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Pam, what was in that teapot letter?
Here’s the full list of links to The Office Wrap Party content:
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I’m a VIP who also had to drive from Philly and miss most of the party. I haven’t met anyone! I’m on my own if you know anyone else who needs a friend please let me know. I sure wish I knew which bar to go to tonight!! Can’t wait to see you at breakfast!!
[from tanster: hope you got to meet up with other fans at breakfast today!]
Tanster, you got a Dundie! That’s so awesome! Are you going to display it, or do you think you might get cocky? :) A well-deserved honor! Congrats and have fun for all of us!
[from tanster: it was a complete surprise, and I loved it!]
I don’t see a video, the link just takes me to a news story :(
@3 April, same thing for me. I would’ve given anything to be in Scranton this weekend, that’s for sure. But a few videos would be nice so I could live vicariously through others =)
Just got home, wish I could have stayed in Scranton tonight… I’m sure you will have tons of fun tonight Tanster. Also do you or anyone else remember where we can buy the wrap party shirts?
Oh Wow! Steve Carell crashed the party at the ballpark. Just saw a video online. I honestly didn’t think he would show.
Steve Carell showed up, so I’m pretty sure he’s gonna be in the finale. Fingers crossed :)
Also it sucks I live in EUROPE NOW!!
“More to come…” I vote MORE please!
Haha, hope everyone had fun!:)
@5 – seriously Steve was there? OMG that would have been amazing. I wish it were something announced in advance as Steve’s presence might have made a few more fans take the trip. I can’t wait to see pics and video. Glad those of you who got to go had a great day :)
I can’t stop watching this video:
What an incredible surprise! The fans reaction is heart warming.
I heard Steve Carell made a surprise appearance!
I see you in this Scranton album about halfway down, Tanster!! (at the Jenna and John pics)
[from tanster: nice! thanks!]
Here is a link to a more complete article about yesterday’s events. It has video too.
So cool that Steve Carell came!!!
3 words….
Steve Freaking Carell!!!!!
What a classy move by him….I hope everyone had an amazing time.
Amazing. I didn’t know this was happening.
Wow – what an amazing day in Scranton! The parade, the stage performance by the cast members and Scrantones, and then the arrival at PNC Field by Steve Carell! Boy, did I shed some tears – as did many there. Seeing Jenna cry on the stage in the afternoon seemed like it really hit home for her. Awesome, awesome, incredible day. Thank you, Tanster, for letting us know about this. And, congrats on your Dundee! I am so sad and teary right now.
Hey guys, Times-Tribune News Editor Brendan West here. The video of the VIP event is back up on our site after some technical difficulties. Click away!
[from tanster: thanks, brendan! and let us know if you post any other videos!]
Such an incredible day. Can’t believe that I sang Lazy Scranton with Rainn, it was just unreal.
And I absolutely love Ellie Kemper.
[from tanster: that was you?! so awesome!]
That was AWESOME! I wish I would’ve been able to stand in line and meet the 4 people that DID show up but I guess I thought they were gonna mingle a little more lol.
I stood next to a college student at the parade who said the day was the highlight of her life! Words can’t even express how wonderful it was – the weather, getting to greet the cast at the parade, their singing and goofiness on stage, the evening event, the utter shock and amazement in the air when Steve C. came out! So great!
I read in an article about the event that “Daniels rhapsodized about the ”actor power” of John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer as they re-created Jim and Pam’s wedding for the recent episode ”Paper Airplane.” If i am not mistaken isn’t michael shown in that shot? Does that mean Steve Carell was on set for that and what we are seeing at the end of “Paper Airplane” is new?! A secret return of Michael Scott that actually took place in the past?
Looks like I missed a lot since I had to leave the parade at 3! We had a six-year-old, and he was bored and hot, but he was excited to see “the mean guy” (dwight)!
Hi Tanster!
I was wondering if you know if there is going to be made up a documentary type of thing from the weekend’s events? It looks like there were cameramen filming in the fan videos I’ve found on youtube. I couldn’t go, so that would be pretty awesome.
Thank you soooo much for keeping me up-do-date on everything The Office! LOVED the Wrap Party, and so happy to see you there! Now I have the same question as everyone else who got in line too late to get a t-shirt — WHERE CAN WE ORDER T-SHIRTS ONLINE? :)
It was such an amazing weekend. I seriously almost cried when they announced Steve Carell. I thought it was a joke. My husband said that my facial expression was priceless. They all seemed so touched and appreciative. It was awesome.
Oh and of course another highlight was when I got to meet Tanster at the blogger breakfast. I think I almost cried at that too. I teared up a bunch this weekend.
[from tanster: it was so great to meet you, too! i teared up a bunch of times as well. very emotional weekend. one of the best ever. :) ]
i came in 2007 so i knew it was going to be an amazing weekend but it totally blew my mind!
i was in the front row at the concert and was in total disbelief that was like 10 feet away from the cast
and then when Steve came out at q&a it was a sensory overload
fabulous amazing weekend!
[ from tanster: ‘sensory overload’ is the PERFECT way to describe it! :) ]
Did you know that Steve was there? Did the cast know? I would love to hear the back story of how it all happened!
Very nice of Steve to show up.
I wasn’t able to go to the Wrap Party, but I appreciate you posting all of the behind the scenes info (in addition to everything else Office related)!
Thanks, Tanster!!
Tanster, would you please post Tyson’s video that won the Biggest Flan contest ? He did such a great job and his rap lyrics were hilarious !!
[from tanster: i’ve added a link to the sidebar in the “quick links” section, thanks!]
Thank you so much for sharing all of this! I wish I could have been there, but all this footage is the next best thing. What a wonderful event. :)
Just wanted to say thank you so much, Tanster for sharing everything about the wrap party for those of us who couldn’t be there to experience it. I’m loving all these photos and videos and reading recaps of all the events!
And also a big thank you for all the hard work and dedication you’ve put into this site and keeping the fans updated on everything “The Office.” Your Dundie is well deserved!! I’ve only known about this site for about two years but I’m so happy to have found it! Thanks for all that you’ve done and for always leaving us fans satisfied and smiling! : )
[ from tanster: thanks, allison! it’s been my pleasure. :) ]
[from tanster: thanks!]
Didn’t get to go to Scranton, but Twitter and YouTube were so exciting this weekend, with all the photos and videos the cast and fans were posting! I feel like I experienced it all vicariously. And all the stuff you’ve put on here, Tanster, it’s wonderful, thank you. Congrats on the Dundie, that’s absolutely amazing and very well deserved. What wonderful recognition for all your hard work from the show!