Unless you’ve been locked in a conference room for the past few months, you know that the eagerly anticipated return of ‘The Office’ happens tonight!
Do you realize the last Season 4 episode, ‘The Deposition,’ aired nearly FIVE MONTHS AGO?! That’s longer than last summer’s hiatus!
Here are a few tidbits to distract you while we count down the hours …
Steve Carell’s pregnancy tips
John Krasinski’s baby talk
There’s also new photos and Q&A at the Adventures with Angela home page!
Older stuff after the jump.

- Angela blogs, Holy crap! We’re finally back! NEW!
- Video of John Krasinski’s appearance on ‘The Rachael Ray Show’ now posted. NEW!
- NBC.com has a fun new
multi-player Trivia Game!I only played it once ’cause I didn’t want to get addicted … - Creed blogs, Creed and the One-Armed Yeti Pilot, Part Two.
- Kevin Malone blogs, Do YOU Believe in Miracles?
- The photo above is from Tallyhead Karen, who says: “I wanted to send you this picture of the cake my friend made for our ‘Dinner Party’ dinner party tonight … personally I think it looks too good to eat.” A ‘Dinner Party’ dinner party! Brilliant.
- Kate blogs, Back in the Saddle Again, at TV Guide.
- Check out Entertainment Weekly’s photo gallery of Jim’s Best Pranks.
- Check out TV Guide’s photo gallery of most popular Dunder Mifflin folks.
- I’ve updated Jenna and Angela’s media tour with clips from Backstage and KCRA.
- Similarly, Melora Hardin appeared on Mike and Juliet this morning.
Tipsters: Karen, Jordan, Ileana, ckent, Extra Awesome
I am so excited…It’s like I’m five and it’s Christmas! Finally my Thursdays will be whole again!
Today is the day The Office has made, let us rejoice and be glad. ;)
So exciting!!!! This is better than the season premiere. Everything feels right again. I think it’s time to make some Office cupcakes again.
Another “Dinner Party” dinner party attendee here! Spent last night doing the stapler-in-Jell-O thing for the centerpiece and will be bringing over some of “Angela’s” double-fudge brownies and other assorted “nifty gifties” for the friends we’re watching with.
Less than eight hours to go!
woohoo I CANNOT WAIT for tonight! Our floor is having a ‘Passionate about Italian Food’ dinner party tonight as a celebration:)
Thanks for all of this coverage Tanster, I don’t know what I would without this Office fix everyday!
And that cake looks delicious!:)
*Head exploding*
Ooh, spoilers in Kate’s blog!
Isn’t it ironic that I have to go to a “dinner party” (or rehearsal dinner) of my own tonight that I am trying really really hard to get out of (or get out early from) so I can make it home to watch the show when it airs? Yeah, I’m a bad friend.
I have to say, I was shocked to see that Rashida beat out Jenna in faves for the office. It was obvious that John would win but I thought Steve would be higher on the list too, since he is the star. Weird.
They did a really good job on that cake! The words are perfect and not running into each other. Kudos to them!
We’re having a family “dinner party” too! Kids are dressing up as Michael and Pam, me as Jan of course, dad as Dwight! We’re making a sign that reads “Diner Party” in honor of Phylis’ “Lunch Party” sign. And serving beets, ham and cheese sandwiches, soft pretzels, margaritas, yogurt, and Ice Cream sandwiches. What else am I missing?
It’s raining outside, I have a really boring and frustrating project to do at work (that I’m putting off by refreshing OT every 5 mins), I need more coffee…And then I remember what day it is and in spite of the dreary day, I’m the happiest I’ve been in ages!
The Office should be used for medicinal purposes to treat depression, seriously you only need half an hour a week minimum. although the side effects should be noted:
-Dependence has been noted in one hundred percent of Office users.
-Unexpected decreases in Office availability may occur. In the not-so-rare case of this occurring please have back up DVD’s of season’s 1-3 available.
-If you experience loss of cable, power outages, or a local news “special report” between the hours of 9pm (8 central)and 9:30 on a Thursday, the makers of the Office cannot be held responsible for any damages caused by your tantrums and or lack of grasp on reality.
My Office night plans consist of dinner at Chili’s with some friends. We will be ordering an Awesome Blossom and Baby Back Ribs(yes, we will sing the song!), and then heading to my Brother’s to watch it on the big screen home theater projector. Nothing is better than life-size Michael Scott making you cringe! :)
Happy Office Day to all!
