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Writer: Graham Wagner, Director: Brent Forrester
Summary (NBC): Angela discovers the truth — Angela discovers her husband’s affair with Oscar and goes to Dwight for help. Jim needs a favor from Stanley and Phyllis who milk it for all it’s worth. Pam begins painting her mural in the warehouse but gets distracted by Pete who is building a tower of complaint cards.
The Office The Target extras
- Video clips
- Photos
- Chris Gethard plays Trevor.
- The tag, in which Dwight and Angela ask Toby all sorts of sex-related questions, is a callback to a scene from the Season 2 episode, Sexual Harassment, in which Dwight asks Toby, “Where is the clitoris? On a website, it said at the crest of the labia. What does that mean? What does the female vagina look like?”
The Office The Target rating
In a poll conducted November 29-December 3, 2012, Tallyheads rated this episode: 8.19/10
See all The Office Season 9 ratings.
The Office The Target quotes
Oscar: If she’s cold and awkward and cruel to me, then great, it’s business as usual.
Oscar: I guess the universe rewards true love.
Dwight: Well, well, well. It’s finally happened. Pam has ceased caring.
Meredith: Queen of the primer, that one.
Pam: Last week, Jim wasn’t there, and they name the company Athlead.
Pete: Don’t give me a pointless office chore, because I will build a little paper house. Fight the power.
Dwight: If I’m not in your panties, I don’t go vigilantes.
Kevin: No not taller this way, taller this way.
Kevin: He’s a sweet kid, Darryl, but he’s not the sharpest guy in the drawer.
Dwight: This documentary crew has been following our every move for the past nine years, but I don’t see them so I think we are good.
Pam: I’m going to limit myself to one shrub.
Hide: You paint wall now?
Trevor: So what’s the job?
Angela: Murder.
Dwight: A woman with damaged knees can’t scrub worth a damn.
Stanley: Not enough lobster. Side order.
Phyllis: How much wine do you have?
Nellie: You salty dog.
Darryl: What can I say. A player’s gotta play.
Darryl: Actually, that was the sound of me eating spaghetti. But I’m going to let them think the other thing.
Pete: If you’re afraid of screwing up, this tower’s not for you.
Phyllis: Sometimes when I look at my hands, I don’t even recognize them.
Phyllis: Whose hands are these?
Meredith: You wouldn’t fart on a butterfly.
Dwight: Hello again, naughty nostrils.
Dwight: There are a bunch of construction workers in the warehouse without their trousers, drinking diet sodas.
Meredith: Yahtzee.
Trevor: I might puke, but I’m going to do this.
Creed: Remember, you’re a scumbag. So think scummy thoughts. Like this.
Pam: Your mama is so fat, when she wears red, people yell, “hey Kool-Aid.”
Dwight: You’re not stupid. Jazz is stupid.
Angela: Jazz is stupid! I mean, just play the right notes!
Dwight: You’re going to be okay, monkey.
Stanley: I did enjoy grinding your beans, son.
Dwight: Where does gayness come from, and how it is transmitted?
Angela: My pastor said it can come from breastfeeding.
Angela: What is it called when two men intertwine their penises, like the snakes on the medic alert bracelet? Is it called red vining?
Dwight: Where are gay men’s vaginas?
Toby: They don’t have vaginas. They’re just regular men.
Dwight: When two gay men have sex, how do they know whose penis will open up to accept the other person’s penis?
Icon provided by pessimistreader.
It will be interesting to see if everyone gets on Oscar for having an affair with a married man like they did when Michael was having an affair with a married woman. This is a sad storyline, I’m glad it’s coming to an end soon. I would not have thought Oscar would do that to Angela.
Pete=new Jim…
Pam distracted by Pete….. uh oh…Will she start seeing old Jim in Pete…
As someone pointed out in a previous comment thread, this is a looot of “The —” episodes
The Boat
The Whale
The Target
The Farm?
But as long as the Dwight plot doesn’t go into the ridiculous, this sounds like a promising episode!!
Also, love that Angela is getting her comeuppance for cheating on Andy. Also love that there’s no sight of Andy in this summary!
@Daniel G, if Pete reminds Pam of Jim, then that storyline will be about her feelings for Jim, or her relationship with him. I don’t think it’s going to be about Pam being attracted to Pete. It’s also possible that it might be about Pam discovering that Pete has feelings for Erin. Why is he building a tower of cards in the basement? Is he hiding or trying to distract himself? Or it might just be a comedy sub-plot!
