Update: See OfficeTally’s The Office Season 3 DVD Buying Guide for a complete listing of special bundles!
Release Date:
Sept. 4
– Amazon.com: $32.49 w/free Super Saver shipping
– NBC Store: $37.98
Best Buy has posted a graphic of its special gift set of The Office Season 3 DVD!
Screenshot and previously posted information after the jump.
Tipster: Shawn
August 18

BestBuy.com now has a graphic of The Office Season 3 DVD gift set!
Looks like it includes a box much like last year’s, a Dwight mini-bobblehead, and a mini Dundie award.
Tipster: Shawn
August 9
Looks like Best Buy will be carrying a special gift set of The Offfice Season 3 DVD:

As you may recall, Best Buy sold an awesome gift set last year with the Season 2 DVD!
Tipster: kla
August 8
From a press release:
Fans of The Office will rush home from work to watch the DVD’s outrageously funny bonus features, including:
- Over 3 hours of never-before-seen, hilarious deleted scenes.
- Over 16 minutes of laugh-out-loud bloopers.
- Eight cast commentaries on some of the most comical episodes.
- “Lazy Scranton” video.
- The Dwight Schrute music video.
- The creative videos from NBC’s “Make your own promo” contest.
- And so much more!
June 22
Disc 1 bonus materials
- Deleted Scenes
- “The Coup” Commentary with John Krasinski, Rainn Wilson, Rashida Jones and Angela Kinsey
- “Initiation” Commentary with BJ Novak, Rainn Wilson and Leslie David Baker
Disc 2 bonus materials
- Deleted Scenes
- Kevin Cooks Stuff in The Office
- Excerpts From the 2006 NBC Primetime Preview Hosted by “The Office” Cast
- Toby Wraparounds
- Dwight Schrute Music Video
- Joss Whedon Interview
- Videos From The Office “Make Your Own Promo” Contest
Disc 3 bonus materials
- Deleted Scenes
- “Traveling Salesman”, “The Return” Commentary with John Krasinski, Rainn Wilson, Rashida Jones, Ed Helms, Leslie David Baker and Editor Dave Rogers
- “Business School” Commentary with BJ Novak, Rainn Wilson and Writer Brent Forrester
Disc 4 bonus materials
- Deleted Scenes
- Blooper Reel
- Lazy Scranton Video
- Excerpt from the 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
- “Safety Training” Commentary with BJ Novak, Mindy Kaling and Director Harold Ramis
- “Women’s Appreciation” Commentary with Jenna Fisher, Angela Kinsey, Kate Flannery and Writers Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky
- “Beach Game” Commentary with Ed Helms, Brian Baumgartner, Writer Jennifer Celotta and Director Harold Ramis
- “The Job” Commentary wtih John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, Rashida Jones, Melora Hardin, Editor David Rogers and Director Ken Kwapis
Original cover design

YES!! Commentary of “The Job” with Jenna and John! I can’t wait to hear what they have to say about filming the ending! I was always slightly disappointed that JK didn’t do commentary with Jenna on Casino Night, so this makes up for it.
And Prison Mike… YES!!! This DVD is the definition of awesome.
Never has a phrase made me more excited than “Dwight Schrute Music Video”
that superimposed bandana is hilarious. I can not wait until September!
Can’t wait! Oh so excited!!
Oh my god, yes yes yes.
yay!!! even though i have every episode on iTunes, i have to have this on sept 4th.
Only 8 commentaries?
They need more.. more!!!
And Steve’s too cool for commentaries still? *laments over Season 1 box-set*
Anyhow – its still Office, and its gonna be awesome : – D
Can’t wait for more bloopers
OMG! The Job has the commentary with John, Jenna, and Rashida!!!!!!!!! SO excited!!!!!!!!!!
And suddenly, my life makes sense again.
I’m so excited! I’m glad that John and Jenna did commentary for the final episode. On a dorky note, I’m so happy that there’s a Joss interview. :)
Yes! I want one! I want four! Work, ye accursed pre-order button!
I hope the blooper reel is like 10 minutes long. I LOVE THE BLOOPERS!
Prison Mike for the win!
Such great news, thank you Tanster! And Happy Belated Birthday, as well.
After being so pleasantly surprised last night that the deleted scenes were all added in to Branch Closing, I was dreaming that it would be awesome if the DVDs had a feature that would allow you to watch an episode with its deleted scenes added in, or not. (Some of The X-Files DVDs have that feature, niiice.)
I’m SO glad we get commentary from Jenna and John for “The Job,” although I can’t help but wish we had commentary from Jenna for “Beach Games,” too. Although, I would be happiest if we got commentary from Jenna for every single episode of the third season, so maybe I shouldn’t be quite so demanding.
I’m so excited! I love the commentaries!
I was taken aback at first by Prison Mike being on the cover, but the more I think about it, the more I find it hilarious and wonderful.
I’m completely in love with the cover. Best yet.
But yikes, $37? I could have sworn the Severance Package from Best Buy last year was almost the same price. And that was 2 seasons.
I cannot wait for september oh yeah! Prison Mike
Nice package. But no Carell commentary. That part is disappointing.
YEAH!!! I cannot wait. We need to start a countdown now.
Bloopers- check
Commentaries- check
Dwight Shrute Video- check
Deleted Scenes- check
Lazy Scranton Video- check
Prison Mike on the cover- DOUBLE CHECK! (heck yes)
So exciting! 1 week earlier! hurray!
It should be on sale for the first week for less than $37.
Dwight music video makes me excited!!!!
Hmm I wonder why out of everyone they picked Karen and Andy to be on the cover?
