It’s been confirmed that The Office Season 4 premieres Sept. 27 with a one-hour episode from 9-10pm. Mark your calendars!
Not to be truffled with.
It’s been confirmed that The Office Season 4 premieres Sept. 27 with a one-hour episode from 9-10pm. Mark your calendars!
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One hour! Woot!
Is it sad that I have the S3 DVD release and this premiere on my work calendar? I don’t care!
Will be the greatest day ever. I’m having a huge party. Can’t wait.
Let the countdown begin! ;)
OH. MY. GOD. Just so you guys know, I have created an event for all of you facebook people, so be sure to RSVP and invite all your friends!!! Here’s the link:
(You have to have a facebook account to access it – sorry)
That seems so far away…
Is it strange that I am more excited to find out what happens on the Office than I am to find out what happens in the final Harry Potter book? Because honestly, I’ve wasted like 4 years of my life reading those books, and I’d rather find out what happens with Jim and Pam and Ryan and Kelly and Michael and Jan and Dwight and Angela, etc.
Oh yay! And one whole hour. Dawesome.
I can’t wait that long. I’m going to freeze myself till 9/27
good night everyone
OMG! How great is this gonna be? An hour long season premiere! Wonder what happened over the summer? Hmmm…..;)
By my count it’s 1,728 hours and 15 minutes away… But I suck at math, so someone double-check that!
This is an awesome blossom with extra awesome!!!!
Oh, happiness!
what a great birthday present for me!
How exciting!!!
So the Season 3 DVD comes out on Sept. 4 and the premiere is Sept. 27, which leaves exactly 23 days in between and 23 episodes in Season 3 (if you count the hour-longs as 1 episode). So if I have any self-control I can watch exactly one episode of Season 3 every night starting on Sept. 4 and it will lead right into the premiere on Sept. 27. Yes! I have a plan! (and yes, I needed a calculator to figure this out)
September will be a great month! Season 3 DVD and Season 4 premier only a few weeks apart. My lady and I both have our own idea of how the season will start. I can’t wait!
I’ve been waiting for this since the finale!! I can’t wait and I’m all ready giddy to see what happens!! Ain’t no party like a Office party, cuz an Office party don’t stop…uh uh uh
one hour! must be super-sized! i literally can’t wait till i see that promo
Whoo-hoo!!!! I REALLY can’t wait!!
Well…it’s one day after my birthday! Good enough belated present for me! :)
I cant wait! One hour yes!
Yeesh! That is awesome! And TobyFan, it is now only 1726 hours away! WOOP!
Tobyfan (comment 17) = Excellent plan!! Definitely joining you on that one — with all the special features to watch, there’ll be enough for me to keep busy with for those 23 days. Now just got to figure out what I’m going to do until Sept. 4th!
i’m soooo excited about the season 3 dvd and the season 4 premier!!! i can’t wait…i’ve even considered getting season 3 on my ipod because i dont want to wait but i think i can make it =)
I can’t wait!! And one hour too! I just have to say, thank god for this website, it’s the only thing helping me with my serious office withdrawal problem.
So that means episode #2 will be on my 21st birthday? Interesting… :)
seeing as i got all of season 3 on the ipod, i should be ok until sept. 4. but all those great extra features… oh shooot. can’t wait…. need office fix… can’t wait…. need office fix. hehe
btw… great plan tobyfan.
Crap!! That’s 2 days before my wedding!
Flurgh. (It’s My own little curse word).
My class will be on a Colorado River Trip that entire week, do think my school would be keen on rescheduling the annual event for Michael Scott and Company?
yeah i think a lot of us have the same problem…a severe case of office withdrawal syndrome…..
hah. tobyfan do you think they did that on purpose or is it just a coincidence? somehow i think they figured hard core office fans such as ourselves would concoct a plan like that!
hahah that’s a good idea, toby fan. but i think i’ll just end up buying the dvd and watching the whole thing in one night. maybe i could do the bonus features once a day? nah, who am i kidding.
Cant wait for some JAM action!! I predict an Office marriage for the series finale…
I love the Office. Seriously.. the best show ever.
this is the best show ever made cant wait for the season 3 dvd and the upcoming season/ i want to see more creed What happened to creed??
well, i’ve preordered season three and i have no doubt that i will be one of those ppl who watches in one day. i become a zombie and sit on the couch 24/7. my husband knows to expect it. of course…. he’ll probably be right beside me for this show.
i started watching the office a month ago… i don’t know where i’ve been all these years. it is by far the best show on tv – i watched every single episode in a span of 3 weeks (watched some of them twice); i am addicted! I can’t wait for season 4 to start!!!!
OK!! Thanks! I marked my calendar! How exciting. I can’t wait. Surely Ryan didn’t get that job.
My imagination and awesome idea that I wish they’d play for the show:
Jim and Pam get married
Dwight and Angela get married
Michael and Jan get married … all on one season finale episode! The twist? Dwight and Angela get married secretly and continue working in the office with only two people even knowing they have any kind of relationship at all! How funny would that be? Make me a writer for the show ;oD
I’d really like for Creed to get more involved in the office… Creed and Karen…
36 | Anoynymous Sat. Jul. 28, 2007 at 9:41pm
– Sorry, Creed by his very nature could never be more involved… “Swing low, sweet chariots!”
ok so i vote that everyone have an office party the night of the premiere. i’m so freaking excited. my friend and i are going to throw one.
it’ll be complete with angela’s double fudge brownies, jello (of course), and maybe some awesome blossoms from chilis?
I am too excited for this season 4! Will Jim and Pam finally connect on this date or is it to late and a crush was all they had? Will Karen quite or cat fight for Jim’s love? Also will Dwight and Andy join an alliance, with there new found friendship, while Dwights small rein at the Scranton branch? Ryan???Finally Jan and Michael will he consider relishing Jan as a house guess being influenced in another unhappy situation by her new formed breasts…is it really worth it…? We’ll just have to see!
i have all 3 seasons of the office on my ipod and all the webisodes. im going to record every new episode on my dvd recorder and get them on my ipod too. ITS GONNA BE SWEET!
I just started watching the Office. and i think it’s a pretty good show. some parts are a little bit overexxagerated. all of you sound like some absolute FANATICS like at my school. their world is focused around this show. u guys are cool
You should reschedule your wedding. This is way more important.
Hellz ya the office
As sad as it is to say, I don’t have T.V because i’m in the army and I live in the barracks and I don’t have cable so right now I am so lost as to what is going on in the office season 4… it sucks!!! can anybody tell me what’s happened so far?
I missed every episode of the Office, but I watched them all on videos. I watched season one and two in couple of nights. I almost finished season three in the same night. I am addicted! I can’t wait for season 4 to start!!!! I hope the show will go on for few years. It’s a show that people will enjoy for years to come.