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Writer: Carrie Kemper, Director: Randall Einhorn
Summary (NBC): Fears are revealed on the spookiest Halloween in Dunder Mifflin history — Erin struggles to make the Halloween party at the office exactly how Andy and Robert California want it. Meanwhile, Jim and Pam argue about whether ghosts are real, and Dwight bonds with Robert’s 11-year-old son, Bert.
The Office Spooked extras
- Videos: Promos and sneak peeks | The Office cast talks about Halloween
- Photos
- What is Dwight’s Halloween costume this year?
- The Office lolcat inspired by Spooked
The Office Spooked rating
In a poll conducted October 27-31, 2011, Tallyheads rated this episode: 7.05/10
See all The Office Season 8 ratings.
The Office Spooked quotes
Manually transcribed by tanster. :)
Andy: I have three simple rules: don’t be offensive, don’t be cliche, and don’t take the first two rules too seriously.
Andy: Costume vetoed.
Kelly: This is ridiculous. Why can’t there just be two Kate Middletons?
Meredith: Why is it such a shock that I follow the royal story?
Meredith: Warms my heart. Thinking about them two kids. Doing it.
Jim: I am Chris Bosh.
Kelly: What are you, some kind of Jamaican zombie woman?
Dwight: Has no one heard of Kerrigan? From StarCraft? Queen of Blades?
Toby: (As Dwight) “As soon as I get my weapons back, I’m going to kill you.” But there I am at Thanksgiving, alive, you know. I’m a lucky turkey.
Andy: (Reading Robert’s text) “Looking forward to Halloween party. Expectations are high.” Scared the shit out of me.
Erin: How would you rate me as a receptionist on a scale of 1 to 3?
Erin: You are the best in the biz. I can’t deny.
Pam: “That’s what everyone sees. That’s the man in black.”
Jim: No! My wife does not believe in ghosts.
Jim: Yeah, I had just told you about the day I met the Blue Angels. I figured you had to top it.
Pam: I don’t know what to tell you, Jim, but I saw a ghost.
Robert: And you, on this day of fantasy, are… a laborer.
Robert: Everyone, this is Bert, my son. Bert, this is… a paper company.
Bert: Can I use your computer? I need to check a hurricane.
Andy: Wow, who shot our grown-up party with a kiddie ray gun?
Gabe, Kelly, and Toby: Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones… now we’re the skeleton crew!
Robert: You feeling fulfilled in your life?
Robert: Yes. Dying alone, that is very scary.
Bert: Very low pressure in the Sargasso Sea. Warm air from South America. Cold air from Greenland. All signs point to the perfect storm.
Dwight: I’m a Jamaican zombie woman. Leave me alone, ghoul.
Bert: If you’re going to be a Zerg, at least be a lurker. Not some girl.
Dwight: Kerrigan is ruler of the Zerg Swarm!
Bert: Yeah, she also has boobs!
Dwight: Yeah, but no nipples!
Andy: Maybe we could mix a little more 13 into the PG.
Jim: He didn’t have a Buster sign around him?
Jim: I ain’t afraid of no ghosts.
Pam: Dwight, are you eating a stick?
Dwight: it’s a root, you idiot.
Bert: Everyone hates you.
Dwight: That’s really rude! I don’t tell you hurricanes suck, even though it’s true.
Bert: What do you like, tornadoes?
Dwight: Try influenza.
Bert: Oh yeah? What’s the vaccine you could take to avoid a hurricane?
Kevin: I’m only scared of real things. Like serial killers and kidnappers. Not things that don’t exist, like ghosts or mummies.
Kevin: Why on earth would a museum put a mummy in it?
Erin: Get out of here, little kid party! Nobody loves you! And clean up your room! Grown ups are going to use it later!
Gabe: The cinema of the unsettling is a growing film movement. The most well known film in the genre is an hour long shot of a squirrel with diarrhea.
Erin: This game is called Pecker Poker. It’s the game of cards that gets you hard.
Andy: Did you think I was going to fire you?
Robert: I’m never uncomfortable.
Pam: Jim doesn’t let me wash his NFL jersey during playoffs. How is this any less logical?
Phyllis: Is she Asian?
Erin: I don’t know. She’s from somewhere, I bet. Maybe from the forest.
Creed: You don’t live as long as I have without a healthy fear of snakes, Bobby.
Meredith: Honestly? Jim gives me the creeps.
Robert: What am I up to.
