The Costco package comes with two post-it pads, both from Jim, one saying “Is it me, or are we a little off today?” and the other one saying “No, you’re definitely the problem.”
Tipster: Angela
Act fast, because life just isn't that long.
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This makes me so happy! I can’t wait til this comes out. I just watched the bloopers from Seasons 3 and 4 last night and it just cracked me up just as much as the first time I watched it. I love waiting to see what all the extras will be :D
I wonder if they’ll ever released The Office on Blu-Ray. or is that just something for hour-long Dramas?
Sweeeeet! No way I’m pre-ordering now, though. Have to wait and see who has the best goodies.
Amazon is the bomb! Jump on it! Thanks for the tip!
the best part of the DVDs are the bloopers and commentaries, I watch them all the time. Can’t wait for season 5s.
NBC: Get this thing on Blu-Ray!
Remember when Season 4 was announced and it originally went for $50? This is a really nice break from that.
Just knowing that it’s coming makes me happy.
Yeah, I know…
I agree that NBC should start considering blu-ray releases as well.
Wow it that time of year again.
The whole show needs to be on blu-ray, stat!
I loved having the 20 minute blooper reel for season 4, but I doubt it will be that way for season 5. The bloopers are my favorite parts of the DVDs (besides the episodes)
Get all seasons for BR and PC versions(that aren’t iTunes).
blu-ray, Blu-Ray, BLU-RAY!!
I know every episode has been shown in HD. Make them available to US!!!
I pre-ordered mine almost three weeks ago. :) All my friends think I’m nuts, since there’s not even a release date yet.
They should put the deleted scenes back into the episodes.
If the deleted scenes were incorperated into the episodes somehow that would be amazing!!!!!
Yes, the DVD sets should have an optional feature of putting the deleted scenes back into the episodes if desired.
I bought “The Ultimate Package” (that’s what she said)in hopes that such an option existed, but unfortunately the deleted scenes can only be played separately.
Many fans of The Office would enjoy the option of watching “Director Cut” versions of the episodes (meaning, with the deleted scenes placed directly into the originally intended moments.)
One thing that’s a little frustrating for me about the previous DVDs are some discs don’t have as many commentaries as others. I sound like a major Office fangirl but I LOVE the commentaries!!!
More bloopers, too, pleaseeeeeeee!
I need to have this! When will this be available in the UK??!! We’re only up to season 3 here…
Amazon has it for $38.99 now…
@Elsie, You should be able to get this on import from Amazon a few days after it is released in the US – that’s what I do! The season 4 DVD ended up costing me around £20 including postage. Obviously make sure your DVD player is multi-region before you buy it otherwise it won’t work.
No John on the commentaries again? Boo. But yay Jenna! I always love her commentary. A lot of new people this year too – exciting!
Question though (Tanster maybe you can answer this): Why is Ken Kwapis on the Company Picnic commentary? I thought Paul Feig directed.
[from tanster: nope, Ken Kwapis directed ‘Company Picnic.’ Paul Feig produced.]
I’m disappointed in John, too. Guess he’s too busy for us fans now…
This is going to be a hard choice for me. Usually Target has the best special edition regular dvd, but now there’s a Blu Ray to consider as well! I’m going to end up spending so much on The Office this fall. :)
LOL! Isn’t Vartan (on the Business Ethics commentary) the craft services guy?
[from tanster: YES! i know, funny!]
Hooray for Blu-ray! I assume the price will come down a bit when the actual sales begin. This IS my least favorite season, but as long as it’s not ridiculously expensive it will still be a treat to own in HD.
Yay! Just in time for my birthday and I’m getting the Blu-ray edition. If I’m lucky again maybe it’ll rain season 5 dvds on me again. Last year I ended up with 3 extra copies, including the one I won at the Paley event. It’s all good. They all ended up in happy Tally/Dunderhead homes.
Who are all those random people on some of the commentaries?
They always come out first day of fall semester.
Hopefully they add more cast to the commentaries.
I wish they’d subtitle the commentaries :( Some movies do it. Being deaf, I miss out on those and I am DYING to be able to “hear” them. I’m very curious about the craft services’ guy’s commentary, haha!
Good stuff! It would be awesome if they released the whole series as a bundle on Blu-Ray like they did with the DVDs last year.
Stephen Merchant on commentary?! SWEET!
Tanster, you have to do commentary for the season 6 DVD. Let’s make a petition!
How are John & Jenna NOT doing a commentary together for Company Picnic?! Come on now! This was a HUGE episode for Jim and Pam…..Maybe it’s me, but I’m sad to see so few of the cast members in the commentaries. They are all getting to be *big stars* and don’t have time for them anymore! :( I’m sure the other crew members will have some fun things to share though.
I’m glad to see more commentaries than last season, but quite the randomness with the people…I mean, The 4 main characters I expect would be assigned the most commentaries. Steve & John don’t have any and Jenna & Rainn each have only one. Still extremely excited for it to come out, just was really hoping for a JKras or Steve commentary, we didn’t have any last season either.
very disappointed that Jenna is only on one commentary. If they are going to stick a bunch of people we don’t know on there, at least provide 2 or 3 audio tracks so we can choose. That may be the difference between me buying it or netflixing it.
#38 – It’s not just you. Yeah, a little disappointing on the commentary front.
Yay for Ellie Kemper on the Casual Friday commentary! Also looking forward to Moroccan Christmas. Not my favorite episode, but listening to just Kate, Angela and Brian will likely remind me of the great S1 commentaries.
I’m glad to see the Olympic and Superbowl promos are included. Loved those.
Blu-ray! Yes!
Yeah, too bad there isn’t more commentary from the stars, but if I’m not mistaken, isn’t this the first time we get a Creed commentary? Can’t go wrong with that!
Okay. I’ll say it. I’m really uninterested in commentaries that don’t include John, Jenna, and Rainn. (I haven’t expected a commentary from Steve Carell since Season 2 so I won’t even bother complaining about it.)
I get that they’re busy people. I totally do. And listening to them talk about the office, they all sound nothing but gracious about that show, but then every year, we get less and less of them in the DVD content and showing up on talk shows (unless they’re promoting their latest movie and just happen to mention The Office) and honestly? At some point, hearing them talk about how gracious and happy to be on the show they are just starts to sound like lipservice? It really pains me to even say that, too, because this is exactly the kind of comment that usually makes me roll my eyes. I love them all and I’m happy their careers are doing well, but it’s the way I feel.
SOOO looking forward to this set! Desperate to see the webisodes since I live in the UK, but I hope they include them all, especially Creed’s.
The commentaries have gotten progressively worse each year. Now even Jenna is almost completely out of them. Sad as in the early days they were great insights into the show.
I’m definitely excited to get the DVDs, but I am uncertain on what to think about the commentaries. I’m not sure who some of the people listed are. I can’t say I’m unhappy with it though- well, at least not until I’ve heard it! lol. As long as it’s fun to listen to I’m good :)
YAY, Blu-Ray! And personally, I think the commentaries sound good. The idea of hearing such a wide variety of viewpoints intrigues me. I can’t wait!
How exactly does not doing a bunch of DVD commentaries = they don’t really enjoy doing the show?
My only problem is it doesn’t come out til september. Oh well, can’t wait for the dvd tho!
I will be in the hospital for a few days delivering baby #4 via scheduled c-section and was sooooo hoping to take the DVD set with me to play on a laptop! Due the 4th of Sept… Well, at least I know exactly what my post baby gift from my husband’s going to be! lol
I think BJ and Jenna are outstanding on the commentaries – they always talk about stuff that I’m interested in.
Rainn, Angela, and Paul are also really great to listen to.
So devastated that we can’t even get 1 with John, I am absolutely gutted :(
As for Steve, well… I’m disappointed, but not surprised.
Sad to see that there is no Ed Helms either. I would have loved an Ed and Oscar commentary on Business Trip :(
#48 – I agree, Season 2’s were the best, Season 3 the next best, Season 4 were not that great, and I don’t want to pass judgment…but it doesn’t look like this season will be any better. I’m sure the actors are busy, but I wish they could make it fit their schedule, like while they are filming scenes that certain actors aren’t in, have them do a commentary from earlier in the season or something.
