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Writers: Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky
Director: Rainn Wilson
Summary (NBC): Michael suspects Donna (guest star Amy Pietz) is cheating on him and puts P.I. Dwight Schrute on the case. Meanwhile, Andy is frustrated when no one takes his customer’s complaint seriously.
The Office The Cover-Up extras
- The Office lolcat inspired by ‘The Cover-Up.’
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The Office The Cover-Up rating
In a poll conducted May 6-10, Tallyheads rated this episode: 8.23/10
See all The Office Season 6 ratings.
The Office The Cover-Up quotes
Michael: Jim, are you clicking a detonator?
Jim: It’s a pen.
Michael: We’re just clicking on every level. Emotionally and sexually and… orally.
Michael: I’m actually having trouble focusing on my job. And I like it.
Michael: She is hot. She has a Pilates butt.
Michael: We went to a little Chinese bistro. P.F. Chang’s.
Michael: This is the real world. Not The Real World: Scranton.
Oscar: That seems quick. Even for lesbians.
Ryan: Does she keep her phone locked around you, Michael? Does she watch how much she drinks around you, Michael? Does she leave the room when she takes phone calls? Does she keep perfume in her purse? Does she shower before sex? Does she shower after sex? Does she…
Michael: You have a bad imagination. It’s stupid. I live in a fantasy world.
Michael: How much do you charge?
Dwight: A hundred dollars a day, plus expenses.
Michael: I’ll give you fifty. Money’s no object.
Dwight: Done.
Dwight: You might not like what I find and you might not like how I find it.
Stanley: My doctor told me to cut out hot dogs. We all got problems.
Gabe: There’s no way that you guys have any almond butter, right?
Michael: It’s never too early for ice cream, Jim. But we didn’t have ice cream, so this is mayonnaise and black olives. It’s comfort food, all right?
Michael: I need to know. Otherwise, this thing is going to spiral out of amok.
Dwight: Hey, you know an exercise for two people that exercises the whole body? Tractor pulling.
Dwight: I don’t quit until something tears or pops.
Dwight: Can I feel your pulse?
Dwight: We both know why I’m here. To see. You. Naked. While. I’m. Naked.
Michael: Who eats eight protein bars?
Dwight: People who don’t trust egg whites.
Michael: You work at an adult arcade. You could have any man you want.
Michael: You are boner-ific.
Michael: Omigod, Vero Beach. Is that on the water?
Kelly: Claire’s? Zales? Ricky’s? Earrings Earrings Earrings? Fancy Girl? Platinum Cat?
Creed: Darnell’s a chump. I would have done it for anything. I’ve done a lot more for a lot less.
Pam: It’s Cece. She’s never going to do anything wrong.
Darryl: Still no plan.
Michael: Lowest of the low, that guy. Just a notch above Toby.
Gabe: That’s good for five bucks at Dunkin’ Donuts. Any Dunkin’ Donuts.
Michael: Spice Girls are opening for Weird Al. Front row. It’d be a great, great concert.
Darryl: I don’t want to prank anymore. Things get real. It’s not funny. I’m just going to be good, stay in my room, go to church, try to do one nice thing per day. I do not wanna prank. Any. More.
Michael: I’m the mistress?
Dwight: If they catch us, they will rape us.
Icon provided by pessimistreader.
I think tonight had a much better tone to it than last week’s episode. Everyone seemed really on, and the jokes felt natural to the characters. The only thing that kinda seemed out of place was Darryl messing with Andy, though seeing as how Darryl has always messed with Michael, it makes sense; just not used to him messing with people other than Michael, I guess!
The episode’s dedicated to the memory of Larry Einhorn. Any idea who he is?
Loved it! Great episode. Darryl is awesome.
So there I was, sitting at my desk, and Darnell offers me $3…
Why the dedication at the end?