Robert: When I was a boy, there was an empty house, just up the hill from my family’s. It was rumored a man committed suicide there after being possessed by the devil. One day, a young woman, Lydia, moved into the house with her infant child. That very night, Lydia was awakened by a loud, heinous, hissing sound. She walked to the nursery, and there, in baby’s crib, was a snake wrapped around baby’s neck, squeezing tighter and tighter.
Creed: Oh my goodness.
Robert: The crib was full of dirt, baby struggled to free itself from underneath, reaching and clawing, gasping for air. Embalmed bodies rose from their sarcophagi, lurching toward baby. For they were mummies. Amongst them was a man, tall, slim. Almost instinctively, she turned to her husband. “Oh wait,” she thought, “I don’t have a husband.” For Lydia and her husband had had an argument, one they couldn’t get past. Each night, they slept one inch farther apart, until one night, Lydia left. It was about this time, she lost herself in imaginary worlds. She had quit the book club, the choir, citing something about their high expectations. Her lips slowly grew together from disuse. Every time she wanted to act and didn’t, another part of her face hardened, until it was stone. And that fevered night, she rushed to the nursery, threw open the door, “baby, are you okay?” Baby sat up slowly, turned to mother, and said, “I’m fine, bitch. I’m fine.”
Robert: Fear plays an interesting role in our lives. How dare we let it motivate us. How dare we let it into our decision making, into our livelihoods, into our relationships. It’s funny, isn’t it, we take a day a year to dress up in costume and celebrate fear.
Bert: I’m the CEO’s son. Pack your things. You’re done.
Icon provided by pessimistreader.
cheesy title for an episode..sounds more like a sitcom episode title.
[200-word limit]
I like the title. Office Halloween episodes are always great. Who will Dwight be this year? And what non-costume will Jim wear? Although i’d love to see Pam make him dress up again.
Ha ha, it would be funny if they were Jay Z and Beyonce, lol
Sorry to break it to you, threatlevelmiddwight, but The Office is a sitcom. A mockumentary, yes, but a mockumentary is still a sitcom. Personally, I am very excited for this episode. Office Halloween episodes are better than any other show’s Halloween episodes except maybe The Simpsons.
I think that this episode will be great!
I remember from past spoilers that this episode would be based around a spooky banquet
I can’t wait!!
Written by Carrie Kemper. Any relation to Ellie Kemper?
no, no, I don’t doubt that this is gonna be a great Halloween episode, but it just seems like too much of a deviation from the more grounded office titles…I mean, what does “Spooked” have to do with a workplace situation? Still gonna watch it with an open mind, but I was just pointing it out…
@7 PammyBeesly: Carrie is Ellie’s sister.
@7 Yes they’re sisters.
I’m really look forward to this one!
Does anyone know why there are only reruns for two weeks?
When is Dwight going to dress up as Voldemort?? He’s got the nose for it!
Bigtuna123, my guess is so it doesn’t compete with World Series. Just a guess.
probably means a short season. which might mean this is the last season of the office. :(
@kevin – The sky is not falling, Chicken Little! Think positive!
Chances are they are taking their normal midseason production break a little early this year to allow for Jenna’s maternity leave, instead of filming Pam-less episodes.
They have a contract with NBC for a full year (26 half-hour episodes). And all signs are that the show will end after next year (with the magic 200 episodes in the bank).
Um, the show is only out for one week (the 20th is the missed Thursday).
Although, Jim and Pam usually do costumes together, I am thinking that Jim may come as Michael Scott. It would be an easy costume for him. Just a thought.
@Mose Wannabe – how do you know there’s 26 episodes this season? AFAIK, NBC hasn’t told us how many there are going to be this year..of any show.
And there will likely be a good chunk of episodes without Jenna Fischer in them. She gave birth on Sept 24 and she likely wasn’t working right up to that day. And they filmed the Xmas episode last week, so there’s a good chance Pam won’t be in it.
[from tanster: thanks!]
@chris she also has a husband who can stay home and take care of the baby. mindy wrote the episode before jenna had her baby, so it’s possible that she’ll still be in the episode.
“Jim and Pam argue about whether ghosts are real.” I already love it.
Robert’s son is named Bert? Anyone else noticing Robert’s gotta sweet spot for Sesame Street? lol
Who was Dwight dressed as in the preview for the Halloween episode? – Sarah Kerrigan from Starcraft is my best guess.
Ryan looks like Jesse from Breaking Bad!
Creed’s costume is so awesome! Didn’t know Kevin liked the Miami Heat. Would’ve preferred if he sported a Nowitzki jersey.