If I buy the Blu-ray, I can only watch it in one room in my house, but if I buy the DVD, I can watch it anywhere. Someone help me to decide! I love Blu-ray, but I’m not always able to use my bluray player whenever I want!
While I’m a little disappointed about the lack of actors doing commentary, I think it’ll be quite interesting to hear the tidbits from the various crew members. There’s so much about the show that we don’t usually get to see.
I’m also quite stoked about the webisodes as I haven’t been able to watch them, being from Canada!
55. tyler,
i have the same problem. my blu-ray player is my PS3, which has its own little nook in the living room. but what if i wanted to watch the office in my room? i’d have to lug that behemoth all over the place. DVD would work on both platforms…but it just doesn’t look as pretty. It’s a matter of practicality over aesthetic. a classic struggle that can only be solved by a coin flip or a best of three paper-scissor-rock match.
I forgot to say…it’s going to be pretty cool to hear from Stephen Merchant.
I totally understand why Steve and John can’t do the commentaries. According to Mindy Kaling and Brian’s twitters they didn’t do the commentary until a few weeks after The Office wrapped. By then Steve and John were probably obligated to other projects. It has nothing to do with them being ungrateful to their fans, it’s just they don’t have a million hours in one day.
That said, I’m so pumped to hear from the craft service people. I want to know how everyone in the cast likes their eggs! Also STEPHEN MERCHANT!!!!
My feelings about the commentaries are all over the place! At first I was so excited to see the variety of people listed as “commentators.” I’d love to hear behind-the-scenes and technical insight from the cameramen, sound people, even craft services! Sometimes I find that when the stars do commentary (on the DVD’s for other shows too, not just The Office), they get a little distracted and off-topic.
They’ll be “watching” the episode and might make a comment like “Remember when we filmed this scene…” and then get off on a tangent about something else. Maybe the crew and technical people will stay more focused and talk about what really went into filming the show.
All that being said, I do wish more of the actors/stars were doing commentaries…especially Steve and John.
I was sincerely hoping for joint commentary from John and Jenna on either “Weight Loss” (the proposal) or “Company Picnic” (baby!). I’m disappointed that neither of them is on commentary for these episodes, and that Jenna has only one overall and John has none. It won’t stop me from buying Season 5, but it’s seriously disappointing.
I find that when someone has done a lot of commentaries, they eventually run out of interesting things to say. I’m glad they’re mixing it up.
Thanks for that awesome “rundown” tanster!! :)
Oh, also: I think this is to make up for there being so few commentaries last year. None of us liked that, right?
The Golden Ticket idea is cool, but how many copies could I possibly afford? I’m going to have to try to channel Mike TeeVee so I only have to buy one.
Golden tickets! Seriously?!? Holey rusted metal, Batman! I am so excited!
…Of course I am now completely distracted for the rest of the day imagining various Willy Wonka-esque schemes for acquiring tickets, the discovery of the winners, etc., etc. 4 stars for drama and excitement on this one–I want them to make a documentary about the hunting and finding of said tickets. *lol*
[from tanster: great idea!]
How cool! I hope someone here finds one of the Golden Tickets! (Yah, I’ll admit that I hope I am one of them ;) )
Awesome idea! I know that the chances are very slim, but I hope that I can find it because I would really love to visit the set and meet the cast!!
I love the idea of having crew members do commentaries – how clever! I can’t wait for the one with BJ and Peter and Vartan b/c Angela said that BJ and Rainn do impressions of them (I wonder which one BJ does?). Of course I wish that all cast could do at least one commentary, but I get it that they can’t. My dream commentary is Steve with Ricky Gervais! And Tanster should totally do one :)
For those who preorder through Amazon, just a note that they don’t charge you until it ships, and they have a Pre-order Price Guarantee. From the website: “Order now and if the price decreases between your order time and the end of the day of the release date, you’ll receive the lowest price.” Best Buy and Target usually have great goodies with their boxsets, though, so it will be difficult to decide.
Will the golden tickets be in copies of the DVD that will just be sold on Amazon or everywhere? *saves up to buy 100’s*
I wish they could have followed the movie more closely and put in 5 Golden Tickets for fans to win.
So the golden tickets will only be in the DVDs or the blu ray as well?
Hopefully the Blu-Ray will have the option to record your own commentary and post it on Blu-Ray Live. This feature has been in a few movies and it is really fun. I’d love to post mine and hear from other about the episodes.
[from tanster: didn’t know that, sounds cool!]
Not to spoil the fun of waiting for the DVD, but you can watch the “Kevin’s Loan” webisodes and full episodes of The Office on the Global TV site here in Canada (YAY!!).
Look in the “Video” section and there’s a link for “Webisodes” specifically. They don’t have the current Creed webisodes, unfortunately, but hopefully they’ll come soon (TWSS).
Golden Tickets?!?! I LOVE it! Will these be on the DVD sets as well? I’d hate to pre-order it and find out those don’t qualify or something.
do we know which webisodes will be included? there have been a couple different series…
YAY! so excited! The only thing that’s missing is an episode commentary with both Jenna and John.
$60? not $40 anymore huh?
Can’t wait! My biggest question, like always, is the length of the gag reel. I hope it gets longer every year (TWSS)
I definitely don’t begrudge the cast for not doing more commentaries, since they must have brutal schedules with their other projects. Still, I was hoping against hope that John would talk about Company Picnic, because I honestly think the pregnancy scene was his best acting in the series thus far.
Very disappointed at no commentary from Steve, John, or Ed. As a fan I don’t really care about the reasons, short of some medical emergency.
Love the Golden Ticket idea, and I am soooo stoked that Steve Merchant will be on one of the commentaries!
Aww, no JKras commentary? Oh well. Everything else looks pretty fun! Can’t wait to get it.
With a lot of the principle actors busy shooting movies/doing press for upcoming films, it’s great that many behind the scenes folks are getting the opportunity to chime in on the episode commentary. I loved John Sparano’s prop updates–he wrote them so well and I found them fascinating, so I’m looking forward to the point of view of others involved in the show (who are just as important in making it a success)! And ever since I got to “meet” the craft services guys in Angela’s video, I’ve wanted to know more about them and what they think of the show–they seem so wonderful!
I think it’s great to have commentary from the unsung heroes, the crew members who wake up every morning and contribute their efforts to this wonderful show. I’m all for it. Who knows, maybe they’re all really funny too.
And it’s Stephen Merchant for the win! That makes me incredibly happy.
As a big commentary fan I can tell you that often the people behind the scenes make for better listening than the stars do. I know this cast is heavily involved in the show and therefore have a lot to share, I just wanted to alleviate doubts some have that because the “big name people” aren’t here it’s gonna be a letdown because it likely won’t.
Here’s hoping the ambiguous “Webisodes” feature includes Kevin’s Loan, The Outburst, and Blackmail.
Those Golden Tickets are a masterful idea! I can already hearing the winners squeeing…
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I’m so excited that the girl who plays Erin will be doing commentary! It totally makes up for the fact that John Krasinski won’t be doing any.
yay! season five dvd comes out on my birthday! best gift ever! :)
Yay for Season 5 DVD!!! I’m really excited that it’ll be on BLU-RAY too…even though I usually only get Blu-Ray for Action Movies that take advantage of the enhanced graphics and sound, who wouldn’t want to see dwight and the rest of the gang in high def!?
So excited to get Blu Ray!!! Will the blu-ray packs be included in the golden ticket giveaway?
The price for Blu-ray just dropped $6 to $42.99. Only $4 higher than the dvd price.
Honestly, very disappointed at the no JK commentary. 2 seasons in a row? I need him to live up to the gratitude to the show he talks about more than just not quitting. I want the best from my fellow East Coast kids
That’s actually a pretty cool cover design. Nice and simple.
YES! Andy is on the cover!!!
Awesome!! Andy FTW!!!
Is anyone else wondering why Michael’s face looks so weird?
