Here’s a sneak peek of the final three episodes of The Office, Season 7.
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Here’s a sneak peek of the final three episodes of The Office, Season 7.
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That looks amazing. Normally I’d have said no show without Steve but the guys can more than handle it.
Who is sitting in Dwight’s chair when his gun goes off? New character?
@2 I was going to make that same comment.
The only one of those contenders I’d really want to be the boss is Jim Carrey, and chances of that are slim…
Aside from that, the next few episodes look hilarious!
It looks like he shot Andy.
@Katy That’s Cody Horn. New cast member.
So does Dwight shoot Deangelo?
@2 Excellent observation! I didn’t pick it up the first time I saw it. Looks like a character.
Where’s Charlie Sheen?
@Katy: That’s Cody Horn sitting in Dwight’s chair (she’s a new series regular coming in during next week’s episode).
It’s Andy, haha…it doesn’t look like him from the side, but I paused it and it is him =D
Matt is right…..I mis-read your comment. My bad, but all the same, Andy is sitting in front of Dwight :).
I have watched this so many times! It’s like it is the new Harry Potter trailer or something. I always look forward to The Office every week, but I am seriously excited to see how the rest of the season plays out.
The only one i’d like to have stick around is Will Arnett. Definitely a good choice having the rest of them just do interview spots. But i do wish Will would would stay awhile. I like Jim Carrey, but wishing he’d stay is out of the question. Him simply doing a cameo is amazing enough.
I like it when Dwight and Jim tagteam. Like when they planned Kelly’s party. But I hope Ricky is the new boss.
will arnett
nooo please god no
Where’s Catherine Tate? She’s the one I’m looking forward to seeing. :)
Jenna looks stunning in that last shot!
@Dave: They could have Charlie Sheen be the new manager and instead of having him be really big on improv like Michael, he could be all about WINNING.
Wow, as much as I hate to say it, they’re managing without Michael. Can’t wait for the next episodes :-)
#16 Steve Carell – I literally spit water out when I read that. Hot Rod is one of my favorite movies. Well done.
It was weird how much they gave away in this video. It seems like you pretty much don’t even have to watch the “inner circle” episode because they already told you that Deangelo was being a bad boss, that he left, that dwight takes over, and that they’re looking for a new boss.
I think they will be just fine! They have done a good job building up potential storylines.
Okay – watching that REALLY makes me miss David Wallace – bring Wallace back!!!
Pam juggling with no hands. LOL
It’s amazing how high Steve Carell has set the bar by his exquisite acting, just look who the producers are bringing to the show to make the transition easier for the viewers and to fill the void after his departure.
it’s gonna be jim carrey
1) The Penis Apologies. I. died.
James Spader is awesome (he has his “Pretty in Pink” face on). Cannot wait for this line-up of guests. Hard to believe the season is almost over.
To #16: Super funny comment, and I agree…. I suppose it’s wishful thinking to think it could be jim carrey, but that’s who I would really like it to be.
Betcha it’s Jim Carrey.
1. Jim Carrey
2. Ray Romano
3. James Spader
4. Ricky Gervais
5. Will Arnett
UPDATE: Warren Buffet has been added. Obviously won’t win the job, but interesting.