I am sooo excited for tonight!!!
I am having my first annual Office Halloween Party Marathon!!
I did the same thing last christmas and it was awesome!!
We are watching season 2’s “halloween”, season 5’s “employee transfer” cold open, season 7’s “costume contest”, and FINALLY!!! SEASON 8’S “SPOOKED”!!!
super excited.
This episode started off slow, I thought. But the second half definitely made up for it. Loved how Robert California tied everyone’s fears into his scary story. Great writing!
Ryan was totally dressed up like “Jesse Pinkner” from Breaking Bad!!! Loved it, but wondering why it was never mentioned or addressed?! I have the biggest “thing” for Jesse…
absolutely loved tonight’s episode. Have enjoyed the whole season thus far.
I love how Creed was testing to make sure the snake was real or not and when Robert California’s fear story freaked out Creed and Kevin. I wonder what Michael’s costume would have been.
“You don’t live this long without having a strong fear of snakes.” -Creed Bratton
The first Halloween episode without Michael. That was sad in and of itself. But it was a great episode!! Robert California is getting creepily funnier! It was really a super episode. Except poor Erin – that was so, so sad. I just felt bad for her the whole show, especially at the end.
solid episode. i loved dwight ‘bonding’ with robert’s son, creed’s costume was awesome too
This Andy/Erin thing is getting ridiculous, and Robert California still isn’t doing it for me.
Jim and Pam were adorable, though.
Ironically, the show now has a more PG rating rather than PG13 or R even with the censored profanity; The biggest laugh tonight was Kevin being scared of Mummys; BTW, Robert is the Scranton Strangler.
Second half was definitely the best. And am I the only one who immediately thought of “The Ring” when they were showing Gabe’s film? Erin’s costume was really adorable and I always appreciate some playful JAM banter. ;)
Dwight and Bert had me in stitches, and I really felt for Erin in a way I haven’t been feeling for the characters so far this season. I loved it!
I have loved every episode of The Office this season….however, this one was a bit of a stinker. I just didn’t think it was funny at all. (except for adorable Pam!)
Probably my favorite episode so far this season. I loved everyone’s costumes. The Jim/Pam Stuff was great. I loved Pam’s bird flip pic at Jim. Loved Dwight’s interaction with Robert’s kid. Loved the “I’m fine, B*tch” ending of the scary story. I did feel really bad for Erin, though. She seems to try to have a positive outlook, but being an orphan raised in foster care has to carry a lot of loneliness and insecurities for her. I have to wonder if Andy was already dating his 31 date girlfriend during “Search Committee.”
I really didn’t like this one. Of course the Jim/Pam parts were pure gold but the rest fell very flat for me. I honestly don’t care about the Erin and Andy story. Two seasons they have tried to make them work and it just doesn’t.
Such a great episode tonight! Loved every bit of it, especially the parts with Andy and Erin. It was an overall great episode!
Rating: 8/10
Such a good episode! I laughed out loud several times. Perfect stress relief. Dwight bonding with Bert was the highlight. I love the look of approval he gives when Bert says box jellyfish (?) are the scariest animal.
Another great one! Robert grows on me every week, his story was brilliant, and I loved all the silent scenes of resolution it caused. His son was really funny, I’d like to see him in more episodes. A little tension in the Jim/Pam marriage is okay with me, every marriage has it. Lastly, kudos to Ellie Kemper for the sheer amount of emotion in her face during that last shot.
This Halloween episode was a treat and my personal favorite of the season.
Can anyone explain to me why we are supposed to care about Andy and Erin? It’s been two and a half years of contrived back and forth. Please let it drop writers. Loved Spader’s story and his lurking during the conversation in Andy’s office.
I thought it was great. Loved Meredith the best! Also, Erin shined as well. The costumes were all good.
I would have loved it if the “old man” Pam saw in the mirror had turned out to be Creed.
I’ve really been liking James Spader’s new character. However, this episode did not do it for me at all. It felt way too rushed and the story lines just kind of fizzled out into what seemed like a pointless “spook story” from Robert. The Jim/Pam thing didn’t save it for me either. Andy/Erin need to make up their mind or drop it. This episode really dropped the ball for me. I’m glad other people enjoyed it. I still have high hopes for the rest of the season.
I loved the episode! I have my doubts about Andy’s new “relationship”. Something tells me he made it up out of fear of what Robert California would think of him dating one of his employees. Plus, who keeps track of their dates to 31? Maybe some people do but that’s quite a few dates to keep track of, it seemed like he was making it up but maybe it’s just me
What was Oscar’s costume? I forgot to DVR the episode & I kept switching back & forth between the show & the World Series.