Wooo season 5 just got “nard-doged”!!!! Am I a nerd for liking the slanted words? haha…and awww Pam, sooo cute! Counting down the days til September 8th!
Besides the weird (and always present) photoshopping of their faces, I like it.
Yay Ed! Guess since he’s had a big summer movie hit, he’s worthy of the cover. Plus the triangle of last season. And he’s awesome! :)
i’m so happy they added andy there!! =D
I really don’t understand why Ryan has to have that hair style. It wasn’t seen this whole season. And, I know the hair was for Inglorious Basterds, but they could’ve done something. It’s nice, and all, but i just don’t understand why. But YAY for Andy, finally getting attention!!!!!!!!!!
I also wish they added Angela or Holly, or both to the cover, because Angela also had a big part this season, and even though Holly was only there for less than half the season, I still think she made a big impact on it. I just think we need to see more girls. I also wish they would add even MORE diverse characters like an Asian man or woman, or something like that.
Nice cover and I can’t wait to buy the DVD (and see what goodies come with it this year!), but I feel like at this point they should replace Ryan with Angela…Ryan’s not that important anymore.
Ed looks hilarious with that trademark Andrew Bernard grin on the cover. I think I’ll go for the blu-ray btw.
102: You realize this show takes place in Scranton, PA…right?
i love that andy’s there, but where the hell is angela?! come on, get rid of ryan and put in angela!
106, I agree 100%. She’s been a ‘main’ character since season two.
Yes, I too am curious as to what is up with Michael’s face. It’s like…it’s features are in slightly smaller proportion to the overall size of his face than they should be.
Yay Andy! I love Ed so much!
It has been confirmed over at that Kevin’s Loan, The Outburst, and Blackmail webisodes will all be on the DVD and Bluray! Yay!
This seasons cover is nice. But the faces are pretty creepy (as they were in season two). But with three webisode series, bloopers, and many commentaries, and probably more, this seasons DVD is looking really good.
ANDY!! *yay* About time they put Ed Helm’s face on that cover!
I think the cover does an injustice by not showing the other cast members. The Office is an ensemble and at Season 5, the other actors should receive more respect.
Oh and by the way, Jenna looks super cute on the cover (when doesn’t she?)
aw, I like it :) they all look nice and photoshopped. and airbrushed. and that is all good with me. I can’t wait for september!
to 105:Jimmy
Oh yeah… No Asians in Scranton. W.E.
okay, but they have an Indian in scranton, what’s with that? Why can’t there be Asians?
This reminds me a little bit of the picture at the end of Conflict Resolution!
Add me to the “Why are they still putting Ryan on the covers?” chorus. Cool that Andy’s there though. I wish they would get a little more creative with the covers though, rather than just “Here’s the main characters standing” all the time.
Yay I’m so excited!! Can’t wait for season 6!!!
Now we just wait for the debate.
Target? Wal Mart? Costco?
or of course, Best Buy!
What do you think their dvd set is going to be? I’m hoping it’s a Scranton Picnic shirt.
Why is Ed Helms on the cover? Not that I don’t love Ed Helms, but I thought they only put the major stars on the cover.
Holy Photoshop, Batman!
Neat design! Although I completely agree with everyone who said Angela should be on the cover.
Whether anyone likes Ryan or not(and I am starting to dislike all the negative comments he gets), he is a vital part of the cast in EVERY season, and he deserves to be on it.
It doesn’t matter who is on the cover, just be excited it’s out!
110, Chris K-
That is excellent news. My heart is very full at this moment.
Andy is on the season 3 cover isn’t he? Season 3 is my favorite cover and I remember him being there.
So what do you call the people who worked in the Benihana’s?
So glad Pam is smiling on the cover! And love Andy being on it as well, that made my night! My only wish..that Pam and Jim were standing together, as it would make sense in relation to the HUGE season it is portraying!
I’m clearly not seeing well as it is past my bed-time, because Jim & Pam ARE standing right next to each other for the cover…wow …sorry! haha!
@126 Joseph:
That was only one episode, and I’m talking about someone who works in the office who could be an Asian…
Okay, really? Ryan needs to go. If Andy gets to be on the cover (btw: hooray!), then Angela DEFINITELY deserves to be on the cover.
At what point did I say that there are no Asians in Scranton? My point was that Scranton, PA isn’t exactly the world’s biggest melting pot, and realistically, how many Asian paper salesmen would there be in the area?
Yes, I also think that it would add some flavor to the show if an Asian person would join the Scranton branch. I’m not saying realistically (how many realistic guys are there like Dwight, Angela, or Kevin?), but I just think that Michael would have some good dynamics with an Asian. We’ve already seen his interactions with them, now this would make it more interesting. Michael’s implicit racism with Stanley gets old after a while, so it would be nice to shift it over.
Oh, and I’m speaking as an Asian myself.
You know, I think it would be great if the show added an Inuit character as well. Speaking as an Inuit myself, I think it would be fun to see Angela, Dwight and co. interact with one of our own.
Actually, why not have token characters representing every single race on the face of the planet? Why not move the Office from the building in Scranton PA to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City?
I’m thinking the reason Andy made the cover is because of the success of “The Hangover”. They want people to walk by it in a store and go “Hey! That’s that guy from that movie! Let’s check this out!” and as much as I love Angela, I don’t think she’d get the same kind of response.
#133 (Ray)…. Kelly is Asian. India is in Asia. She’s not Eastern Asian, but she IS Asian!
On the season four commentaries they suggested doing commentaries for fifth season with people from catering and set designers, etc.
It’s quite cool to see that’s become a reality.
Can’t wait for 8th September!
Not to sound negative, but who are these people doing the commentaries? 3 different sound guys?!
I don’t think I like the cover. It looks too much like a sitcom cover to me.
Wow Mindy Kailing, Paul Lieberstein AND Stephen Merchant??!!!! Can’t get any better.
I hate the cover, so sitcom-y. Pam’s hair and outfit are so overdone,and everyone else looks air brushed.
Okay, the 100-episode box set looks like a port-a-potty. There, I said it.
I must be missing something. The total run time is 10 hours, 4 minutes? With 26 episodes, at a conservative 25 minutes/episode (22, plus 3 for deleted scenes), that adds up to 10 hours, 50 minutes just for the episodes alone. And that figure does not include all the “extras” (commentaries, gag reel, webisodes). Does the run time include everything except the episodes themselves?
The cover is simple and different than the other covers. It is sitcom-y, but does the cover matter as much as the features inside the DVD?
Well, it is a sitcom, and all of the covers other than season 1 are pretty much like that.
FYI…… The Office IS a sitcom.
Pam underwent a drastic change when she started dating Jim. She’s dressed up and had her hair done ever since.
The new cover is great, look at Michael’s face. It’s as if he’s saying “We’ve got the best show ever,” and not in a smug sort of way, but in a “That’s your opinion, not mine, I’m just saying it with my face.”
Unfortunately, according to, the “Blackmail” webisodes will not be included in the season five set, but will be in the season six DVD set. It kind of stinks because those webisodes were the best since ‘The Accountants’, in my opinion.
I can only pray that is NOT the main menu screen.
Ugly and uninspired- page 5.
Awesome! Looks like I’ll be getting the Best Buy set again this year!
I LOVE IT…Well you can’t really tell what’s there but the box looks cool!!! and there’s a shirt! who doesn’t love that?
Well, it’s pretty clearly Schrute Farms themed. I think that’s a beet stress ball, and one of those hotel “Do Not Disturb” signs.
Well, I’ve zoomed the picture as much as I can and I *think* the package is all Schrute Farms-themed. The little pink & green thing looks like a beet. The long rectangular-shaped thing on the left appears to be a Do Not Disturb sign of some sort. The bigger rectangular thing on the right has a dog chasing a bird on it, which I guess would happen on a farm?? And the box it comes in looks like a wooden crate, like what vegetables would be shipped in. Don’t know what the square yellow thing is…Post-Its maybe?
