If you’re a super fan of the show, then The Office: The Untold Story of the Greatest Sitcom of the 2000s: An Oral History (Amazon.com, hardcover $16.80, Kindle $13.99) is the perfect book to shelter in place with.
Do you guys remember that awesome, in-depth article about the classic Office episode, Dinner Party? It was published a few years ago in Rolling Stone.
Well, author Andy Greene is now back with an in-depth accounting of the entire show’s history, complete with never-before seen photos and never-before known details, straight from The Office cast, staff, and crew.
The fascinating book includes:
- characters planned for the show but eventually eliminated
- the deliberate positioning of Pam and Jim’s desks
- the impact of our fan term squee (lol, remember that, Tallyheads?)
- new insights into Steve Carell’s departure in Season 7
- a cute photo of John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, and Rashida Jones
- the heated debate over one detail in the Jim/Pam proposal scene
- the crazy complexities of shooting “Save Bandit!”
- the most disliked character of the show (I know I hated them)
- Greg Daniels’ original vision of Jim and Pam’s wedding (spoiler alert: it involved a horse)
And much, much more. It’s like a book you never want to end. Like Harry Potter.
For me, one of the most gratifying parts of the book is the acknowledgement that we fans really mattered.
Remember all those Thursday nights when y’all would come to OfficeTally to rate and comment on episodes? When you would voice your opinions on plotlines, character development, and what you wished for in future episodes?
Well, The Office writers and staff took those comments to heart. You’ll know what I mean when you get to that part in the book. I was stunned.
It’s an incredible validation of the fanbase, and really speaks to the strong bond between the show’s creators and the fans who cherish it.
And in the current time we live in, any joyful nostalgia (and squee) is much appreciated. 💖

Go get the book and come back here to share your thoughts!
Link: The Office: The Untold Story of the Greatest Sitcom of the 2000s: An Oral History
Tanster, you really nailed it with “joyful nostalgia”! I just got a huge smile on my face reading your post – remembering those Thursday nights and all of the wonderful friendships and experiences that I was a part of because of The Office…and OfficeTally!! Such a special time. I will be ordering the book!
Laura!!!!! 😘🤗
Hope you are doing well during these strange times.
It was indeed a special time, due in part to super fans like you. Such memories…
Just finished. So much fun stuff but left me wanting more. I especially wanted more of the salacious info but was still happy with what I got.
Hi Gabriel! 👋🏼Glad you enjoyed the book.
Loved the book. finished it yesterday – I especially appreciated the end of the book talking about how people use the Office as a coping mechanism. Between the protests and COVID the last few nights all I’ve wanted to do is curl up with my girlfriend and watch The Office. It’s like a visit with all my best friends. <3
[from tanster: so true!]
So, it was amazing when I found this book. I had just finished watching The Office (for the 3rd time) and I really wanted to know about the “making” of this beloved show. I’ve been reading OfficeTally for awhile, and so when I saw this post I knew I had to read the book. I read it, loved it, read it again. I loved every single interview in this book (even your’s, tanster) and I can’t wait to read this book AGAIN!
[from tanster: that’s wonderful, Big Tuna! glad you enjoyed the book. 🤗]
I just found out about this website by reading the book. I’m so bummed that I didn’t know about it sooner! Happy to see it’s still up and running 😊
[from tanster: thanks for stopping by, stephanie! ❤️]