I would love the cover, but it seems pretty unfair that Ed and Rashida made the cover. I love them, but all the regulars got left off. :( It makes sense for the normal five to be on there, but not the two guest-stars.
I love all the extras we got, but I wish we got more commentaries! I especially wanted a commentary for Branch Closing and The Return. I’m so excited for John and Jenna for “The Job” since we didn’t get them together for “Casino Night.” And it’s too bad Jenna couldn’t do “Beach Games” and that Steve’s too busy. :(
*crosses fingers that the blooper reel is 20 min*
I am hoping for a ginormous blooper reel as well. That’s my favorite part!
Yah by far the best part of the dvds is the commentary, its so neat hearing them talking about behind the scenes stuff. Wish there were more commentarys for sure, but all and all I’m preordering.
Come on Fall!!!! I need my office fix!
I will just admit it: The first thing I will watch is the commentary for “The Job.” I knew September was my favorite month of the year: Season 3 DVD, Season 4 debut and football season. Lord beer me strength to make it through the summer.
YES!! This looks so good! :) I’m super excited now. I love the cover art also. It’s great to have Prison Mike on the front!
I’m also a little saddened that Jenna doesn’t have more commentaries, but I understand why. I also wish she could’ve been on the commentary list for “Beach Games” as well, though, since she is for “The Job”. Because that’s Pam’s biggest moment!
Anyway, I’m hoping it’ll be on sale when it first comes out. :)
Also, they probably picked Karen & Andy to be on the cover because they were the only two from “The Merger” to stick around the rest of the season.
Thanks so much for posting the extras details, Jennie. I’m so glad to see that John and Jenna will be on the commentary for The Job, but I agree that it’s too bad Jenna isn’t on the commentary for Beach Games. I’m also happy that Ed Helms has a couple of commentaries. It’s also too bad that Steve wasn’t able to do a commentary – he wasn’t on any of the commentaries for S2 either I think. It’s good that he is at a great time in his movie career, but I do miss him on the commentaries since he is the lead of the show.
They should put the webisodes on there.
I am really looking forward to seeing the episodes I missed during the year (especially Beach Games). I just hate the release date being so close to the beginning of the new season.
webisodes are in the season2 dvd bundle.
OMG! I’m so glad they put Prison Mike on the cover… HILARIOUS!
Score! Can’t wait! I’ll buy it the day that it comes out! Wow there’s so much!!
I’m geeking out right now!!!!! It’s kinda expensive, it’s the exact same price I got my season 1&2 bundle for, but the bonus features sound AMAZING!! Dwight Shrute music video!!!! My life is now complete.
#29 — Yeah, I read over at the livejournal community where someone commented that it’s like a scranton vs. stamford look… which then makes sense of why, out of all of the cast, Ed and Rashida (who is still only guest starring) are on the cover.
I think it’s fun that Pam looks happy on this cover… she’s never looked really happy on the DVDs/packaging before. :) Karen looks happy, too, but Jim doesn’t…
Hooray, hooray for new Office DVDs!
Where’s the Paley Fest stuff? =( Tanster, are you as sad as I am?
Fitting, seeing as how Jim wasn’t too happy for most of this season.
Deleted Scenes: Yay!
Blooper Reel: Yay!
My only wish would be more commentaries. Commentaries are my favorite.
For the record, Helms is now a regular so I understand his presence on the cover. 37 is just the high end price. I’ll likely snatch it up for around 30.
No video from the Paley Festival?
I think it makes some sense that Ed and Karen are on the cover. They played a pretty big role all season and were involved in all the big story lines this year. Who can forget Karen Vs Pam or Dwight vs Andy.
Prison Mike?!? YES!! And I cannot wait to see that blooper reel. I agree with the others saying that they wish Steve would do some commentary. I really liked his commentary on season 1. He’s just such a big movie star now… it’s like watching a little kid grow up in front of your eyes. Awww… lol.
I can’t wait! The bonus materials sound amazing. I love how they include such great stuff for the fans.
I’m so juiced! I wish I had a Delorean so I could pick it up tomorrow. But what’s with the lack of commentaries? Not that many this time around. Oh well, dinkin flicka.
No commentary for “Cocktails”? Come on… I would’ve taken that over “Initiation.”
Sept 4…cool even earlier then predicted. I too wish they had more commentaries but I am glad J and J are both doing The Job commentary.
Shout out to Melody….love the office alliance podcast! People go check that out!
AHHHH YES! I love the cover! Long live Prison Mike!
Awesome–Can hardly wait! Part of me is super-irritated that Karen is on the cover of the box, but the rational part of me knows that she played a big part in shaping the season.
I’m already excited–now if we can just find out when the s4 premiere is, I’ll start marking my calendar!
oh my man, the bonus features are freaking amazing!
I really wish the PaleyFest stuff was on there, too; I’ve heard such great stuff about it. It would have made a great extra for those of us who were unable to attend.
It’s all about gruel and dementors, ya’ll.
Wow, that looks awesome! I’m a little sad that the Paley fest won’t be on there :/ I guess i’ll never get to relive that.
I cannot wait for this DVD. It sounds great.
Um… Rashida has three commentaries while Jenna has two?
And Andy and Karen on the cover but no ANGELA?
Dat ain’t right.
Allison– Jenna had a broke back. I’m sure that’s why she only phoned in two commentaries.
Rashida is on the cover. For some reason, that bothers me. A lot.
Oh man. No Steve commentaries, only one Melora commentary…and no Angela on the cover?!
The gag reel better be awesome.