Tough call, but that shirt just doesn’t do it for me. I’m bummed at no company picnic shirt. Anyways, depending on what those other goodies are, or what the Target set is, I’m sticking with my Amazon Bluray.
I think I see a beet with a bite taken out of it.
Ah, yes – it’s that time of year again, to begin the process of deciding which DVD package to buy! How exciting! It will be a little more difficult this year, since Blu-ray is being offered. Will the special editions, like this Best Buy package, have a Blu-ray option, I wonder…?
It looks like everything is Schrute Farms related, so here’s my guess:
Schrute Farms shirt (obviously…and even more obvious is the fact it’s going to be large, so yet another Best Buy shirt that’s much too big for me…grr!)
Schrute Farms map/guide/info booklet (bottom right)
Schrute Farms privacy door hanger (top left)
Schrute Farms beet-shaped stress ball (bottom left)
No idea what the bottom middle item is but it looks like a pin or a sticker.
And I would guess with the theme being Schrute Farms to actual package is a beet crate.
Keep an eye on cos when they finally upload a picture you’ll be able to see a large detailed version.
Hmm.. Looks like there is also maybe a beet stress ball? I zoomed in and that’s what it looked like to me. And a box.
I work at best buy, when I go into work tomorrow I’ll ask and see what I can find. We will get them in like a week or so from now!
[from tanster: that would be great, tyler, thanks! :) ]
“We will get them in like a week or so from now!”
I’ll meet you behind the store fifteen minutes after that, cash in hand.
I like the Schrute Farms stuff, but I was hoping for some Michael Scott Paper Company stuff in the set this year
Does anyone know if Target is offering a gift pack with their DVD set of Season 5?
The price for the Seasons 1-5 boxset appears to be cheaper from the NBC store site
Looks good, but I really want to get the Blu-ray this year. If anyone knows if the gift set will be offered with the Blu-ray, details would be great.
@Foliage Best Buy usually does their sets like this for BOTH dvd & blu-ray
Bought it Today on Now I have both Seasons Two and Five, my favorites!
The 8th is getting close, I’m beginning to worry Best Buy is the only one offering anything special.
“100 Episodes, 100 Moments” has me very intrigued.
Pam clearly needs to get off that scale, though.
Though most of Best Buy’s swag is always interesting, I always go for the Target DVD set because it has a bonus disc, so I’m hoping Target pulls through this year as well. Very much looking forward to the Parks & Recreation DVD too.
I bet Target will, they almost always do exclusive things for big releases!
aw man! i was really hoping that one of the sets came with a Company Picnic T-shirt. Since there is no more Circuit City there isn’t even the opportunity for that. I guess i will have to buy the Company Picnic Shirt separate… :(
Looks like they spelled John Krasinski’s name wrong on the back! Poor guy. Hoping that’s just a mockup and not the actual package.
[from tanster: terrible isn’t it? unfortunately it came on the package i was sent, not a mockup. i notified nbc right away.]
Oh no! John Krasinsky? Oh man I hope they fix that (although I can’t see how they have the time :( )
Congrats on the name check in the deleted scenes, Tanster!
Ha, Krasinsky. Maybe they were thinking of “KrasinsKAY” when they wrote it. LOL
Jim and Pam in Bed! hehehehe…. ;)
“Pam’s art school friend who might have been …more.”
Is this according to the show or still just a figment of our overactive imaginations?
“The blooper reel never fails to disappoint.”
I think what you meant is that it never disappoints. :-) I can’t tell you how my face fell when I first read that. Thanks for the review! I can’t wait until next week!!
[from tanster: holy cow, lol, my bad! thanks for letting me know. omg. can’t believe i said that. ;) ]
I just pre-ordered my DVD gift set off of…I can’t wait till Sept. 8th!! :)
I Can’t Wait ‘Till It Comes Out You Are SO Lucky!! I Love Listening To The Commentaries :)
“The show’s first ever group, ‘that’s what she said.'”
Not if you count the improvised one in the Beach Games deleted scenes.
[from tanster: oooh. i’m going to have to go back and look at that!]
Does the Weight Loss commentary address the flubbed timeline with Michael’s goatee?
[from tanster: yes.]
While it does suck the blooper real is shorter this year, fifteen minutes is a hell of a lot longer than most reels you get, which are generally less than five minutes. We’re spoiled.
I demand a Dundie plush toy.
Tanster, wasn’t there talk of some “sweet” things (or something like that) being said in the Company Picnic commentary? Can you fill those of us who are impatient in?
[from tanster: sweet things?]
I have a question. NBC put a Producer’s Cut of Frame Toby on its site not long after the episode aired. Is the Producer’s Cut of that on the DVD? Also, did they combine the two Lecture Circuit episodes like they did for Traveling Salesman and The Return on the Season 3 DVD?
[from tanster: will check that when i get home tonight.]
As I did last year I’ll send you pics from Target’s ad and packaging if I can.
[from tanster: that would be awesome. thanks ross!]
Ross, is this confirmation that Target is getting a limited edition version of Season Five?
these deleted scenes sound amazing!! can’t wait
In the past I’ve taken the day off from work (when the DVD is released) so I could be in line at Target and/or Best Buy to purchase the latest season. Then I’d rush home and spend the day watching all the commentary episodes, deleted scenes, etc. Cough, cough…is that a sick day I feel coming on?! (Just kidding, of course…in case the boss is reading!)
I have the exact same question. Like, did the writers actually imply that Pam’s art school friend might have been a threat?
Sorry about that, Tanster, I couldn’t remember your exact quote but it was:
I’ve confirmed that there will be DVD commentary for “Company Picnic”! You’ll find out some interesting (and touching) things about the final hospital scene.
Can you elaborate now?
[from tanster: it’s not much more than what was mentioned in the ‘Company Picnic’ Q&A that Jen Celotta did.]
it looks like a do not disturb door hanger… also a Beet pencil sharpener?
I need a Target Special Edition Bluray set!!!! Please make one, Target. You know we’ll buy it.
Oh my lord and I am excited now. There’s several more commentaries than the ones you listed, correct?
[from tanster: correct. see the full listing here. i only included my favorites on this page.]
I second that request from 191. Seth!
If Target doesn’t offer their special edition with a Blu Ray set, I may LOSE MY FREAKING MIND :)
Can’t wait for next Tuesday either way.
Just curious — are the deleted scenes the same ones we saw after each episode? Or are there additional ones?
Doesn’t really affect whether I’ll buy or not. I’ll buy. Oh, I’ll buy. :-)
It doesn’t look as though Target is offering a special set, which they usually do.
#183 | ASFan:
Frame Toby is the extended producer’s cut, which contains approximately 4 more minutes than the network version.
Lecture Circuit appears as two separate episodes.
The What’s on each disc page has been updated.
Just pre-ordered Season 5! So excited, about 1 week until it gets here!
Why would they put Lecture Circuit as two separate episodes? Traveling Salesmen and The Return were shown as one, even though they had different titles! I’m a bit upset: this is really going to affect my logological assessments on the show. This is like last year: Tanster and several other sources said the episode title was “Chair Model” but the DVD said “The Chair Model”! What is up with that?
I love it when John squeals! There was another time in season 4 when he’s giggling like a little girl… when Troy is there, and then he gets up, and turns around, going, “why am I…?”
That screencap from the blooper reel is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. I want to work there.
Thanks SO much for reviewing the DVD, tanster- these tidbits are getting me hyped up beyond belief!
I only have five words to say about this Dvd, I want to own it. Yes, i want to own it so badly, but cannot because it’s too expensive, unless walmart has it on sale when it comes out. Love all the clips I’ve seen of this Dvd and I absolutely want it to start my Office DVD collection. has preorders only for dvd and bluray. No special edition. :( But maybe it is so rare it will be in store only. Doubt it
Don’t go by the Target website, it never matches what is actually in a Target store.
News from Target:
My cell phone pics of the ad didn’t turn out readable. There is a $32.99 version with no extras and a deluxe version for $39.99 that has “45-minute interview with the writers, plus a script and inspirational cast magnets.
