‘Where’s tanster?’ Giveaway: WINNERS

May 14

I got to be an extra in tonight’s episode of The Office, ‘Company Picnic.’ OMG, I am so excited!

The question is, where exactly will you see me? (No, I don’t know the answer.)

Take a guess for a chance to win some Target goodies!

How to enter the giveaway

Answer this question: Which segment or segments will tanster appear in?

a) Cold open (short scene preceding opening credits)
b) Act 1
c) Act 2
d) Act 3
e) Tag (short final scene)

Post your answer in a comment below. You may choose multiple answers, but remember, they ALL have to be correct!


I’ll randomly choose three correct winners to receive mini boxes of Target goodies! (Yes, I still have a ton of them!)

By “correct,” I mean that your answer needs to include EVERY segment I’m in, no more, no less.

And please be patient, it might take me a few days to figure out the correct answer!


  • Include a valid email address in the Email address field.
  • One entry per person.
  • U.S. entrants only.


This contest will be closed to entries today, May 14 at 5pm PT, an hour before the episode starts airing on the East coast.

Did I say I was excited? OMG, I am so excited. :)

(Check out more photos from my set visit here. And much more to come after the episode airs today!)

Photo credit: Kim


  1. Act I
    Act III

    Possibly a brief glimpse showing the ‘Shoot the basket’ carnival game, watching the Buffalo volleyball game [which is maybe the game against Dunder Mifflin], and while David Wallace is talking to two Dunder Mifflin employees in the foreground. [To be more specific]

    The years of Where’s Waldo? will hopefully pay off.

  2. Act 2 and Act 3.

    I’m foreshadowing some diligent DVR studying tonight on my part. :)

  3. None of the above. They gave you a totally awesome set visit and feel they have done enough :).

    [from tanster: lol. that is definitely true, they have done so much and i am so grateful!]

  4. Act 1 and Act 3! You must be so excited for tonight! :-)

  5. I’m going with Act 3 only. Hopefully you will be seen in more but that’s my guess. Can’t wait to tonight, gonna be the greatest 22 minutes ever!

  6. (sorry about that blank submission!)

    I’m saying 2 and Tag. Because I like alliteration.


    Can’t wait for tonight! Only a few more hours…

  7. Act 2

    So excited about tonight but sad that we’ll have to wait until September (assuming) until new episodes start up again!

  8. Tanster, typo – Act 2 and 3 both designated “D”…

    My guess:

    Act 2 and Act 3.

    I’ll be watching closely :)

    [from tanster: good eye, thank you, now fixed! :) ]

  9. This is so exciting, Tanster!!!

    I’ll say Acts 2 and 3.

    But really, it’s just awesome that you’ll be in the episode! I’ll have to catch it on Hulu again so I can watch the actual plot of the episode – tonight is Tanster watch!!! :D

  10. My guess is Act 2 and 3.

    I’ll be watching with an eagle eye and one finger on the pause button!

    I’m so happy to hear the excitement in your voice. For all you’ve done for us Tallyheads and Office fans, and for what you’ve done for the show, you deserve this moment of excitement and glory! Enjoy your big night!

    [from tanster: thank you so much, stapler! you’re right, i can barely concentrate on work right now. :) ]

  11. Hmmm… I’m guessing Act 1 and 3. Yep. And if you filmed a talking head and didn’t tell all of us, I will be soooo excited and jealous!

    [from tanster: oh goodness, now wouldn’t that be something. no, i assure you 100%, no TH!]

  12. Act 1 and 2. the cold open, act 3, and tag are reserved for serious moments or minimal actor inclusion.

    [from tanster: i fixed your email. :) ]

  13. I vote Act 2 only, and have a pefectly logical rationale (hypothesized on the basis of science) for why I vote that way!

  14. Act 2. Today is a day that will live in infamy. (For Tallyheads, anyway.) You’re the best, Tanster!!

  15. Acts 1 & 2, please.

    If I’m right, then it’s a WIN-WIN-WIN. I win, you win… & The Office FTW! HOLLA!

  16. My guess is:
    Acts 1, 2 and 3

    :) Lucky you… Got to be amidst great actors ;)

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