of desire to be the manager, he’d be the perfect fit for it. For the first time he was in a take charge role where he was not made to look like a fool. Also, the Creed stuff was hilarious, Gabe’s gone (yay!) the Dwight/Jim scene in the parking lot was great! Would it have been nice to see Jim and Pam interact? Yes, most definitely. But overall I really think this was a good solid ensemble episode. For me, there is no better season finale than The Job, and they’ll never top that in my eyes, but last night’s was pretty good too.
I can’t remember how long ago it was, but there was an episode where Creed tells Pam, “Thanks, mom.” That is so how this episode was. Hilarious! (And you could see a lil baby bump, too;) ) I loved all of the Creed and Pam stuff, especially when she used those pictures as a distraction. It’s just like how she would treat Michael. I hope this next season has more JAM because those two characters really help keep everybody together.
Also, Jordan laughed at Pam taking the phone call. She’s gotta know that not only are Jim and Pam married, but Pam’s a prankster, too. I doubt they’ll pursue a Jordan-crush-on- Jim storyline now.
I like the cliffhanger ending. I was rooting for Darryl, but now I don’t know…
I thought the episode was great. James Spader was fantastic, Will Arnett was, well, Will Arnett, Ricky Gervais got his words in as David Brent, Catherine Tate was so so and Jim Carrey was just useless while Dwight trying different ways to get an interview was hilarious. However, the episode showed that Jim is the man. He will be the new boss. No one else can pull the office together like Jim can at this point.
Proclaiming The Office dead based on this episode is ridiculous. If there’s anything we’ve learned in seven seasons, it’s that episodes that lean heavily on big guest stars disappoint—there isn’t a chance to build the “Office” dynamic that makes the show great. There’s a lot of editing to fit them all in, the scenes are abbreviated, and it robs time from the characters we love. That’s alright. It was just a one-time thing.
The core cast was very strong in this episode, and that’s encouraging going forward seeing as how none of the big stars (except maybe one) will be there going forward. This show has plenty of life left.
Last night was also the first time I noticed that this show could easily become John Krasinski’s. He owned it, and it all revolved around him. Cheers.
Looking forward to season eight.
My simple thoughts on the finale. Funny episode, did not feel like a finale. At the end it felt like nothing had happened.
I loved the episode, it’ll be interesting to see how they’ll deal with the replacement next season. I think it might be either Jim or Dwight. I liked the stuff with Phyllis and Erin, as well as Pam and Creed.
Am I right in thinking that this was Mindy Kaling’s last season on the show as well??
I enjoyed some of the finale. I thought James Spader’s “creepy-insane-but-maybe-genius” was fun, refreshingly different (no point in succeeding Steve with the same type of actor/energy) and the only guest who struck me as someone who might work as a successor boss. How would Dwight cope with a boss like that? I’d love to find out. :)
otoh, who knows if Spader’s schtick would remain amusing over the course of a full season.
imho Gabe got stuck in “pining for/stalking Erin” mode a long time ago, and never really got a chance to develop in other, more amusing directions.
I do agree w/ others it’s disappointing to do all that build-up for a “non-ending” cliffhanger. I’m curious if in real life the producers/writers simply don’t *know* yet if they want to fill Steve/Michael’s chair or just leave it empty, and need more time to mull it over.
This is definitely an episode I’ll have to watch at least twice before really forming an opinion. With so many comments above about the job applicants and who might become the new manager, I saw very little mention of the great groundwork the writers are laying for season 8…Angela’s engagement to The Senator!
Brilliant little plot development! They can do a lot with that at the beginning of next season. Angela was hysterical – saying how flashes started going off (“The press follows us everywhere.”) Poor thing has no idea she’s just a pawn, that The Senator is using her to hide the fact that he’s gay. Gonna be fun!
I am sad to see Gabe go…I thought he was hilariously weird!! I think the writers really have no idea who the new boss will be and that this episode was a stall tactic. I thought Creed was awesome and over all a pretty good episode.