This one sounds good!
@Daniel G
I really don’t think so. From what we have seen, the only thing Jim and Pete have in common is that they are both young and in love with the receptionist. Also Pete is into Erin( for some reason) who is very different from Pam. I would bet that it will be like what Jesse said, Pam finds out that Pete is into Erin. In that respect Pam might see some of Jim in Pete and maybe feel bad for him since both she and Jim knows what it’s like to go though that.
@Janet This is a sad storyline. I think Oscar may be in love with the Senator – that would explain why he’d act out of character and make a horrible choice. The Senator doesn’t deserve that love. Did anyone else think that the Senator was checking out the boys from Cornell at the Halloween party? Cheating is a way of life for him, really awful.
Lynn – I’m glad someone else thinks this storyline is sad! I’m glad Angela gets to know what if feels like to be cheated on, and I hope Dwight does not go easy on her, but I would rather it have been someone else than Oscar. I don’t think Oscar loves the guy – he probably just was lonely because he has been without Gill for awhile and he may be a bit flattered because he is the Senator. In the end, I suspect Oscar will dump him because he will lose respect for the guy who lives a lie.
This sounds like a good episode. We will see.
Looking forward to this episode a lot. It sounds like it could be a season 2-5 episode ( especially the Stanley & Phyllis plot). I hope they write off this story line as well as they did in Broke. Bring it on! Also agree with #3, excited about Andy playing a smaller plot!
@Janet Yeah I think there will be a “now that it’s all out in the open” scene between Oscar and the Senator. I suspect the senator won’t want to make the relationship public and Oscar will just walk away.
Michael didn’t know he was dating a married woman. In that case, he wasn’t the responsible party.
Oscar, on the other hand, knew the Senator was married and was a colleague of his wife, which makes it less glorious.
The fact they don’t mention Andy must mean he is still on his boating trip, which is good. Now they can focus on the rest of the cast.
@lynn I agree I think Oscar might be in love with the Senator – why else would he be so conniving? Unless he just really REALLY hates Angela…
sounds promising! and YAY, no andy. great. i really feel the rest of the cast is not getting appropiate attention.
@Becca If Oscar is in love with the Senator, then if he and Angela find out they they are both being cheated on by him it could make for interesting tv. Angela will be thinking about her child, financial security, and pride. Oscar would have a broken heart.
To see Angela and Oscar both broken up, by the same man, but for extremely different reasons, would truly be compelling, especially since we’ve watched them work side by side, unchanged, for so long.
this episode loks good, @janet oscar looked uneasy in here comes treble
I think the reason that Andy does get so much face time is because the show is just trying to stay true to the old days. If you remember back when Michael was RM he was the focus and had all that face time the only difference is that Steve Carell was just way funnier IMHO. Andy is doing his best I just don’t think he’s made for that part, I liked him more as a one liner back in the day.
I don’t know if the comment about a lot of “The ___” episodes is a complaint of some kind or just an observation, but that used to be a more common way of naming episodes in the older seasons. Not as much anymore, but: The Dundies, The Fire, The Fight, The Client, The Injury, The Secret, The Carpet, The Convention, The Merger, The Convict, etc.
I wonder what the deal is with Dwight for the rest of the season. Will he remain on board for the duration? Anybody know? Tanster?
Please… please let Peterin come to fruition.
Surely Dwight and Angela will end up back together?
@22 don’t call me Surely…
Been waiting for a million years for this episode!
Oh my gosh, he called her monkey. I’m swooning.
Best episode of the season.
Unfortunately, this is the first time for me — yes, really — that the show officially crossed over into super-sitcom territory. What’s sad is that there was a lot of phenomenal character scenes/development and beautiful thematic moments we’ll all cry about when the show is done, but it was buried beneath the whole ‘lead pipe’ thing. That was WAY beyond anything Michael or Andy would have done.
I am also wondering if the writers can’t decide what kind of personality they want to give Plop — it seems he alternates between New Ryan, Erin’s Obviously Better Crush, and Generic Confused Guy. That’s just me, though.
WHAT an episode!! Fantastic!
Poor Toby Lol
Monkey is back – hooray!!!