[from tanster: ross, i moved your second comment to the Target $1 item post]
Hey Ross, is there a deluxe edition of the Blu Ray?
Any frequent Target shoppers know if the special deluxe editions there usually have the Blu Ray option?
I don’t want to have to pick between the Blu Ray OR the deluxe edition. :( I hope there’s one set with both!
I don’t think Blu-rays ever have the exclusives at Target.
If they do, it’s very rare.
Target gets my money again. Every year since the Season 2 DVDs, they’ve had my favorite limited edition package. I prefer additional DVD content to little trinkets. But as far as trinkets go, a script is pretty cool.
Dawesome. I loves me some exclusive content and another script is just icing.
If you want the Target package I suggest getting there early. It’s been my experience in years past that Target gets relatively few of their exclusive set, while Best Buy is generally stocked of the paper boxes for a few days.
Yes, I buy both. Completists rule.
Best buy ad scan:
Special edition set 41.99
Office Dvd only 31.99
all other seasons 17.99
Target FTW! I was hoping they wouldn’t let me down. I’ll be there bright and early so I’ll be sure to get one of the deluxe versions.
So you excited?
Very excited?
Yes. I’m very excited.
Extremely excited?
Yes. I am extremely, extremely excited to get the deluxe edition!
Only a few more days!
Well … phooey. If the Target special edition doesn’t come in Blu-ray, then it looks like I’ll be buying both the DVD and Blu-ray versions. Extra content is always a must-have! And I absolutely love my Dinner Party script that came with last year’s set, so I’m glad they’re doing that again. I wonder which episode it will be this time? I can’t wait to find out!
I want my normal average joes in HD Blu-ray! Show me all the blemishes please!
Um yeah I can’t wait for this, I hav e been watching seasons 1-4 nonstop since like January! I need season 5! I need bloopers! I bleed for the script!
Any contests I can enter to see a viewing or be on the commentary?
Oh no! I don’t know what to do. I already have a pre-order in with Amazon (free shipping to boot) but that price ends up being the same as the Target deluxe edition, which of course I’d prefer. Am nervous though about availability being that I can’t get there until after work. *Wishes you can pre-order at Target like you can at BestBuy*
I’m with Burger & Fries… already ordered from Amazon, but I wouldn’t have if I’d known about the Paley interview in the Target version!!! Does anyone know if there will be another opportunity to see it (maybe on Thanks :-)
If Target isn’t offering any of the extras (i.e. the interview with the writers) with the Blu-Ray I wonder if Universal will put it up as one of the features on BD-Live?
Is the Schrute Beet Farm shirt going to be an XL like the Fun Run shirt was for last season? I love my FR shirt but hate that it’s three sizes too big.
My Fun Run shirt was only a L.
Hoping the beets one will be too.
Large is a safe bet. Anybody wanna buy me a small and trade?
Just saw the new pics and I am totally digging the MSPC tags over the Dunder Mifflin logos. That and the fact that it matches Target’s Season Four limited edition box tickles me.
@ Dr. Crentist Doesn’t Target have exclusive rights to their bonus content? So I doubt Universal would just put it up for all Blu Ray owners. Sure would be nice, though. I really wanted to buy the Blu Ray, and would have happily paid more for a Blu Ray with the bonus disc, but I guess I’m just going to buy the regular dvd set with the bonus disc.
I’m definitely getting the Target deluxe edition. I want as many extra features as I can get, so that looks like the best option.
However, I have to say that I wonder why they decided to switch around Drug Testing and Conflict Resolution in the “100 Episodes, 100 Moments” clip. The episodes are out of order, and it seems so random and weird.
@ Allison Why would you not want to view The Office in 1080P? I’m sure someone will upload those interviews, in years past someone always does.
Oh, I want my Office in 1080P, but I want the bonus features and script more. Plus I live with my boyfriend and he buys everything Blu Ray, so I guess NBC will just be getting double the money from my household. Just wish we could buy one set and get everything :/
I just pre-ordered the Best Buy set cause I had a $10 gift card lying around so it basically amounts to the same price as the DVDs alone. Woot! Can’t wait until Tuesday. :D
tanster, i have a question.
jenna said on her blog awhile ago that while they were filming the house scene for Frame Toby, there were lots of great outtakes about the clown painting. i was wondering if those made it into the dvd?
[from tanster: no, not that i saw.]
Does anybody know what comes in the Best Buy set? Or what size the Schrute Farms shirt comes in?
Wish I would’ve bought Target’s Special Edition packages before. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find one on eBay. Does anyone know which Target seasons had the extra content?
Yeah, I’m going the good ol’ blockbuster route…
I’m watching it right now, and the commentaries are not as funny this year. Too much crew not enough cast.
@ Dana: Target has had special editions with bonus content since season 2 as far as I know.
Season 2 had Jenna’s video blog on one of the discs.
Season 3 had exclusive “Nifty Gifty” packaging with a script (Gay Witch Hunt) and a bonus disc that had a Q&A with the cast and crew from the Museum of TV and Radio.
Season 4 had exclusive packaging that looks pretty much the same as the season 5 packaging for Target, like a pack of paper. It also included a script (Dinner Party) and a bonus disc with footage of the cast and crew from the Office Convention, I believe. And it came with an Office notepad.
Every season but the first had extra content via Target. Season Two didn’t have special packaging but it had a Jenna-filmed video diary about Booze Cruise on the second disc (the disc has a little post-it note printed on it). Season Three came in a brownbag-like Nifty Gifty packaging with a fifth bonus disc (cast Q&A from Paley’s) and a Gay Witch Hunt script. Season Four came in an oversized white box similar to the Season Five pic and again had a fifth bonus disc (cast Q&A from Office Convention) and Dinner Party script.
It’s looking more and more like we’ll never get all-star commentaries like those that were on the season 1 DVD again. I’m over it and kinda looking forward to hearing some new perspectives from the crew.
Does anybody know how many more deleted scenes will be on the DVD that were not put online shortly after the air date?
I do believe in previous years there have been some extra ones on the DVDs. I do plan to buy the DVD regardless, I’m just curious about if I should watch the deleted scenes.
Can anyone confirm/deny that the Best Buy set will have the Golden Ticket contest piece or not? I can’t tell and I think I just read 237 comments to see if anyone else asked the same question…sigh…
Can’t wait till Tuesday!! Going to make it my lunch break…of course I will have to force myself to go BACK to work after holding all that Office goodness in my hands…would be sooo easy to develop a nasty bug and have to call in sick for the afternoon…
This has been soo difficult. This is what I’ve come up with: Buy the BB set tomorrow; buy the Bluray around Black Friday for hopefully in the $20s. Flip the dvd on ebay for $20. 42+20-20=42 Bluray with freebies of BB set. Or I could just keep both. haha
aaaaaaaahhhhh! Less than 24 hours and I still can’t decide which one to go buy….
Shame those clown outtakes didn’t make it into the DVD, bet those would have been too funny.
The blooper reel for season 3 is only 13 minutes, I don’t feel like we’re missing out with 15 minutes. Office fans are spoiled with the amount of extras they give us.
Think my Amazon order is about to be dispatched (yay!), but ironically it won’t reach the UK before I head over to New York next week!
So, I haven’t decided if I want to go the Best Buy route or the Target route.
I know what’s in the Target one, but what exactly is the Best Buy one coming with?
[from tanster: click the Best Buy link at the top of the post.]
Amazon sent me an email this morning – my order has been shipped!
Gah, can’t wait.
Any word on which script is included in the Target set?
Just picked up my DVD from Wal-Mart. One, John Krasinski’s name is spelt wrong on the back of the box. And some of the ep. descriptions are real weird. Here’s Company Picnic:
“While the employees of Dunder Mifflin attend a company outing, Michael realizes running his own business is no picnic”
Uh….what? Did whoever write these not even watch the episodes, or at least get told what they were about?!
Going to get mine at Target. Will give info for those west of Central Time Zone.
I just bought the first copy of the exclusive from Target! The magnets are Jim (Initiative), Pam (Pride), Dwight (Determination), and Michael (Character). Same quotes, but updated pictures… And the script was “Michael Scott Paper Company”. And no golden ticket for me. :(
@244 I just picked mine up from Target and it has the Michael Scott Paper Company script.