Allison, Rashida has four! The Coup, Traveling Salesman, The Return, and The Job.
Samual L. Chang-
“Lord beer me strength to make it through the summer” is the funniest thing i’ve ever heard
Oooh, I can’t wait for this! Hurry up September 4th!!
Maybe the rest of the cast is on the back cover, like they were on the S2 dvd.
#58 It bothers me too…I’m also a little sad that Steve is not doing any of the commentaries.
“What if I push you up against a wall . . .” Prison Mike.
So cool that he is on the cover.
I want it right now.
Cool! No real complaints from me! And now it comes out on my birthday!
Yeah, um… Angela should be on the cover… I mean, Karen and Andy played SOME role in this season but Angela has been there since the beginning. Oh well! The bonus features should be superb!
As much as I adore Melora, she tends to be a bit grating on the commentaries. I’m thrilled to see Kate and Angela on a commentary or two, and am really, really looking forward to the Harold Ramis one.
I’m a little concerned that there is no mention as to what versions of the episodes are on here. As we all know, multiple versions of the episodes were created. I would like to have every cut version of the episodes. For example on Branch Closing, there was the original broadcast version, the extended Producer’s cut, and a recut labeled a “NewPeat.” I hope all three versions of this episode, and all other versions of each episode will be offered.
I like the cover art better for this season than the others. For some reason there was a lot of horrible photoshopping on the inside of the second seasons digipack, especially on the inside. This seems to be a trend for a lot of universal releases though, so we’ll have to wait and see.
#68….I agree with you completely about Melora. She always seems very into herself and never talks about anything but. I like that Kate is doing commentaries. Not a big fan of Melora.
Can’t wait to see these!! However, any mention of HD-DVD? This show has been in high def since season one. C’mon already!
I just noticed that they combined “Traveling Salesman” and “The Return” YAY!!
Amen #72! Universal is one of the only HD-DVD exclusive companies out there, and they haven’t released any of the HD-DVD TV Series properties. Wouldn’t a Seasons 1-3 Box Set on HD-DVD be awesome!?!
weren’t they doing commentaries around the time jenna got injured? plus she was filming her movie. that is probably why she doesn’t have many commentaries, but it’s better than nothing. in a way, angela, brian, and jenna’s myspace pages have acted as their commentaries
What?? No commentary on Phyllis’ Wedding or Ben Franklin? And no commentary from the set designer and the food services guy? Just be happy the show is still on the air (Arrested Development) and is on DVD at all (Malcolm in the Middle).
Even though I have season 3 (thanks iTunes), I’m still getting this. Though I’m kinda bummed about there being no commentary from (my not-so-secret crush) Paul.
I think the reason it doesn’t bother me that Rashida is on the cover is that it does kind of make sense. If they are going to put anyone extra on it, (other than the five) then it’s logical that its Ed and Rashida. If they put Angela, then that wouldn’t make sense because why Angela and not Kelly or Kevin, etc. Plus, I like to think of it as sort of a farewell. Hee hee.
It’s a good cover but I agree that Angela should have been there. I think Angela is the 5th most important character on the show behind Michael/Dwight/Jim/Pam.
Anyway, at least it looks good, funny shot of Steve.
I miss Steve on the commentaries. This is HIS show. And I agree with everyone about Rashida on the cover but no Angela. Love Prison Mike on the cover! Can’t wait to buy this…
Will the DVD set include the Producer’s Cut of “Branch Closing”? How about… the Newpeat Cut of “Travelling Salesman?”
Or will these episodes just be the same mind-numbing standard TV edition we have already seen, stripped of all it’s pomp and frills?
Does the DVD come with any free valuable keepsake? I.e. Battlestar Galactica name pins? Picture frame of Michael? American Dolls clothing wear? Perhaps a paper watermark of animals engaged in various funtivities? Beats?
I need this DVD like I need a hole in the head. Hurry up July 31st!
If only there were some way to get Seat18b’s videos onto the DVD without making the lawyers freak out.
20: “Nice package.”
65: “I want it right now.”
That’s what she said.
It looks so pretty… and the bonus features!! Can’t wait to get it!! :)))))))))))))))))
Cool, cool, box it up!
I can’t wait. I’m just not sure what I should do, watch the entire season in one day or let it span out until season 4 starts. Either way, Good times.
I know this has probably been already said, but it really bothers me that Karen is behind Jim…… I just feel that that is Pam’s spot. *sigh*
hmmm… i think this is one of the first times we don’t see jim and pam together in a picture!
If you pre-order it do you get it earlier or does it come on sept 4th??
I will of course buy the DVD even though I have the iTunes versions… still haven’t seen the “newpeat” episode, so I hope they make the episodes as extended as possible!
i so wish steve would be on the commentaries! i don’t think he’s been on one since season 1.
For me the cover in general is awful. The bandanna looks ridiculous. I wish it looked like Season Two’s. I’m sick of these TV shows that keep changing their DVD case design. Pick something already and stick with it!!!
Dude, if they kept the same DVD cover for every season, then how would you know which season is which? Of course they could just put a big 3 on it, but who wants that? They need to stir the melting pot. ;)
Impatient me already bought Season 3 on iTunes and didn’t get any of the “bonus” stuff! It cost about the same too!!
Great….more Jam crap. Melora is only on one commentary, and she’ll probably get shut out by John and Jenna. Fabulous.
Being the nerd that I am, I just came across a Tina Fey fansite. It mentioned that 30 Rock dvd comes out Sept. 4 to tie in with their second season premiere. Hopefully, The Office premieres that week also. :)
@meloradrama: Hey there negative Nancy!