Counting down the hours. The world makes sense again!
Today should be declared a national holiday!
Melora Hardin was also on the tv guide channel earlier today!
A ‘Dinner Party’ dinner party! I’m jealous! That cake is too cool. My ‘dinner party’ will probably consist of me and my dog in front of the TV with a frozen pizza. LOL!
I can’t believe this day is finally here. “Excited” doesn’t begin to describe how I feel! I’m so glad I have fellow Tallyheads to share in my joy – my family and friends just don’t get it, for some odd reason. ;) SEVEN HOURS!! *silently gives thanks for living in the Eastern time zone*
I’m making soft pretzels from scratch tonight in honour of The Office coming back! So excited!
12, Christa-
Grape soda. :D
Ah… what’s that I hear? Oh yeah, that’s the sound of the universe being aligned as one, or what I like to refer to it as The Office returning. LOL.
My Dad and I plan to watch it tonight together, playing “Spot the Fetus” and we have been sending each other text messages of our favorite quotes every hour on the hour until the premiere. Also, during the strike, I got a new HDTV. 42”, I think… so yeah, this is my first official new episode of the Office in HD.
Exciting? No… this is emotionally magnificent!
My cable has been pretty spotty off and on…but of all days, today there is NO PICTURE on NBC! Oh noooooo….!
These are some of the drinks that will accompany our fabulous cake – Kevin’s Scrantonicity II Soda, Pam’s Mixed Berries Berry Juice, and my personal favorite, Jim’s Three-Hole Punch.
So much has happened in the five months since the last new “Office” has aired. The Governor of New York resigned in shame. Obama is ahead in the election race. Brittany starred in “How I Met Your Mother”. And I bought a new 32″ flat screen HDTV which has not had the duty of beaming a brand new “Office” into my living room. It’s only known repeated DVR episodes, originally aired on my tiny HD, which I’ve lovingly saved and prevented from any accidental deletion so I can always enjoy HD Office until it comes out on DVD. Oh brand new HD Samsung, welcome to thursday night. Can. Not. Wait.
Finally, the Office is back…the writers’ strike was pretty unbearable. Hopefully better episodes will be churned out now though, since the writers’ demand are being met ^_^
I can’t believe Karen beat out Pam on this rankings list… who is voting for this thing?! I was positive it would be 1. Jim 2.Pam and 3. Michael…
Creed is awesomely high in the ranks though- I hope they continue to only write him in small roles, but with amazing gems for commentary.
Tried to see some of this “hilarious goodies from nbc.com” in advance and… I think we broke it. Am I the only one who can’t access nbc.com right now? The page template loads, but none of the content! o_O
[from tanster: these are not the “hilarious goodies” i referred to earlier. they are still to come. ;) ]
I thought my last 20 minutes of lunch could be spent playing with that trivia game but it looks like we Tallyheads have killed it. O.o
Yum! The Dunder Mifflin cake looks awesome. I wore my green Office tee in honor of the event! SQUEE, 5 MORE HOURS!
Tanster! How am I going to get anything accomplished today when you’re dangling these “hilarious goodies” over my head! XD
In what universe does Karen beat Pam. Makes this poll look suspect.!
Wow! Played the trivia game, and beat some casual fan, who left after 12 questions!
To #22, GiGi, I got a new HDTV over the break, too! This will be my first time watching The Office and 30 Rock in HD!!
I can’t wait!!
I dominated that Trivia Game. I was so proud of myself… and I’m going to Chili’s tonight to celebrate, too! Awesome!
Thank you so much for putting up this special tally, Tanster! This is making the day easier for sure. I can’t wait!
Gosh, cakes and pretzels and costume parties. I feel kind of lame because my big plan is to find the biggest bottle of wine in the liquor store and a bag of party mix.
I wanted to say a special thank you to Tanster – you always do a fantastic job, but in the last couple of weeks you have really outdone yourself! You are the definition of awesome!
4 more hours!!! This fun stuff to pass the time is awesome, thanks Tanster!
That trivia game was fun. I had to play it three times because whenever I started winning the other person would log out!! Come on, how fun is that!
I loved that list of the top Jim Pranks. I felt nostalgic like I was looking through an old yearbook or something. Sigh… I’m so happy the office is back! I can’t wait to see further pranks;-)
love the trivia game! it’s much more fun to play trivia against someone else.
Emma -comment 1- said it’s like she’s a five-year-old at Christmas. That about sums it up for me too; I’m more excited for this than I am for summer break – and I teach 13-year-olds everyday!
