It’s late, I’m exhausted, and I have full day of work tomorrow, so I unfortunately have to make this short for now.
The Office set visit today far surpassed my wildest expectations. Kath from GMMR and I got to spend the entire day with the cast and crew, from 9am to 6pm. We watched the filming of an episode, and it was fascinating and funny.
We also got a chance to chat with: Angela Kinsey, B.J. Novak, Brian Baumgartner, Creed Bratton, Ed Helms, Gene Stupnitsky, Greg Daniels, Harold Ramis, Jenna Fischer, John Krasinski, Kate Flannery, Kent Zbornak, Lee Eisenberg, Leslie David Baker, Melora Hardin, Michael Schur, Mindy Kaling, Oscar Nunez, Paul Lieberstein, Phyllis Smith, Rainn Wilson, Randall Einhorn, Rashida Jones, and last but not least, Steve Carell.
Yes, nearly the entire cast was there! My head is still spinning.
Here are just a few tidbits …

The call sheet taped to the door reads: “Super Fans, Jennie Tan and Kathie Skerry — who operate the fan websites and will be observing, asking questions, and taking pictures with cast — Please do NOT beat or flog them like the others!” How awesome is that?

Goofing off at reception. I look sad, but I’m ecstatic. Really!
More details to come …
Jealous, jealous, jealous, JEALOUS!
Can’t wait for the juicy details.
most.amazing.picture.ever! So jealous! Looking forward to the gory details…
Ohhhh Rainn. :)
That is so awesome! I’m so happy for you two… and extremely jealous! I can’t wait to hear more.
You better give the juicy details of the episode or I think you’ll have a mob after you!
I’m so happy for you Jennie!!!! I’m so glad it was everything you hoped for!
You have to be the luckiest woman on earth!!! I hope there are tons more pictures!!!!
YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!!! I can’t wait for all the juicy details!! :-D
Sounds like it was very awesome (but why wouldn’t it be?) Looking forward to MANY more pictures!
Wow. Just wow.
That is just awesome. Incredibly jealous.
You so deserve it! That would be my dream come true! You’re a very lucky girl!
OMG! you got to talk to my husband. :]
you’re soo lucky.
how did you get to go there?
I’m so jealous I could die.
That is so freaking awesome! I thought about you guys all day! I am so excited and happy for you! I know you will be on cloud nine for a long time! Can’t wait to hear more! :)
very jealous i am this morning
We want to hear word for word your conversation w/JK!
I’m so happy for you! I’m completely, totally, hugely jealous. I can’t believe you actually met and talked to John Krasinski! But, that is amazing, cuz now we have an inside view(please) of whatever episode you saw filmed when it airs. So cool! :P
That is amazing! If anyone deserves to go to the set its you and Kath, seriously. Your websites are where I go for all of my Office needs! It just goes to show how much they really appreciate their fans :) Can’t wait for more details and pictures!!
You said Harold Ramis was among the people you talked to, is he directing another episode or was he just visiting too?
It sounds like they were really great to both of you! Can’t wait to hear all the details.
This is fantastic, and I can’t wait to hear more!
Soooo awesome! Congrats to you and Kath, the hardest working super fans ever! Thanks for sharing the experience with us!!
HA! Still so excited you two got this oppurtunity! Glad you had a blast. (Though I knew you would) :)
Can’t wait to hear all the details!! So happy you got to live every fan’s dream!!
I’m so glad it worked out even better than you imagined, and you guys got to see what’s what at The Office for the rest of us ! Can’t wait to hear the details of your day!!!
I’m so jealous, but happy for you. I wish I could have hidden in your trunk to get in too :) Can’t wait to see more pictures
Too awesome :)
I’m so happy for you guys!! Sounds like you had an awesome time at the set. Please tell us more about the set visit when you have a chance!
Please tell me you picked up the phone and said, “Dunder-Mifflin, this is Jennie.”
ah you both totally deserve it :D
can’t wait for more details
Wow tanster. Wow. Congratulations. That being said I’m very jealous.
chance of a lifetime for sure!
That’s so cool I think I crapped my pants.
THAT IS SO AWESOME! Post more pics and more info! I’m so happy for you!
OMG OMG OMG thats soooo exciting
Very, very cool! And I was there too even! Well… kinda.
Okay, I just got goosebumps looking at the photos! Do I like this show or what?! :-)
Congrats again Jennie! What a luck girl you are!
I’m almost crying with excitement for you.