Excellent episode, especially after the letdown last week. There was nothing over the top or too dramatic with the Michael-Donna storyline, and office pranks are back! My favorite moments were Dwight in the gym and Creed’s “Darnell” talking head. Also, one of Andy’s best episodes of the season. I feel the writers were wasting his potential when he was in relationships. They are setting up some pretty interesting storylines to end the season.
Great episode – and a great cliffhanger! The most random thing was Donna’s suggestion to go to Vero Beach. I live nearby and there’s very little to do there (unless, as Pam pointed out, you like to golf). And yes, it IS on a beach xD
Not as good as last week’s, but a solid episode. Too bad it took them 22 episodes to take advantage of Jim and Pam sharing a desk clump with Dwight.
I think this episode is really really great! I am so glad they have Darryl upstairs! I enjoyed his prank on Andy and how it all turned out. Gabe is hilarious. Dwight is fabulous (kudos to Rainn Wilson for directing! I don’t know much about directing, but it looked real good lol) I love how Kelly knows all of the jewelry stores in the Steamtown Mall. Poor Michael, can’t catch a break. I really love Pam. And I love the double talking head about how women don’t buy heart shaped jewelry, and how she took an extra look at Cece on her phone. All around, super episode. Top five of the season.
Tonight’s episode was so great! Like others have said, it had a much better tone compared to last week.
I loved Andy in this episode. I can’t quite explain it, but it felt like the character was back to normal. I kinda agree with comment #8, when Andy is in a relationship, it takes away from the character…though, I loved Andy and Erin. I wonder if that means the Andy/Erin storyline is completely done with…since it’s 2 eps later and they’ve yet to address the breakup.
Lee and Gene NEVER disappoint!
Very good episode!!
I loved darryl (darnel) messing with Andy…
and of course Creed’s little comment.
Dwight is such a dork!
dedicated to Larry Einhorn.. i thought this was cool.
is the first episode to be dedicated to someone?
Randall Einhorn is his son I assume.. he is directing next week’s episode.. “The Chump” (unless that’s changed)
I liked this episode, but liked the last episode better. I’m just waiting for a twist in the season finale or something to keep me interested, and I hope there’s something there in the last episode to keep me interested in the summer.
Anyway, the Darryl/Andy plotline was much better than the Donna/Michael plotline, although the cold open and tag were really good. Throughout the episode though, I wish that Holly or even Jan could come back.
Okay episode, which I liked, but overall, nothing special.
You guys that big, tough, manly, warehouse worker was upstairs asking Darryl to come back to the warehouse because he was scared of another worker, bwahahaha!
I love when the office stands at the window and snoop on what happens in the parking lot and this time they got busted. Classic.
Pam and Michael are adorable. Gabe is so strange but so endearing, (I like how he eats toast) Andy and Darnell were awesome and Creed managed to steal the show, with one line, yet again :D
GAH!!! How could I forget, Rainn Wilson will you marry me?!
What a twist…Michael is the “mistress”!!! Very clever episode!
Did not see the Donna being married thing coming at all! I really wanted this one to work for Michael, but when they tell us that an actress has signed on for 4 to 6 episodes, I should know it won’t last. Still a bit disappointing though…
Best part of this episode was the shoutout to Philadelphia malls. Franklin Mills is 10 minutes from me. Darryl’s best episode yet!
My thoughts are with you and your family Randall, sorry for your loss.
@Michael, Randall Einhorn’s father.
Maybe it was the fact the ‘Community’ and ‘Parks & Rec’ were REALLY funny to me tonight, but The Office was such a letdown – for the second week in a row. Creed’s “Darnell” talking head was the only thing I laughed at.
Overall, it was pretty good! I think I liked last week’s just a little better, but too many classic moments happened tonight.