And that had to be one of the funniest end scenes of all time! The expression on Toby’s face was beyond priceless – “wow . . . . ” Heeee!!!
This is the perfect example of when the writers of The Office go outlandish – and nail it.
If an episode is gonna stretch our beliefs, it needs to be pretty darn hilarious. Luckily this one totally worked.
Not gonna lie, the tag was literally the most awkwardly hilarious thing this show has done in YEARS. I had the exact same feeling of “not sure if i should laugh” and “I’m dying of laughter” that I did when Michael kissed Oscar
Eek, I guess I was the only person who thought the murder plot was TOO outlandish — and I’ve accepted every single other strange Office plot without much complaint.
Best episode of the season, and no Andy. Coincidence??
OMG, I am crying!!! This was the greatest episode because of the return of Dwangela!!! When he called her Monkey, tears started to roll down my face!! I love this couple and I really hope they are given a chance this time. And I’m convinced that Phillip is really Dwight’s.
“Well, this documentary crew has been following our every move for the past nine years…”. Amazing!
Finally! A well-written episode highlighting characters and storyline types like the ones that got us hooked on the show almost a decade ago. Kudos to the writers, actors, and everyone else that had a part in tonight’s episode!
I was underwhelmed by the episode. The murder plot was too outlandish but not outlandish enough to be funny for me (if that makes sense). There was a lot of potential there for a great and funny story for Oscar, Angela, and Dwight but it just fell flat.
Kevin had some great moments though that definitely made me laugh. I did like the Jim, Phyllis, and Stanley story somewhat. Drunk Phyllis was pretty funny.
Maybe the episode as a whole will improve on a second viewing.
I liked it, for the most, part but the end tag was just too ugh, IMO.
“…he and the senator are gaying each other.”
Haven’t laughed that hard at the office in a while.
Two shows in a row with no Andy and I haven’t noticed his absence at all.
I love that Dwight and Angela got a story together. Like others I loved Dwight’s “monkey”.
Excellent episode!!!!! I enjoyed the scenes of Pete building a tower with complaint cards and at the end Pam wins, but the scenes I enjoyed the most were the ones with Angela discovering that her husband is gay and has an affair with Oscar, and the part where there’s almost murder was funny, and shocking. Looks like we’re having Dwangela again.
Off the top I loved the shortened opening credits. Usually I want the whole thing with the theme music, but to shut it down to just the JAM kiss I loved. I wish Pam hadn’t called the customer to get a complaint. But I did like Dwight as responsible and Jim going for the business. I also liked how the Pete/Erin story was more subtle. It seems like all the Andy or Erin romances have been more heavy handed. This one they’re letting work very much like early season JAM.
Best episode in a long long time (and no, I don’t say that every episode).
Come to think of it – did Erin say a single word this episode? I am not sure if I have just never noticed it, or if this is the first time he has done this…but Creed wearing sweatpants and green Crocs with his shirt and tie is absolutely hilarious.
Loved this episode, great laughs all around and interesting moments between the group. All of the plots were great.
I really enjoyed this episode! I thought all the stories were put together so well. Pete was really cute; Erin stayed in the background — Dwight did his usual over-the-top schemes to try to help Angela! Pam and Jim had good stories. And the tag — very funny — very brave. Oh, Office, I will miss you terribly.
Where is Clark? I know Dwight gifted him to Jan, but has the character gone for good? I hope it’s just that Clark Duke has some other filming commitments for a few weeks. Either that or he’s stowed away on Andy’s boat…
Very good episode. On the one hand, I loved the throwback to the season 2 episode Sexual Harassment episode at the end – it was hysterical; on the other hand, Dwight could not possibly be that stupid.
I did love Dwight in this episode overall! And Angela once again performed brilliantly. It was good that she called Oscar out on the fact that she thought they were friends.
I loved the other storylines as well!
I’m going to admit it, I’ve totally fallen in love with Pete.
It was just an “eh” epi for me.
I just couldn’t see Angela resolving to violence. But I did like seeing Dwangela again. (Nice call out again to the camera crew!)
I think it would have been funnier if Pam had gotten a compliment instead as she was trying to get a complain card.
I did like the Jim-Stanley-Phyllis storyline though, good interaction although it probably means we won’t see John as much on the show in upcoming episodes.
This was an ok episode, I just hated the part where Pam was calling for a complaint card.