I’m so happy I was able to get this before I leave for my year abroad!
The script in the Target gift set is “Michael Scott Paper Company.”
Just got the special edition from Target. Michael Scott Paper Company is the script, the magnets have Dwight, Jim, Pam and Michael each with the motivational word. Bonus disc inside paper sleeve.
Stopped at Target on my way to work this morning. There was a big end-cap display near the registers full of Season 5 DVD’s, and the price said $39.99. I knew that was the price for the special Target edition but these appeared to be the regular version. So I walked to the back of the store to the DVD department and there were the special editions. Along side them were the regular ones with the correct price of $32.99. I pointed it out to the clerk who was nearby (and again to the cashier up front) but doubt they’ll correct the price labels on the display up front.
I only gave a quick look to see what was inside the box. The script that’s included is for “Michael Scott Paper Company” and the packaging for the box shows MSPC stuff taped over the Dunder Mifflin name. Todd #245 above is right – they spelled John’s name Krasinsky on the back of the box. SLOPPY! I won’t get to really delve into everything, read all the episode summaries, and watch the discs until tonight and into the week as I have free time.
Oh yeah, the bonus disc in the Target deluxe edition is just in a paper sleeve resting on top of the plastic trays that the 5 episode discs are fitted into. I think in the past the extra disc had a fitted spot as well, so these is another careless shortcut for the extra money you’re paying. But in the end it’s the content that will count!
Does anyone know yet if the blu-ray at Target will have the bonus disk? Or only the DVD?
My Target also had the prices listed wrong. $39.99 for the regular and $45.99 for the special. The special edition did ring up correctly, however. I did pointed out the mistake to the cashier on the prices so hopefully it’ll be changed. Sucks if that’s at all the Target stores.
What is on the Target bonus disc?
[from tanster: see the Target link at the top of this post.]
Any word on if the 45-minute interview is for sure the one Tanster moderated?
Disappointed in the Target special package. No extra space for a disc in the “special packaging?” No golden ticket? Sheesh, why did I pay extra for this? The writers panel better be worth my missed chance at a set visit!
Just picked up the limited edition set at Target. It was advertised and rang up for the correct price, no problems there. I’m going to tell myself that the sloppiness was intentional, seeing as how it’s the “Michael Scott Paper Company” edition.
I work at Target, and that’s usually the case. It takes a couple hours to get the signs printed and put up, that’s why you guys aren’t seeing them. Also, telling the cashier that the price is wrong is completely useless, ha they will forget about it 5 minutes after you leave because it is not their issue whatsoever.
I just got mine from best buy and can’t wait to start watching the special features! Woohoo!
And I think it’s incredibly crazy John Krasinski’s name is spelled wrong… Whoever spell checked the box should definitely be getting some punishment!
I had a hunch going in that this would be the case, but it seems that the Target exclusive and the Blu-ray were both left out of the Golden Ticket promotion…
i got mine on my way to work this morning…
i have a date with my TV later tonight!
i have to work today, but no matter how hellish my day might get, coming home to find them in my mailbox will make it aaaaalllllll better.
Michael Scott Paper Company is the episode of the script that’s in the Target special edition package. There’s also a set of 4 magnets that are the ‘inspirational poster’ type of Pam, Jim, Michael and Dwight.
Target’s 45-minute bonus disc IS the writers panel that Tanster moderated. She’s the first person seen when you hit play :)
Is the Best Buy DVD version the only one with the bonus items or does the Blu-ray version have them as well?
Just got mine from Target! So excited!!! Really no spot for the extra disc?? And no golden ticket chance?? WOW! O well :)
YAY! Thank You Target! My day is now complete, luckily I don’t have to work so you know what I’ll be doing :)
I can absolutely confirm 100% that it is the panel moderated by Tanster (first person shown!) from October 14, 2008!
Way to go Tanster!
Thanks for responding to my question, #262. Looks like I got a difficult decision to make now…
Target Blu-ray does not have any bonuses like script or extra disc.
hey, it turns out the Best Buy I bought the set from listed the price as $49.99 but I was rung up for only $41.99… The early worm gets the worm!
I pre-ordered my season 5 from best buy, it’s getting to be tradition. I hope I get the markdown too.
I can’t believe that the people at NBC didn’t get John’s last name spelled right, unless Dwight paid them 5 bucks not to, or just used a simple macro :)
[from tanster: lolol!]
I can’t wait for my DVDs and for Season 6. Yahoooooo!
I am that rarest of creature, a UK fan.
Does anyone know yet if the Blu-Ray is locked to Region A or Region Free?
BB’s advertised price for the Blu Ray is $41.99. They have the sticker on the disc at $49.99 though, so it definitely can confuse!
In the included script, it says that Erin’s name was originally “Mary.” I wonder if they changed it after Ellie Kemper was cast. She definitely looks more like an Erin than a Mary.
Target’s Special Edition purchased.
Blooper reel on repeat for the next 2 hours.
[from tanster: don’t wear it out! that’s what she said.]
Did my annual “stop-at-Target-on-the-way-to-work-on-Office-release-day” this morning! Actually ended up getting the normal version. Would I ever watch the interview with the writers more than once? No. It was much more worth it to have a shot at the golden ticket, as little a chance as I have. Decided the bonus disk wasn’t worth it at all. Now I have to wait to get home tonight! I always watch the gag reel first!
Decided to go with the special edition, kind of regret it. The bonus disc isn’t part of the actual DVD case, so it will probably get lost. The magnets are pretty cheap and the script is Michael Scott Paper Company which is ok I guess. Don’t know if that merits the extra $7. The bonus disc is from the Paley Center, though so we can confirm that. Haven’t watched it yet.
On a side note that’s Office-people related, Parks and Recreation released at Target for $23.99 which is WAY too much for a such a short season. I would have picked it up for $12.99 maybe, but was actually thinking $9.99.
Bought the Target special edition. LOVE THE PACKAGING! I think the best part of the DVD commentaries- the Steve Merchant commentary. So insightful and still funny. Love you, Steve, my lanky goggled-eyed freak <3
Tanster! How cool! That scene in the deleted scenes is awesome! And you are mentioned in the commentary! I’m so happy for you! You totally deserve it! Thanks for making this site awesome!
[from tanster: lol, thanks!]
Got mine at Best Buy (had an in via twitter with a Best Buy guy) and then went over to Target and got one of theirs for my niece. I will of course watch the interview before giving it to her. She’s used to getting opened versions!
I took pics of the back of the Season 1-5 packages, it’s a good value for only $129.99 at Target. My target only had 1 of them.
To those like myself who opted for content over losing the Golden Ticket contest (snicker) you can still receive a (relatively) free gamepiece at
Good luck. But not, you know, too much.
“This has been soo difficult. This is what I’ve come up with: Buy the BB set tomorrow; buy the Bluray around Black Friday for hopefully in the $20s. Flip the dvd on ebay for $20. 42+20-20=42 Bluray with freebies of BB set. Or I could just keep both. haha”
That is an amazing idea! I know what I’m doing now :-)
I can’t seem to recall if this has been mentioned, but did anyone notice that they spelled John Krasinski ‘John Krasinsky’ on the back of the box?
[from tanster: please proofread and re-post. thanks!]
Did a little “Season 5” scouting today:
Found the Target pack, bought that. The FYE i went into said that with the mail-in rebate IN STORE, it come down to $30.00.
ALSO my local costco (Lancaster, PA) has a special set for the same price as the regular counterpart ($32.99) It came with 2 sets of post-it notes, both with Jim Quotes on the bottom. Neither of them were really that good though. I think one was “Yeah, it is all your fault”, and something else not very memorable. But it’s a good deal if you want the DVD with a little extra
[from tanster: if someone can get photos of the Costco Special Edition, that would be awesome. photos of Target and Best Buy editions coming soon. thanks!]
ughh… Amazon’s shipping will take 3 days :(
There were 13 of us waiting outside Best Buy at 10am when they opened, and only 10 of us got the Special Edition. SO GLAD I was the first one there at 9:30. :)
[from tanster: wow! that’s serious.]