Did anyone notice Michael is also wearing the ladies suit?
I hate the cover. Keep it like season two’s. Im sick of them changing it all the time.
And why aren’t they having other actors on the commentary like Creed more often? I love Creed, but hes a minor character, and he rarely gets enough attention.
Oohh, I can’t wait. The moment I saw the cover, I just got so so nicely happy. I’m ok about Rashida and Ed on the cover, though I am a bit sad about the lack of commentaries. I love those. Also (it has been mentioned before, but..): will the producer’s cuts /extended versions/ newpeats be on it? I sure hope so. Especially for us outside the US, who hasn’t seen them..
Love Prison Mike
#85: My words exactly.
I HATED The Convict, why is Prison Mike on there!? :( It’s just a reflection at how sub par this season was, I guess. I miss loving this show, and I really hope S4 picks up the pieces.
Thanks for the info, tanster! Based on the specifications, I think this DVD release will be a great celebration of a brave, consistently excellent season 3 of “The Office” that has been more than a worthy follow-up to season 2. It’s a wonderful way for us fans to relive the countless memorable sweet and funny moments in all 25 episodes. I can’t wait till July 31! Yay!
I agree with Amy(#104), it seemed as though this season, they were trying to appeal a different crowd than the episodes of Season 2. I felt that this season was less realistic than the others and the humor was more forced. I still love the show and can’t wait for the DVD!
i know i am just being a demanding fan, but seriously, every ep. should have commentaries. And perhaps several commentaries for each episode with a different group in each one. That is what I am buying the DVD for, after all, because I already have all the episodes saved on my TiVo. More Commentaries!
And I enjoy Prison Mike on the cover. The Convict was probably the best comedic episode of the season. I loved it.
BJ + Mindy = complete hilarity. I am looking forward to Safety Training.
Hey guys! FYI – I just went to the Universal Video website, and I was able to pre-order it today! Someone mentioned that the pre-order button didn’t work, but I worked fine for me! It ships out on September 2nd.
Was anyone else able to order it?
“I hate the cover. Keep it like season two’s. Im sick of them changing it all the time.”
It’s in the same format as Season Two… and what do you mean by “changing it all the time”?
Do you want the same exact cover art with “Season Three” written on it instead of “Season Two”? They’re actually trying to sell these… to consumers.
i honestly never thought the prison mike thing was all that funny. i really can’t believe that they put ed helms and rashida jones on the cover instead of angela kinsey. i mean i know they’re trying to promote it with bigger named actors but it’s really ridiculous.
I wasn’t a big Prison Mike fan either. He was only in one episode–was it really that popular?
prison mike wasn’t very funny. it was kind of amusing in how lame it was, which is kind of the way michael is in general. but i have to admit, it adds something to the cover, with michael being all serious (like in previous covers) except now he’s prison mike. no explanation to people who haven’t seen the episode. so i like it. obscure references are great.
and i don’t mind having rashida and ed on the cover. they put the characters that figure more prominently to the season story arc on the cover, so what’s wrong with that? i like the other characters too, but having every cast member on the cover is kind of a mess.
it’s packaging, people. not that big of a deal.
There definitely should have been commentaries on Branch Closing and The Merger, but other than that I’m excited!
Wow. Lotta hate for the cover. How ’bout just be excited it’s coming out so soon. Jesus.
I pre-ordered with overnight delivery…kinda excited!
hahaha i loved prison mike. and it doesn’t really matter if he was in one episode – it’s just michael wearing the bandana. it would be boring or exactly like the season 1 dvd cover if michael wasn’t doing something silly.
Word, DestroyPhone. Fans of shows like “The Wonder Years” are still waiting for DVDs of their shows to be released. It’s easy to take TV DVDs for granted these days, but I remember a time when I’d do anything to have my favorite shows released on even barebones DVDs without any special features, but the studios were hesitant to do so because of the perceived fear of undermining syndication deals, having to negotiate music rights (which is still a big issue now) etc. Apologies for being an old fogey, and while I think most of those who have aired their displeasure make valid points, I think we should be appreciative we have the opportunity to own one of our favorite shows on DVD as a keepsake.
Here in Spain “The Office” was released on DVD before it was broadcast on TV (s1 & s2). :o
Wow…so much anger over something as inconsequential as the packaging graphics. Should they all be volumes of the same burgundy cover like a set of encyclopedias? I’m just jazzed to see the extras and gag reel. I must insist that you halt your silliness at once. Chillax, Karen/Prison Mike haters.
Don’t know if this has been mentioned yet but I found it on Bestbuy.com for $44.99. It’s more expensive, but I just thought I’d let people know.
super exciting! but why do they have to wait till sept??
GOsh, don’t know if I was missing something, but I had a laugh when I saw the cover. I think the goal with the cover is to distinguish this season from the others. Someday I’m going to have 8, 10, 12, who knows how many seasons of The Office on DVD and I’ll be able to pull this one out and easily recognize it as the season of Karen and the merger (which spawned The Convict episode).
Also, I’m extremely curious to see “Kevin Cooks Stuff in The Office” – does anyone know what this is??
brett (114),
actually i don’t mind ed helms being on the cover (since he IS a regular on the show now) but putting rashida jones instead of angela kinsey gets me kind of annoyed. i mean i know they’re trying to promote the show with bigger named actors, but angela’s been on the show way longer than rashida and she’s been the most important character out of the supporting cast and it really sucks that she’s not on the cover.
Does anyone know if there is any chance of ever seeing the alternate ending of The Job? Really interested in that!