Did anyone catch the fact that Dwight mentioned Angela “defiling” her wedding vows to the senator with Dwight first? I know that they were together before the wedding but I love how this implies that they have been together since the wedding. I love how this couple has really had a story that has spanned all of these years and yet, no one realizes it and you get little glimpses here and there. But I would love to see them have a JAM romance…I think they deserve the airtime.
Thank you writers again, for all the throwback references in this episode. Laughed so much this episode. I couldn’t help but see Jim Jr. in Pete again. It reminded me when Jim started the Office Olympics, and got people together like Pete did with the complaint towers, while the receptionist in both situations just sat back and smiled at them. Dwangela was great, and I am sorry, but Miss Jenna Fischer we have seen you on the red carpet, in movies dolled up, but you made a baggy sweatshirt and jeans stunning last night! :) Cutest woman ever, and can’t wait to see the finished mural.
It’s weird that Jack Coleman wasn’t in this episode even though NBC has released a promo still of him for this episode.
The. Tag. Wins. XD
I am in love with Pete…
Great episode! Especially loved Dwight mentioning the camera crew!
What an episode again. So far season 9 rules.
Loved all three plot lines. Pam is great, Oscar and Angela and Dwight were fantastic. Jazz is stupid.
FINALLY!!! Dwight actually acted the way I would expect Dwight to act… I wasn’t excited about this episode until I watched it because of the way I saw Dwight act “normal.” I am very pleased. I think Jim’s B plot should have come in a different episode but other than that I liked how they developed the plot and used an actual aspect of the workplace (the comment cards) as part of it… Reminds me of the early season 4 plots. Love it!
Great writing! Funny, awkward, uncomfortable, heart-warming… Just how I like it. Creed’s scummy thoughts face! Loved the moment with Phyllis calling Jim “Jimmy” and the hug. That whole Dwangela “jazz” moment was hilarious. I gave it a 10
I believe we have our first look at the real Scranton Strangler. Did anyone notice that Dwight’s friend said “I never finish anything- this time I am going to do it!”when told not to get Oscar’s knees? It was mentioned that the strangler never killed anyone, just squeezed his victim’s necks, meaning he never actually finished killing his victims. Maybe just a long shot. Overall, a great episode.
This is best Dwight has been in years.
I was quite impressed with this one. I liked both of the plots (customer complaint tower, and the Oscar vs. Angela one). I think one of the main reasons I enjoyed this one so much is because it balanced comedy and drama perfectly, which has always been a thing that made this show so lovable.
The customer complaint tower plot delivered a lot of laughs (Pam’s kool-aid joke was a highlight); the Oscar vs. Angela plot contains one of the best scenes of the season: Dwight refusing to let his friend hit Oscar’s kneecaps, and Oscar’s fight with Angela after.
Season nine is awesome so far.
I always thought Gabe was the Scranton Strangler, but then again, I thought Astrid was really Michael’s baby…
Did anyone else think David Wallace’s voice sounded different on the phone? Andy Buckley, was that you, or did they use someone else that sorta sounded like you to say those couple of fast lines? (I’m assuming you still read here!) :-)
[ from tanster: i agree! it didn’t sound like andy buckley. ]
Yes, I thought David Wallace sounded different. Glad to know it just wasn’t me.
I am not very impressed by this episode.
However, I do like the subtle hints that Peterin is moving forward.
Anyone notice the photo of Pam and Asian Jim is still on her desk?
Another thing. Creed was wearing sweatpants with his work clothes.
For me this episode sums up where this show has been going for the last few seasons. We get a main story that starts with an interesting enough situation but quickly descends into more farce and stupidity. Angela trying to organize a hit? Meh. The Angela/Trevor/Oscar confrontation was quite stupid, although at least Oscar managed a decent moment of truth with Angela at the end of it. Then we get the other cast wasting the rest of the valuable episode time with B-plots that aren’t particularly engaging or amusing. They build card houses, eat lunch, and Pam prepares to paint a mural. Meh. At the end the penis jokes return. Sometimes it seems the writers think that at this point the remaining audience is content just watching their favorite characters going through the motions – it doesn’t have to be clever, funny, or interesting as long as we see them doing something quirky or in some “situation”.
Far from terrible and there were some laughs, but this show and these characters can be so much better.