Is it wrong that I was hoping that at the end of the episode Michael would appear and say just kidding, I’m back! haha delusional, but I was still hopeful! Overall, it was a funny episode, I don’t think I can wait the whole summer to find out who the new boss is though!
I liked this episode…i’m usually the exact opposite of this board, but I thought it was funny. The show didn’t end…just the season. I thought it was stupid to have all the guest stars but they were funny IMO, but it was overkill.
Jim or Andy will run the Scranton Branch. I really hope it’s not Dwight
Re. new manager, two words: Tim Canterbury. Two more: Gareth Keenan.
Andy is in the best position for the new manager, IMO. Here is why.
First, a new star actor would be very risky, either changing the show too much or being too much like Michael — either way, it would be super difficult to actually succeed. A big change with a new star would be too difficult. Michael version 2 would be impossible to succeed at. The interviews were not promising.
Andy is in the best position overall. (1) he has a romance thing going on with Erin, which because of the rejection has potential to be developed. (2) Erin/Phyllis combo on one end has potential. (3) On the other end, Gabe is going back to Sabre, but will be in next season’s cast.
(4) Other candidates are not as good. Dwight could not manage without a big character change given his previous performance. Darryl not the right personality to be a star actor.
Andy, on the other hand, has the right character profile. He is in is in the middle of all the major plot moves. The matrix of relationships below and above his boss position is perfect. Thoughts?
completely frustrating episode. I’ll still watch it next season but this finale was by miles the worst one yet. I think James Spader will get the job, despite his character being just really bad.
There were some funny moments (which I’d expect of any comedy show that lasts 40 minutes) but the guest stars added nothing to it. The only one i warmed to at all was Ray Romano.
I liked Gabe, I thought it was too easy of a conclusion to take him out. And please writers stop with the ‘Kevin’s so stupid’, ‘Creed’s so wacky’ jokes
I did really like Andy, Erin and Phyllis in this though
I agree with others that there is a good chance they haven’t picked a successor, but I think they will need to do it soon – so much of the overall planning for Season 8 depends on that choice. And I do think they’ll want to do some marketing of that person in advance of the next season (magazine, TV interviews, etc.). In general, though, I think the focus next season will be on the existing characters, regardles of whomever they choose.
Catherine Tate will be amazing. I know they made her character a little weird, but I think they weren’t sure when they filmed this episode who would get it. If you have ever watched the 4th season of Doctor Who or any of her sketch comedies, you will see what she brings to the table!
IF Jim gets the mgmt job, Pam would have to leave, conflict of interest. I could see that possibly a story, Jim takes the job, Pam leaves (so jenna can have her baby). Jim hates work without Pam, so she comes back and Jim relinquishes the manager job.
Ryan: Oh no, Stanley. You’ll live forever
Best line of the night (because how it was delivered).
Spader has such control over a scene it’s amazing to watch. Thought he was the most entertaining of the bunch.
@#176 Pam didn’t have to leave the first time Jim was a manager.
Hey Tanster, do you know if Zach Woods is off the show for good? He was in the promo picture for next season.
I’m pissed Gabe got written off the show (and in such a horribly executed manner). One thing I’m curious about though is why he’s on the Season 8 poster, as he’ll obviously no longer be a part of the Scranton branch. Will he perhaps come back after settling some things with Jo?
I love Jim’s line: “Finger Lakes guy is good.”
I’m thinking that Jim Carrey could be a major potential candidate. Think about it. We did not see his interview. He had less than 15 seconds of screen time, where as all the other big name stars (except Ricky Gervais really) had at least a minute or so. I really think the writers left him so little time to maybe throw us off the hunt. He is going to be my final guess.
But let me just say, I would have hired Dwight as the manager based on his determination alone. Dressing as a burn victim and then PERFORMING HIS INTERVIEW HIMSELF! Hilarious!