Loved it! Dwight working out is hilarious. Love Pam’s Facebook stalking skills. Andy’s high pitched voice literally made me cry from laughing so hard. Oh and Jim’s little wink at the end of the open sent my heart all a-flutter. Great episode!! :)
I loved the Morse Code thing, Pam distracting Michael with a picture of CeCe, Andy’s high voice and the printer blowing up. Everyone did a really good job, but this episode to me just felt like a nothing episode. I actually felt kind of *gasp* bored! I thought I’d come on here and others would agree, but I guess I’m the odd man out! Never know what you’re going to get with this group! :)
…And I really hope the Andy/Erin thing isn’t over.
This episode rocked! I am loving Pam lately. She is actually trying to be a friend to Michael. It had so many funny moments but the cold opening was the BEST!
Creed’s line was the only great thing about this ep. I missed Kevin, Oscar, Angela, and Phyllis (and Toby but he’s never around much these days).
i loved it! this episode definitely had me laughing more than the other episodes this season. the cold open was classic office! i did think pam’s dive to the floor was a little much though. it was funny, but just… weird.
i loved when pam said “it’s cece. she’s never gonna do anything wrong.” oh pam. so naive. and distracting michael with the picture on her phone. totally worked! hahaha
one big complaint… i have such a hard time understanding what gabe is saying. i had to turn on the captions on my tv just to understand.
but all in all, this was a GREAT episode.
oh, and @Haley (22) – jim’s wink also made my heart flutter… he’s so dreamy.
I liked this episode!!!!! Michael, Pam and Andy were all amazing in it. Mostly, it was all about those three. The Morse code opening was huge, specially when it ends with Jim’s winking. And Dwight’s work-out ending was awesome too.
So the clip that was shown during Mindy’s appearance on the tonight show was a deleted scene?
Loved the cold open,Dwight calling for Michael reminded me of the old seasons.Darryl is awesome,and i like how Ryan kept going on with his list on cheating during his talking head and was cut off,kind of how Kelly’s usually cut off….She’s rubbing off on him lol
This episode rocked my socks. 9/10
I sort of guessed that Donna was married already. That, or from Ausiello’s spoiler a month or so ago, she was going to marry Michael or something. I knew it was going to be marriage related.
It was a pretty funny episode overall.
Ok, the cold open was brilliant! They need to take advantage of the Jim/Pam/Dwight/desk clump dynamic more often. Oh and Pam/Jenna throwing herself on the floor was hilarious.
Is Larry Einhorn the director from LA or is this a different person? The episode was dedicated to him but I can’t find any info.
I thought from cold open to tag, this episode was great. Everyone felt in character and the plot moved at a quick pace with some great jokes. I think this may be my favorite episode of the 2nd half of the season thus far, other than maybe The Delivery.
@ SteveM (33) – larry einhorn is (most likely) randall einhorn’s father. randall einhorn is the show’s director of photography
I think Larry Einhorn is a relative of Randall Einhorn, one of the main directors.
What I love about The Office is their ability to nail even the little moments. I lost it when Gabe gave Andy the Dunkin’ Donuts gift card. My dad works for a paper producing company (oddly enough) and on more than one occasion, when he’s done something good for the company (including find and fix a mistake that would have cost them thousands!), his reward has been a $5 Dunkin’ Donuts gift card. It’s been our family joke…it was so perfect last night. Overall, great episode. Wonderful balance between nutty and real life funny!
Another solid episode. Enjoyed Andy/Darryl tonight, and it’s good to see the Pam/Michael dynamic again. JK hasn’t had much to do lately, but it’s been a Jim-heavy season overall. Please keep Gabe.
this was one of the best episodes in a while. it’s even in my all time favorites. it was like classic office
Hilarious episode!! So much to love – from Dwight’s creepy workout to Darryl’s devious plot to Jim and Pam and the morse code! Beautifully done!
So based on descriptions of the last two episodes, it looks like Sabre will be found out and shut down. Dunder Mifflin will go back to being…. well…. Dunder Mifflin, the paper person’s paper people…. And all will be back to normal come next year (Wallace and all.)
