My contact over at the NBC Universal Store just sent me this email: will be coming out with a pretty nice assortment of Dunder Mifflin items in the Fall. Really great looking and quality stuff, some even made by Roots. T-Shirts, Zip Hoodie Sweatshirt, Baseball caps, etc. … Some great Office logo stuff too. Be on the lookout. I’d love to hear some more merchandise ideas from true Office fans …
So, true Office fans, what items would you like to see in the NBC Universal store?

Number one on my list is a poster print of Michael Scott’s Photoshopped team photo (from Conflict Resolution).
I would snap that up in a heartbeat!
Add your ideas in the comment section …
I second you on the Photoshopped employee photo. Dunder Mifflin notepad/stationary is a must! Err, maybe a copy of Michael’s movie, Threat Level: Midnight…if not that, SCRANTONICITY merchandise, especially with the 80’s video filter image of Kevin!
i’ll be grabbing a hoodie and a t-shirt the second they become available.
as for other items id love to see a mouse pad or other office type supplies with the office logo. i need a new mouse pad badly and an office one would be badass.
I’d love to have a nice coffee table book, filled with Michael Scott-isms. Great quotes by Michael. Items like his 10 rules of business, etc.
Oh, and I’d love that picture poster sized too!
Photoshopped photo…YES! Also must have a The Office calendar; wall or desk…actually a page-a-day with a quote-a-day would make me very happy.
Reproduced things from specific shows would appeal to the devout: the annoying spinning desk toy from Michael’s desk, for example. Ryan’s awesome tie that Michael wanted to borrow. (ok…maybe the market for these would be small…but wouldn’t those be cool to have?)
The candy dish/holder/dispenser thing (ie: Jim’s frequent excuse for heading to Pam’s desk) with The Office logo…
phyllis’s pants.
Definitely Dunder-Mifflin logo notepads.
I agree with Eddie. I’d really just like to see more office logo gear.
More cast Bobbleheads!
I would probably grab some t-shirts or hoodies. I also like Art’s suggestion of the cast bobbleheads or Kelsey’s suggestion about the calendar… how great would that be?! :) But alas, I cannot get it because I live outside the US. I guess my suggestion is for to ship to Canada, lol. :)
Looks like Canada can get Office stuff too!!
Good one, Kelsey, I would definitely buy either a wall or page-a-day calendar as well!
Jane! Thank you so much… in the FAQs section it says they ship to the 50 states, but I guess not inclusively. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I would love a t-shirt featuring the “babies playing jazz” poster. Just ask Oscar–its a win-win-win situation!
i would deffinatly buy a hoody. In fact I would probably buy anything from the NBC site for the office.
I would totally love an “Office” T-shirt, which I know they sort of have already, but I wish they’d make a “womens” fitted style. I also think it’d be cool to have T-shirts with “I Love ________” and have different character names. I loved the idea of the “Michael Scott-isms” Coffee Table book, that’d be hilarious!!!!!
The BABIES poster! — excellent! (I don’t think I would buy it myself, but it cracks me up just thinking about it.) :)
A T-shirt with “ASSISTANT to the REGIONAL MANAGER” in a courier font on the front. Maybe “SCHRUTE” on the back. The “to the” would have to be in small, small text, though. That would be cool.
Wow, I’d want everything! T-shirts, calender, sweatshirt, mousepad, posters!
I totally agree with Bree about the fitted womens shirts. I also love the calendar idea, especially the day-by-day, with quotes. And any tshirt with a quote on it would be amazing.
Pam Beesley blow up doll?
Bad, bad boy.
Ping (and Bree): YES! I’ll take one “Assistant to the Regional Manager” in a fitted Women’s med, please!
Ok…I’m a graphic designer and I am SO trying not to start actually making these things…
An “Office Olympian” t-shirt with an image of the home-made medal! Dunder-Mifflin post-it notes and pens! And *anything* with quotes. That would be awesome.
I would most certainly buy Dunder-Mifflin notepads.
I’m sort of a mug collector, so any type of coffee mug (ceramic) would be cool. Maybe one patterned after Michael’s “World’s Greatest Boss”. Definitely any type of “office” supply, like D-M note pads, sticky notes, etc. There are certainly enough great quotes to justify a daily calendar. How about a set of collectible business cards? You know how some realtors have their pictures on their cards? I’d be all for a set of those. Almost like trading cards, but keeping with the office theme. Dwight’s could even have “Assistant to the Regional Manager” and have it look like he’s taken a pen and scratched out “to the”. :) That’s almost something they could throw into a special DVD set…of both 1st and 2nd seasons TOGETHER (since season 1 was so short). Anybody with me?