#68 mike d- I totally agree with you about Melora in the commentaries, and my friends all agree too. I have to admit that the most frustrated I’ve been while watching the dvd commentaries was when Rainn Wilson kept talking about lenses and equipment right during the big Jim/Pam moments in “Casino Night.” Other than those things, I LOVE the commentaries. I love when Paul contributes…
#127: Yeah, and Paul isn’t on any commentaries this time. :(
Prison Mike is pretty cool….and who really cares about the cover? Watch the show.
There is new Higher-Resolution art (including a 3-D spine view) up
Thank you so much, tanster and that1guypictures, for the heads-up on the availability of the Amazon pre-order and the high-resolution box-art!
I just ordered mine this morning…I can’t wait!
Yep, I was waiting for the Amazon one. I’m so excited. Actually, my favorite commentator is Jenna. She seems to always talk about what she thinks fans want to know about. She’s always so interesting. But they are all pretty funny.
Only two more months, by which point my seasons 1 & 2 dvds will be completely burned out! Very exciting!
Also, according to IMDB, today is Melora Hardin’s 40th birthday! I can only wish to look that good when I’m that age…
YAY!!! Can’t wait til September for mine to arrive! My DVR is really full w/all the episodes from Season 3.
Wow, that’s a really good price from Amazon. That’s about what I paid for season 2 from Amazon, then it went on sale at Target for $24.99. If you are looking for a deal, Circuit City and Target usually have the best prices the week videos come out and then they go up afterward until Christmas deals roll around. So getting it the first week it comes out means you get to watch it sooner at a better price – win win!
As soon as I get it I will throw 500 pieces of 3-hole punched paper in the air, and than I will recycle it. That way I will get the same paper back only it will say “100% post-consumer content.” And the cycle will continue every time I watch a season 3 episode.
I know everyone is saying to give it up, but that cover art really IS hideous. They should’ve had fan contest. I mean look at all the sweet banners. And well … uh, I mean, oh well.
Season 3 just plain painful. Rashida Jones: squirmingly amateurish. Ruined it for me.
Won’t buy; will rent for deleted scenes, commentary. Will FF RJ scenes.
Am I under 200, tanster?
I don’t think I’ll pre-order it just because I’d rather have it the day it comes out. I don’t want to wait for it to come in the mail. So Tuesday morning I’ll be out the door to Target (or whoever has the best deal) :)
Does anyone else remember the extended online shows? Like, with Branch Closing, I saw it online, and it had extra bits that weren’t on TV – maybe they’ll make it in the deleted scenes?
I think the cover is a fake. Meaning, that NBC is just putting it out there to cause a ruckus in the community :) I hope they have another deal with Target or Best Buy for Special Editions. They’d be smart to do that because of the tards like myself that bought both…
It has all of the characters and Prison Mike. I’m not sure why people are mad.
#143, Weston.
I agree, what’s so bad about raining paper and Prison Mike?
The DVD for season 3 of “The Office” just made it to the top 10 on Amazon’s bestselling list for TV DVDs. Yay for our little show!
WHAT?!?! No more prison Mike?!? That’s an outrage!
Sadness :(
I think this change is for the best. You gotta look at this from a first time consumer’s perspective. We, the diehard Dunder Mifflinites, will buy it regardless. However, some newcomer may look at a DVD entitled “The Office” and see the bandana and be put off due to confusion, prejudice, or any number of factors.
On a personal level I think keeping the covers free of any one-time costume changes and/or gimmicks hurts the overall feel of the set, as well as the season-to-season consistencies.
[Second paragraph redux, to say what I meant to say.]
On a personal level I think keeping the covers free of any one-time costume changes and/or gimmicks helps the overall feel of the set, as well as the season-to-season consistencies.
They should have taken Karen off while they were at it. Ooh, was that mean? Nobody get upset. I’m just joshing.
I agree w/ phyllis*farm, as much as I love Prison Mike, he had about 5 min. of screen time on one episode. The cover should be representative of the characters appearance in general. The new cover is much better and less confusing for the uninitiated.
Well, Prison Mike will always be in our hearts, and I guess this change is for the best. Phyllis*farm is right ; newcomers might be confused when looking at the cover.
The Crip Gang probably put in a complaint to NBC. I’m sure there are many Dunder-Crips that were offended.
Thank goodness! Prison Mike, while funny, was not representative of the show as a whole and that is how the cover should be presented. I hate the idea of PM on the cover so I am really happy about the change.
Sorry, one more thing….How on earth can Jenna not commentate on Beach Games??? That episode was the culmination of a season’s worth of growth for Pam’s character. Such a shame….
Had they just photo-shopped on the bandanna (on the original cover)?
Because Michael is standing in the exact same position, and the bandanna always looked rather small for his head…
I think that’s a much better choice for the cover, even though Prison Mike on there did make me giggle.
I think I’m actually going to wait. *gasp* Which is really surprising coming from me, but I do still have most, if not all, the episodes from this season already (minus maybe a couple like Business School and Phyllis’ Wedding) and I’m sure I will buy them at some point (or ask for them for Christmas), but I don’t feel the desperate need to listen to the commentaries immediately. (that’s probably just me, though.)
I still can’t believe Steve Carell doesn’t do any commentaries.
The commentaries are weak…MORE JENNA!!!
wow, kinda disappointed
the only thing besides the commentary tracks that we havent seen is the blooper reel. and the lack of anything from steve is a major major disappointment
I wish there were more Jenna and John commentaries like in Season 1. Dinkin’ flicka.