@180 @179 Zach Woods is part of next season’s cast list, so he will be in next season. He’s the corporate contact now, like Jan was, but is not going to be working *at* the office. That’s my impression.
I liked this episode, but I thought it could have been better. What are the chances that every single person who interviews is an idiot? At this point, I think the best thing they can do is hire from within. I hope it comes to a vote in the office. Anybody just laugh while thinking about that cold open?
I still think Jason Alexander would be perfect. If they hire from within, I would like to see Ryan. I also would be happy with anyone from the “Big 3”. (Andy, Darryl, and Dwight)
@#176 John – I agree with Kyle. I’m sure Jim and Pam have already filled out one of Toby’s “We’re shacking up” forms. There’s no such thing as a conflict of interest at DM.
I see where some of you are complaining that nothing happened in this finale, but you are wrong. The pivotal scene in this episode is when Jo warns Jim in the parking lot to pick the right manager. All other scenes in the episode are designed to make him realize that he’s the best man for the job.
Of course, it’s also possible that Dwight could have bribed Kelly and Toby sufficiently enough to overrule Jim and make Dwight manager.
@#182 Spencer – Jim Carrey would be great, but be realistic! Do you really think he’s going to take a 90% pay cut (he makes $20+mil per movie!) to be on a TV show?
I believe that part of the reason why Carell left the show was because, with such a large ensemble cast/writers/producers, they couldn’t afford to compete with his movie salary. It just wasn’t worth his time anymore.
I totally agree with Heather (#69). The Office is not long for this world. The finale was awful. I watched it with my teenage daughter (just to see if my advanced age was the problem) and neither one of us could find the humor because there wasn’t any. The only real change between this season and next will be that I’m just not watching it anymore. If you want to know what a great show looks like, tune in to the finale of Parks and Recreation. Now that’s worth your while. It’s fantastic!
This might just be one of my all time favorite eps. Ensemble comedy!
In all these years, I never noticed Creed, but his storyline was hilarious. My other favorite moments featured Ryan or Spader.
I don’t mind the cliffhanger. It hardly matters who is the manager. The appeal for me is all the unique characters & that aspect of the show really shined in this episode.
Thought the episode was entertaining. I don’t need to have the storyline advanced, I just enjoy watching each episode and appreciate the great writing and acting. I thought James Spader was excellent, especially with his interaction with Jim and Dwight. That was some great comedic acting! Don’t think the new manager will be any of the outsiders, yet I can’t imagine any of the current cast (with the exception of Jim)either. So I am at a total loss of who it will be, but that’s what makes it fun! I really miss Michael Scott.
To the people saying Jim will take the job…I really don’t think he will. Remember when he co-managed with Michael? People hated him, it was a huge cut in pay(because he could make much more being a salesman), and it obviously would be less stressful just selling paper. At this point, I think Andy will be the new manager. Jo did say that she wanted Dwight to be interviewed though, so maybe he will get the spot in the end. And like others have said, Jim Carrey makes too much money as a movie star to do the Office. Overall, I thought this was a solid episode. I just wish we would’ve been told who the new manager will be. They led us into the episode believing we’d know by the end, so I was very surprised to see the credits rolling!
Spader was awesome. really don’t want to see catherine tate as manager.
James Spader was amazing in this episode! I was hanging on his every word. Also, James Spader came to Boston Legal when it was on its last leg and got some more seasons out of that show. So, maybe he will be the choice. Jim Carrey was funny, as he always will be. But, I doubt he will do The Office as a long term gig. Gabe has grown on me a lot and he is super funny since he got dumped. One storyline I am getting annoyed with is this Erin and Andy storyline. I like Andy and I like Erin. But, this push to get them together is just not working for me. Can Jim be the manager? It was tried and didn’t work. But, I’m interested to see what will happen. Good episode.