My only hope for tonight is that there is no black out at 9pm tonight, I’ll be the most angry person in the Bay Area.
Can’t wait. God, it’s been so long since a new Office episode that I had to remind myself what time The Office airs on Thursdays. I will be strapped in my seat at 9 tonight.
Oh no – that trivia game has “addiction” written all over it. At least it gives me something to do during the next 4 hours and 10 minutes! FOUR HOURS!!
And I’d like to join the group who will be watching a brand-new Office for the first time in HD tonight! I bought a 42″ during the strike, too! But heck, I’d be almost as excited if I were watching it on a 13″ black and white!
20/20 on the Quiz! I’m addicted I love it!!
Yes! I rock at the trivia game! Thanks for the tip tanster (who’s not just awesome, she’s extra-awesome)!
I am so excited for tonight. I’ve been listening to my Office themed playlist all day! =]
Thank you for all of these amazing tidbits! John was great on Rachael Ray. I’d love to be normal enough to join my pals for a viewing party (complete with an awesome cake like the one in the picture), but I made excuses because honestly I’m worried they’ll all talk too much and I won’t be able to hear every wonderful line! Ha ha! Now I know I’m WAY overly obsessed with the return of the Office. But what a great day–it feels like a holiday!
I love John on Angela’s baby tips videos!
You know what? I think that maybe there’s a bit of a “spoiler alert” here…. due to Darryl’s clothing.
What’s he doing?
lol i love the videos with steve and john talking about the baby its so funny!!
2 more hours here in chicago!!
Oh my goodness. John Krasinski you are far too awesome! Steve Carell, too.
I’m really going to need to see a picture of John with Angela’s baby in the future.
Steve and Angela are completely adorable.
I guess John’s kinda cute too .. (;
that trivia quiz rocks.. just beat 2 people! Yeppers!
Steve Carell cracks me up, “just the right amount of carbs…30 40 20.” What happenend to the other 10%?
John Krasinski…be my baby-daddy.
Also OMG NEW EPISODES! I so forgot how good new episodes feel.
Oh my gosh, cuteness overload! I love Angela and Steve at the end of his tips. So adorable! And John is too funny. I can’t wait to see the rest of the cast’s baby tips!
I stand corrected — can he be any cuter? Obviously, yes!
About 1 more hour for you lucky East Coast folks!
I love Craig at the end “You’ve been watching baby stuff.” lol!
Wow that John & Angela skit is hysterical. So funny how he ignores her. Did I leave my wallet at your house last night? hahaha
Is it me? Or is Darryl kind of yummy in a dress shirt!
51 minutes everybody!!!!!!!!!!
John talking to Angela’s baby was HILARIOUS!! That seriously made me laugh!
Ah, I loved the last two videos! Only 38 mins left!
Ah i’m sooooooo excited!!! Half an hour!
30 minutes!
john was brilliant. steve was sweet. and craig was just hilarious.
bahaha i saw Craig and was like wtf…and omg John was hilarious! I died at “That was spot on!”
Ok JK.. why do you make me love you so?!
4 minutes!
Sigh! John in a hoodie, jeans, and a messenger bag! Gah! I just about died! :-)
Haha, John gave Angela’s belly a high five.
Oh and how cute was that kiss from Angela to Steve. Aww.
John is absolutely awesome.
Hahaha. You’ve been watching baby stuff… with the cast of The Office ;)
The cake looks awesome!! I wish I could take a little nibble! It’s starting soon get your crab cakes and wine!
Cute! I can’t wait until Angela has her baby. Do you think she will give Tallyheads the first celebrity baby viewing via Officetally.. I hope so!
Not to be Debbie Downer over here, but sometimes I feel like I’m the only person who loves Jim Halpert and can’t stand John Krasinski. Am I kicked out of the club?
@ 75: Well I might be the only one who likes John Krasinski but can’t stand Jim. So put us together, and we become the perfect Jim/John fan! :D Just like everyone else.
Awww, the little kiss that Angela gave Steve on the cheek? So cute! And Steve was great as usual.
I guess, Sara, that feeling you have is testament to just what a good actor he is.
Awww, Steve! What a great guy!
Steve is just such a cute cuddly bear. (And I mean bear, he is a beastly, hairy man!)
Haha! Angela is so cute pregnant. And Steve is so lovable!
The videos make me wish that everyone in the world could be best friends with the entire Office cast. Including me, of course.