Awesome episode! I warmed up to Pete in this one, he was very Jim Jr. Oscar and Angela were great as always. Also has anyone noticed that there is less hours left of The Office series than there is in a full office work day… kinda sad.
#66, @ASFan, is that not the original photo with the real Jim that’s on her desk? Because that was there before that episode with Asian Jim.
This was my favorite episode this season – the writing was incredible. The Pam storyline played back to Season 3 – Beach Games. She was the outsider and had to work up courage to be seen & heard. This time the group embraced her. Wow.
Also, I loved the quiet development between Pete & Erin. Build a wide base, then build up. Wow again.
At first I didn’t like Angela trying to kill Oscar. Now it makes sense, she was just angry and irrational, and having Dwight there to be the voice of reason was great!
I still think that portion of the plot could have been toned down slightly. But still. Felt like a classic episode.
Does anyone else think that Pam will get fired for her comment? That’d be an interesting way for the Halperts to exit.
I almost cried when Jim hugged Stanley and Phil because the scene reminds me that the show is going to end…and I bet Michael will come to Dwight and Angela’s wedding to celebrate.
On re-watch, I loved this one! So many heart warming moments, and the cast got to shine. Also, I found it easier to watch Pam make that call. And like someone mentioned, this could lead to Dwight and Angela being together, which I’ve always wanted to happen. Too bad the ratings don’t reflect..
Is the final group picture taken by Pete’s tower a ribbon cutting ceremony? Erin and Pete hold opposite ends of tape, and Kevin holds scissors. It reminds me of Season 2 – The Client when Jim shares his earbuds with Pam after their 1st “date.” The intimacy of that moment. Pete has connected with Erin but it’s still fragile.
Favorite line was from Phyllis: “How much wine do you have ?”
@ 63 and 64, true, it didn’t sound at all like Andy Buckley.
Andy’s absence is bliss. Erin is really starting to notice Pete and love the leadership he showed during the card game.
My heart melted at Dwight’s comforting words to Angela: “You’re going to be okay Monkey”.
Tanster – Please add to your quote list Jim’s request to Phyllis: “Don’t poke people with knives”
I gotta say I did not like Oscar when Angela confronted him at the end. He still retained that snooty attitude of his, and he tried to justify part of his actions. Like you’ve just been caught in an affair show some humility. It just made me not a huge fan of the character. Really wondering how this will all play out in the next episode.
enough with Oscar already. Who cares about him and the senator? This episode was sad and far from the great season 3. You don’t even care for the characters anymore.
I agree that Oscar has become over the years a less likable character. But I also think that given the development of the character, the way he handled the confrontation was true to form. Maybe this exposing of Oscar’s hypocrisy will bring about a return to the early, snooty, but likable Oscar? Along these same lines, perhaps we’ll see a more humane Angela; a somewhat sympathetic Angela? Where this thing is going: I tend to agree with those here that say a parting shot with what remains of the old/the new office workers doing their daily grind is the best ending. However, the way things are beginning to play out (and considering what the film crew said in the first episode about it always being about JAM), it will end with JAM driving off into the sunset towards Philly. As much as I’d like to see it, I don’t think Michael’s return, in any way, is in the cards. I do wonder if we’ll get one last Office wedding? DwAngela? or Andy/Erin? On that last thing, I agree with those who think PetErin is the playing out of JAM, if JAM didn’t work out; if Pam chose Roy.
I’m really late on this one but I think this is my second or third fave episode this season. SO good and SO funny. I’m loving this season!
Loved this episode. Angela, Dwight & Toby’s scene had me in tears. Also, when Dwight threw Angela in the van, I was reminded of her Dundie award from Season 2. Michael Scott was right on the money.
I must just be disconnected. I don’t understand how anyone, particularly if they watched the Office-rich (key word: office, like, reminiscent of office life) and character rich and comedy rich early seasons, and remotely be engaged by episodes like this one. Angela hires a hitman who comes to bash Oscar who slept with her gay Senator husband, only to fail miserably in a lackluster moment and be consoled by Dwight. Just….ABSURDLY unrealistic. Additionally, everyone is always out of character (written that way) it seems on at least half the episodes. Stanley and Phyllis milking Jim, who is working for his family, as much as they can??? When did everyone in the office start getting along despite each treating nearly every other member like GARBAGE?!!