[from tanster: boston legal fans, did james spader play a character like robert california in that show?]
Really disappointing. Between Andy not taking Erin back, and then Gabe going back to Florida… Aggh. Plus the interviews weren’t that funny.
I’m hoping for Andy as the boss actually. But I’m betting on Catherine Tate’s character.
Random question– do we know for sure that Gabe and Erin were sleeping together? That is a terrifying thought!!
Wow, I’m really surprised to see these comments. I thought it was a contender for one of the best episodes. I like watching Pam take the new women in the office under her wing and show them how to deal with it. She did it with Erin and now with Jordan.
I also liked seeing Andy yell in his car. I think Andy was much more entertaining before he went to anger management.
I enjoyed Ryan for the first time in a long time last night as well.
The only reason people didn’t like this episode is because they thought they’d find out who the new boss was, and when that didn’t happen, they were angry. I knew we’d be left with a cliffhanger ending even before they announced it at the NBC presentations. The Office has done this for years. I expected it, and was looking forward to it. I prefer it be this way. It’s more fun.
They got rid of Gabe, but kept Jordan?! really?! That girl is a dead fish in the middle of an ocean of funny…I hope they eat her…
@195 Lauren — Gabe is still the corporate liaison and will be part of next season’s cast. And do you remember when Erin started appearing in the show? Erin appeared about 3/4 through a season and said almost nothing at first, but then the next season started having more of a role.
I thought the episode was great. I also agree with dean..the reason people hated it was because they wanted to know who was going to be the new manager right away. I love cliffhangers..makes it more exciting.
James Spader is one of my favorite actors and he didn’t disappoint in this episode. So funny.
I’ll say it again: I loved Gabe. I was thrilled when he started dating Erin and his character grew. So I’m really sad that he’s being demoted for the next season. I want more not less of Zach Woods. Also, did anyone else think when Kelly went to give him a hug that he was going to kiss her? Like to make erin jealous?
@195: …or take out a life insurance policy on her, and then kill her.
Even though we knew ahead of time that a manager would not be revealed in the episode, i was still expecting some sort of shocking revelation, since the Office always tends to do that for season finales- and i think that kind of fell short. I guess you could say that the Andy/Erin thing and Gabe leaving was finale-esque, but i wasn’t satisfied. On a good note, i found it a lot funnier the second time around. I feel that during the first viewing i was so anxious to see what would happen at the end, that i disregarded the humor.
I think it is kind of funny… Everyone has a different opinion about the show, and not everyone is going to pleased. Unless they think about it a different way. I know that whatever they come up with for the show, I will like it. I call that a true fan. I like all episodes, and I like all characters. “There is no exception for someone with a concussion”
In Boston Legal Spader was similar in that he was obviously crazy smart and a little arrogant, but he wasn’t as creepy, in fact he shacked up with a lot of women during the course of the show. It’s definitely a must-watch, that show was hilarious!!
I’ll start with the stuff I didn’t like. I don’t find Darryl funny. My friend likes him but I feel like he is a less charismatic, more boring Jim. The guest stars had too little time and didn’t make a great impression.
With that said I enjoyed most of Catherine Tate and James Spader. Creed and Ryan were the best. I laughed so hard at their lines. Pam was damn good too. Jim and Dwight carried the show just fine.
I thought that Darryl for manager was a done deal but now I don’t have a clue.
In the end the episode seemed like a dramedy. Weird. The rest was good.
Could Karen come back as manager?
I think this episode succeeded in the fact that it portrayed well the uneasiness everyone feels about jobs, whether you’re in them or trying to get in them, and the acts that people have to put on. All or most of the interviewees (except maybe Jim Carrey?) were hoping to get the job but they have to act like they’re confident and come up with some corporate-sounding baloney about how they would make everything better if *they* got hired, all while trying to make it look like everything you’re doing is totally natural. Just emphasized to me how the normal job interview process is actually very stilted and unnatural, although nobody involved will admit it.
