- Blog: Jenna Fischer has her first ‘Paparazzi Moment.’
- Article: “The Office” co-star returns to Minneapolis.
- Article: Sell-out crowd hears advice, humor from star of NBC’s ‘Office’.
- Article: Steve Carell to host ‘Saturday Night Live’ in May?
- Video: download Rashida Jones’ new TV show Unhitched from the iTunes Store for free.
- Merchandise: The Office and Philosophy: Scenes from the Unexamined Life
is now available for pre-order at Amazon.com.
- Merchandise: Urban Outfitters is now selling the $1 Target Office magnets and I Love Jim mug.
- Live appearance: Rainn Wilson speaks on behalf of the Mona Foundation at the Hotel Valley Ho, Scottsdale, AZ on March 1st.
Tipsters: FishRockette, Tessieholic, Jules
I hope Rainn visits Jan’s sister while he’s in Scottsdale. I hear it’s sunny there.
Just wanted to say that the items Urban Outfitters are selling Office items that I purchased in Target for $1.
They’re making a killing on their prices.
Very funny, herswasbigger. I loved Jenna’s blog.
Oh young Jenna. There is just so much I need to warn you about. And yet, tragically, I cannot. I’m glad you got your first paparazzi moment out of your system. Now PLEASE stay anonymous! I would hate to see them stalking you like they do the other celebs. It seems like it would be a miserable way to live!
I might have to pre-order The Office book. Very interesting.
OMG.. Jenna you make me laugh so hard…!
I’m excited to watch “Unhitched.” Thanks for the tip and for all your Weekend Tally info each week!
Dangit, Jenna….stop being so freakin adorable!!!
Loved Jenna’s blog! I hope that the paparazzi keep away from her bird/squirrel feeder… Disturbing the wildlife is a heinous crime.
I’m so proud to be part of this “huge cult following” that Brian’s article talks about….
Cannot wait to get home tonight to download Rashida’s show…. I caught the commercial on fox a few days ago and it looks pretty funny.
and I love that Jenna recreated her stalker paparazi photos at home…. that’s too perfect.
Doh! I’m not a tipster on the Rainn/Scottsdale appearance? Someone else must have sent in an email before mine got in. I should get Mavis Beacon to help me on my typing skills, so I can get emails out sooner.
[from tanster: sorry, no. i got the news in a feed before you sent in the tip. you have to be fast to be an OT tipster! ;) ]
I saw those prices at Urban Outfitters and I got all proud that I didn’t have to buy the mug for my sister for 8 DOLLARS!!!!! That is crazy….. And when did and “I Love Jim” Mug become a “classic”?
I hate to be negative, but I didn’t enjoy Unhitched at all. I don’t think I laughed once. I am curious what everyone else thinks of it…?
Yeah, I really wanted to like unhitched, but it was very unfunny. Rashida didn’t have any funny parts, and the whole monkey thing was just a ridiculous gimmicky way to start the show.
Well…my Target had already run out of those magnets when I got there…so I considered buying them till I realized they were $10.95 with shipping. Sorry Office, not worth it. I have only been to Urban Outfitters once…I didn’t realize they sold stuff other then clothes. Weird.
I really wanted to like Unhitched too but- it was really un-funny. I did love the jacket Rashida wore in the beginning though.
“You have to be fast to be an OT tipster”
I agree…I am not a fan of Unhitched. I was a bit skeptical after seeing the terrible reviews and surprisingly they were right on target. If the show falters, perhaps Rashida will make more appearances in The Office.
I can’t believe how much Urban Outfitters hiked up the prices. I’m glad I got my stash of doubles long ago at Target. :)
Jenna has the best blogs! She is so down to earth.
Ouch…I really wanted to like Unhitched, and thought I would because the preview on TV looked funny…but I watched it and well, oh well. Maybe the first episode was rough and the acting and writing will improve. Here’s hoping!
Oooh, Unhitched is bad.
Very bad.
Sorry Rashida.
I was psyched to be an OT tipster about Unhitched on iTunes, but I wish I’d warmed up to the show. At all. Rashida wasn’t bad, though! The script just didn’t suit me. I guess “The Office” has made my standards too high … ::sigh::
I guess I am the odd man out, but I liked Unhitched. It is a very crude comedy though. I totally predicted that Rashida’s pretend boyfriend was the leperchaun (sp?), but I guess it wasn’t hard to pick up on.
I loved Rashida in Unhitched, but overall, I thought the guys blew. Sigh.