I don’t know if anyone has said this yet or not but the Special Edition from Target does NOT include a golden ticket opportunity. I had to suffer the loss and get the special edition anyway.
I can’t wait to go home and watch all the deleted scenes and the gag reel!!
I really like the Target packaging with the flip cover and the MSPC “logos” and crossing out of the DM stuff. Good stuff.
The blooper reel was great, as always, the best of which was Ed trying to get through Dwight’s directions and watching him and Angela lose it. “If you smell bear pee…”
The “100 Episodes, 100 Moments” was really cool and shows how far this show has come. I love that it wasn’t bogged down by Jam stuff but still had their big moments (kiss, date, ring, proposal).
I also went ahead and watched the Customer Survey commentary before (ugh) heading off to work and it was delightful. Stephen Merchant is a god and it was cool to hear Paul and Mindy geek out for the British show. “I think there’s been a rape up there!”
I picked up the regular version at Target over my lunch break. I compared it with the Target version and it just didn’t seem worth the extra $$.
The Target-edition looks interesting, but I don’t live in the US (yay sweden!). I have looked at the Target-website, but can’t find it there. So, am I too stupid to find it there or is it a store-only deal?
If it’s a store only deal, are Target the only stores to sell the “exclusive-deluxe-mega-turbo-extra-3000” edition?
If so, is there an american Tallyhead interested in ordering it and sending it to Sweden? (of course you’ll get something as thanks for the help!) :)
#287 Sam – has yours been dispatched yet? Has anyone had theirs from Amazon? Mine has said “item dispatching soon, cannot change order” for nearly two days now, argh!
I’m in the UK, and accept it will take 7 – 12 days to get here, but will be annoyed if it doesn’t dispatch soon as might as well get it in NY next week otherwise. Last year it dispatched on the Sunday and I had it a week after release!
#292 – I’d be happy to help you out! You can email me if you want… [email protected].
I’ve noticed that John Krasinski’s name is mispelled on the back cover…there’s no “y” at the end. Yikes!
As I’ve done in the past, I couldn’t decide between Target and Best Buy for the special editions, so I got both. (What bad economy, huh?)
I justify it by keeping one set downstairs in the living room, and one set up in my bedroom, for ease of viewing whenever the whim strikes! ;)
The Shrute “Beet Box” (love that!) from Best Buy is actually a decent value at $41.99 on sale compared to Target’s $39.99 special set.
You get the big box, which looks like a crate full of beets. Inside there’s the actual DVD’s of course, plus a Shrute Beet Farm tee-shirt (size L), magnet, mouse pad, door hanger, and beet squeezy stress ball. Fun stuff!
I have limited free time at home this week but will definitely watch the gag reel and Tanster moderating the panel discussion.
I’ll be putting this on my Christmas list!
Has anyone else noticed that the Pam drunk call in Crime Aid is from a deleted scene in Business Ethics?
Have we found if the Best Buy LE set has a golden ticket or not?
Mmmm, Jim’s magnet pic looks HAWT!!!
I just got the Best Buy set. No golden ticket in the Best Buy set. There was nothing saying that I lost or won.
Two more comments:
-My local Best Buy had plenty of the “Beet Box” editions in stock, along with the regular and Blu-Ray versions.
-I like that they went for a touch of authenticity by putting a produce PLU code sticker on the “beet” stress ball, but the #6110 is not an actual code for beets! I work part-time in a grocery store and know that doesn’t apply to any of the beets we carry–reg, golden, loose beets, bunch beets, organic, etc. I don’t know for sure if 6110 represents any actual fruit or vegetable. Just a bit of trivia!
There’s no golden ticket in the Target special edition either. Are they ONLY in the standard sets?
I was outside of Best Buy at 10am and i saw about 20 other people waiting also, so i got a little nervous. but luckily they were all waiting for some Jay-Z special edition album or something, so i was the first and only one i saw buy the best buy box :)
I’m a little bummed that the BluRay editions don’t have any of the special edition features nor do they have golden tickets. I had to debate between the Target DVD so I could get the Paley Center disc or my love of high def. I wish they’d at least put a standard DVD bonus disc in with my BDs
I don’t know if this has been posted before…but I was looking over the back of the new DVD and I found a typo! They spelled John’s last name wrong!! (They also had a typo with John’s name on the case of the Season 1 DVD)
Anyways, they spelled it “Krasinsky” instead of “Krasinski”!
Other than that…everything else is good!
Watching the Target DVD…way to go Tanster. Great questions!
[from tanster: thanks george, but the credit for the questions belongs to the Tallyheads who contributed them! you guys rock!]
Stopped by Target before work and snagged the last deluxe edition sitting on the shelf. The cashier said, “This must be a good price for this DVD. You’re the fourth person to get one.” The store had been open less than an hour – ha!
Can’t wait to watch when I get home.
I got the Target edition, as always–I must say I love the packaging. It’s a little awkward to get everything out, but really a nice-looking set. I’m glad it’s normal-width and not super-chunky like the Target S4 set.
There is a Costco “special” edition as well!
It comes with two sets of quote post-its, both from Jim, one saying “Is it me, or are we a little off today? and one saying “No, you’re definitely the problem”.
#303 – You are correct that PLU 6110 is not a valid code. The highest number is 4961 (for yellow mangos). Beets, depending on the type, are 3273, 4537, 4538, 4539 or 4541.
Does anyone have any idea until when Best Buy will keep the other four seasons on sale?
Just saw the “Picking Weapons” clip above for the first time…HILARIOUS! Stanley is awesome! “Do you fully understand that the prize you are fighting over is Angela?” and “Darwin, baby, Darwin.” Sounds like a quotable quote to me. :-) Just told my hubby that the season five DVDs are on my wish list for b-day and X-mas!
“I am SHOCKED that the DVD front artwork has only Michael, Dwight, Jim, Pam, Andy, and Ryan.”
the cover art only ever has the “main cast” which is michael, dwight, pam, jim and ryan. they are also the only characters shown in the opening credits. they actually added andy this year, i am guessing since his character had a major story running through the season plus the fact that ed helms is a big name right now because of the hangover. but as far as the others, check out the season 1-4 dvds, same people on front.
Can I just say how hilarious the writers are. I am so glad i went to target and got the gift set. The bonus disc is really worth it my opinion. You did a really good job moderating Tanster :D
I just picked up my gift pack from Best Buy and I’m sooo excited! (well, except for the John “Krasinsky” spelling error on the back…)For anybody wondering, the Best Buy Schrute Farms box is about the size of a small shoebox (I couldn’t tell from pictures how big it would be). I have to say the DVD box/packaging isn’t the greatest compared to previous seasons, but I guess it’s what on the discs (5 of them this time around) that counts.
“something scary happens that has never been part of a blooper reel before”
omg i can’t believe they caught the earthquake on camera! oh the joys of living in california
“we’re having an earthquake, get it on the dvd extras!”
“the train is going through scranton.”
The commentary for Weight Loss is amazing. I never could have guessed how much work went into that proposal scene. They gave some really fascinating information.
Also, there is so much Holly awesomeness in the deleted scenes. I love it.
As soon as I got home today, I immediately watched the gag reel, as always. Hilarious! I then watched most of the rest of the extra features. “The Academy … presents The Office” was absolutely fantastic! And “100 Episodes, 100 Moments” was very well-done; loved the trip down memory lane.
Of course, I also had to watch the deleted scenes from Company Picnic. That was so incredibly awesome, tanster! You looked stunned – in a good way. :) Love that Andy Buckley! I’m looking forward to watching the Paley event as well.
Unfortunately, most of my Season 5 viewing will have to wait until this weekend, when I will be locked inside my apartment enjoying a massive marathon. I can’t wait!
Just watched the deleted scene in “Company Picnic”!! Tanster, CONGRATS!! What a shout-out:) You totally deserved that!