This episode was great!! I loved the morse code bit with Jim and Pam pranking Dwight. The episode was funny from start to finish. It felt like a classic Office episode. Loved it!! :)
“Lowest of the low. Just a notch above Toby.”
Michael just saw this man kissing his girlfriend and he is STILL better than Toby hahahahahaha.
The cold open was brilliant – really brought back classic Office style! Really enjoyed most of this episode, one of the best of the season. Still not enjoying it as much as I used to, but this was definitely a step back in the right direction.
Great Episode, Great Opening, Great Show, Ok Season.
Loved this episode and thought it was really funny, but I didn’t completely understand the whole Andy/Darryl thing!
Favorite moments: Jim’s wink, Creed calling Darryl Darnell, and Dunkin’ Donuts gift card.
My girlfriend’s favorite moments: Anything Pam or Gabe do.
Wow–greatly entertaining episode! I was pretty sure everyone’s paranoia about Donna’s cheating was just that, and what a surprise ending! The printer fire was a shocker too. Having Darryl upstairs is a wonderful addition, and while it was so brief, I loved that he was counseling a warehouse employee who was obviously complaining about being teased by others. The character of Gabe cracks me up, and he does a great job being so ineffectual. Terrific directing by Rainn Wilson, especially since he had such a large (often shirtless!) role this week! And Gene and Lee write some of the best episodes ever!
Does anyone know Morse Code? Can anyone please tell me what was said in the cold open?
Great episode. My favorite parts were Kelly reeling off the names of every jewelry store in the Steamtown Mall, then every mall in Philadelphia! Creed calling Darryl Darnell. The tag where Dwight hijacks the spinning class and makes it like a video game with people getting killed(!). Everyone in the cast was especially brilliant with their one liners, like Oscar with his, “That seems fast. Even for lesbians.” So enjoyable. Kudos Office team!
LOVED Darryl (Darnell!) in the eppy! Spice Girls opening for Weird Al. Wow.
The cold open was incredible, and the rest of the episode was a leap in the right direction in terms of story arcs and entertainment value. I’m excited to see where the printer fire and Michael/Donna storylines go, and I have a feeling these last two episodes will be some of the funniest this year. Only complaint: while I love the outside characters that they bring in, the actors seem to always have limited availability. Michael hasn’t had a girlfriend for more than five weeks since Jan. The last two years have seen so many brief arcs that go right back to the status quo, which is the complete opposite of the long-simmering stories of seasons 2 and 3.
Mayonnaise and black olives. ‘Nuff said.
(Who thinks of this stuff?!)
Amazing! Did anyone else think that when Andy’s voice went higher and higher, he sounded JUST like the gingerbread man from the Shrek movies?!
This is probably one of the better episodes in a while. I was starting to *kind of* lose faith in The Office, but this episode reminded me how much I like the show.
Yes, I figured Sabre would be gone by the end of the season, but I hope Gabe doesn’t go — probably will though.
Great episode! The best in a while! Definitely on my top 3!
FABULOUS – from start to finish!
I know morse code well, and most of it was gibberish, especially Jim’s clicks. Pam’s second transmission was almost intelligible as SE HE IT (3 clicks 1 click, 4 clicks, 1 click, 2 clicks and long click) Maybe she was trying to send “That’s what she said?”
Thank you, Tim G!
I was laughing from the open to ‘they’ll rape us!” It was a well-oiled machine. Everybody was acting just the way you’d expect – and that made it wonderful. Pam’s mothering Michael, and pranking Dwight, priceless. Darryl’s face when the printer caught on fire, perfect. Jim’s face, when Pam said she loved the pendant he gave her, golden. Michael’s the mistress, say what? Best show of the night, one of the best shows ever!
Great episode all around, but Creed’s segment (Darnell) practically had me in tears from laughing. Love seeing more of Darrell, btw. He has a great comic delivery.
Steve Carell submitted this episode for his Emmy nomination!