I just wish those in charge of The Office’s DVD covers would try just a tiny bit harder with the Photoshopping. I mean, Steve, for example, always has this blank, glassy expression, and then they just awkwardly Photoshop in his hands or bandana and think they’re done. It’s just weird. =/
I hope there will be a store only special editions like they did last year at Best Buy and Target…
I actually think they’d sell more copies if they had different ones with different covers as is sometimes done with paperback books.
One like the above, a Jam one, a Jim/Karen one, a Dwight/Angela one, and one with all the supporting actors prominent like Oscar and Brian.
I didn’t get to read through all the comments, but I guess I have to agree about Prison Mike just popping up for a part of one episode probably shouldn’t be on the cover. But when I first saw it on the DVD I busted out laughing. It was a good inside joke for The Office die hards :)
I hope that Prison Mike is the picture on an actual DVD. And I like Rashida/Karen on the cover. If we lose someone on the cover to make room for Angela, why not BJ/Ryan instead?
Hahaha this is hilarious
this sucks – I’m no longer going to purchase the season 3 dvd now that Prison Mike has been taken off the cover
just kidding – I’ll still buy it
I wonder what the inside cover art will look like.
Wonder what negativity will come out about Rashida AFTER the DVD is released.
What annoys me is they use the same pic of Carell’s head on practically every piece of merchnadise and just add in different hands or body positions. I also have a wallpaper with that exact picture of Jim on it – take some new photos please NBC!!
I guess that both Steve and Jenna were unavailable when they recorded the commentaries. Steve was either promoting “Evan Disappointingly” or shooting “Get Smart” (just as he was too busy for the S2 DVDs) while Jenna had to stay in bed, due to her accident. Unfortunately, Universal won’t delay the release date by a month or two just to accomodate anybody’s schedule for audio commentaries. So, take the existing extras as a gift. We might have been spoilt by the first two releases but many shows on DVD don’t have as many extras or care put into the actual edition.
To #175)
I loved Evan Almighty :( its sad that it didnt do so well because too movie reviewers for some reason were expecting Steve to be like his 40 Year Old Virgin self.
Anyone know if there will be any “special editions” of the DVD like they had for Season 2 at Target? I want to make sure to get the one with the MAXIMUM content! :)
p.s. I wish they would put the Emmy opening w/ Conan O’Brien on there!!!
Good, Prison Mike seemed out of place with the rest of the cover.
Did anyone notice they spelled John’s name “John Krasinsky”? Nice fact checking, Amazon.
Not “Kevin Cooks Stuff in The Office” (listed as one of the bonus materials) – that is hilarious!!!
i wish they has the web episodes this year like they did last year. they should do web episodes every year. maybe they should do the sales reps.
Thank God Prison Mike is gone. He had nothing to do with the rest of the cover.
Wow. I’m a little disappointed. There are way less extras and commentaries then there were last time. And the commentaries have a lot less people as well. And no Steve, again! I’ll buy it anyways because I’m a die-hard Office fan, but I wish they put more thought into it for the fans.
I’m hoping that fewer commentaries will mean better commentaries. I like it when they talk about the ideas behind a scene and how they decided to approach them. Funny stories and behind-the-scenes info are great too. Too often, the season two commentaries devolved into everyone shouting out, “Oh! I love this part! That was so funny!” It was cute, but really, I don’t need them to point out to me what’s funny.
I Can’t Wait To Get It.
I went to the movies today and before the movie started they were showing random commercials and then there was one for the DVD.It was just clips from the show but it did say there will be 3 hours of deleted scenes on the set!
For the Canadians, you can now pre-order on http://www.amazon.ca. When I checked, there seemed to be two listings for Season 3 and one is about $10 cheaper.
16 minutes? I was hoping for more than that, too…I guess I could watch it over and over again..and laugh out loud each time, like i’ve never seen it before. =P
That’s the same amount of time as the season 2 dvd, so I’m not too upset.
It sounds great to me…I think some of you want more bonus features then you should. With probably nearly 2 hours of deleted scenes and a 15 minute outtake real, and audio commentary on several key episodes and a couple few extra throw-ins…I don’t understand why you guys seem to think there is less bonus material on this set then there was last time. Maybe everyone needs to just be less picky. :-) I’m buying it, though I think I would have rather had it on HD-DVD or Blu-Ray (If Universal would start releasing on that format.)
I live for the blooper reel. That’s why I always want more. :)
are the DVDs going to be offered in high def?
I don’t want to have to buy them again once everything goes over to HD or Blue Ray
There were no webisodes this year because of guild issues. It’s not that they didn’t want to.
16 minutes is still kinda long considering bloopers themselves are relatively short.
16 minutes isnt so bad. Sure I’d like more but most shows only come with a 7 minute reel. I’m happy with 16.
The blooper reel last time was 17 minutes. It’d be awesome to have a half hour reel, but 16-17 minutes is still way more than most shows have.
Yeah, I want an extended blooper reel too. My fear is that since NBC.com put so many deleted scenes online after each show that we are going to feel a bit cheated on the DVD. That and the fact that Steve Carell won’t be on any of the commentary doesn’t have me as excited for the S3 DVDs as I was for the S2 DVD.
The blooper reel they showed at Paley was great, so I hope all that stuff is on there too.
does anyone know if Best Buy is going to do a special package (like what they did with season 2 and their “severance package?”)
if not, i need to order this, STAT.
Wasn’t it about 21 minutes last year? 16 minutes is enough for me considering that I will laughing the whole time and three weeks after that.
It deeply saddens me that there are only 8 commentaries with a small amount of people, but at the same time I have to stop to think that the cast of our little show is growing in fame. It’s so awesome and sad at the same time.