Robert, yes, he directed another episode, although not the one we saw being filmed yesterday. I think he was there to do editing.
I am totally seething with jealousy. And I have an excited feeling in my stomach for you! haha!
I love the picture…sooo cool. I can’t wait for more pics, and info.
WOW Jennie! What an experience… very lucky!! Can’t wait to see all the pics and read the updates. Make sure you tell us which episode you guys were watching. Then we can say “Jennie and Kath were there!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Hehe… =D
wow.. excited and jealous do not even begin to cover what i’m feeling right now… YOU MET JOHN KRASINSKI!!! *end fangirl outburst*
David wasn’t there, eh? Looks like Roy is out of the picture!!!
Knot4ewe, no, David Denman wasn’t there, or any of the other warehouse staff.
Jennie – That sounds like my version of heaven in SO many ways! I’m so glad you and Kathie had such a wonderful time. I can’t wait to hear all the details and see those photos!!!
Can I assume Gene and Lee were there because they wrote one of the next few episodes? They are my favorite writers for the show, so here’s hoping.
You are SO lucky. *jealous*.
But nobody deserves it more than you — OfficeTally is amazing when it comes to Office news.
Gaahhhh! Luuuuuuuucky!
You rock, Jennie!! That pic is awesome!! I am so glad you guys had such an amazing experience. Can’t wait to hear more and to see more pics. And I cannot WAIT to see you on Friday again! :-)
Wow. Just wow. That photo brought it home that you were actually there. And that was one amazing chat list. Very, very cool, Jennie. Have your feet touched ground yet?
I’m sooooo giddy with excitement!! It’s like I was the one there…I think I might need some therapy. I’m so happy for you two that you were able to do that. It’s like you died and went to Scranton!!!!
Oh one more thing..If John Krasinski wanted to beat or flog me I wouldn’t stop him!!! hahaha
oh my gosh!! That call sheet alone is awesome! Love the picture at reception, wow! You guys are totally living the dream out there! Can’t wait to hear more about it :)
Thats is AWesome!! with a capital AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! =) Im so jealous!? Hopefully I get at least a little picture @ the paley fest. *crossing fingers* Congrats again!? =)
You guys are great and completely deserve this. Thanks for running such an awesome site! Can’t wait to hear more about the visit.
I’m SOO jealous!!! xD
I’m happy for you too you know… lol
OMGosh, that’s so great Jennie, especially making the call sheet and all that. :) Can’t wait to here/see more.
The pic of you, Rainn, and Jenna behind the desk is fantastic! Or should I say Tan-tastic? Can’t wait for the full recap.
I can see why it’s the BEST. DAY. EVER!! I’m so happy for you, Jennie! I’ll see you Saturday!
Can’t wait to hear the full scoop, but I have to echo other comments that say this visit is totally deserved. You put in so much work making one of the best fansites ever and I’m thrilled the awesome people at The Office made such an effort to thank you. YAY!
congrats! that sounds like a blast! you totally deserve it! thanks for keepin’ us Office fans in the know!
Yeah! Congratulations. I can’t wait for more info!
Jenna is such a cutie-pie.
Can’t wait to hear every detail!
Holy Crap you’re actually at Pam’s desk. How awesome is that!
Wow, that is beyond awesome! You got to stay the whole day? Lucky girls :) I’m glad to know that the cast and crew were great and it was everything you hoped it would be and more. The last line on the call sheet is hilarious, but would we expect anything less?! I can’t wait to read your full recap.
Yes, me too, Jennie, Congratulations. And it will be great to hear more details.
Wow. So envious.
I can’t wait to hear more. Congrats again!
Love this website – I’m so jealous that you were there. I can’t wait to hear more!
that is so exciting. congratulations to you! I use your website for all of my Office gossip and info, it’s very easy to maneuver and it’s about the single greatest show on TV! That must have been very exciting. hopefully we get to see some more pictures of this experience!
Sounds like an awesome treat that was well-deserved.
I wonder what episode they were filming. Maybe the season finale? When tanster gets back, maybe we can feast on a few spoilers.
You two are seriously the luckiest people ever!
I’m so jealous. =P
Anyone else notice she didn’t mention David D (ROY).
i’m dying to know what’s blocked out on that call sheet. look closely…’s covered over in a big section. episode title? what else? this is episode #21, alleged to be the one after “safety training”, whatever that is.
Is it weird that I think Rainn is totally hot in that picture?