Liked the Episode. Ryan as Jesse from Breaking Bad was awesome. My two favorite shows all all time coming together!
Brilliant episode. Brilliant. Another hit in what is so far the best season since season 5.
I loved Pam asking Dwight about the stick and his response. That little exchange was perfect and everything i love about them. The whole episode was little exchanges that i loved. They are getting back to the little things just as they said.
Also, i’m loving the writers for bringing back Jim and Pam banter. It’s always a highlight when they have even minor interaction throughout an episode. They were adorable tonight.
I did wonder if Andy was making up a woman. (Although I was thinking he made her up just to make it clear to Erin nothing is going to happen there) I think my parents were married before their 31st date so I just don’t see how he, from what we’ve seen of him, could be that long-term with a woman without proposing to her or living with her or at least introducing her to his parents. Unless maybe there’s something really embarrassing about her.
I didn’t really care for the episode. It had a few good moments, but nothing really shined. However, I did like that Erin was the POV character for her storyline in this episode; that’s a decent change-up from what we normally get.
I didn’t like this episode. There was just improvement on The Garden Party. It’s not anymore the classic office. I am waiting for improvements.
Still Office fan.
That’s how they deal with Andy/Erin’s relationship??
The episode was really funny tho! Loved all of Dwight’s costumes, and the stuff about Pam’s belief in ghosts :D
Hey Angela, stop bragging about your pregnancy body – if anything, you look like you swallowed a Tic Tac!
Oscar likes to get political with his costumes – Uncle Sam, Sarah Palin, and now “Oscar Liar Weiner” as in Anthony Weiner.
Surprised at how many didn’t like this episode, my favorite by far in a long time.
Great costumes, and great episode. They told several small stories the whole way through, and the ending was the perfect culmination of them all! Brilliant writing AGAIN Office peeps! Erin is the most adorable thing, or should I say Ellie Kemper is the most adorably cute actress to portray this fun character. She rocked last night. Only Meredith could create a royal wedding dress with duct tape, JAM moments were great, and Gabe’s awkward hi sweetheart had me creeped out laughing. Kevin’s mummy comment, Dwight & Bert, how could you not like this episode!
The ending made me so sad, when Erin closed her eyes to hug Andy. I personally am rooting for them. I think their awkward, naive strangeness is lovely, but I agree with some of you that it seems weird that Andy’s already been on 31 dates with this mystery person.
Loved the Jim and Pam stuff, loved creepy “The Ring”esque video, loved Robert’s story at the end. Something felt a little off about this episode, not sure what it was, but overall I liked it. 8/10.
I enjoyed this episode. But, I hope the writers will not keep the Erin/Andy romance front and center. They are not Jim and Pam. Like Kevin, Erin is great in small doses. At times her idiocy and naivete is hard to believe. I’d like to see more of Creed, Meredith, Stanley, Angela etc. The last two episodes of season 7 teased us with the promise of what a truly ensemble show might be…so here’s to hoping they’ll follow through and steer the spotlight away from the Erin/Andy storyline(I’d much rather watch Angela and Dwight in a torrid embrace anyway)
I really liked it – and I just about came to tears (the laughing kind) watching Gabe’s video. Love Creed calling Robert “Bobby” – Ellie did an awesome job and you can sign me up for the Andy/Erin team – I’ve liked them together from the start. I can picture Andy dating someone totally wrong for him and dominating, like Jan.
Oh, and the scene(s) with Toby and Dwight were classic!
This episode was creepy, awkward, and sad. My favorite of the season. :)
Ellie was brilliant.
And, we got some classic new Jim faces!
I loved all the JAM stuff, Angela’s costume repeat, everything Creed, and Kevin’s mummy-phobia. Did anyone see Pam’s amused face when Erin brought out the “poker” cards? ahahaha My husband and I were cracking up. They’ve kept up Pam’s thing for pornography pretty consistently.
The only thing I didn’t agree with because it was not consistent was Meredith’s fear of Jim. In Season 3, when he got the hair cut, Meredith was totally turned-on and freaked Jim out. In Season 4, after she got hit by Michael’s car, she freaked Jim out again when she wanted him to sign her cast and she even told him she was glad that he visited her even though the entire office visited. If anything, Jim’s terrified of Meredith.
