The original BBC version of ‘The Office’ starring Ricky Gervais airs on Adult Swim starting September 18th. Here are three funny promos:
Link: The Office at Adult Swim
Tipster: phyllis*farm
Friend first, blog second, and probably an entertainer third.
The original BBC version of ‘The Office’ starring Ricky Gervais airs on Adult Swim starting September 18th. Here are three funny promos:
Link: The Office at Adult Swim
Tipster: phyllis*farm
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I have the greatest dream that Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute will go out on a sales call and run into David Brent and Gareth Keenan. A battle to the death ensues. The winner = all of us!
I never saw the British version, so I’m glad that they’re showing this!! Can’t wait to see it!!!
These promos are brilliant.
Sadly, I have only seen about two episodes of the British version, so now I’m afraid I’m going to have to stay awake much longer than I would like to on Fridays in order to watch these. But still, YAY!
haha, I love the 3rd one!
Heck yeah! I noticed this when I was viewing the guide on Comcast and saw that it was airing on Adult Swim and was referred to as a “Britcom”. Can’t wait to see it! I’ve only seen the pilot and have been meaning to view the other 11 episodes. I commend them for bringing the original to the forefront so fans of the US one can appreciate the one that brought us the series we know and love today!
And Ricky’s promos were hilarious!
This is required viewing for all Office fans. And just like I tend to do with the TBS episodes I’ll watch these even though the viewed-far-too-often DVDs are already sitting on my shelf.
I love the British version! Seen all the episodes but It will be fun to watch them again, watch out for those who haven’t seen it the pilot of ours is exactly like their original pilot!
I watched all the episodes of the british version. I really liked… It will be fun to watch it again!
I’m thrilled, as I’ve not yet had a chance to see these. I’ll definitely be watching.
Also, I loved the second promo, as I’m sure we’ve all heard the “British Office is more subtle!” line in US vs UK arguments. The self-deprecating humor is right up my ally, I have no doubt this is going to be excellent.
As Michael Scott would say: “Yesssh!”
I didn’t start watching the American version until the third season because I was such a fan of the original. Yes, I admit it, I was a total Britcom snob.
I’m so happy the American show came into its own, but this is going to be awesome.
Fair warning to those who are new The Office UK: the Adult Swim airings will have about 6 minutes missing since UK show are 28 mins compared to our paltry 21 mins. Make sure you catch them on DVD later to get the real deal!
OK, silly question … there were only 12 episodes of the British version? Ever? I never knew … not fair. I’m excited to finally see these though.
Gervais is THE MAN. I’m sad Steve Merchant isn’t even mentioned, but he’s the one who had to settle Ricky down to write/direct every episode. Thank God for the UK Office. Most influential comedy of this decade. <3
I’ll set my tivo! I’ve never seen the British office and am so glad i finally get the chance! :)
Embarrassed to say that I had a much better experience when I watched the original office the second time- with closed captioning. I couldn’t keep up with the accents!
Also those of you who don’t like season 1, I’m not sure you’ll like this. This brilliance surpasses any awkwardness the US Office has pulled off in these later seasons. It’s bleak, dreary, and oh so fantastically cringe-worthy. So happy it’ll be here!
Just seeing Ricky’s face makes me smile! Whenever I’m having a bad day, I just pull up a video clip of him laughing and poof! Bad mood is all gone!
Jennifer..There were two series each with six episodes..The second series starts up pretty much where the last one leaves off..Then there were two 45 minute Christmas specials (parts 1 and 2)to conclude the series.
While I much prefer the US version, the last ten minutes from Part 2 of Christmas special is some of the best television I’ve ever seen in my life!
Awesome! Anybody who hasn’t seen this version should definitely watch. I had originally decided that I was going to wait until the entire US series was over to see it, because I didn’t want to get sucked into the US/UK comparison game. But last year I gave in and watched it, and I’m so glad I did. Ricky is right – it is brilliant.
Jennifer – yep, 12 episodes ever, plus two Christmas specials that were each about 45-50 minutes. Quite possibly the best TV show ever put together, and the ending, oh my, gets me every time! I highly recommend just picking up the DVDs. I did just that, based on a recommendation from a friend since I had never seen it, and I watched it all in two days. I now make a point to match them all back to back at least once a year.
This is so great! I love the Brit version. Even though, after the pilot, the similarities between the two shows begins to fade, they are both absolutely brilliant in their own right.
As much as I love the US office, the UK version will always be superior in my eyes. It’s just so much more realistic and awkward. I’m glad that people are going to be able to see it now.
Darren – agree about the last 10 minutes of part 2. For some reason it gets a little dusty in the room every time I watch it.
Ricky Gervais might be my favorite person ever! my DVR is already set for friday nights :) even though i already own the second series on DVD, but one can never watch too many episodes of the office.
According to their schedule, Adult Swim is airing The Office in a 45-minute block. Looks like they’ll be uncut!