Oh my gosh! I’m so excited to hear more!! You are the luckiest fan alive!
Can’t wait for more details.
Angie: Yes
Angie: Yes.
But I think so too.
We’re both weird.
Naw, they aren’t allowed to divulge any spoilers.
I’m actually fine with that.
They should’ve let you two be extras.
That’s so awesome!!! I’m so jealous. I’m glad you guys had fun–you totally deserve it. And you got to meet JK! =)
How was the craft services table?
You’re actually at Pam’s desk!!!! With Jenna and Rainn!!! I would have been in hysterics. Incredibly jealous.
Lindsay, I think it’s the eyebrow.
Wow. Amazing. You totally deserve it for running this great site. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep up the jealousy…
AHHHH! omg amazing!
jealousy and envy!!…congrats!, that must have been a blast! I can’t wait to hear more :)
why arent they releasing any upcoming episodes that will air soon- i want new episodes
Hey!!What a great picture!! YOU look like you belong on the set! So very happy for you!!
Tanster – that is so great! I love that picture – I saw the one of Kathy over at GMMR, too. I am so happy that such great fans got to go to the set and meet the cast. I can’t wait to hear all about your trip and to see the rest of the photos. Congrats again on a great day!
Didn’t notice this at first, but I am so excited to see Harold Ramis was on set. I assume this means he’s directing another episode? I love it – Benihana Christmas was a great episode!
tanster you need to post around a hundred images. too f’ing cool.
when do u guys think they’ll say new upcoming episodes
glad to hear you had an amazing time… are you going to get to come back? if i say i’m a fan of officetally, would they let me go?
ps to everyone wanting jenie to spill the beans on episode details… 1) she would only do so in the spoilers section,
and 2) MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY i’m sure she signed a NDA (non-disclosure agreement) or some sort of embargo and isnt allowed to tell us jack squat about certain things she saw. I think tanster even mentioned this before her visit.
how many episodes r there this season
m. scott, there are 25 episodes this season. with “A Benihana Christmas” and the season finale each counting as two episodes
thanx so that means there r like 23 episodes. did u guys notice Ed Helms was one of the people she met meaning Andys back
TOO COOL! We better see some more pics girl! We need to see them all! Thanks for being our eyes while you were there! CONGRATS AGAIN!
Too cool.
That’s beyond awesome! Hope you took lots of digital photographs to share!
Just kidding. Can’t wait to see more pictures!
I’m so jealous
And happy for you at the same time
Please do NOT beat or flog them like the others!
hahaah they’re awesome
Wow you guys got to talk to everyone! Who ISN’T on that list?
I am chartreuse with envy!
Can’t wait to see more pics and details.
Amazing!! I’m glad you had fun, of course, how could you not?!
Wait… This means you know what’s going to happen! Ahh!
You are amazing!
Very, very cool. Well done! See kids, being completely obsessed with a tv show CAN get you somewhere in life! Like on the set of that tv show, learning what’s going to happen waaaayy ahead of everybody else!
I am very happy for you and only a little bit jealous, Jennie. Or maybe it’s the other way around.
You are a God among fans.
Tanster, what’s cool about your visit is that your short-term dream came true.
Sure most people have pie-in-the-sky dreams of winning the lottery or long-term dreams of lifelong happiness, but in life, we create these short-term dreams that would literally make our year.
Like a young man having batting practice with his favorite baseball player or a young woman going shopping with her favorite pop star, I bet meeting the Office mates on the actual set of “The Office” made you a giddy 13-year-old. LOL.
VERY few people ever get to have their short-terms dreams fulfilled…congrats…and enjoy this moment!!
What a blessing – what you put out, you attract and you’re now reaping the benefits of your efforts and passion.
CONGRATULATIONS! Can’t wait to see more pictures :)
More pics please!
Days until the next new office episode: 35
35 day?!?!!?
crap…what am i going to do?!
Congrats on living every fans dream- keep up the good work!
something will happen with JAM but it will be b4 the season fianle
how do u know that
Jennie, the picture of Dwight (Rainn), You and Pam (Jenna) almost brought tears to my eyes.. I’m so happy for you and Kath! You deserve every moment you had at the Office!! Congratulations.
OMG! Rainn is hot!!! Where’s Dwight?
“Please do NOT beat or flog them like the others”
…how ARE they to beat and flog you, if not like the “others”?
So cool though! :D
lucky lucky lucky!!!!! are you able to give the address to the set or not?