I don’t know if anyone has said this already (because I haven’t had a chance to read all the comments yet), but does anyone else think that Andy’s “girlfriend” is actually Erin? 31 dates — and he’s been boss for about a month, right? So 1 date everyday he sees her at work? And he just didn’t want to say that in front of Robert C?
I really loved this episode! It was funny and sweet. Also, my fave part: Pam: “Dwight, do you have a stick in your mouth?” Ha!
i REALLY enjoyed this episode! dwight never lets me down during episodes that involve costumes :)
I liked this episode, but I felt bad for Erin the whole time. I find it pretty hard to believe that Andy has been on 31 dates with this mystery woman already. I have always liked Andy and Erin together even as far back as Erin’s first appearance in “Michael Scott Paper Company” in season five. I hope things eventually work out for them.
Erin stole the show. I loved the Wendy costume and her chat about scarey stuff with Gabe. Creed as Osama was perfect. Still not liking Mr. California.
What was the party that Erin refers to when she’s talking to Gabe. Gabe says the name. It sounds like “Lars and —–” I’ve rewatched the episode twice and still can’t figure it out!
@Robaroo – How then does that scene make sense? What was he going to talk to her about at 4:45?
Also, there’s 20-23 workdays in any given month.
One of the most disappointing things about this season is the vast number of crude jokes. It’s expected as a show ages the humor goes to more poop, profanity, and sexual jokes as the writers run out of ideas because they are “easy”. You have to admit there have been far more crude jokes this season compared to earlier ones, I mean we’ve already had two censored shots. It just sickens me a bit because that wasn’t the humor the show was built on.
Angela’s line about how she hated all of Erin’s decorations was the best line of the season so far.
Awesome episode, I was laughing so hard I was in tears at 15:13 the “Pecker Poker” joke.
I hate how after Michael leaves there is always complaints about almost every episode. I don’t think this season is any less funny than any other season, I hate when people are way too critical about the episodes. On a positive note, i did think this was the funniest of the season!
I was thinking about Andy’s talking-head explanation for why he turned Erin down when she asked him out at the end of the last season – and it struck me that what be *really* going on is that he *is* still in to Erin, but someone or something, outside of himself, is preventing him from pursuing her. Maybe he got a death threat from her foster brother or something, I don’t know. I just know it *feels* like the correct explanation.
I just want to add – I don’t believe for a second that Andy actually has a serious, long-term girlfriend. She would’ve been there when Andy’s family was there. Andy made her up.
Worst Episode Ever. A jumbled mess of ideas. Just put the rest of the season in jello and be done with it. Robert California is not interesting just weird for the sake of it. Still waiting for Toby to go postal after all the abuse he goes through. Does anyone think that Erin is just Karen 2.0 ?
Sorry for the rant. Some good bits however.
I thought it was the best episode of this season. The Robert California character is brilliant, for example, when he gets Kelly to admit she fears dying alone, and then asks Toby how he’s doing.
Best episode of the season. Carrie Kemper really knows how to make her sister shine! Last season’s Ultimatum was also hilarious.
I don’t understand the hate for crude humor. Both the plots for Product Recall and Women’s Appreciation Day were based on crude jokes as well but since this is not a S2/S3 episode, it’s not good enough? Michael’s “That’s What She Said” comes to mind as well. Regardless, I loved this episode and it was really interesting to see Erin show her emotional side. There were plenty of laugh out loud moments. Highlights for me were the Jim and Pam interaction, Dwight and his fantasy world, all the costumes. They even made Gabe funny tonight which I thought wasn’t possible! Too bad the episode got lows in viewers and ratings but I give it a solid 8/10.
Didn’t like this one. Don’t care for Andy/Erin, Kevin’s mummy talking head was perhaps the stupidest joke ever attempted on TO and Pam is becoming really annoying. For me Toby saved the episode, just like he did in Lotto with that talking head at the end
I don’t know what to say. I liked the episode. The Andy/Erin moments were so saddening, specially for her. Pam was creepy with her ghost tale. Dwight wore the funniest costume ever. Robert really convinced everyone with his story, so they don’t be controlled by fear. Gabe’s video is more like an altered version of “The Ring”, but I loved it, although, Erin was wrong about it at the end. And the last scene with Robert’s kid “firing” Toby, to Dwight’s smile, was funny, too.
Can someone please transcribe jim’s quote about the eagles? I’m not in a place where I can watch again and I really want to share that moment with someone…
how is erin even remotely related to karen? if anything andy’s “girlfriend” is the new karen as we all know andy has had strong feelings for erin for a long time and any other girlfriend at this point is just a roadblock for their eventual relationship.
i don’t understand robert’s ending story and how it pertains to the episode…can anyone clarify? I get that it relates to fear and some character’s individual problems but what is the point?