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I know they’d never do it, but what about a Michael Scott dance tape entitled “Sometimes You Just Have to Be the Boss of Dancing”? It would be just Michael showing the viewers how to groove like he does.
Another idea is a soundtrack of the show with all the songs featured in the series. Or even a Kevin Malone plushie.
Oooh! Or a Dwight action figure complete with purple belt.
That’s like…exactly what I was thin…wow…y’know, it would help if I actually went to the site FIRST, eh? :) Thanks for the link, Jennie!! Needless to say, I’m going to order one. I feel as though my wish has just been granted! ha
LOL! No prob, Brad, I’m here to help. :)
i want a dundie!
I think a bunch of great ideas have been suggested already, such as the Dunder Mifflin notepad, a poster of the photoshopped group picture, as well as Dundie statuettes.
I think it would be cool if they made t-shirts that don’t have “The Office” anywhere on them as all 4 of the shirts they currently sell have, and do have quotations / sayings from the show, such as “Dinkin’ Flicka,” text or a picture of that sign Dwight made with a positive trait listed for each letter in his name (picture:, perhaps with the picture of his face on the front and the text on the back, and what I’d most like to see, one with this quotation from Dwight, “I hope the war goes on forever and Ryan gets drafted…. I’m sorry I said that, I didn’t… just part of me meant it…. Besides, he’d end up being a hero anyway” (with them preferably figuring out a way to do that without all the ellipses.
* “Fleece it out” t-shirt
* anything I can hang on the walls in my high school classroom
is there an “Office” theme song ringtone out there somewhere for purchase?
I would definitely buy t-shirts with sayings from the Office — and there are so many good ones. It would also be great to order Dundies with specific names and categories on them.
A dundie for sure…but at the base it could have The Office logo instead of ‘Pam for longest engagement.’ I think that would be pretty popular because it’s a dundie so hard core fans like us would give it the nod and if it had The Office logo on the base it works as a promotion for the show so NBC could get on board.
i would love a calender with quites or stuff like that everyday
They should just make a series of posters with random images and lines to go with them. Example: Picture of Dwight and Angela’s birckenstocks with “My animal deserves a lot of loving” under it.
As I see it, the possibilities are endless…
A mug with the Dunder Mifflin Logo…Simple, but it would be amazing..
One word, Two syllables – DUNDIES
I definitely agree with the dundies and calendar ideas. Plus, those would probably be pretty marketable. One thing that I DON’T want to see though, is other bobbleheads. Bobbleheading should be reserved for Dwight, the second they step into a Michael, Pam or even Creed bobblehead, it’s going to old.
And I like the Dwight Bobblehead (I’m buying one right now, even if I do have to wait), but please no more bobbleheads.
The Office sign.. shown at the beginning… my hubby wants that!
I want just a plain, women’s fitted t-shirt, with the Dunder-Mifflin logo on it. Ayone know where I can get one?
I just saw something that I would totally buy: A Dunder-Mifflin snow globe! Looks like Michael has a few to spare that he could sell… ;)
oo ooo ooo I have a good one….I am hosting an “Office” party in on premiere night, and, I wanted to buy some cardboard cutouts of the characters, I know its a little creepy, but I want to have the most full effect as possible ( i am already getting Chili’s takeout etc..)..I don’t think NBC would do that, but someone out there may want too, and you I really want them…
I really just want a Dunder-Mifflin sticker for my car.
you’re missing the big one:
dunder mifflin 2nd annual golf outing polo golf shirts, golf balls, anything golf. you could make a mint
Jason #38 – you can find the Office merchandise you want on!
I really need a Dwight Schrutte bobble-head.
Dunder Buddies!
Plushie figures of the characters. Add voice recordings to complete the effect. Who wouldn’t love a little Dwight to cuddle up with?
i really like the character plushies idea! that would awesome:) i would collect them all
where can you get lifesize cutouts of the office cast?
I really want something other than a ringtone that will play the theme song. Some sort of little device that plays it with a push of a button. Could be an added feature on bobble heads, or on a keychain, pen, greeting card, etc.
A coffee mug with a picture of Jim making his “yes, that really did just happen” face. That would be so adorable!
Please, Please, Please! A Shirt that says “I am Beyonce always”
Cardboard Cutouts of the entire cast!!!!! I have an empty room in my house that needs to be filled!