Poor Ryan, always relegated to the back of the DVD cover! Hee.
I read the update wrong and thought there’d be 16 minutes of bonus material all together, and I was like, “WHAT?!” Then my brain rebuilt itself, and I read it right. Phew!
I can’t wait for this DVD to come out! However, it’s a big disappointment that Steve Carell is not on the commentaries. I know he was busy, but that is exactly the problem when one cast member’s stock begins to rise. Commentaries might not be important in the grand scheme of things, but for a person whose character anchors the show, sorry, but it just bugs me that no time could be made for him to participate.
Maybe it’s 16 minutes per episode…
I dunno…”Phyllis’s Wedding” may be over 16 minutes long, but I wouldn’t characterize it as “laugh-out-loud”.
I agree Debi. And I don’t think it takes all that long to do a few commentaries.
I just pre-ordered my copy from Amazon. Thanks for the tip!
As for the cover, I couldn’t care less what it looks like. It’s not like I planned to frame it, it’s just a vessel to contain the hours of fresh Officey goodness inside.
And as for the bonus features, I find it hard to complain about the apparent treasure trove of stuff that’s listed. My one wish would be to have at least some episodes include Director’s cuts and/or deleted scenes, some of which have been important to the story line.
At any rate, it’s nice to touch base here at OT and to get my fingers warmed up for the new season. Should be a fun ride!
only 16 minutes… I remember reading one of the cast member’s blogs when they said that it’s going to be twice as long as season’s 2 bloopers. Season 3 just keeps on getting more and more disapointing
I think the only thing thats a little disappointing is the lack of commentaries. As for Steve not being on them, well I think that stinks, but Sarah Michelle Gellar didn’t do one Buffy commentary, its just something you get use to when one becomes a star. :)
I’m a commentaries fan, so that’s what I’m disappointed about: I want commentaries for every episode!
Does anyone know if any of the episodes on the DVD will be the producer’s cuts? Such as the longer version of The Return and Branch Closing.
Many fans outside the U.S. couldn’t access itunes or the nbc site to see the producer’s cuts and have been waiting for the DVD to see them.
Someone over at the NBC messageboards with some inside production info. has said Producers Cuts will be included. It’s not confirmed information.
#199: I just checked the Best Buy site and they have some sort of Gift Pack thing listed but no pictures or information. It just says available September 4th.
I went back and re-checked our inside source on the NBC messageboards, and he did say at least some of the “newpeats” were included, but I’m redacting the info. on the producers cuts. He also said there would be packages for Best Buy and Target again. The Target package would also include the Paley stuff.
I was wondering when I was rewatching “The Job” if they will be bleeping out the cus words on the DVD?
Thanks for the info, mixedberries! Please keep us updated. :)
While I understand everyone wanting as much “extra stuff” as possible, I do think there is a line between good extras and just cramming on stuff to hit a “magic number” of minutes. I guess my only thought is that I hope the writers/producers of the show have been the ones to decide what should be on the DVD – if they have, then I’m confident it will be great. If it’s someone in a marketing department somewhere, then I’m less confident. I’m sad that certain stores will get “better” versions than others – we don’t have Target here in Canada, so once again the Canadians lose out!
[from tanster: please proofread and re-post. thanks!]
I’ll be buying my copy from Target. They usually have the best price the first week of release.
I agree with Tobyfan in that I think it’s disappointing that market forces have meant that there are several versions of the DVD set. While I’m delighted and looking forward to the upcoming DVD release, it’s clear that a lot of fans of “The Office” are from other countries and who don’t have easy access to the exclusive packages as offered by Target or BestBuy, and who would probably have to fork out exorbitant amounts of money if they wish to procure such sets on ebay, for instance. I’m sure I speak on behalf of a lot of US-based “Office” fans in saying that I don’t mind paying a slightly higher price if it means that the additional special features on the abovementioned exclusive packages could be included in all DVD sets. Economics has never been my forte (my favorite all-time course is TV-Watching 101), so I’m pretty sure my wish is commercially unfeasible. Nevertheless, it would be nice if a compromise could somehow be found.
Wohoo! My sister gave me a $40 Best Buy gift card in May for my bday so I could get season three. I love my sis! Last year’s Best Buy gift package was awesome so I’m excited for this year’s. If Target’s copy has the stuff from Paley I might have to buy that too since I was there and it was funny stuff.
i must be missing out…stuff from paley? umm…what does this mean? please pardon my ignorance.
Read about Paley Fest here.
I don’t know if anyone has nit-picked about this yet, but do we know if “over 3 hours of never-before-seen, hilarious deleted scenes” means MORE than what they put up on nbc.com throughout the season?
Mexicanity and I also wrote about our Paley experience in our myspace blog. Just click on my name and it’ll take you to the page if you want.
Has it been mentioned yet whether this will include the producer’s cuts of episodes like Branch Closing, The Merger, The Return, etc?
thanks so much tanster and lemonade (can’t figure out the tilde or accent on this)! i’m surprised i didn’t recognize the reference, i basically spend all day at work sneaking onto OT and trying to be inconspicuous as i attempt to become a sudoku master (failing miserably). seriously, without this site, this whole 9-5 thing would kill me.
hmmm…. The Best Buy Gift Set. I wonder whats in it. Judging from the price I wonder if its all 3 seasons, or if it comes with extra goodies, like a bobble head or stationary…
I went back and checked with our inside guy on the NBC messageboards,(Harelequin719). It’s his understanding that producer’s cuts will be included.
ok what the heck is paley?!?!?
somebody please email me and inform me!