The movie Erin referred to was “Lars and the Real Girl” about a man who falls in love with a blow up doll or mannequin (I forget which).
What I want to know is “What was Ryan’s costume?” I am thinking Jessie from Breaking Bad?
Wasn’t my favorite episode of the season.
I was kind of let down by it, because it didn’t live up to the big Halloween hype. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I thought Ellie did an amazing job! She was so funny and so graceful! And so adorable, too!
Jim’s costume was “meh”, but I did like how Kevin and Darryl got him into it. Pam’s costume was so cute! Kangaroo Pam was just adorable.
And I liked Creed as Osama. That was just….so funny!
Robert was great, and I loved his story! He’s so brilliantly written! And his son was actually really good too! I hope we see more of him.
Gabe is slowly becoming one of the best things about the show!
I don’t like the whole Andy/Erin centered part of it. I think the show does better when it’s an ensemble cast instead of just focusing on specific person(s).
Though I think the episode did well as a whole.
@ 66. diahern
I initially thought the same thing about Jim/Meredith, but the beauty of Meredith’s character is that you can safely assume that she’s probably drunk and anything she says can’t be taken too seriously!
@ 79. Stapled
What does Karen 2.0 actually mean?
This episode was awesome. It had the little things we were promised for this season, but also some bigger great moments. And I’m DEFINITELY excited for “Doomsday” next week. 9/10.
@Mose wannabe — Well, CLEARLY he was going to tell her that he was in love with her, but he couldn’t do that in front of Robert. Also, they worked Saturdays and Sundays this month. BOOM. ROASTED. ;)
FINALLY!! I loved Robert California’s ghost story because it finally tied all of his random interactions with the team together…and we FINALLY had an episode with Erin as her funny, insecure, innocent self (which includes Andy)…and Dwight FINALLY earned some respect for his bizarro side…and the costumes were great — who would think of Jesse Pinkman?! The Office always has amazing Halloween shows — this was terrific with Weiner, bin Laden…
Decent episode. Yes the costumes are always interesting but they make the episode a bit overwhelming. The original season 2 Halloween episode managed to make the costume part of it a subtle, funny bonus of the episode, but the recent Halloween episodes are all about the costumes. The funniest part was Pam’s line: “Dwight are you eating a stick?”. It was so spontaneous and irrelevant to her conversation with Jim, genius! I really wished Jim found a way to get back at Dwight and Bert. Jim has been too soft lately. We need the smooth, charming Jim back from earlier seasons. I’m really starting to like Rob California now that i’m figuring him out. I don’t think he’s all that creepy- he just likes to mess with the office people and puts on this show of creepiness. He is a genius and finds amusement in manipulating his subordinates. The office definitely needs someone like that since so many of the characters are airheads.
@90, I guess Karen 2.0 means a girl who is a temporary distraction for a guy when he has deep feeling for another girl, which describes Karen, Jim and Pam’s relationship. Yes, I guess Andy’s new girlfriend is Karen 2.0 although Andy may have lied about having a girlfriend.
Oh yeah, and for those who don’t remember, Andy’s girlfriend’s name is Rachel, and he met her at a party the night before the PDA episode last season.
Shout-outs to Erin’s delivery on the line,”Burtie-boy…” and Andy’s “‘kay” to California’s “never uncomfortable” line. Wonder how Andy’s serious behavior and tuff luv toward Erin would’ve been taken if he was in his “normal” office clothes…
Wasn’t bad, but did not live up to the hype. Loved Toby’s moment with confiscating all of Dwight’s weapons though. Also, Oscar’s grandma in Gabe’s film.
Who else would have liked Jim to continue his bucking of the Halloween costume tradition by dressing as Dirk Nowitzki instead of Chris Bosh?
Easily the best episode this season. At last they are taking full advantage of James Spader’s unique weirdness. The off-the-wall wit recalls the glory days of the second and third seasons… just a little off, which if course makes it just right. November’s creepin up, can’t stop that month! Bert tracking hurricanes, Meredith with her duct-taped Kate Middleton dress, Erin shining as Wendy with a heart and even a brain, and Dwight, Jim and Pam taking a great script and running with it. And Gabe is a riot.
And the Emmy for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series goes to James Spader as Robert California, The Office (“The Office” Theme Song)