I just saw your deleted scene, Tanster! How cool is that?? You deserve all the praise because you rock!
#282 phyllis*farm-
Thank you so much for the info!
Seriously, everyone should go to the site that phyllis*farm posted:
Just got my Best Buy box. LOVED the Weight Loss commentary – the amount of info on the proposal was insane!
And I am so wanting a Dundie plush right now
I love how on the “100 Episodes…100 Moments” bonus feature, you can hear the audio from inside the hospital room :)
Just got back from Best Buy in West Covina, CA. There were still many boxes left!
I waited outside Target so I could be the first one to get the special edition at 8am sharp. It was worth it! I loved the paley center extra. Nice job moderating Tanster! And congrats on the company picnic shout-out. You totally deserved it!
so cool that by far i wasn’t the only one who got through the work day just a little easier knowing that i had tons of extra scenes, commentaries and my fave, blooper reels waiting when i got home. i do wish that more acting cast members had been on the commentaries as in past seasons, i miss john :(
OK, that blooper reel and the 100 episodes…100 moments made my week!!!! Love my best buy gift package box!
Congrats on the dvd shoutout, Tanster!! I totally geeked out when I saw it!
Did anyone else get two disc 2s and no disc 1 in their Best Buy package?
I love my Target special edition dvd set!
Great job on the interview Tanster!!! So great to hear from the writers.
Just an observation: the DVD set is listed on the back of the box as having 10 hrs. 8 min. while the blu-ray set has around 9 hours. Does anyone know what hour of footage is cut from the blu-ray edition???
My favorite deleted scenes were in ‘Broke’ and ‘Business Ethics’ so far, but I haven’t gotten to watch a lot.
Picked up my DVD set while on my lunch break and then I had to wait until I got home to watch it! Of course, the bloopers were first and then the deleted scenes from “Company Picnic.” Congrats on the awesome shout out Tanster! You totally deserve it!!!
Once again, the Best Buy set was fabulous. It’s also nice to hear from the never-heard-from-or-seen behind the scenes people on the commentary. Yes, the actors can give more insight on the episodes in terms of story-line, etc. But seriously, how many craft services people have ever done a DVD commentary? Good call.
I have to go out and get this today. I’ll call it a gift to myself for the 09/09/09 party. After all, it only happens every billion years!
I love the beet packaging and contents of the Best Buy special edition DVD. But I am disappointed that with buying the special edition version, you don’t get an opportunity to win a Golden Ticket.
[from tanster: see this post. :) ]
I love how in the Costco picture, the photographer’s thumb is over Ryan’s face… Was that intentional or just a happy accident? :)
Bought the blu-ray and i’m never going back. For a show that isn’t much on the visuals, man this is a clean transfer. Easily worth the extra 10 dollars. I have never seen the show look this good. Not even on the HD broadcasts.
What is wrong with me? Sitting around waiting for Amazon? You folks who went to the store and bought it the day it was released had the right idea! Almost as much as I’m excited for next Thursday, I’m itching to see this DVD and it’s still en route from Kentucky. I know, I know, it’s only Wednesday…
I love the DVD set so far, but I’m kinda disappointed that the commentary isn’t done by mainly the cast, and only one or two others who were writers, directors, etc. Also, I liked how each of the other DVDs had a unique main menu that went along with an episode that was on that particular DVD… this time, it’s just a clip of each character saying something, same thing on each disc.
Lol…That was me and no, that wasn’t intentional. I was just trying to snap a quick photo with my phone on the sly while still in the store. Didn’t even notice it until later! :)
I’m not impressed with the “100 Episodes, 100 Moments” clip show. Most of the moments seemed so random and chosen without any thought. Most of them were just Michael and Dwight screaming about something. And like some of you, I am also irritated at the bizarre episode descriptions on the box. Just had to put my two cents in on those things… otherwise the DVDs seem alright so far. :)
@325 kasejkras – I wasn’t able to hear the hospital room audio on my version. I bought the Target regular no-extras DVD. Did I get hosed? What did they say?
@344 Brigette – I respectfully disagree. I thought the “100 Episodes” feature was quite well done. I think whomever (or WHOever?) chose the clips had a very daunting task of making sure the clips captured a little bit of everything – romances, humor, plot development. I feel they created a good mix. I will admit there are some clips from certain episodes that *I* personally would have chosen over others, but overall I was pleased with the end result.
@345- I have no sound with that either, were we supposed to?
You can kinda hear what Jim and Pam say. Barely. It seems like for that clip the raw footage was used in which the audio inside the room was slightly picked up by the cameras. Turning it up to 11 I still couldn’t hear what the doctor said but you can slightly hear Pam’s gasp-laugh and Jim saying “Oh my god…” whereas in the episode only Pam’s gasp is audible.
Has anyone from Canada done any research as to which stores, if any have special editions? I’m wondering if Best Buy and Costco have the same editions as the States? Hope so! Can’t believe I haven’t bought a copy yet – am seriously slacking this year! Tomorrow!
I have the Blu-Ray version; it looks great, even for a basic show with average visuals. Lines are crisp and the colours are vivid. I love Office DVD’s specifically for the commentary, (lame, I know) but sadly, this season’s is lacking. There was a bit of novelty behind the catering one, but it’s not the sort of thing I’m going to go back to listen to. I like inside jokes and tidbits with the cast and their stories about their experiences while shooting. This season’s commentary was much more technical, which is alright, but it would have been nice to have heard more cast tales dispersed between the tech-talk.
Ellie Kemper, however, really entertained me on the Casual Friday commentary. Pretty sure I’m in love with her already.
I think this is the best “DVD Bonus Material” so far… the deleted scenes (why in God’s name they cut off all that?!)…The bloopers…And I loved Steve with his glasses!
Did anyone else notice John’s last name is spelled wrong?!
In the 100 Episodes… 100 Moments feature, this is what I heard from the hospital scene:
Doctor: “Pam is pregnant”
Pam: “I didn’t know!”
Jim: “Oh my god!OH MY GOD!”
unfortunately they don’t show the rest of the scene, so we don’t know what else they say
I have spent basically this entire day watching the DVDs and they are all awesome. I noticed that in one of the deleted scenes from Company Picnic when they are playing volleyball, Erin goes to get the ball and you can clearly hear Jenna Fischer yell out, “Come on Ellie!” instead of Erin. It made me laugh. Also, the deleted scene of Ryan crying from Weight Loss had me almost in tears from laughing. God I love this show. Can’t wait till Thursday!!!!
I JUST BOUGHT THE GIFT SET! It’s really cool.
I never trusted a rebate from FYE when I bought a Family Guy set – I did everything that was instructed (cut out the Proof of Purchase from the box, sent in the original receipt) for a $10 rebate, only to get a postcard saying they didn’t offer the rebate anymore.
Really enjoying S5 DVD. I am impressed with how well the episodes hold up and even ones I did not necessarily care for at first I have enjoyed on second watch.
Terrific episode tonight and a great start to S6!
My husband and I had a mini season five marathon last night before the season 6 opener. Loved that shoutout to Jennie Tan for her work on the website. That was awesome.
[from tanster: thanks! :) ]
I’m watching S5 on bluray, and it’s just hit me.
Watching the office in sequence rather than 1 episode per week is SUCH a better viewing experience.
I’ve actually gotten a ‘classic season 2 office’ vibe from season 5 the second time around, whereas when I watched it on TV it just felt disappointing.
I have all of the season’s on DVD and LOVE them, but was disapointed that the Season 5 DVD’s commentaries didn’t have a lot of the actors in them. I love watching them because you can hear their take on the episode and get extra details of what happens while shooting them. Hopefully there will be better commentaries next season!
I love The Office, okay that’s obvious since I bought the fifth season DVD. But one thing about that I love about all the other Office DVD’s are the commentaries. But the commentaries on this Fifth season are extremely disappointing. I don’t know if it’s because rarely any of the cast are included in the commentaries or what. But it’s just really… I wouldn’t even bother listening to them. They are interesting but more from a technical standpoint, not if you’re just looking for a little more fun added to your favorite episodes.