Jim Carrey’s monologue seemed very out of place, totally random, and a little creepy. Could he be the real Scranton Strangler?
Am I the only one who felt sympathy for Merv Bronte? Even though I don’t really want him as new boss, I felt sorry for him. He looks like someone who’d get bullied a lot.
Also, thank christ Gabe was gone. After “Michael’s Last Dundies”, he turned very, very unlikable, and almost like a psychopath.
(For the record, Merv Bronte is Ray Romano’s character.)
This was a great finale and i loved it. Sure it didn’t have any huge moments like The Job or Company Picnic, but as an ensemble piece relying mostly on laughs, it was excellent. Everybody was on fire. I laughed my butt off.
And whoever said Jim owned this episode. Yeah, he rather did. He can really pull people together like nobody else there, i always think back to Office Olympics. He can manage and motivate. Whether the rest of them will allow him to manage them, is a different story.
“Search Committee”: The worst Finale of The Office.
Not funny, and a rollercoaster going nowhere.
Only James Spader’s two minutes interacting with the cast kept me interested.
I wasted an hour waiting for the new manager-and I got suckered by NBC!
Never again!
Pam’s not her usual self.
TOO MUCH Kevin-I do NOT find the incoherent ramblings of an obviously mentally challenged, obese person, funny.
Darryl knows he’s incompetent-and know’s why he’s been promoted.
Michael is gone and the void is cavernous.
Jim is certifiably dull. His romantic connection with Pam is OVER.
Dwight is increasingly borderline sociopathic and unfunny.
Andy is clueless and not a leader.
Angela now’s dating a gay man-how so not original or funny.
The girls-Jordan, Erin, Kelley-are BORING & unfunny.
Bottom line: Spader or bust!
I agree with johnj that it was much funnier the second time around. I was hoping they would tell us the new manager like in the season 3 finale but they’ll just reveal it next week. Gabe’s and Andy’s conversation about the Sun was hilarious and Gabe’s outburst is probably one of my favorite moments in the Office. In the end I think Gabe will end up as the new manager. He’s coming back and I don’t know where else he would fit in.
@195 It is not like Gabe was that funny. At least an individual can look at Jordan without being creeped out.
I don’t care for Darryl at all in his new position upstairs. He’s not funny. I liked him so much better when he was down in the warehouse. What does he even do exactly? Out of everyone, he’s the last person i’d want as manager because how would that not be boring?
@Westin How is Jim dull? He’s smart and level headed, but still pranks Dwight if the opportunity rises. If they keep bringing back his charming, charismatic side and drop the goofball incompetence(we know he’s not perfect), he can fully return who he is. And if he and Pam were actually given screen time together, the chemistry is still there.
I do like Darryl, just not in the office. I like them all. Like Nardpups said, i’m a fan for life.
@210: I think we’re watching different shows. You are most certainly allowed to have your opinion, but I disagree with just about everything you mentioned that was wrong with show currently. I, too, was disappointed in the ending of the season, but I think the ensemble is shining, regardless of Michael’s absence.
Deleted scenes?
I liked it for the most part…unlike most people here, I HATED Spader’s performance! I hope Gervais comes on…bringing in David Brent is perfectly logical! He has experience in the paper business, for one thing, which no one else had. I did enjoy Will Arnett’s performance. I’m not sure who they will choose, but I’ll only watch next season if it’s Gervais or if Jim takes over. I just don’t see the show being a success outside of those two possibilities.
I thought I remember reading on here that this was going to be Kelly’s last season, too, because she was going to be doing another project for NBC. Did I remember that wrong or did something happen and she is going to be sticking around? It seemed like that were totally setting her up to quit over the past couple of episodes but then all of a sudden she was promoted to Gabe’s position.