#216 – I agree. Target and/or Circuit City. I was so stoked when I got Season 2 dirt cheap due to a PRICING ERROR by Circuit City. *Crosses Fingers*
That Dundie is tempting, but I’m not sure it justifies the extra $15-20.
Last year I spent less and got seasons 1 and 2 from Best Buy. $50 seems a little much for the gift set.
Yeah!! I’ll finally be able to get a Dwight bobblehead of some kind anyway! :) I hope they have more than that and a Dundie, though. I hope they have a calendar again too or something. They should have Schrute bucks! :)
Anyway, I’ll be getting it from Best Buy because most likely someone’ll post the Paley thing on~line like they did Jenna’s thing eventually.
Yes, Dundie!!!
I want a mini-bobblehead and a Dundie! But I’m not sure I’m willing to pay the extra $15-20 for them. :(
Thanks for the heads-up! I just pre-ordered mine. YAY!! I’ve been waiting for a Dundie forever. And folks who are weary of the $15-$20 extra, think about how much it’s gonna be when the NBC store sells it, at least $15 if not more. Plus, these extras may never make it to the online store (i.e. mini calendar, pen, notepad for the Season 2 Gift Set) which makes these items even more exclusive.
$15-$20 more…BFD.
What a dilemma! Hopefully, during the first week the Best Buy gift set will be less than $50. I was hoping to get The Office AND 30 Rock. I don’t want to have to choose…
Sorry for the double post, but I read my previous guess about what was in the Box Set, and my bobble head guess was correct! :)
Any chance there will be more than just the four commentaries? It’s been said before but there were more than four for the first DVD(just six episodes). It’s not going to prevent me from purchasing it but it’s always nice to get the different perspectives on the episodes.
[from tanster: there are eight commentaries listed]
It’s probably not possible but if anyone can blow up the photo of the dundie and read the inscription, that’d be great.
There really shouldn’t be that much of a dilemma if you want the bobblehead & the Dundie. And heck, there might even be more stuff than that that we don’t even know about. I mean, someone will most likely post the Paley stuff on~line since they did that eventually w/ Jenna’s booze cruise stuff.
Aren’t there 9 commentaries listed? Traveling Salesman and The Return are seperate episodes, right? Also…The Job is an hour-long episode so I count 10 commentaries :)
i’m a little bummed steve isn’t on any of the commentaries :(
Thank you Tanster.
I scrolled down too quickly. I just read the ones off of disk four. Sorry for the double post.
I still wonder if Target will off any bonus features like they did last year with the booze cruise blog vid on disc 2. The box set at Best Buy sounds tempting, only hope it goes down to like $35-40 on release week (I also have to pick up 30 Rock and It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia that same week).
243 – it’s been said by some that the Target package will include the Paley event footage. Which was a panel discussion with an audience featuring some of the cast and writers, producers. I don’t think it has been officially confirmed yet but that’s the expectation.
I work as a third party vendor at Best Buy, and usually the first week of a DVD’s release is discounted at least a few dollars from its regular price, so if you’re looking at the Best Buy package, definitely buy within a week of its release (I’m not sure if this applies to all DVDs or this Office package, but usually most of them).
Is Best Buy the only one offering a package (other then the possible extra stuff on the Target one?)??
I couldn’t ask for a better bird day present than for 3rd season of the Office to come out on my b-day.
Oh, fun fact — I share my birthday with Beyonce. So I have a perfect icebreaker if I ever meet Kelly Rowland.
Only thing I don’t get is there’s a disc with ZERO commentaries? Sad face.
Circuit City is selling it for only 29.99!!! although i am buying the best buy special package…cuz it has been my dream for a long time to get a dundie..even if its mini…
but i have a question..does circuit city give anything extra?
We’ll find out this upcoming weekend (I get mine on Saturday) in the Sunday circulars what Target, Circuit City, Best Buy, etc… will be offering and how much. Though I’ll probably end up getting it at Target. I’d really like to get the set at Best Buy but can’t see spending $50 on it, I still have to get 30 Rock and It’s Always Sunny in Philladelphia and Heroes this week. Damn too many dvds this month lol.
last time i checked amazon.com is now $31.99 with the free shipping.
I know someone at Target and have been shown the circular for next week. We will have the special edition as well (the one in a bag) and it will feature exclusive content as well (Television and Radio Museum footage, and other goodies). You know Target (and Best Buy) always trying to score the bonus features. The prices will be 32.99 for the regular and 39.99 for the special edition. Looks like I’m getting mine at Target!!
Actually $37.99 for the Special Edition version at Target. Also the Special Edition @ Best Buy is $42.99, better than $50 but I’m still sold on the Target Special Edition.
I don’t know what to do! Do I get the Best Buy thing with a Dundie, or do I get the special edition at Target. Grrrr! Why did they have to do this to me? I really don’t think I can justify buying both.
Did anyone else notice that Circuit City didn’t even have this in their flier today? I thought that was really odd.
The online Target weekly ad states that the special edition will have the Museum of Radio and Television Q & A (as someone already said), an episode script (kind of cool) and deleted scenes. Extra deleted scenes? I’m going to Target.
Sabrina, where are you seeing the extra deleted scenes? When I look up the Target ad, all it shows is the Q&A.
Hello, I just logged in to the best buy site but it doesn’t show the special third season package, is it disccontinued or they are about to sell it on a specific date???
Rented S03 disc 1 from Netflix and I can’t get the bonus materials to play. It gets stuck on both my DVD player and computer. Any ideas on what the issue is or how to fix it??
Australian DVD release (Region 4) ? ? ? ?