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Yahoo has posted three preview clips of ‘The Return.’
Tipster: IsItThursdayYet
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Yahoo has posted three preview clips of ‘The Return.’
Tipster: IsItThursdayYet
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FANTASTIC. :) Jennie
Summarize, please?
omg, i’m gonna cry.
i miss dwight too!
and andy is so crazy.
michael is sooo gonna fire his ass.
isn’t andy just … smarmy?
“Congratulations universe, you win.”
Never thought Jim would miss Dwight. Kind of sweet.
I used to love Andy but I kind of want to punch him in the face now.
That said, this plot line is kind of awesome in that it’s nice to see that while Jim and Dwight are combative at work, they actually do like each other.
I can’t get the video to play, I keep pressing play and nothing is happening. boo
Did Michael just ask how someone can have such little self awareness?
Kevin is so hilarious
“I thought of that, like, 2 seconds after you left.”
And Angela looked surprisingly happy to see Oscar, considering the way things left with them. I wonder if she’s just depressed that Mr. Shrute, from Sales, is gone.
no audio!!!
The universe quote was great. But I love Michael’s bit. “I don’t understand how someone can have no self-awareness.” This said as he’s hiding behind his door to his office.
I miss Dwight :(
I love how they showed Dwight’s further total devotion to the office by showing him watering the plants and rearranging Michael’s toys every night…
Andy – despicable, slimy and , yes – smarmy!
Oompa Loompa doompadeevee,
I really hate yahootv.
The videos all play at exactly the same time,
Or else with sound, which is really not fine.
I just can’t resist these previews – it takes away a little bit of the surprise when I watch the show “live” on Thursday – but I have to have something to tide me over till then! ;) I’m really looking forward to seeing how everyone deals with Dwight’s absence. Even Jim is missing him!
rats… screwed up a perfectly good joke buy leaving out the word “no”
“or else with NO sound…etc etc.”
Lame, I know.
Cousin Mose, your song pleases me.
I never liked Andy that much but he’s gotten so awful I’m ready for him to leave. I’d rather see the other three Stamford people come back than him stay.
“Universe, you win.”
hmm, maybe michael will have a lightbulb moment when he realizes, “is this how everyone else sees me?” granted, andy’s 10 times worse, but still. hehehehe… and jim missing dwight, wow. you just KNEW they were really friends.
YOU WILL NOT BREAK ME TANSTER!!! I am strong, I am invincible, I am GMMR and I MUST not watch the Yahoo clips!!!
yahoo tv never works for me!
is this up at tv.com yet?
goodness…i hate andy, i’m just ready for him to go away. i loved the scenes where dwight was watering the plants and arranging the toys on michael’s desk. it kind proves that he was a really valuable addition to dunder mifflin. i loved jim’s line “congratulations universe, you win” sweet.
Funniest Jim quote… ever.
i like how Michael refers to them as his “desk toys”
Two weeks ago, I never thought I’d hate Andy, but MAN. He’s not just evil, he’s ANNOYING. Be gone, Andy! Dwight needs his desk back!
Michael’s line about how he doesn’t understand how someone could have so little self-awareness made me giggle :)
I wasnt sure where to post this but for local Office fans living in Los Angeles, I found out they are filming today in Studio City.
On my way to work this morning I drove by the corner of Moorpark and Colfax I spotted a boxed truck with the Dundler Mifflin logo on it and many camera crews, wardrobe people getting set up. Unfortunately I was running late so I didnt get a chance to stop by.
I confirmed that they were filming when I saw the neon signs posted all over Colfax that said the Office.
Later this afternoon saw that they were still there and also on Ventura Blvd outside of the Other Room tapas bar (near Colfax) on Ventura.
I’ll be going by after work again to check it out. It’s a shame I dont have my camera with me, I’m really hoping to run into JK!
I know other people have already said this, but I need to add my “Yahoo sucks” to the tally. I guess they just can’t afford to get a good player.
Yahoo player — I found that if I pause the clips the second they start playing and then restart them the kinks are worked out. Using a Mac and viewing them with Quicktime, that is…
can someone transcribe these please
Ha! They’re getting geographically correct! At the end of the third video, check out the window behind Jim. SNOW!!!! Gotta love blue and/or green screens
I’m disappointed…I LOVE Ed Helms/Andy and he’s just too annoying now. I hope there are some funnier Andy moments in the episode.
I just warned my boyfriend (a fellow ‘Office’ fan) that I was going to play the YahooTV previews and he went fleeing from the room with his hands over his ears screaming, “NOOOOOOO!” Great clips. YahooTV doesn’t give me too much trouble. I don’t know why. I use Firefox.
wow… jim misses dwight. hell has indeed frozen over
Wow. For Michael to be creeped out by someone? Andy must be bad.
Another note: wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much Andy for me.
I love that Andy’s so annoying that even Michael gets uncomfortable around him. Brilliant.
aaaaaaah I caved, it only took me 3 hours to break. I think there’s just a tad too much Andy, but Jim’s talking head is just great. “Congratulations universe, you win.” lmao!
I’m afraid they’ll get rid of Andy. I hate his guts right now, but you KNOW that person in your office. Ugh!! I like when he’s crazy though. I wish he’d kick more trash cans and yell and stuff. hehehe
Its been a day and I’m holding strong! I haven’t watched the clip yet. Only 1 and a half more days to hold out.
I folded faster than if Jack Bauer were interrogating me. But then, I don’t feel guilty about it at all. I just pretend it’s Thursday all week long.
haha cousin mose i know how you feel. i tried to “accidentally” wander onto yahoo’s clip site, but then i couldn’t get it to work, so i had to accidentally install ie7 and accidentally repeatedly go to the site until the clips finally decided to work with audio…
but it was worth it just to see michael hide behind his own office door and comment on someone else’s lack of awareness.
i can’t wait to see the rest of the episode!
lmao, now Michael knows how it’s like to feel what his colleagues felt when he interacts with them! And michael hiding behind the door..hehe!
“congratualations universe, you win” yay for Jim!