@#217 MaybeNextTimeUWillEstimateMe – Kelly did not get promoted to Gabe’s job. She only replaced him on the Search Committee. As he was leaving, Gabe said that he will still be the liaison between corporate and the Scranton branch. They may try to do some sub-plotting with him in Florida, the way they did with Jim in Stamford in season 3.
Also, they set up an out for Kelly before season’s end with the American Idol audition. If Mindy doesn’t sign a new contract, Kelly will be in LA next year, pursuing her music career.
That would be horrible if Kelly left. That would be way too much cast change for a show to handle. But, as for the episode, I thought that it was pretty good. Some of the cameos such as Jim Carrey’s were completely unnecessary, and others such as James Spader’s and Catherine Tate’s were amazing. I am hoping for either Spader or Tate as the new manager.
@#217 – I could definitely be wrong, but i think i saw somewhere that she may be sticking around as Kelly. She just won’t be writing for the show anymore, or far less, anyway. I know she has said she’d love to continue to play Kelly.
I’m hoping the new manager will be Jim. He was running the office this episode. I wish there had been a comment from Pam about it, how could they not talk about it considering Jo asked him last episode. I hope they use Jim and Pam to bring more heart back to the show next season, I don’t want them to break up but they’ve been married for a few years and have a child, there’s material there for relatable storylines. And I miss Pam being occasionally shy and awkward, her character is not very dimensional lately.
I don’t think any of the guest stars will be boss, mostly because they’re names are too fictional – Robert California? Except Will Arnett’s was Fred Henry – two first names like Michael Scott! But Will Arnett is in a new sitcom with Christina Applegate.
[200-word limit]
Funniest episode all season! A shame though that it took all those celebs to bring back the old “classic office” humor.
An enjoyable episode, but not one of my favorites. Too bad they couldn’t give us any more information on who the next manager will be. I’m looking forward to next season.
I thought this episode was great! I have very little to complain about. I’ll start with what I disliked first, since there’s much less in that list.
What I didn’t like was:
-Catherine Tate. I didn’t know who she was before this episode but she was very unfunny and couldn’t wait for her to get off screen.
-No interview for Jim Carrey. I get that they wanted to make his appearance a “surprise” but it would’ve only been a surprise for those who had no clue about him being on the show, which is probably less than 5% of who saw it.
-Not knowing who the new boss will be til the next season
What I loved:
-Creed as manager
-Dwight interviewing himself
-“Jacques Souvenior”
-Every single interview was hilarious (except Catherine Tate), but like most I was most impressed with James Spader’s performance
-“FInger Lakes Guy” Jim Carrey!!!
-Gabe trying to sabotage Andy
Overall a very great episode…9/10!
I don’t understand why so many of you are surprised that we didn’t get to find out who the manager was going to be in this episode. There has been a cliffhanger of sorts at the end of EVERY season:
S01E06 Hot Girl – Is Jim giving up on ever dating Pam by asking out the Purse Girl?
S02E22 Casino Night – THE KISS!! Will Pam call off the wedding and start dating Jim?
S03E23 The Job – A) Are Jim and Pam finally together? B) How will Michael handle it with Ryan as his boss?
S04E14 Goodbye Toby – A) Will Michael find happiness with Holly? B) Are Dwight and Angela back together?
S05E26 Company Picnic – Is Pam really pregnant? (Kind of obvious, but they never came out and said it.)
S06E26 Whistleblower – Will Jo bring Holly back to Scranton?
When you think about it, this is one of the better cliffhangers from this great show, because the predictions and debate will be spread out, due to all the possible manager candidates. Let the guessing game begin!
After a crazy month w/ 2 graduations & what seemed like an assembly or ceremony or party or tournament at every turn, I finally took the time to watch the season finale. This is why I love The Office: it makes me laugh!! There are a million points to analyze & debate, true, as always. But, it was so funny…I loved it. And, I’m w/ Oscar, bizarre as it sounds, I can’t WAIT to see Angela’s wedding!!